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Unit 10

Stated Details merupakan informasi terperinci dan tertulis yang didapatkan dari
sebuah bacaan.
Dalam soal TOEFL, stated details ini biasanya muncul dengan restatement atau
pharaprase dari informasi terperinci dan tertulis yang disebutkan. Stated details ini
sendiri digunakan untuk mengetahui pemahaman reading secara tertulis.

The passage indicates that Harvard University …………………………..

a. Was founded by John Harvard
b. Had 2,300 professors
c. Was called the New Collage
d. Is one of the most famous universities in the USA.

1) The first paragraph indicates that _____________________________________

2) According to the second paragraph the Greeks __________________________
3) It stated that in Bagdad the third paragraph _____________________________
4) According to the fourth paragraph Florence Nightingle _____________________
5) The fifth paragraph indicates _________________________________________
Answer the questions below!
1) What is true about food miles ________________________________________
2) According to the second paragraph the disadvantage of farmers and consumer
system __________________________________________________________
3) It stated that U.E. A ________________________________________________
4) According to the fourth paragraph food that travels along way

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