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Alexsander Borges Damaceno Email: alexbdamac@gmail.

Github: AlexsanderDamaceno Mobile: +55 62 91224377

• Recognized by Microsoft for finding security a bug in one of its online services. The bug was a Stored
Cross-Site Scripting in the post feature of the online system.This flaw could lead to the stealing of the private
information of Microsoft’s product users.

self-made Projects
• C compiler: Designed a C compiler for a subset of the C language.This project implements all compiler pipeline
construction lexical, parsing, code generation.The compiler is written using Python language.
• Linux Debugger: Architected a Linux Debugger for the x86 architecture for learn how a debugger works internally.
This project gave me a lot of knowledgement about how a person can control and manipulate a process using operating
system system calls and data structures manipulation to store process information.
• Operation System: Created an Operation System using C language for the x86 Architecture using a lot of operations
systems theory bootloader, memory management, kernel space, drivers, file system, interruptions, and exceptions. this
project gave me a good understanding of how the operations systems works under the hood and help me increase my
skills with problem solving in system programming.
• GameBoy Emulator: Built an Gameboy emulator. It implements CPU 6502 opcodes, PPU unit, joystick, memory
map and can run some games from the GameBoy. This project teachs a lot about general computer arquiteture,
emulation and how old video games were architected (No finished yet).
• Arm subset Emulator: Built an emulator for subset Arm instruction set. This project uses a lot of knowledgement
about the arm instruction arquiteture that has it’s use in a lot of Apple products
• Chip-8 Emulator: Built an architecture emulator for a Chip-8 Emulator using C++ language. This project uses a lot
of knowledgement of how a computer processor works and how to implement emulation of hardware through software.
• Elf / Mach-O Parser: This project was conducted for learning to understand ELF and Mach-O file structure. It is a
tool to print the data of header that constitutes ELF, Mach-O executable files.
• Regex Engine: Built a Regex Engine using Python, Nfa and Thompson’s algorithm for regex expression match.
• Instagram App Clone: Built an Instagram App Clone in Swift. The Application uses Programmatic UI Design for
interface and firebase as back-end for real-time Database and information retrieval. The app includes features like login,
feed, photo featur es, file handling, tag features, user search, likes, comments.


Software Development Jan 2021 - Present
◦ Freelance: Doing small projects C,C++ and Java at and Fiverr platforms.

Programming Skills
• Programming Languages: C, C++, Python, Java, Assembly, Arm, x86, Javascript, Swift, Rust, C#, SQL,
PHP, Shell script, Object-oriented design.

• Technologies/Frameworks: HTML, Flutter, Xcode, Android Studio, Unix, Git, Linux, Unix

Universidade Federal de Goiás Goiânia, Brazil

Bachelor in Computer Science Mar. 2018 – Dez. 2023

◦ Languages:
Portuguese: Fluent, English: Advanced.
Italian: Intermediate, German: Intermediate, Dutch: Intermediate.
Russian: Basic.

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