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Impacting Employee Behavior Through

According to a study by Bersin by Deloitte, organizations with senior leadership who
frequently coach their employees improve their business results by 21% compared
to those with managers who do not.
Coaching is a skill that involves helping people reach their full potential by improving
their performance.
Employees who lack guidance and coaching will often stumble when attempting to
accomplish individual or group goals in the workplace.

When employees know what their goals are, what’s expected of them and how to
add to the company’s success, they help contribute to the advancement of the

Individuals who are coached also benefit by boosting confidence, building

communication skills and improving work performance.

What Are the Benefits of Coaching?

 There are many benefits of daily coaching between a manager and an
employee. It provides positive feedback,
 a clear direction for the employee and
 the opportunity to correct performance issues before they become bigger

The goal of coaching is to present a way to improve employee performance and to

communicate how they can excel at their career.

It can positively define career goals by encouraging employees to receive

encouragement and feedback.

This type of engagement can also

 increase productivity,
 retain employees,
 avoid turnover and
 help individuals relate to each other.
By mindfully coaching employees, managers can equip individuals with the
knowledge, tools and opportunities they need to succeed in their commitment to their
work and themselves.

Helpful Coaching Techniques

one-on-one communication works much better than group motivational speeches,
and every employee needs to know that they’re valuable.
Healthy stress and motivation build confidence and expertise, while unhealthy
pressure causes distress and anxiety.
Leaders who recognize that failure and mistakes are part of success can coach their
employees through times of hardship.
Creating a positive space for all employees can help them improve their strengths,
create a close-knit work environment, work through adversity and handle stressful
Active listening is a quality of effective leaders.

Supporting employees by carefully listening to understand, making eye contact,

clarifying, repeating back what was said, talking less and asking questions will help
employees feel heard.

A successful leader can maintain business goals with a connected and motivated
team by being compassionate and understanding.

Managers should avoid constant evaluation of their employees and instead focus on
positive coaching for the best outcomes.

How to Effectively Coach

To emphasize employee potential and support their talent, managers should position
their employees to succeed and grow. Here are a few tools for effective coaching.

 Give regular feedback. Employees want to know how they’re doing at their job.
Let them know.
 Solve problems. Don’t just give an employee advice on how you would do it
when they come to you with a problem. Encourage creative problem solving with
active listening and probing questions.
 Set goals. Meet with employees to set goals that can propel their careers
 Be supportive. This means being supportive during success and failure.
Accepting failure with positivity will help employees move on and be solution
 Keep an open mind. Asking employees for their opinion or feedback can move a
business forward and keep fresh ideas flowing.
An advanced degree in business prepares students for real-world applications. It will
help them develop the skills required to work as business operations manager,
logistics manager, project manager and more.

Employee coaching involves meeting regularly with employees to help

them understand objectives, overcome obstacles, and enhance their
performance. Essentially, you help employees improve by providing a
setting where team members can work through difficulties and
achieve goals. Coaching often requires a series of regular one-on-one

The elements of effective employee coaching

Coaching is highly effective in three areas, including fixing issues, planning and
executing long-term goals, and providing constructive feedback. Coaching requires
both perseverance and compassion. Managers need to remember that employees
are humans, not machines. Teaching is an excellent method to learn and boost the
capabilities of your team members.

1. Thinking creatively and addressing problems

2. Setting and executing goals

3. Providing Feedback
What is mentoring?
Mentoring is the process in which an experienced professional regularly offers
wisdom and advice to a junior employee. Managers can be mentors or assign
mentors to their employees, but employees may also find their own mentors in
people they admire and want to emulate. Mentors act as professional advisors and
sources of information to their mentees, answering questions and addressing
concerns. Along with professional relationships, mentees may also build lasting
personal connections and friendships with their mentors. Leaders may choose to
promote mentorships in their organization to provide employees with personal help
and foster a positive work environment.

What is coaching?
Coaching is the process of inspiring and motivating employees to reach their
potential and perform as well as possible. Commonly, coaches encourage people to
develop and work toward goals that can help them with their professional growth.
Coaching methods often involve prompting thought, dialogue and creativity. The
purpose of coaching is typically to change and improve the way employees think and
behave, optimizing their performance and productivity levels. It is also to teach
employees skills like communication, leadership, teamwork and stress management,
leading to overall improvements in an organization.

What is counseling?
Counseling is the process of providing emotional support to people, helping them
overcome mental health challenges like stress, depression, anxiety and grief. While
a manager can't provide certain counseling services without a license, they may still
be able to offer help if their team members are experiencing difficulties. For example,
if an employee comes to them with an emotional problem, managers can direct them
to the proper resources for counseling support. Managers should also plan for what
to do and who to contact if an employee seems to pose any danger to themselves or

Counselors tend to be experts in practicing empathy, understanding and respecting

the perspectives and experiences of others. They usually ask questions, listen and
help people explore their pasts to discover the causes of their feelings. Licensed
counselors can provide diagnoses of a person's medical conditions and offer
treatments for them. They can also provide advice on how to manage emotions and
cope with difficult situations. The purpose of counseling is typically to enhance a
person's emotional strength and/or adjust certain behaviors.

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