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1. Holiday’s homework needs to be done in a scrap book.
2. It should be handwritten.
3. Appropriate pictures/photos should be pasted whenever required.
4. It should be properly covered and labelled.
5. It should be submitted the day school reopens after the summer holidays. Internal
assessment of 20 marks will be given based on this file (First Term)

Week 1: You are Dhruv/Deepa. Your father Shri Dheeraj Garg of Gurugram wants
you to draft an Invitation to be sent to friends and relatives on the occasion of your
elder sister’s marriage. Prepare the invitation giving necessary details in not more than
50 words.

Week 2: On 5th June 22 your school is going to hold its annual sports day. You want
Mr. Dhanraj Pillai, a noted hockey player to attend the event as the chief guest. Write
a formal invitation in about 50 words requesting him to grace the event. You are
Karuna/Karan, Sports Secretary, Sunrise Global School, New Delhi.

Week 3: Highlight the plight of senior citizens in their twilight years- Old Age homes
(positive/negative aspects) With reference to the poem “My Mother…”

Week 4: A Bus Strike was called by the Private Bus Operators affecting nearly 75%
students of the school. As the Principal of ABC school, draft a notice for school notice
board announcing a holiday due to the Bus Strike. (50 words)

Week 5: War and its consequences- it destroys and damages not only a particular
area/country but it has a rippling effect on the world as well. Write on the current
situation (Russia-Ukraine) with reference to what you have understood from THE
LAST LESSON by Alphonse Daudet.

Week 6: Write an essay (800-1000 words)- Life of a Student in Post Pandemic times-
at home and at school.

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