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Realization of Industry 4.0 through RFID

An Implementation in Internal Logistics at Bosch Rexroth Mellansel

Ronny Higberg
Goran Larsson

Master of Science in Engineering Technology

Industrial Design Engineering

Luleå University of Technology

Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences
Realization of Industry 4.0 through RFID
An Implementation in Internal Logistics at Bosch Rexroth Mellansel

Ronny Higberg
Goran Larsson


Examiner: Jan Johansson

Supervisor: Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck

Master of Science in Industrial Design Engineering

Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences
Luleå University of Technology
Master of Science Thesis
Realization of Industry 4.0 through RFID
An Implementation in Internal Logistics at Bosch Rexroth Mellansel
Master of Science Thesis in Industrial Design Engineering- Production design and development

© Ronny Higberg & Goran Larsson

Published and distributed by

Luleå University of Technology
SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden
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Printed in Luleå Sweden by

Luleå University of Technology Reproservice
Luleå, 2016
Although only our names appear on the cover on this thesis, a great many people have contributed to its
production. As a sign of acknowledgement, we would like to extend our gratitude to these individuals
that have helped create this thesis.
We would like to thank John Reimers at the Bosch Center of competence, for his guidance and feedback
through technical issues and hardware discussion. He has helped us a great deal in providing support
related to the implementation and has provided us with relevant contacts, and Bosch standards that
otherwise may have gone over our heads.
We are also very grateful to all the personnel at the shop floor who have contributed a great deal to our
understanding of the investigated processes. Their insightful comments and constructive criticism
throughout our research have helped us discover the details and focus our ideas. The interviews,
observations, workshops and discussions we have had with all these individuals have not only provided
us with important information but also great insights on how complex a production environment truly
We would like to acknowledge the assembly group manager Carolina Sondell, who has provided us with
supervision on who to talk with and has set us up with the correct individuals whenever we have needed
We would like to acknowledge Dr. Juergen Lieser for his role as our supervisor for the second part of
our thesis. He has shown his resourcefulness and efficiency at getting things done whenever we have
needed help.
We would also like to acknowledge Anders Palm for his trust in us and for providing us with a great
deal of autonomy to explore on our own during our stay in Mellansel.
We would lastly like to express gratitude to our fellow students and teachers at the Industrial Design
Engineering Programme. They have been a great part of our development for the last 5 years and have
shown us the importance of combining creativity with knowledge.

Luleå 28th of May, 2016

Ronny Higberg and Goran Larsson
With increasing global competition between industries comes a growth in the demand for increased
productivity, output and service quality from transnational companies. This creates a need for
organizations that are versatile and have the correct tools for developing more efficient processes,
reducing costs and increasing productivity within the manufacturing industry. This new phase in the age
of manufacturing industries is on its way to meet this changing environment and it is commonly referred
to as Industry 4.0, the next big industrial revolution. This revolution refers to the introduction of Internet
in industries, leading to the establishment of smart factories. In the smart factory, functions such as
logistics, manufacturing and product development are integrated in Cyber-physical systems.
One way to gain the upper hand among the global competition is to gain control over the internal logistics
chain. Technologies like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) can be used to create smart factories
where a product sends information on its whereabouts in real-time. This thesis studies how RFID as a
means to achieve Industry 4.0 can be reached with an implementation in internal logistics at Bosch
Rexroth in Mellansel. This thesis aims to contribute with a deeper understanding of how a RFID
implementation process is designed and what benefits it can provide a manufacturing organization. This
study also investigates how a smarter industry in terms of Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 can be
achieved by implementing RFID in internal logistics.
The master thesis is founded on a literature review and empirical results achieved through a case study.
The case study consists of a current state investigation, situation analysis, system design and
implementation, and ends with an evaluation. The thesis ends with several conclusions gained from the
insights of the empirical and theoretical studies.
This thesis presents a framework that outlines important steps to be performed in the implementation of
RFID. Key factors to achieve a successful implementation are also elaborated on. Moreover, a
compilation of the benefits that can be achieved by using RFID in internal logistics are presented. As a
final conclusion, a presentation is made of the benefits of Industry 4.0 that Bosch Rexroth in Mellansel
can achieve through an implementation of RFID.

KEYWORDS: Bosch Rexroth, Cyber-Physical system, CPS, i4.0, Implementation, Industry 4.0,
Internet of Things, IoT, Lead time, Logistics, Manufacturing, Production, Radio Frequency
Identification, RFID, Smart factory.
I en alltmer hårdnande global konkurrens mellan industrier tilltar kravet på ökad produktivitet,
avkastning och kvalitet från internationella företag. Detta skapar ett behov av flexibla organisationer
som har rätt verktyg för att utveckla mer effektiva processer, minska kostnader och öka produktiviteten
inom tillverkande industrier. En ny våg inom industrin, omnämnd som nästa stora industriella revolution,
Industry 4.0, är på väg för att möta dessa nya utmaningar. Denna revolution syftar på sammankopplingen
av Internet med industrimiljöer, vilket leder till skapandet av smarta fabriker. I den smarta fabriken
sammankopplas funktioner inom logistik, tillverkning och produktutveckling i Cyber-fysiska system.
Ett sätt att skaffa sig ett övertag i en hårdnande internationell konkurrens är att få kontroll över det interna
värdeflödet. Tekniker som Radiofrekvensidentifikation (RFID) kan användas för att skapa smarta
fabriker där en produkt kan sända information om sin position i realtid. Detta examensarbete studerar
hur RFID kan användas för att uppnå Industry 4.0 genom en implementering i intern logistik på Bosch
Rexroth i Mellansel. Detta examensarbete syftar till att bidra med en djupare förståelse för hur en
implementering av RFID bör utformas och vad det kan bidra med i en tillverkande industri. Detta
examensarbete undersöker också hur en smartare industri kan uppnås med avseende på Internet of
Things och Industry 4.0 genom en fallstudie på en implementering av RFID i intern logistik.
Detta examensarbete är baserat på en litteraturstudie och empiriska resultat från fallstudien. Insikterna
från denna forskningsansats har använts för att svara på forskningsfrågorna i avhandlingen. Fallstudien
består av en kartläggning av nuläget, analys, systemdesign och implementering, och slutar med en
utvärdering av resultatet. Denna avhandling presenterar ett ramverk som beskriver stegen en
implementering av RFID bör genomgå. Faktorer för att uppnå en lyckad implementering diskuteras
också vidare. En sammanställning presenteras sedan över de fördelar en organisation kan uppnå genom
en implementering av RFID i intern logistik. Slutligen presenteras de fördelar Bosch Rexroth i Mellansel
kan uppnå inom Industry 4.0 genom en implementering av RFID.

NYCKELORD: Bosch Rexroth, Cyber-fysiska system, CPS, i4.0, Implementering, Industri 4.0, Internet
of Things, IoT, Ledtid, Logistik, Produktion, RFID, Smart fabrik, Tillverkning.
Abbreviations and Explanations
Abbreviation Explanation Expression Explanation

AGV Automated Guided Vehicle Middleware between hardware and

software for the RFID system. Converts
the RFID signal to a format suitable for
AX Microsoft Dynamics AX other systems.

BPS Bosch Production System Supplier of RFID equipment and

Robert Bosch’s
Center of Competence

CPS Cyber Physical System

FIFO First In First Out

Hägglunds Production System


i4.0 Industry 4.0

id Identification

IoT Internet of Things

JIT Just-in-time

Logistics department at Bosch Rexroth


MllP Bosch Rexroth Mellansel plant

Manufacturing Operations and
MOE Engineering department at Bosch
Rexroth Mellansel
RFID Radio Frequency Identification

VSD Value Stream Design

1 INTRODUCTION 1 4.7.1 Installation 26
1.1 BACKGROUND 2 4.7.2 Testing 26
1.5.1 Division of Work 3 5.2 VALUE STREAM MAPPING 28
2.2.1 Bosch Rexroth Mellansel 6 5.5.1 SAP 31
2.2.2 Strategy for i4.0 7 5.6 BOSCH GROUP GUIDELINES 31
2.3 HÄGGLUNDS DRIVE SYSTEMS 7 5.6.1 RFID Equipment 31
2.3.1 Functional Description 7 5.6.2 GS1 31
3.1.1 Human-machine Interaction 10 6.1 PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT 34
3.2 PERFORMANCE METRICS 10 6.1.1 Kitting Area 34
3.3 LEAN PRODUCTION 11 6.1.2 Kitting Operations 34
6.1.3 Washing Area 34
3.3.1 Kanban 11
6.1.4 Washing Operations 35
3.4 INDUSTRY 4.0 12 6.1.5 Assembly Area 35
3.5 RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION 13 6.1.6 Assembly Operations 35
3.5.1 RFID Implementation 14 6.1.7 Motor Testing Area 36
3.5.2 Real-time Monitoring 15 6.1.8 Motor Testing Operations 36
6.1.9 Painting Area 37
4 METHOD 17 6.1.10 Painting Operations 37
4.1 SCOPE OF WORK 18 6.1.11 Packing Area 37
4.2 PROCESS OF WORK 18 6.1.12 Packing Operations 37
4.2.1 Project Planning 19 6.2 MOTOR ACCESSORIES 38
4.2.2 Project Organization 20 6.2.1 Motor Relabeling 38
4.2.3 Brainstorming 20 6.2.2 Accessories in AX 38
4.2.4 Risk Assessment 21
4.4.1 Observations 22
7.1.1 Design Options and Constraints 40
4.4.2 Participatory Observations 23
7.1.2 Design Delimitations 40
4.4.3 Interviews 23
7.1.3 Hardware Selection 40
4.4.4 Workshops 24
4.5.1 Value Stream Mapping 24
4.5.2 Specification of Requirements 25 7.4 VALUE STREAM DESIGN 43
7.5.1 Workshop Results 46
4.6.1 Conceptual Design 25
7.5.2 Suggested Design Improvements 46
9.1.1 User Involvement 60 REFERENCES 76
9.1.2 Benefits of i4.0 through RFID 60
9.1.3 Implementation 61 APPENDIX 1: GANTT DIAGRAM
9.2.1 Risk assessment and Outcome 63 APPENDIX 3: WORKSHOP SETUP
9.2.2 Real-time Monitoring 63 APPENDIX 4: LIST OF RFID EQUIPMENT
9.3.2 RFID as the Chosen Technology 64 APPENDIX 7: CROSSTALK LOGIC
Figure 1: Visualization of the industrial revolutions. Based on material from Kagerman et al. (2013).
Figure 2: Product family of Hägglunds drive systems (Source: Bosch intranet).
Figure 3: Part composition of CA engine (Source: Bosch Rexroth AG, 2011).
Figure 4: A hydraulic drive unit and motor (Source: Bosch Rexroth AG, 2011)
Figure 5: Ting et al., (2013), suggested steps for implementation of RFID (Picture compiled by the
authors of this thesis).
Figure 6: Principal description of RFID and monitor (Based on Abdullah, Ismail & Halim, 2015).
Figure 7: The work process used in each phase of the thesis (Source: Compiled by authors).
Figure 8: Excerpt from action log showing week, task, owner, assigned and due dates, and status
(Source: Compiled by authors).
Figure 9: Plant layout with offices removed (Source: Compiled by authors from existing plant layout).
Figure 10: VSM of thesis related process (Source: Compiled by authors from Bosch Rexroth
Mellansel internal VSM).
Figure 11: RFID transponder used at Bosch Rexroth in Mellansel (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 12: Placement of RFID transponder on motor in yellow circle (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 13: Kitting area with empty fixtures (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 14: Pre-washing queue with automated rollers (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 15: Assembly area (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 16: Queue for assembled motors. Yellow rollers are on rail (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 17: Area outside of testing chambers (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 18: Pick up station for AGV (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 19: Exit gate from painting area (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 20: VSM for accessories (Source: Compiled by authors with input from the assembly group
manager at MllP).
Figure 21: Gate to accessory assembly. (Source: author’s picture).
Figure 22: VSD for the implementation of RFID. Red boxes symbolize RFID (Source: compiled by
Figure 23: VSM of the accessory flow (Source: Compiled by the authors).
Figure 24: RFID reader installed at the kitting location (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 25: RFID reader installed in the pre-assembly station (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 26: RFID reader installed on a fixture above an automatic transportation belt out from CA
motors assembly (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 27: RFID antennas installed inside testing chamber 1 (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 28: Installation of RFID readers in AGV pick-up station (Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 29: RFID antenna with built-in reader installed above the gate to accessories assembly (Source:
authors’ picture).
Figure 30: RFID antenna with built-in reader installed above gate between painting and packing area
(Source: authors’ picture).
Figure 31: Concept for real-time monitor design (Source: Compiled by authors).
Figure 32: Ishikawa diagram of assessed risks associated with implementation at MllP (Source:
Compiled by authors).
Figure 33: Necessary steps for an implementation of RFID according to the authors of this thesis
(Source: compiled by authors.)
Table 1: Division of work, according to report content.
Table 2: Initial risk assessment for master thesis with suggested actions to reduce risk.
Table 3: Results from the experiment.

With increasing global competition between industries comes a growth in the

demand for increased productivity, output and service quality from
transnational companies. This creates a need for organizations that are
versatile and have the correct tools for developing more efficient processes,
reducing costs and increasing productivity within the manufacturing industry.
To get this edge against the competition, organizations need to think beyond
the scope of how manufacturing is perceived. A new phase in the age of
manufacturing industries is on its way to meet this changing environment and it
is commonly referred to as Industry 4.0.


through the internal value chain and in a more

1.1 Background
far-sighted approach, to ensure shorter lead times
Modern manufacturing industries need to utilize by increasing transparency and traceability.
the possibilities of Internet to create smarter From a broader perspective, the Bosch Group
manufacturing plants. One way to gain the upper aims to become the lead provider and user of i4.0
hand among the global competition is to gain related technology (Robert Bosch GmbH, 2015a).
control over the internal logistics chain. The resulting project of this case study is one of
Technologies like Radio Frequency several other i4.0 related projects at the
Identification, (RFID) can be used to create Mellansel plant.
smart factories where a product sends
The case study investigates the manufactured
information on its whereabouts in real-time. This
motor model CA of the Hägglunds Drive
opportunity has been identified by Bosch
Systems. The studied parts of the manufacturing
Rexroth in Mellansel (hereafter abbreviated as
of this motor is from the kitting area to the
packaging area.
The challenge lies in understanding how to
implement RFID and what benefits a 1.3 Thesis Scope
manufacturing organization can gain from an
This thesis has been undertaken to generate a
implementation. In a broader spectrum, this
better understanding of how an implementation
relates to the role of this implementation in
of an RFID solution should be designed. The
relation to the next phase of manufacturing
thesis will also clarify why an implementation of
industries, Industry 4.0 (hereafter abbreviated
RFID is considered an i4.0 achievement. By
i4.0). By consciously working towards the
comparing established methods from relevant
evolution of industry this may be seen as a first
theories with a case study of a full
step towards creating the manufacturing
implementation at MllP, this work could also
industries of tomorrow.
contribute to future research with a wide set of
knowledge of an RFID implementation. The end
1.2 Objectives and Aims
result is a set of conclusions that can also provide
The thesis aims to investigate how a smarter guidance in other similar implementations both
industry in terms of IoT and i4.0 can be achieved in planning and execution.
by implementing RFID in internal logistics. This
investigation aims to contribute with a deeper 1.4 Thesis Outline
understanding of how an RFID implementation
The first chapter explains the background and the
process is designed and how it can be seen as a
objectives of the thesis. The scope of this thesis
step to realize i4.0. As a result, the objective of
is also presented briefly with a short introduction
this master thesis is to investigate the following
of the authors. The second chapter describes the
research questions:
background of the company that constitutes the
 What factors should a framework for the context of the thesis essentially in the case study.
implementation of RFID systems Chapter three is a compilation of relevant
include? theories and analytical models related to the
thesis objectives and research questions. The
 What benefits can be achieved by using
thesis continues in the fourth chapter with a
RFID in internal logistics?
description of the chosen work methods used
 How can Bosch Rexroth achieve throughout the process of work. Chapter five is a
benefits of Industry 4.0 through RFID? mapping of the current state at the organization
The investigation of these research questions is where the case study was executed. This chapter
done through a case study at MllP. To achieve a stands as the basis on which the analysis and
critical viewpoint necessary for a valid design is built upon. The sixth chapter is an
contribution to the research field, a literature analysis of the situation at MllP. Chapter seven
review is also carried out. presents the design work. It describes the
framework for the design and includes sections
The aim at MllP is to further implement RFID in on hardware testing and risk assessment. In
the plant. The objective from the standpoint of chapter eight, the implementation process is
the company is to be able to follow an order described. This is the chapter that the empirical


insights are based on. The ninth chapter presents The division of work on the thesis report is
the final results of the thesis. It consists of both presented in Table 1. It does not specify which
theoretical, empirical and general insights gained section of this report that has been written by
during the thesis. Chapter ten presents the which person, instead it shows the division of
conclusions of the thesis. The conclusions are work in terms of responsibility of section. This
presented to answer the research questions means that the distributed person for each section
presented in the thesis objectives. The final of the report is responsible for the content of each
chapter presents a discussions on the results of section. The content is nevertheless written by
this thesis. Here the relevance, and the reliability both authors.
and validity of the results are discussed. The
Table 1: Division of work, according to report
chapter ends with suggestions on further research.
1.5 The Authors Content Responsible
This thesis is written by two students, Ronny Introduction Larsson
Higberg and Goran Larsson, studying towards a
Master of Science degree in Industrial design Context Larsson
engineering. The Master Programme is a Theoretical framework Both authors
testament of an engineer that understands the
requirements of a product and how these affect Method Larsson
the demand on the manufacturing industry. An Current state Larsson
industrial design engineer also uses their
knowledge in production planning, work place Situational analysis Larsson
analysis and management to improve and RFID Design Higberg
optimize organizations. The workplace is seen as
a whole system containing many parts needing a Implementation Higberg
holistic approach for improving and maintaining Results Higberg
the edge in successful businesses. This holistic
way of approaching problems is the backbone of Conclusions Higberg
the Industrial Design Engineer Programme. Discussion Higberg

1.5.1 Division of Work

As the thesis work is done by two students a
division of work based on the skillset and
strengths of each author set the outline for the
division of work. Larsson has previous
experience of writing scientific papers and thus
fortified a scientific perspective to the thesis.
Higberg has experience of various project
management undertakings which consolidated a
successful implementation. However both
authors have challenged themselves in all diverse
fields and collaborated in all work to ensure an
excellent outcome of both the thesis and the
implementation at MllP.




To make sense of the case study one must also understand the context in
which the problem is formulated. The context to this thesis describes the
company Bosch Group, the Bosch Rexroth plant in Mellansel and the
manufactured product. The section is mostly derived from information obtained
via Bosch intranet such as product manuals, information wikis and other
related documents but also through interviews with the personnel working at
the plant.


countries worldwide. The Bosch Group is

2.1 Industry 4.0
divided into four business sectors: mobility
I4.0 can be described as the next big industrial solutions, industrial technology, consumer
revolution. Lasi, Fettke, Kemper, Feld & goods and energy, and building technology
Hoffmann (2014) recount the other three (Robert Bosch GmbH, n.d.a). Robert Bosch
industrial revolutions as being; (1) the GmbH, headquartered in Stuttgart, is the parent
mechanization of industry in the 18th century; company to the Bosch Group. The group has its
(2) introduction of electrically driven industries roots in the founding of Workshop for Precision
and mass production; (3) digitalization of Mechanics and Electrical Engineering in
industries. The fourth revolution refers to the Stuttgart in 1886 by Robert Bosch. In 2014 the
introduction of Internet in industries. This leads Bosch Group had a collective EBIT (Earnings
to the introduction of the concept of Cyber before interest and taxation) of 3.03 billion Euro
Physical Systems (CPS). This refers to the and preliminary figures show an increase of that
connection of physical operations with number to 5 billion Euro for 2015. The strategic
computing and communication infrastructures objective of the Bosch Group is to deliver
(Volkan, Steffen, Givargis & Vahid, 2014). The innovations for a connected life (Bosch group
industrial revolutions are visualized in Figure 1. AB, 2016; Robert Bosch GmbH, n. d.b).
Kagerman, Wahlster and Helbig (2013) The business sector industrial technology is
describe i4.0 as a realization of the concept divided into the two divisions “drive and control
labeled Internet of Things and Services (IoT). technology” and “packaging technology”. The
The vision for IoT is that all objects and services Bosch Rexroth AG subsidiary specializes in the
used by humans will be connected to the drive and control technology sector and is one
Internet. These entities will thus be able to of the world’s leading suppliers in this sector.
autonomously communicate and exchange The division focuses on electrical, hydraulic and
information with each other through technical mechatronic components and systems.
solutions like for example automatic
identification, as in barcodes and RFID 2.2.1 Bosch Rexroth Mellansel
transponders. Internet-based services and
products are described as being a major driving MllP is a leading supplier of hydraulic drive
force in economic and social development systems through the product line Hägglunds
(Germany Trade and Invest GmbH, 2015; Heng, drive systems. The products are used globally in
2014; Johansson & Larsson, 2015). industry sectors such as mining, recycling,
marine and offshore operations and pulp and
2.2 The Company paper processing. The plant has around 480
employees and a turnover of approximately 120
Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of
million Euro (Robert Bosch AG, 2015b).
various technological and service-based
solutions. The group encompasses around 340 Prior to the acquisition into the Bosch group, the
subsidiaries and regional companies in about 60 company name was Hägglunds drives. The

Figure 1: Visualization of the industrial revolutions. Based on material from Kagerman et al.

company was acquired by Bosch Rexroth in

2008 but became fully integrated into Bosch
Rexroth in 2011. The plant was originally
founded in 1966 as part of the Hägglunds group.
The first standalone hydraulic motor (Viking)
was introduced to the market in 1960 and the
first hydraulic drive system was introduced to
the product line in between 1983-1985 (Bosch
Rexroth Mellansel AB, 2015a).

2.2.2 Strategy for i4.0

The Bosch Group strives to gain a position as a
leading user and provider of i4.0 based Figure 2: Product family of Hägglunds drive
systems (Source: Bosch intranet).
technology (Bosch Group AB, 2016a). To meet
this end the company has experience from over The motor is produced in different variants in
100 pilot projects all over the world. The six series that are applicable for various
company has identified seven features of i4.0 industrial solutions. The motor series consists of
that are being focused on; Fast integration and CA, CB, CBM, CBP, MB and VI motors (Bosch
flexible configuration, open standards, virtual Rexroth AG, 2014b).
real-time representation, digital life-cycle
management, secure value-creation network, 2.3.1 Functional Description
distributed intelligence and people as key
players. To meet this strategy, MllP has been The hydraulic motors in the Hägglunds product
chosen as an i4.0 pilot plant within the Bosch family are built on a hydraulic radial piston cam
Group. curve design, which can be seen in Figure 3 with
The case study is a continuation of a previous the CA engine as reference.
pilot project on internal logistics and has the The motor consists of an outer cam ring with an
goal of further implementing RFID in the undulated inner cam surface and a cylinder
Mellansel plant (RFID project manager, block rotatable in relation to the cam ring. When
personal communication 2016-02-02). In this hydraulic pressure is acting on the pistons, the
project, an RDIF transponder was chosen to the cam rollers are pushed against the slope on the
motor for use in an automated painting process. cam ring. This creates a torque proportional to
the pressure in the system. The hydraulic force
2.3 Hägglunds Drive Systems is then converted to mechanical force through
The product, Hägglunds drive systems, are built the rotation that occurs. (Bosch Rexroth AG,
as modularized solutions, meaning that a range 2011).
of combinations can be made of the units
available. The system consists of a hydraulic
motor, a power unit and a control and
monitoring system. The driving motor in the
system is a radial piston motor. The product
family can be seen in Figure 2. (Bosch Rexroth
AG, 2014b)

Figure 3: Part composition of CA engine (Source:

Bosch Rexroth AG, 2011).


The motor can be connected to a driven shaft, to

a wheel, or to a cable drum for a winch to name
a few examples. In the Hägglunds drive system
the power is supplied to the hydraulic motor by
a separate drive unit. This unit can be positioned
freely in relation to the installation of the motor.
(Bosch Rexroth AG, 2011; Bosch Rexroth AG,
The hydraulic drive unit, seen in Figure 4
consists of a hydraulic pump that is driven by an
electric motor running at a fixed speed. The
variable flow of oil from the pump determines
the speed and direction of the drive. The oil flow
can be controlled and reversed, which in turn
affects the direction of the drive. The drive unit
can operate continuously throughout its power
range up to its rated torque, from zero to full
speed. The drive can operate in all modes,
meaning driving and braking, and forward and Figure 4: A hydraulic drive unit and motor (Source:
Bosch Rexroth AG, 2011)
reverse. (Bosch Rexroth AG, 2014a)

Theoretical framework

The theoretical framework describes relevant theories and analytical models
related to the research questions stated. This chapter aims to link the thesis to
existing knowledge, but also sets the foundation for challenging and extending
this knowledge.


with further changes according to Jaca et al..

3.1 User Involvement
The last suggested phase in an implementation
When changing a work place or an organization is to root the change in the existing culture of the
it is hard not to affect the workers within it. Airo, company. Both managers and workers must
Rasila & Nenonen (2012) mean that change accept and understand the change to avoid a
processes increase defensive behavior, which is setback.
reflected in the way the employees speak about
the workplace and the coming changes. The 3.1.1 Human-machine Interaction
authors further state that this fact makes it
important to understand the discussions that are Interaction between human and machine is an
going on during a change process. Glover, Farris area that becomes increasingly important with
& Van Aken (2014) mean that to build up and the advancements in industrial technology seen
maintain good performance, loyalty and today. Choe, Tew & Tong (2015) argue that the
commitment in an organization, a increasing demand of high flexibility and high
demonstration and recognition of organizational productivity in industries, together with an
values and culture is necessary from the advancement in industrial technology for
leadership. By investing in learning and achieving this, has had an impact on the work
development, a learning-focused workforce can situation for the operators. The authors argue
be attained. This will make employees more that in complex automated systems, operators
open-minded to changes and generate a feeling must conduct physical tasks while also
of ownership to changes made in their work performing a series of cognitive tasks, like
environment or routines (Glover et al., 2014). supervision, decision making, and control,
Kimber, Barwick & Fearing (2012) state that if based on available information. However,
workers do not understand the purpose of a automated systems tend to be designed with a
change it will be difficult to rely on these focus on automating the mechanical systems,
individuals to participate in the change process and not the cognitive functions for the operator.
in a meaningful way. In their studies a combined approach, focused
on both mechanical and cognitive automation, is
Based on the Lean philosophy, described in
suggested as maximizing the effect of
section 3.3, Jaca, Santos, Errasti, & Viles (2012)
suggest a change process to be made in three
steps; (1) prepare and plan change, (2) develop Fasth, Stahre & Dencker (2008) state that
change, and (3) embed change. During the first automation does not always work as intended
phase, prepare and plan, it is the responsibility and may need human intervention for correcting
of managers to convince employees that there is disturbances or system failure. Furthermore the
a need for change, and thus specify the reasons authors state that the interaction between human
and opportunities. The authors also suggest that and machine should be considered a changeable
change should motivate the employees to work factor instead of automation creating a situation
together to reach their goals. The resistance where either machines work without input from
should be reduced by identification and operators or vice versa. Consequently the
understanding the source of resistance. The next human factor should be considered when
phase, to develop change, can also gain from engineering systems involving both human and
involving the employees, according to the machine.
authors. They propose that the development is
done in two steps, where training of employees 3.2 Performance Metrics
is the first one and teamwork is the second step. Bellgran & Säfsten (2005) describe measuring
Teamwork is useful in the implementation of of performance in a production system as a way
change and it also keeps the organization of following up on defined targets. Time is a
adaptable and helps encourage workers commonly used measuring unit for following up
participation when carrying out improvements. on productivity and efficiency. Related to this
Teamwork also creates a good basis to succeed

thesis are two very commonly used time factors; raw material. This demand can both be internal,
cycle time and lead time. Cycle time is i.e. from other workstations, and external, as in
described by Bellgran & Säfsten as the time that the customer. This is sometimes described as
a product or component spends at each station, pull production, meaning that production is
or the time required to complete one cycle of an “pulled” based on this demand (Abdulmalek &
operation. Lead time is the time it takes between Rajgopal, 2007). Näslund (2008) describes JIT
the start and stop of a process, which usually is as an approach for redesigning production
used to describe the time between placing an systems. He further states that JIT was initially
order to delivery. a stand-alone methodology. Furthermore,
Näslund argues that Lean in some ways can be
Productivity can also be measured as a
described as an updated version of JIT. There
performance metric in itself. Bellgran & Säfsten
are however more modern versions of JIT used
(2005) describe productivity as the relation
as separate strategy. Green, Inman, Birou, &
between what has been achieved in the
Whitten (2014) mention total JIT as a separate
production (the output) and what was needed to
strategy, where the idea of pull production is
achieve it (input). An equation for productivity,
also applied on areas such as purchasing, selling
𝑃 , can also be presented as a factor or
and information.
percentage consisting of value adding time, 𝑡𝑣𝑎 ,
and the total time including stops, waiting time Kaizen is a philosophy within Lean Production,
etc., 𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑡 , formulated as where the organization strives for continuous
𝑡𝑣𝑎 improvement. Bosch practices kaizen in the
𝑃= form of continuous improvement processes
𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑡 (CIP) (Scwenker & Müller-Dofel, 2013). An
organization working with kaizen strives to
create a culture of continuous improvement
3.3 Lean Production
(Näslund, 2008). Moreover Czarnecki & Loyd
Lean Production is a management model where (2001) argue that visual tools are important to
the focus is to systematically remove waste from use in a factory setting. The authors mean that
all areas of the value stream. The value stream operators should have access to visual
can be described as the flow of all value-adding information on the process as one tool to
activities within a process or system. Lean identify areas for continuous improvements.
production is used by Bosch Rexroth in a
localized variant called Bosch Production 3.3.1 Kanban
System (BPS) (Robert Bosch GmbH, 2016). The
effects that an organization with Lean Kanban is a philosophy that plays a significant
Production strives for are increased efficiency, role in the JIT production system. The Japanese
decreasing costs by eliminating non-value steps word Kanban, translates to “signboard” and is
and inefficiencies in the processes, reduced generally accepted as a tool for demand
cycle times, and increased profit for the scheduling. It was created to control inventory
organization (Näslund, 2008). In Lean levels by managing the supply of components in
Production, seven wastes are listed. Hines and the production. A Kanban system is used at the
Rich (1997) recapitulate the wastes MllP plant to create a pull effect in the
incorporated into Lean Production as: (1) transportation of materials. (Gross & Kenneth,
overproduction; (2) waiting; (3) transportation; 2003; Kumar & Panneerselvam, 2007).
(4) inappropriate processing; (5) excess With Kanban, visual signals are used to
inventory; (6) excess motion; (7) defects. determine production to fill demand on the
Just-in-time production (JIT) is a tool principles of pull production and JIT. The
commonly associated with Lean Production. JIT system is based on inventory level or material
means that the production is managed through scheduling. Kanban is usually represented by a
customer demand backwards to the ordering of card containing information about a product’s
manufacturing information and details of its

path to completion (Kumar & Panneerselvam, the introduction of Internet in industries. This
2007). For a system to be considered as true leads to the introduction of the concept of Cyber
Kanban, Gross & Kenneth (2003) state that the Physical Systems (CPS). Functions as logistics,
production processes it controls must; (1) only manufacturing and product development are
refill product(s) to replace consumed product(s) described by Kagerman et al. (2013) as
by its customer(s); (2) only produce based on integrated in the smart factory. Heng (2014) also
refill signal sent by its customer(s). Junior & states the importance of imbedding not only
Godinho Filho (2010) elaborate on this and state value adding processes but also working
that two Kanban communication signals (plastic organization, business models and services in
cards) are used in the original system; one to the strategy for i4.0. Johansson & Larsson
production that authorizes a process to produce (2015) mean that this approach leads to flexible
a fixed amount of products and one to production systems and organizations that can
transportation that authorizes transporting a quickly adapt to changing circumstances.
fixed amount of products downstream. The
I4.0 is described by Lasi et al. (2014) as
Kanban system leads to a decentralized control
introducing and evolving on functions as
of the production flow. Nevertheless, Kanban
autonomous machines, preventive maintenance,
scheduling does not replace material planning
remote control, energy supervision and
but rather uses that information to create a
optimization, and advanced diagnostic
Kanban card for visual control. It can be
functions. Kagerman et al. (2013) evolve on this
considered as an executional tool rather than a
and describe the revolution as being a
planning tool. Thus, the system creates a
realization of IoT. The foundation of IoT is the
situation where the work in progress, referring
development of technology in areas such as
to materials, is minimized between processes,
programmability, storage and data collection
leading to reduced inventory costs (Gross &
capabilities (also known as Big Data), and
Kenneth, 2003).
sensor-based functionality for machinery.
Kanban was created to fulfill specific needs at
I4.0 will also evolve the employees’ work
Toyota, and be effective under specific
routines. Kagerman et al. (2013) mention how
conditions. Since conditions vary between
an increased focus on real-time oriented control
organizations, the original Kanban system has
of processes will change both work duties and
some restrictions. Studies show that it is not
work environment. Manufacturing work has
adequate in situations with unstable demand,
been, and will continue to shift from largely
processing time instability, non-standardized
manual labor to programming and control of
operations, long setup time, great variety of
high performance machinery. This will increase
items, and/or raw material supply uncertainty.
the complexity of work, demanding an
Variations to the Kanban system were created to
increased focus in maintaining and fostering the
adapt properly to the organizations conditions,
skill level of employees. Routine tasks will be
due to the difficulty in using the original system.
handled by smart machinery, leaving room for
Most of the modifications proposed to the
more creative and value adding work. (EPRS,
original Kanban system are concerned with
2015; Johansson & Larsson, 2015)
signal use, and to establish means of
manipulating the number of signals or the The potential benefits of I4.0 are described by
quantity. The most important topics of Kagerman et al. (2013), Lasi et al. (2014) and
theoretical studies about Kanban systems are Lee, Kao & Yang (2014) as; (1) increased
how to determine the right number of signals. flexibility and shorter development processes;
(Junior & Godinho Filho, 2010) (2) increased ability in meeting customer
demand; (3) organizational improvements
3.4 Industry 4.0 through a more transparent industry; (4)
optimized use of machinery; (5) reduced labor
Lasi et al. (2014) describe I4.0 as the next big
costs and improved work environment for
industrial revolution. This revolution refers to

3.5 Radio Frequency Identification technology can lead to total traceability of all
products in the whole production system. The
One way to get control of inventory and
author also mentions that companies have been
logistics is by using automated id technology
actively using and developing RFID for many
together with checkpoints. The idea is to report
years and there are still organizations currently
the location of a product through its id-number
discovering new benefits of the technology.
whenever it passes a checkpoint (McFarlane,
Liukkonen further states that RFID can reduce
Sarma, Chirn, Wong, Ashton, 2003). This can
production costs in the future and therefore be
be achieved with i.e. RFID. RFID is a
an incentive for lower product prices. From this
communicational technology that can share
motive the improvement of RFID, especially
information via small transponders, and in that
when it comes to visualizing the information, is
way communicate with other technical devices.
going to be a major focus area in the evolution
Zheng, Fu & Yang (2012) regards RFID as one
of RFID technology.
of the key technologies for future automation.
According to Ting, Tsang & Tse (2013), gains
The principle of RFID as a tracking system, is
for organizations to use RFID systems are better
that the products or materials holding an RFID
inventory visibility, better supply chain
transponder also have unique id-numbers. The
visibility, increased productivity and labor
transponder can then communicate the object’s
efficiency, improved assets tracking, out-of-
unique id to a RFID reader connected to a local
stock reduction, increased security, inventory
database, where information about the product
reduction, cost reduction, better handling of
is stored. Information can also be stored in the
store and shelf inventory and an increase in the
product’s transponder to be read in another
ability to meet customer requirements.
workshop, at a retailer’s location or in other
McFarlane et al (2003) also mention greater
places outside the workshop. Castro Adaujo
product tracking accuracy, product diversions,
Filho, Travassos & Figueriedo (2011) states that
and faster checkout systems as possible gains
it is possible to read information on up to two
obtained through RFID. One big area for future
hundred transponders in a second with RFID
development is the large amount of collected
technology. When an RFID system is connected
data in RFID-reads of events. This can open up
to the Internet it can be seen as a component of
for new possibilities in i.e. statistical analysis of
smart factories and IoT. In that case the
processes or analysis of the relationships
transponder communicates through Internet
between events. RFID is thus a suitable
with a database located on a server. This means
candidate for the i4.0 coined term “Big data”.
access to an RFID system is possible to achieve
Today, algorithms for efficient ways of storing
from any location. (Zheng et al., 2012)
data through cleansing algorithms and similar
There are mainly three different types of RFID- already exist (Zhong, Huang, Lan, Dai, Xu,
transponders. Passive RFID transponders are Zhang, 2015).
transponders that do not need an internal power
Castro Adaujo Filho, Travassos & Figueriedo
source such as a battery. The passive RFID
(2011) experimented with RFID and found that
transponder uses power sent from the antenna to
transponders on metal surfaces increased the
relay information to an RFID-reader.
readability through reflection. To avoid
Consequently, a passive transponder is only
redundancy, the authors proposed and tested
active when it is inside the antenna field. The
solutions with either manual scanners or gates
two other types of RFID transponders, are active
where the RFID was read. Zhu, Mukhopadhyay,
and semi-passive RFID-transponders. These
Samar & Kurata (2012) tested different types of
transponders have their own power source
RFID transponders and also concluded that a
which makes them operable in a longer range.
transponder mounted on a metal surface makes
(Hervert-Escobar, Smith, Rodriguez-Cruz,
it more readable. Zhu and Cao (2014),
Cardenas-Barron, 2015)
investigated the usability of passive RFID
According to Liukkonen (2015), RFID transponders in different environments. Their


findings indicated that that metal surfaces can The third step, system design (3), should start
produce shielding effects which result in with an analysis of the requirements for the
unreadable transponders.
Ting, et al. (2013) also describe some reasons
organizations express for not implementing
RFID as; they perceive it as an immature
technology, there is a lack of return of interest,
there is not sufficient customer demand, there is
a lack of understanding the technology,
standards for RFID are perceived as inadequate
and implementation costs are high.
Sheng, Zeadally, Luo, Chung & Maamar (2010)
state that RFID is one of the most influent
technological innovations in the world and
recognized as one of the most powerful
innovations in terms of use. To be able to follow
this trend and respond to business needs, many
organizations have already adopted the RFID
technology and many more are on their way
(Mohammad et al, 2014).

3.5.1 RFID Implementation

Implementing RFID systems in industrial
environments is a growing trend according to
Ting et al., (2013). An implementation strategy
is therefore crucial. To reduce the risk of errors
and facilitate decisions along the way, these
authors have developed a framework for the
installation of RFID equipment that can be seen
in Figure 5. Figure 5: Ting et al., (2013), suggested steps for
implementation of RFID (Picture compiled by the
According to Ting et al., (2013), the authors of this thesis).
implementation should be done in certain steps.
The first step should be to define the scope of RFID solution as a follow up on the situational
the implementation (1), which refers to defining analysis. When the requirements have been
the possibilities and limitations of RFID, and established, the selection of hardware and
also to state the objective of the implementation. software can be started. The authors also mean
The authors state that it is important that the that sometimes new equipment and new
organizations gain knowledge on what is and processes have to be designed or figured out.
what is not possible with RFID equipment. If The new hardware and software installation
this is not clear before implementation there is a should lead to simplifications or work
risk that unrealistic expectations and reductions in processes.
misunderstandings causes disappointments
among employees, i.e. about the reasons to use Ting et al., (2013), suggests a prototype testing
or gains of RFID. When the objective is defined phase (4) before the actual implementation to
Ting et al., suggest that the following step is to make sure that it will develop in the right
collect and analyze data about the existing direction. The prototype testing should be
system through a situational analysis (2). designed to show both hardware and software
issues so bugs and collisions in different

systems can be identified. After possible system. Mainly because of the advantages in
problems are detected and solved in the long-distance and non-line of sight reading that
prototype testing phase, the actual is possible with RFID. Chen et al., claims that it
implementation can be done (5). In most cases is particularly suitable for tracking
the implementation includes changes in manufacturing sources in assembly and
management, work routines and system production of complex products.
deployment. Sometimes it is also possible to
Chen et al. (2012), designed a real-time value
develop the new (RFID) system parallel with the
stream monitoring system in an experimental
old system until it runs satisfyingly.
environment. By using RFID technology the
Ting et al., (2013), labels the last step in the system improved the traditional Value stream
implementation as continuous improvement (6). map (VSM) by tracking production flow in real
The authors believe that in a new system there time with data from real-time production. The
will always be room for further improvement. authors state that a value stream monitoring
Because of this, they suggest that the system with real-time information can support
organization continuously evaluate and improve management in making decisions by visualizing
the system. The improvement should also real-time data from the value stream.
include collecting feedback from users as one
In a case study of an industry production line,
basis for further development.
presented by Abdullah, Ismail, Halim, (2015),
Ting et al., (2013), also defines some critical the output of an RFID system was evaluated.
success factors for an RFID implementation. The findings of the study showed that a display
According to the authors there are three linked to the RFID system was the most
dimensions for the critical factors; the technical, efficient way to show status because of its
the managerial and the social dimension. The simplicity and cost-effectiveness. The display
technical dimension includes selection of the can show figures like targets, differences and
right hardware, effective testing, sufficient efficiency. The authors further proposed that the
technical support, understanding of the display should be located in a location close to
processes and clear performance measures. The the users for easy visual access of the current
managerial dimension is more focused on status of the production line. The simplified
project managerial skills, where risk functionality description of the display is shown
management, project management and a clear in Figure 6. The RFID reader together with the
vision of the project are important aspects. The database can be seen as the master of the system
social dimension focuses on the importance of a and uses the status information collected from
well-functioning teamwork and the use of the RFID transponders to display the present
effective communication. status of the production. (Abdullah, Ismail,
Halim, 2015)
3.5.2 Real-time Monitoring
According to Chen, Chen & Cox (2012) RFID
can, besides the autonomic communicational
benefits, effectively be used to improve
visibility and traceability in a manufacturing

Figure 6: Principal description of RFID and monitor (Based on Abdullah, Ismail & Halim, 2015).



The method chapter presents the tools and practices that has been used
during this thesis. This chapter aims to help the reader follow and understand
how the process of work was executed. It also helps the reader understand
how data was collected and used. This master thesis is founded on a literature
review and a case study done at MllP. Throughout the thesis a standardized
work method focusing on iteration has been used to approach each phase to
ensure a consistent progression of the work.


4.1 Scope of Work 4.2 Process of Work

The master thesis is founded on a literature Throughout the thesis a standardized work
review and empirical results achieved through a method has been used to approach each phase.
case study done at MllP. The insights gained In total the project has consisted of 6 main
from the different methods are used to answer phases; the project plan phase (1) where the
the research questions of this thesis. The thesis objectives and aims were defined, the phase for
is done by two full time students over a period theoretical framework (2) where relevant
of 20 weeks, which gives the project a total research in areas related to the thesis was
amount of 1600 working hours distributed collected, the situational analysis phase (3)
between the case study and the literature review. where data was collected and analyzed in regard
to the implementation, the design phase (4)
The case study consists of a current state
where a concept was generated, the
investigation, situation analysis, system design
implementation phase (5) where all software
and implementation, and ends with a brief
and hardware were installed and finally the
evaluation. As mentioned before, the scope of
results analysis phase (6), where conclusions
the case study is limited to certain areas of the
were made. The phases in the thesis have been
production which are further described in
divided into smaller discrete units or tasks that
subsequent chapters. One early request from the
have been defined on a weekly basis. A more
sponsor of the project was to integrate the RFID
detailed description of this weekly planning is
solution to the enterprise system at MllP. MllP
described in section 4.2.1.
is currently undergoing a replacement of their
enterprise system from Microsoft Dynamics AX The process of work was based on the PDSA
(AX) to SAP. However, due to the current delay cycle, also known as the Deming cycle. The
of the implementation of SAP at MllP, the case cycle was developed by Deming and Shewhart
study will not involve integration to any as a model to guide improvement projects. The
enterprise systems. Nevertheless, certain initial letter of the four steps the model consists
guidelines connected to the SAP system and of, Plan-Do-Study-Act, spells out the name of
reporting points of processes in the value stream the model. Plan refers to planning the proposed
have been taken into consideration. change or work, Do refers to carry out the
change, Study refers to analyzing the results, Act
The project has the following delimitations:
refers to either adopting the change or
 The existing transponder on the motors abandoning it. The steps are repeated over and
will be used for the case study, which over as a part of a cycle of continuous
means that no study on transponders improvement (Montgomery, 2013).
will be done.
The generalized work process that has been used
 Cost calculations of the project are for this thesis is illustrated in Figure 7 and can
excluded, however the importance of be seen as a modified PDSA cycle for each
the return of interest is discussed for phase. For each phase a set of objectives are
the implementation. determined of what should be achieved in the
phase. Then the phases are given time
 RFID specific technical details, such as constraints, described more thoroughly in the
radio frequencies and electrical power next section. These steps can be compared with
data are left out and handled with the Plan step of the PDSA cycle. The specific
recommendations from hardware tasks for achieving the objectives of the phase
suppliers and Bosch internal guidance. are defined, delegated among the group
 The implementation is done on the CA members and then worked on. This is
motor line, nevertheless the same comparable with the Do step in the PDSA cycle.
method could be used for When done, the results are evaluated. If more
implementation in other manufacturing work is needed to achieve the phase objectives,
lines as well. the cycle of defining steps, delegating and


finishing tasks are repeated again. This can be The first crucial step in the project was to setup
compared with the Study step in the PDSA cycle. a project plan to establish the research questions,
This means progress through the phases of the project scope, and objectives and aims.
thesis have not been made in a straight-through Background to the project and important
process but rather in an iterative way. Working stakeholders were also defined and included in
through the tasks has been seen as a way of the plan. A rough structure for the project
generating more information on what is needed outline was establish as a preliminary guideline
as new information subsides. The described and overview of what would be accomplished.
cycle has been regarded by the authors as a This was also done to concretize the work and
means of efficiently “forcing” the work forward. objectives of the master thesis. Project
The step Act in the PDSA cycle can be management, in terms of resources like
compared with moving on to the next phase in available time, was also approximated and
the process of work for this thesis. delegated among the work process phases
thought relevant for the project. Lastly the
project organization and the means of
communication between the authors and
supervisors was proposed. The aims in
developing the project plan was to create a
guideline for the entire project and to
communicate this among all parties. The results
from the project plan have been updated and
incorporated into this report as the process of
work has progressed.
A standard way of presenting a time schedule is
to use a Gantt chart. The Gantt chart presents
activities as bars on a timeline and constraints
presented as lines between the bars. A Gantt
chart makes visualization of complex
scheduling possible (Tory, Staub-French,
Huang, Chang, Swindells, Pottinger, 2013).
The Gantt chart has been used in this project as
a way of constraining each phase the project has
progressed through by setting a target for when
a phase should start and be finished. The chart
has been updated two times during the thesis.
The first update was made somewhere halfway
Figure 7: The work process used in each phase of through the thesis. The changes here brought the
the thesis (Source: Compiled by authors). time table forward on the design phase and
implementation since work could be started
4.2.1 Project Planning earlier than expected. During the final month a
second edit was made where the implementation
The overall work process has been focused on a phase was extended because of a clarification of
great deal of planning to maintain a steady work delivery dates. The phase was also more clearly
flow and to fully consider all relevant factors of defined with points added such as training of
the current state at the case study, personnel and software setup. The Gantt chart in
implementation of hardware, education of its entirety can be seen in Appendix 1.
personnel but also the theoretical part of the
thesis. The planning has been an ever evolving The process of work on a weekly and daily level
process where steps have been added as the has been handled through an action log. This log
work has progressed. consists of several tasks with item numbers,


description of the task, owner of the task, 4.2.3 Brainstorming

assigned date, due date and the status for the
task. Each week has started with a planning Baxter (1995) describes brainstorming as a
session where the agenda for the week has been typical method for generating ideas. The classic
set and where related tasks have been written way involves a group of people seated around a
down. The action log has been used to maintain table generating ideas to solve an identified
a continuous work flow and to establish clear problem. Brainstorming can be used to generate
agendas with each week and day. As an added ideas and strategies, identify objectives, and
value, the action log has also provided a clear solve problems. The method is particularly
view of tasks that have been done which has useful in the early phases of a solving process
helped in keeping track of the progress. An (Lee, Hong, Jang, Lee, Kang, Shim, 2015). The
excerpt from the action log can be seen in Figure findings of Furnham & Yazdanpanahi (1995)
8. suggest that brainstorming can be used as a one-
man tool as well.
4.2.2 Project Organization Brainstorming has been used in several phases
of this thesis to generate ideas and with the
The project organization consists of the
incentive to keep a constant work flow.
contractor MllP, the thesis group as the
Brainstorming techniques, such as free writing,
operational team, Anders Palm as the supervisor
free speaking or the drawing of rudimentary
at MllP, and lastly the plant manager as the
mind maps on papers are examples of activities
project sponsor and second supervisor at MllP.
that has been used during the work.
There are many individuals at MllP that can be Brainstorming has also been used to generate
regarded as stakeholders to this project. The questions to analyze around the investigated
entire Logistics department (LOG) can be seen subjects, e.g. in the situational analysis. In the
as important stakeholders because of the process of work and weekly planning
increased ability of tracking lead times that the brainstorming has been used to generate ideas of
RFID solution may provide. Manufacturing relevant steps in need of completion to finish a
Operations and Engineering (MOE) are phase. In the conceptual phase, the technique
important stakeholders since the implemented was used to initiate and generate the
solution directly affects their working implementation design.
environment and routines. Luleå University of
Technology can also be seen as a stakeholder
since this thesis will be approved for publication
by the university.

Figure 8: Excerpt from action log showing week, task, owner, assigned and due dates, and status (Source:
Compiled by authors).


4.2.4 Risk Assessment An Ishikawa diagram has also been used for risk
assessment, The Ishikawa diagram, also
Risk management can be considered a main commonly referred to as the cause-and-effect-
success factor in project management as stated diagram or fishbone diagram, is a visual tool
by Chan, Yeung, Yu, Wang, Ke, (2011) in a used to analyze a problem and its causes. The
study of risks in public-private projects in China. diagram is constructed of a box with the defined
In this master thesis a risk assessment was problem attached to a center line that is linked
initiated at the start. The assessment with an to boxes of major potential cause categories.
action plan for each risk can be seen in Table 2, Each category box has one or more underlying
where the severity and probability of the risk are causes linked to it. The method for creating the
approximated on a four-grade scale. The risk diagram is identifying potential major problem
score is calculated as a factor of the severity and areas and causes through brainstorming. The
probability. Two major risks were identified as diagram is useful for identifying potential
insufficient process mapping and insufficient causes to a problem for troubleshooting or risk
knowledge of software. The risks were revisited management (Montgomery, 2013).
halfway into the process of work and were then
In this thesis the Ishikawa diagram was used for
considered as not affecting the chance of
succeeding with the master thesis. The risks risk analysis in terms of potential risks for RFID
implementation. This helped identify areas that
remaining were related to the implementation.
needed consideration in the implementation
Regardless of the rate of implementation, the
collected empirical data were considered design. The method used for identifying
sufficient for contribution to the answers of the potential causes was brainstorming rooted in
data gathered from evaluation of the current
questions of the research questions.
state. The diagram was updated several times
during the work progress, as new insights were

Severity Probability Risk

What can go wrong Action plan
(1-4) (1-4) score
Continuous contact with operators, MOE
Process mapping insufficient 4 3 12 and LOG and visits in the workshop
environment for validation.
Insufficient knowledge of
2 4 8 Contact with software supplier and CoC.
Technical errors (systems or
3 2 6 Contact with hardware supplier and CoC.
software not working)
Insufficient time for testing Check timetable. Force through other
2 2 4
and evaluation of system phases to initiate testing early.

Unspecific/Unclear objectives Define and confirm with supervisors and

4 1 4
and aims of master thesis sponsor early!

Not sufficient guidance from Book meetings continuously. Set up weekly

1 1 1
supervisors meetings.

Table 2: Initial risk assessment for master thesis with suggested actions to reduce risk.


4.3 Literature Review The data collection phase for this thesis has
mainly consisted of visits and interviews in the
To lay a theoretical foundation to the work, a
production environment and workshops. Some
literature review has been conducted on
information like internal documents has also
scientific papers related to this thesis. The
been collected digitally through the internal
articles used for literature review have mainly
been obtained through the databases Web of
Science 1 , Primo 2 and Scopus 3 at Luleå
University of Technology. Google scholar4 was 4.4.1 Observations
also used to find specific articles mentioned in Observations are generally used to develop an
other sources. To maintain high quality in the understanding of a situation and to collect
literature review, information has been information about different events. With
triangulated with several sources. Search terms observations it is possible to see how tasks are
used in these databases were formulated as or managed and how humans handle a machine or
directly related to “material handling”, “auto a product. An observation is done to gain deeper
id”, “industry 4.0”, “RFID”, “monitoring”, knowledge of the observed situation and
“implementation” and “value stream”. possibly show things that the user himself would
Selections of relevant articles were based on the not see. An observation may be done either in a
abstracts and conclusions from the search real work environment, such as at the work
results to get an idea of the articles’ relevance to stations at MllP, or in a fictitious environment.
this thesis. In some of the search results, new With observations it is possible to get both
relevant references and recurring authors led to qualitative and quantitative data depending on
new search terms. Through this iterative the set up for the observation. An observation
approach, further research could be done in can be systematic, which means that a specific
relevant areas.As a general rule, this report has task or event is observed. Observations can also
had the goal of using sources that are up to date, be unspecific where everything of interest is
meaning finding information at least not older observed. (Osvalder, Rose & Karlsson, 2010)
than five years. Some older sources have been Observations of the physical working station
used, but only on the argument that they are areas have been a crucial part of this thesis. The
regularly referenced to by other authors. entrance and leave of the motor have been
thoroughly observed at all stations to fully
4.4 Data Collection understand working routines when designing
Accurate data collection is essential to maintain the implementation. Passive observations have
a high quality to the research made in this thesis. also been carried out to get a “true” picture of
The selection of the appropriate tools for data the daily operations without disturbing or
collection is thus of great importance. To ensure influencing the operators. Basic processes like
the reliability in the collected data several leaving and collecting the motor with a forklift
different methods can be used, both qualitative is one example of processes were normal
and quantitative. The case study at MllP has observations in conjunction with interviews
been of an explorative nature which has laid a have given sufficient information for the current
lot of emphasis towards qualitative data. state analysis.



Visits to the production environment have been out of the chambers. During testing,
carried out on an almost daily basis during the participatory observations were chosen as an
authors’ stay in Mellansel. Although all of these approach to identify potential sources of errors
visits have not had the clear agenda of observing that could be difficult to identify at a first glance.
operations, quick checks have frequently been These observations have been carried out by
carried out to see if new undiscovered activities visiting the related workstations at the start,
have taken place. This has led to the discovery during the test and at the end of the test.
of relevant information that may have been
difficult to perceive in advance when doing 4.4.3 Interviews
interviews with personnel. Iteratively,
information has also been gathered as the work An important factor in acknowledging the
has progressed and information gaps have correct needs for the case study is a correct
subsided. A more active observational approach understanding of the current situation at MllP.
has also been chosen through participatory One of the most important tools to achieve this
observations described in the next section. is by interviewing the people working in the
environment. Lantz (2013) describes that the
Disadvantages of observations as a tool for data way in which an interview is performed may
collection are that they usually do not show the give dissimilar data, describe different contexts
underlying reasons to the observed situation. It and give different results and conclusions. Lantz
is recommended to do complementary categorizes interviews into two main groups;
interviews in conjunction with observations to open and structured interviews. In an open
get information about cognitive factors and interview each interviewee is given open
better understand the situation. (Osvalder, Rose questions to freely elaborate on. Lantz considers
& Karlsson, 2010) this a good method for explorative information
gathering and understanding the context of the
4.4.2 Participatory Observations interviewee. In an open interview questions like
how something is perceived and what meaning
Osvalder et al. (2010), describe participatory
it has are asked. The role of the interviewer is
observation as an observation where the
described as being empathic and flexible. This
observing person(s) is involved in the work
interview method can be perceived as a
process and undergoes the studied operations
qualitative analysis tool because of its
himself to learn and build a deeper
subjective nature. Lantz also mentions a variant
understanding for the work task. The approach
of the open interview in the directed open
in this thesis has been to use participatory
interview. Here the interviewer directs
observations as a means of identifying factors
questions towards topics he or she considers
that may have been overlooked while making
regular observations.
In a structured interview questions have been
Participatory observations were made on
formulated to catch the subject’s perception or
several occasions to observe manual working
experience of a predetermined topic. Lantz
routines at investigated process steps and to gain
(2013) considers having predetermined answers
knowledge on optimal hardware setup, as to not
to choose from as the most structured interview
disturb daily operations. Processes like how a
form. Structured interviews are focused on
transponder is attached to the motor and how
quantitative comparisons between interviewees
information is written to the RFID transponder
that cannot be achieved through open interviews.
have been observed together with the personnel.
Lantz states that a semi-structured approach on
This was done to analyse crucial steps in the
interviews can be achieved. Here the subject is
current state and for writing new work routines
asked to describe his or her perception of a set
when implementing the new RFID system.
of predetermined questions. This approach can
Observations have also been made on the testing
be described as involving both open and closed
chambers to see how the operators walked
answers. The interviewer gets results that can be
around the station and moved the motors in and


used for quantitative analysis but also a limited Both workshops were divided into two sections.
possibility of qualitative analysis. As described The first section was an introductory part,
by Lantz, qualitative analysis can give an handling information on the project, all areas
opportunity to understand new phenomena and affected in the production and examples of
modify established research on areas. everyday use of RFID technology to setup the
Quantitative analysis give knowledge on stage for the workshops. The second part was a
relations between phenomena to be able to draw two-way communicational dialogue used for
conclusions based on data. idea generation, problem identification and
discussion of possibilities. A theme consisting
As a means of doing an explorative analysis for
of three questions was used as the basis for the
this case study, a semi-structured approach on
discussion. The authors to this thesis played the
the interviews have been chosen as the main
role of leaders of the workshop, to initiate and
interview form. Interviews with people at LOG,
moderate the discussion when needed. Ideas and
MOE and other departments not directly on the
discussions were continuously written down
shop floor have been booked with a clear agenda
during the sessions. Each workshop session was
to the interviewee(s) from which the subject
45 minutes long. The workshop setup can be
have evolved. All planned interviews can be
seen in Appendix 3.
seen in Appendix 2.
The operators and manual workers at the shop 4.5 Data Analysis
floor have been interviewed at their respective
Analysis of data is the process following data
stations to map out their working and reporting
collection. It has been used to probe data for
routines. These interviews have been semi-
useful information to suggest conclusions and
structured or almost unstructured in nature as to
support decision-making in the phase for
not filter out information that could prove
conceptual design. Much of the analysis work
crucial to the implementation. This means
done in this thesis can be seen as a sort of data
undertaking unplanned interviews on the shop
cleaning or processing to obtain the correct
floor when the manual workers have been
information. The general approach has been to
available. This approach of explorative
always triangulate data with several sources as
interviews has been used to confirm information
a basis for understanding what is and what is not
about workstations and to become aware of the
relevant. Data analysis has in many ways also
possibilities from the manual workers point of
been a process of analyzing and presenting
results to the stakeholders for confirmation.

4.4.4 Workshops
4.5.1 Value Stream Mapping
Workshops have been chosen as a method to
Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a Lean
generate and convey ideas among the personnel.
Production tool for mapping the value stream of
The workshops for this thesis have been held as
a process or value chain. This is done to identify
single short focused events. One workshops
and eliminate sources of waste and highlight
split in two sessions have been held with the
opportunities for improvement (Dotoli et al.,
operators working directly with the motor. The
2015). Abdulmalek et al. (2006) regard VSM as
topic was defined as how the implementation of
one of the most important and universally
RFID could improve the working environment
applicable tools for industries. In this thesis,
for the operators. A total of 30 individuals
VSM is used to visualize and analyze the value
participated in both sessions, coming from all
chain for related processes but also to identify
stations related to the case study at MllP. Two
potential spots for RFID implementation. It has
sessions were used to involve all related
also been used to convey conceptual designs and
personnel working on different shifts. At the
confirm the situational analysis with
second session, the shop floor manager also
stakeholders during interviews and meetings.


Abdulmalek & Rajgopal (2007) consider VSM the project objectives.

a “pen and paper” tool. The authors present the
Much of the work with concept development
steps for VSM as: (1) choosing the process or
has been tightly linked to the analysis of the
product for improvement; (2) mapping the
mapping of the processes. This has resulted in a
process in its current state and (3) lastly
specification of requirements that has directed
mapping the future design state. In this thesis the
the concept development process.
first step of choosing the process was set from
the start. The second step of mapping the
process in its current state was done through 4.6.1 Conceptual Design
observations, interviews and by comparing with Conceptual design has been drawn up in the
existing VSMs from the internal database at form of a VSM, similar to Abdulmalek’s &
MllP. The accessory part of the VSM, presented Rajgopal’s (2007) suggested last step of
in section 6.2, is an example of a newly added mapping the future state. This has been done by
feature that was not outspoken from the set. adding arrows showing the desired electronic
Microsoft Visio5 has been used as the software information flow and symbols for RFID at spots
for creating the VSMs used in this report. where implementation is suggested at the VSM
of the current state. This design is referred to as
4.5.2 Specification of Requirements the Value stream design, VSD. The concept has
been presented to stakeholders for feedback at
As a conclusion of the situational analysis, multiple occasions as a way of receiving input
theoretical reference and input from different for concept development. As new information
stakeholders, a specification of requirements and feedback has subsided, the concept has been
was set up for the RFID design. The updated with small design changes making the
specification of requirements was used as a design of the future state an iterative process.
background to different ideas and to quickly The changes made have mostly been how to
evaluate conceptual proposals. The define what is the start and stop of an operation.
specification was frequently updated during the
A conceptual design was also developed for a
project based on discoveries and feedback from
real time event monitor. This concept was
created in the image editing software GIMP
The specification of requirements was also used based on screenshots from the visualization tool
to evaluate thoughts during the design Kibana. This concept was then presented to
development and make sure that the RFID different stakeholders to receive feedback and
solution was developed in the desired direction. the feedback collected resulted in small updates
in the final dashboard design.
4.6 Concept Development
4.7 Implementation
The area of idea and concept development was
initially seen as two separate steps in the thesis. The implementation has consisted of
Several requirements were set from the installation of hardware and software, and a
beginning of the case study. A specified process phase for testing of functionality.
for implementation, Bosch standards on
The implementation can be seen as a research
equipment, software logic and the fact that
experiment with its own objectives and results.
RFID was the investigated method of
These results can be compared to existing
implementation mean that the main focus for
theories and studies in the field.
this thesis has been largely on concept
development based on gathered data to achieve



4.7.1 Installation 4.8 Reliability and Validity

Installation has not been handled solely by the The reliability and validity of this master thesis
thesis group but collaborative with local can be considered as consisting of two factors:
consultants and Bosch Center of Competence the reliability of the methods selected as tools
for the thesis and the comparison between
(hereafter abbreviated CoC) for RFID in
theoretical and empirical insights. Methods
Germany. CoC are cross-divisional
organizational units which bundle resources and have been selected based on a clear
know-how (Robert Bosch GmbH, 2015c). understanding of what the tool can achieve in
this thesis, which is described in the previous
The installation phase can be described as sections. Selections of multiple methods have
consisting of the installation of hardware at also been chosen to strengthen the results, which
locations in the plant and the setup of the is supported as a reliable method for obtaining
software. validity according to Yin (2013). These methods
have also been of different types to get varying
4.7.2 Testing data types to base the results on. The main
method of work has been focused on using both
Several tests were performed on equipment and theoretical and empirical findings to create
software setup to assure that every step of the reliability to the thesis, described as the Logic
implementation was possible. An initial test was model by Yin. This model is described by Yin
made to assure that the attachment of the RFID as providing validity to the results by comparing
transponder could be made in the first step of the the results with existing studies.
VSD without any complications in subsequent
processes. After installation, functionality tests The reliability and validity was also ensured by
were also performed to fine-tune equipment and working in a cyclic pattern described in 4.2
to optimize implementation setup. These were Process of work. Since each undertaken action
done by testing a transponder with written was confirmed as completed first after it was
information and tweaking settings until evaluated, a greater quality to the work and a
consistent reads could be achieved. more valid result could be reached. One main
method for validation has also been to discuss
working methods and results with different
stakeholders i.e. the sponsor, the university
supervisor, operators working in the factory and
other personnel at LOG and MOE.

Case study miip: Current State


To investigate the research questions in relation to the case study, a correct
understanding of the current state in related processes at MllP is needed. This
section thus stands as a validated documentation of the current state that sets
the foundation for a situational analysis. The collected information is the result
of several interviews with personnel on the shop floor, foremen, and planners
at MOE and LOG. Continuous visits for making observations at the physical
locations also stand as an important method for defining the current state.


stream consisting of motors without accessories,

5.1 Overall Plant Layout
seen in Figure 10, and a stream consisting of
The plant consists of two basic material flows, a motors with accessories described more
group flow for manufacturing operations and a thoroughly under heading 6.2 Motor
group flow for assembly operations, both of accessories.
which can be seen in Figure 9. The flow for the
When an order is registered, the production
manufacturing group starts at incoming goods
planners prepare the motor to be assembled, by
and ends with storage at the kitting area. From
allocating the material and booking the
there the process flow for the assembly
processes that are needed to fulfill the order.
operations starts and ends with the storage of the
This step is mandatory and usually takes about
motors on shelf for delivery.
one day. A bill of material from AX is printed at
This thesis focuses on the process flow for the the washing station and brought to the kitting
assembly group, which in terms of specific station.
processes means from kitting operations to
The initial steps of the assembly differ between
packing. Accessories are also added to some
the different engine models. For a CA motor the
motors at different stages of the process flow for
process starts with all the parts for one motor
assembly. Where in the process flow the
collected together, i.e. the motor is being kitted.
accessories are added depends on the motor type
When the motor is kitted and put on a fixture,
but the physical location for adding accessories
the kit is moved to a pre-washing queue with
is always the same.
5.2 Value Stream Mapping The washer is an automated process where all
MllP is tracking an approximated lead time from the parts are being washed before they can be
when the order is confirmed by the customer, to assembled. The pre-washing queue is controlled
the time when a finished motor has been packed by light beam sensors that send information to
and is put on shelf for delivery. The value the system that there are new motor parts to be
streams for the CA motor can be described as a washed. Transportation to the automated

Figure 9: Plant layout with offices removed (Source: Compiled by authors from existing plant layout).


washing is done by automated rollers that start variations in the painting process for every
running when the washing has an empty slot. motor. All the transports in the painting area are
The automated washing process contains also automated. When a motor is put in the
washing and cooling. Empty fixtures are painting area, the RFID transponder calls for
automatically brought outside by rollers for transportation from an automated guided
forklift collection. At the end of the workday, all vehicle (AGV). The AGV takes the motor
washed motors are manually reported having through the whole painting process without any
gone through washing in AX. human involvement in any of the process steps.
When the kit has been washed and cooled it goes After the painting process the motors are
into the assembly station for manual assembly. brought to the packaging area by the AGV.
Assembled motors are reported in AX and Packing is done in boxes or special pallets
brought through an automatic gate to the testing depending on CA motor model. When the
area. packing is done the motor is reported as ready
for shipping and placed in the inventory. CA
Every motor is being tested before it moves on
motors are both stored and reported as finished
to the painting area. The motor testing area
in this area (CA50/CA70) or after the motors
consists of a total of five testing chambers,
have been put in a storage tent outside the
suitable for the different motor models. Two
packing area. After the motor is reported as
chambers exist for the CA motor. The testing is
finished, the distribution process can be planned
done inside the testing chambers and consist
and the motor is ready to be delivered.
both functionality and strength tests. The test
results are linked to the motors ID and are stored,
5.3 Transponder Attachment
for either further analysis or for evaluating
component errors. The results are uploaded to Today, a double stitched RFID transponder,
AX. shown in Figure 11, is attached to the motors in
the assembly. This transponder is used for the
The paint shop is fully automated. The system
fully automatic paint shop where the processes
uses RFID transponders attached on the motor
and AGV communicate directly with the motor
to communicate and get information regarding

Figure 10: VSM of thesis related process (Source: Compiled by authors from Bosch Rexroth Mellansel internal


on which painting procedure and color scheme The flow for the manufacturing group of
it is programmed for. processes is managed through two Kanban
systems to achieve pull production or JIT. The
transport Kanban cards are used to order raw
material to the manufacturing processes. This
Kanban system consists of order cards with
RFID transponders and a Milk run with a set
route and time table. The Milk run picks up
ordering cards at the stops for material refill and
returns with the ordered material at the next
scheduled route. The stops are located at their
corresponding manufacturing stations. There is
also production Kanban to control the
production of parts.

Figure 11: RFID transponder used at Bosch

In the kitting area is a system for FIFO, short for
Rexroth in Mellansel (Source: authors’ picture). First in First out. It is used to control the order
of the material flow. It is done through a
Since the motor is metallic, a previous pilot solution consisting of a vertically aligned tube
project at MllP has shown that the most suitable filled with hockey pucks that the material kitters
transponder is a transponder coated with an pick when starting work on a new motor. Each
insulator to avoid the metal’s interference with hockey puck symbolizes a specific order. At the
radio frequency signals. The transponder has a bottom of the tube is an opening for picking
fixed position on all CA motors that can be seen pucks. When a new hockey puck has been
in Figure 12. picked, it is placed in a holder on a wall
indicating the need for replacement of new
material. When new material arrives in the
supermarket, a puck representing the new
material is placed at the top of the FIFO
designed tube, falling to the bottom if no other
pucks are in the tube. The pucks symbolizing
orders can only be picked in the order of FIFO
because of the design of the tube.

5.5 Software at MllP

AX is an enterprise resource planning software
used in the production environment at the plant.
Figure 12: Placement of RFID transponder on MllP handles all work orders, material planning
motor in yellow circle (Source: authors’ picture). and execution through AX. Reporting of end
times in AX today is done manually by
5.4 Production Management operators at most processes, described more
Production management is handled through thoroughly in 6.1 Production Environment.
both daily meetings and tools used in BPS. Hägglunds production system (HPS) is the
Daily meetings are used in the assembly area as manufacturing execution system used for the
a two-way communicational tool. Here painting area. It controls the automatic
information on the actual order income for the processes and provides information on which
week and the outcome of production are the motor type and where in the painting process it
topics. Separate daily meetings are also used at is at screens located at the packaging area. It is
other areas of the plant but are not applicable to also used to write information on the RFID
this case study. transponders.


5.5.1 SAP For this project there are four different options
when choosing RFID readers. Single point
SAP is an enterprise system used to visualize readers are chosen when an id of an RFID
production, purchasing, maintenance and transponder can be read from the same point
disposition services. SAP is required within the every time. Gate readers are chosen when the
Bosch Group and is planned for implementation RFID transponder must be scanned when
at MllP in May 2016. It will replace the current moving between workstations and areas in the
software Microsoft Dynamics AX (Bosch plant. The third option is a reader with direction
Group, 2015). detection; this will be selected when the
direction of a moving RFID transponder needs
5.6 BOSCH Group Guidelines to be known. The fourth reader is a mobile
Bosch has several guidelines regarding choice reader for manual scanning. A list of different
of equipment and software in their plants. A RFID-antennas is showed in Appendix 4.
guideline for object identification also exists
within the company. These guidelines are 5.6.2 GS1
described in the sections below.
Bosch group follows the GS1 standard for
object identification. GS1 is an international,
5.6.1 RFID Equipment neutral and not-for-profit organization that
Bosch Group has set up a catalogue of preferred develops and maintains standards for businesses
RFID equipment, to make sure that all and organizations around the world (GS1, 2015).
installations will be compatible with the internal The used standard can be seen in Appendix 5.
systems and to meet Bosch standards.


Case study miip: Situational analysis


Understanding what effects the design of the RFID solution in the case study
has is the step that follows the mapping of the current state. Here, a more in-
depth analysis of the physical locations in relation to suitability for hardware
installation and overall implementation is presented. The working routines for
operators are described to gain an understanding of what the implementation
could effect in terms of daily operations at the step closest to the motor.
Alternative routes for the CA motor is described at the end of the section.


Instructions include a root card, a picking list

6.1 Production Environment
and a receipt card. These are put in a plastic
The following paragraphs describe the physical folder and follow the motor throughout the
environment for the assembly group of entire assembly group of processes. The time
processes. These include the areas around taken for the printing is stated to be somewhere
kitting, washing, assembly, motor testing, between 1 and 2 hours. There is a small
painting and packing. The description is made workstation at the kitting area where the
with an emphasis on analyzing the suitability for operators can put the order cards.
RFID implementation. The work routines are
When the kitting is done, the kits are moved by
also described for the processes.
forklift to the washing area. If the queue to the
washing area is full the fixtures stay at kitting
6.1.1 Kitting Area until an empty spot is available. Kitting can also
The area, seen in Figure 13, is located inside the be put to a stop if there is a material shortage.
supermarket, principally to be close to the parts Normally, two persons are assigned to kitting
needed for the kitting of the motors. and washing operations for the CA motor. The
operators state that they see kitting as a
preparation for the washing operation. This is
also true for the logic in AX where kitting does
not “exist”. The washing area is the area in
which the operators usually reside.

6.1.3 Washing Area

The pre-washing area is U-shaped with a pre-
washing queue with rollers on the left side, seen
in Figure 14, and rollers for collecting empty
fixtures on the right side seen from the truck
aisle. Between these rollers is an empty area.
The rollers are connected to a safety barrier that
Figure 13: Kitting area with empty fixtures is put up around the closed-in washing area.
(Source: authors’ picture). Inside the barrier, rollers carry the fixtures to
Empty fixtures for kitting are put wherever either the washing process or bring empty
space is available. Above the entire area is a fixtures outside. The pre-washing area can be
moveable overhead crane, attached to the described as roomy with many possibilities for
shelves running at the sides. The area can be hardware placement. The pre-washing queue
described as somewhat messy and irregular. can hold a maximum of three washing fixtures.
Installment of new hardware attached to the roof If there are more kitted motors they have to wait
can be problematic because of the moveable in the kitting area, effectively making the
overhead crane. Installation can also be washing queue the bottleneck of the two
problematic at the sides because of the shelves. processes.

6.1.2 Kitting Operations

The kitting is done by washing operators. The
operators receive their instructions through an
order card printed in an office adjacent to the
washing operation. The printing of the
instructions are done the night before and is
described by operators and the workshop
foreman as tedious and time consuming.


Figure 14: Pre-washing queue with automated

rollers (Source: authors’ picture). Figure 15: Assembly area (Source: authors’
6.1.4 Washing Operations After pre-assembly the motor is lifted to a
special working station for assembly and then
After the automated program is completed the rolled out on a small rail to a queue. Assembled
kits are dried by the workers at a drying location. motors are brought through an automatic gate
After this step, the motors are moved to a through this queue adjacent to the testing area
cooling station and then directly to the assembly (see Figure 16). The rollers used for
area through rollers on a rail. The plastic folder transportation have some free room at adjacent
containing instructions are put in a numbered sides and free room next to the wall inside the
rack attached to the wall when washing the assembly area.
Today, reporting is done collectively for all
washed motors at the end of the day. Because of
this, the actual end times of the washing
operation are not correct for each separate motor.
For calculating accurate lead times, a manager
at MOE, states that MllP wants to obtain the
correct information (Personal communication,

6.1.5 Assembly Area

The assembly area, seen in Figure 15, is a
closed-off area where workers manually
assemble motors. Motors are pre-assembled on Figure 16: Queue for assembled motors. Yellow
rollers adjacent to the entry from the washing rollers are on rail (Source: authors’ picture).
area. If there is no available space the motors
wait at rollers in an automated queue in front of 6.1.6 Assembly Operations
the washer.
Assembly is done manually by following
instructions in the plastic folder that follows the
motor. When assembling, assemblers also write
down measurements of specific parameters for
use in the motor testing operation that comes
after assembly. Assemblers report several


motors at a time as finished when time is

available. This means that the end time of the
process in the system is not a true value. The
assemblers describe the reporting of assembled
motors as a time consuming task that interferes
with the regular tasks in the work shop.
The assembly operation also involves mounting
of the RFID transponder and registering the
motor with RFID. This is done on a computer
by the assembler. The motor information is
inserted into HPS which writes this to the
transponder through a RFID writer. The
computer is not adjacent to the working station
of the assembler.

6.1.7 Motor Testing Area

The two testing chambers for the CA motor, Figure 17: Area outside of testing chambers
which can be seen in Figure 17, are closed (Source: authors’ picture).
rooms right next to the assembled motors queue.
The rooms are outfitted with safety glass and
6.1.8 Motor Testing Operations
have a lot of metallic components inside. In
between the chambers is a control room with To move the motors to and from the test
computers and testing software. During testing chambers the worker uses an overhead crane
the rooms are closed because of the high (the blue crane in Figure 17). Inside the chamber
pressure that is obtained. Because of issues the operator fixates the motor on the test
regarding safety, the manufacturer of the system, platform.
Seifo, needs to be contacted if installation is to
be done inside the testing chambers. In the control room between the testing
chambers the operators can oversee and run the
Outside the chambers are small work stations tests. In this room, information from the motor
with fixed rollers for placing the motor, an checklist in assembly is inserted into the test
overhead crane for moving the motor inside the software. This room does not have access to
chamber and a toolbox on an adjacent wall. Internet. Operators insert information to the
Entering and exiting from the test chambers is testing software that is already available on the
done through the same gate. When moving the transponder, which they regard as double work
motor, operators move freely around the fixed or time consuming. Several operators thus state
rollers. The area outside the chambers can be an interest in attaining information on the RFID
described as tight and problematic for installing transponder to the testing software for work
new hardware, since the workers move around a optimization and shorter setup times. The way
great deal and the equipment on the overhead of manually inserting information is stated to be
cranes are hard to attach hardware on. particularly troublesome when production rates
are high, as the operators need to keep up a fast
pace of working.


6.1.9 Painting Area and the RFID setup, including communication

with HPS, is handled through another external
The painting area starts where the motor carrier consultant and supplier in Germany called
is left for the AGV to pick up. At this area, three nofilis. Wolfram Keil at nofilis (Personal
RFID antennas are mounted on a pick-up station communication on telephone, 2016-04-20)
seen in Figure 18. states that it is possible to send signals to both
the Midroc system and another server
simultaneously. However, since two separate
consultants are involved this could prove to be
somewhat time consuming to design and

6.1.11 Packing Area

In the packaging area the motors are placed on
predetermined outlined places based on motor
type and available space. The motor enters the
packing area through the large red gate seen in
Figure 18: Pick up station for AGV (Source: Figure 19. Motors that are not correctly painted
authors’ picture). are sent back from the packing area through the
same gate.
When motors have been picked up, the AGV
drives through a large gate leading to the paint
shop. Within the painting area the AGV has a
large designated area where humans or objects
should not be located. The AGV follows a
programmed route for its operation and
communicates with HPS about e.g. processes
and space availabilities.

6.1.10 Painting Operations

A motor ready to be painted is put on a custom
cargo carrier and left in the pick-up spot by the Figure 19: Exit gate from painting area (Source:
testing operator. Every motor is identified by the authors’ picture).
RFID transponder attached to the motor through
the antennas at the pick-up station. This setup 6.1.12 Packing Operations
sends information on the motor id to the
painting system to start the desired paint job. In Packagers put the motors in boxes and place
HPS the motor id is linked to the correct paint these in a special adjacent area for forklift
job, including color, corrosion class and collection and deliver to storage. The forklift
different process steps depending on the motor. drivers then report the shelf place and the motor
The operator also has to consider the status in as completed for delivery. Some CA motor
the paint shop and the planning when the motor variants are placed on special pallets for storage
is put in painting queue within the HPS. The in the packing area. These motors are reported
painting is done autonomously by the painting as completed by the packagers. Normally 1-2
system. When the painting is done the painted packagers are assigned to packing the CA motor.
motor is left in designated spots at the packing
Connected to the painting process and HPS is a
display that shows the packagers the motor type
The paint shop software is handled through an and where in the painting process the motor is.
external consultant in Sweden called Midroc One of the packagers at the station mentions that


this information gives him the ability to sub-

optimize and prepare the necessary equipment.

6.2 Motor Accessories

As described in 5 Current state, two general
value streams exist for the CA motor. The VSM
for CA motors with accessories follows the
structure of the previously mentioned VSM,
seen in Figure 10 with the addition of accessory
assembly at key points. The assembly of Figure 21: Gate to accessory assembly. (Source:
author’s picture).
accessories are added at the processes testing,
painting and packaging seen in Figure 20, and
will thus be described from that standpoint. 6.2.1 Motor Relabeling
There exists an exception to the identity
labelling of CA-motors. Some motors are
relabeled because of modifications made to
them after they are assembled. Adding certain
accessories changes the variant of motor in AX.
This means that a relabeling of the motor
identity is done, where the motor gets a new
production number. As an examples of this is
the assembly of two motors built together to one
tandem motor. Consequently, two motors going
Figure 20: VSM for accessories (Source: Compiled into the accessories assembly come out as one
by authors with input from the assembly group new variant. In a process visualization this may
manager at MllP). look like two motors disappearing with a new
previously unknown motor appearing instead.
The flow for assembled accessories consists of
three variants that can be combined in different 6.2.2 Accessories in AX
ways depending on the CA motor type. The
motors are first tested without assembled As described by the assembly group manager at
accessories. If choke valves are to be attached to MOE (personal communication, 2016-02-17),
the motor (MDA valves in the figure), this is at the start of an order, the order planners are
done after the test. The motor is then sent back aware and plan for the eventual assembly of
for additional testing of the valves. Motors can accessories to a motor. However, in AX logic
also be sent directly to accessory assembly from there exist two successive article numbers for
testing, with or without assembled valves, and the same order. In the initial article number the
then sent into the painting process. As a third motor is seen as a motor without accessories,
variant some accessories require assembly at the regardless of the actual accessories that might be
packaging process. All additions of accessories linked to the order. This article number is in use
are added in the same area. Leading to that area from kitting to testing. In testing the first article
is a gate that can be seen in Figure 21. number is switched out and the motor is given
another article number which points at the motor
with accessories. The reason for this is stated to
be based on the testing operation. It seems to be
cumbersome for the operators to find which type
of motor is being tested using the article
numbers for motors with accessories. This is
because the large amount of article numbers that
exist for this group.

Case study miip: Rfid system design


Since MllP is used as a case study for the research questions, a specific
framework for how the localized implementation is designed is needed. This
means specifying all relevant results from both the data collection phase in
Mellansel and the results from the theoretical framework and linking them to
the case study. The result is a conceptual design that acts as the basis for


described in chapter 6.1.7. Since the testing

7.1 RFID System Design
chambers contain a lot of metal surfaces, it is
As a foundation to the RFID system design at likely that RFID signals are reflected which
MllP, a set of parameters was compiled might affect the readability by either amplifying
consisting of design options, constraints and a or blocking the signal. To evaluate the signal
specification of requirements. From these readability inside the testing chamber, the
parameters, a design based on the value stream implementation done through the case study
and later the physical location was developed. will only include one of the chambers. If the
Hardware selection was set by the limitations at implementation works sufficiently it is
each physical location. A risk assessment was suggested that MllP copy the solution and
also compiled in the form of an Ishikawa implement it in the other chamber as well.
diagram to recognize the risks before the
Another delimitation not considered in the
implementation was carried out.
system design is that some motors change
during the assembly process. This means that
7.1.1 Design Options and Constraints the tandem gets a new production number but
During the design of the RFID solution, still consists of two motors. There are also
consideration was taken to where the start and examples of rare changes during production, i.e.
end points for reporting processes were. This when a motor is relabeled but this exception was
was important to focus on to make future not taken into consideration in this
migration of the RFID signals to an enterprise implementation.
or production system possible. When creating
the design on workstations where operators 7.1.3 Hardware Selection
could be affected from the implementation, the
The choice of suitable hardware for the
aim was to avoid an increase in workload.
implementation was a collaborative effort made
Because of this, collaboration with the operators
together with the CoC for RFID. The choice of
was a crucial part of the design process. Finding
hardware is limited by Bosch regulations. The
an optimal solution meant that the operators’
role of the authors in hardware selection is thus
opinion was taken into account as an important
in choosing between a predetermined set of
factor for the final design.
products whilst acquiring recommendations and
Some design choices were made that somewhat experience in this area from the CoC.
differed from the initial VSM. Kitting and
The Bosch standard of an RFID system setup
washing were initially seen as separate entities
consist of antennas, readers connected to a
to measure cycle and waiting times on but were
server with a middleware called Crosstalk,
united into one process in the VSD. The
which converts the RFID signal into a signal
reasoning behind this is that kitting can be seen
suitable to other software systems. Four
as an initial step to the washing process.
different types of reader were selected based on
Responsible operators work on both stations but
the functionality they provided. These were
consider themselves washers and the logic from
designed to function as gate reader, meaning
AX has not previously separated these two
they were designed for gates where motors pass
processes. This was also discussed with a
on forklifts or other vehicles, single point
project manager for the reduction of lead time at
readers, where a read can be obtained from a
LOG (personal communication, 2016-04-04)
specific point the object passes, wide range
who agreed with the opinion of seeing the two
antennas with an external reader, and mobile
processes as one.
scanners for manual reading of transponders. A
brief specification of the selected hardware is
7.1.2 Design Delimitations presented in Appendix 4.
The testing operation of CA motors is managed The hardware was selected based on the factors
through two separate testing chambers as such as physical environment and working


routines on the different locations. The selection Table 3: Results from the experiment.
of placement and chosen equipment was an
Transponders Pass
iterative process since a decision of equipment %
tested test
effected the physical placement and vice versa.
Experiment 1 5 2 40%
7.2 Hardware Testing
Experiment 2 5 5 100%
One issue mentioned among MOE workers was
if the RFID transponder could pass through the
washing process without falling off. A test was The experiment showed that if the attachment of
thus set up with the aim to investigate how the RFID transponders is moved to a station before
RFID transponder should be attached to the the washing operation, it will need pre-washing.
motor to pass the washer without any incidents.
The involvement from the operators in the test
The test was done in two parts with five test runs was to remove the transponder after the motor
for both experiments. A sample size was chosen had gone through washing. The operators also
together with a foreman at MOE, to make sure orally commented the results on how firmly the
that the test did not disturb assembly operations. transponder was attached or if problems had
The first experiment involved attaching the subsided.
RFID transponders on a motor component
without any pre-washing of the surface. In the
second experiment the surface on which the
transponder was attached to was pre-washed
with technical petroleum. The thesis group
manually attached the first three transponders.
This was done to show and explain attachment
instructions to the operator. Visits were also
made to workstations continuously during
testing to make observations and talk to
operators about the results. The result from the
test is displayed in Table 3. In both experiments,
the motor component with the RFID
transponder attached was sent through the
washer on a standard washer pallet. After the
washing operation the transponders were
inspected and if they still were securely fixed to
the motor component they were counted as
eligible and as a passed test.


7.3 Specification of Requirements SAP Requirements

The specification stands as a culmination of the  Reading point for RFID in workshop
design options and restraints, delimitations and should match reporting points in SAP.
hardware selection restrictions and testing
 Information from RFID solution should
results. Here, the results from the situational
be in SAP compatible format.
analysis in relation to design are presented as
desired parameters to achieve. The section can Antenna Mounting Requirements
be seen as a summary of all design factors from  Transponders should be fully readable
the situational analysis and other aspects taken in the shop floor environment.
into consideration when forming the design of
the RFID implementation at MllP.  Placement should allow for process
start time and end time to be acquired.
Important Functionalities
 The installed hardware in the
 Track lead time production environment should have
 Speakable real-time monitor minimum effect on operator’s
workplace and working routines.
 Reporting signals matching what is
needed for SAP Communication
 Increase transparency of assembly flow  RFID signals must go through
Monitor User Requirements
 RFID signal must be able to connect to
 Track lead time for specific CA motor
subsystems in various cases.
in real-time.
Non-Functional Requirements
 Monitoring should be intuitive to use
and understand.  Hardware placement must be installed
without effects on safety or working
 Trustable and accurate data on motor
movement through value stream.
 Hardware should be chosen in
Manufacturing Operator Requirements
accordance with Bosch
 Solution should be easier to operate recommendations.
than today’s process of reporting.
 Scanning should be intuitive and non-
intrusive on the operators other tasks.
 Operators should be involved in the
development of the solution.
 Reduction of papers attached to the
 Reduction of delays and manual errors
in reporting.
 Operators should receive clear
instructions on RFID system and its


7.4 Value Stream Design

In the VSD for the implementation of RFID
seen in Figure 22, eight processes will be
measured with RFID. These include; (1) kitting
and (2) washing as one process, (3) assembly,
(4) testing, (5) paint pickup, (6) packing area
entrance, and finally (7) the motor being ready
for shipment. Assembly of accessories (8),
which can have varying value stream flows
depending on motor variants, will also be
measured. This design can be seen in Figure 23.
Packaging operations (7) consist of two separate
end stations and include manually reporting of
the object being ready for shipment. Electronic Figure 23: VSM of the accessory flow (Source:
information is sent to a database from all RFID Compiled by the authors).
locations as described in the VSD. This
information consists of the motor id, the 7.5 Design at Locations
location and a timestamp for when the event was
registered. The design is made for two flows for the RFID
transponder; one flow when the transponder is
The VSD has been designed to measure the in a plastic pocket containing the receipt card
variables cycle time and waiting time for and and picking list for the motor (kitting to
between processes. This is achieved by using a assembly), and another flow when the
total of ten RFID antennas stationed at positions transponder is attached to the motor (last step of
more thoroughly described in the next section. assembly). This design choice was made to
circumvent problems discovered through testing.
Successively, this means that the first flow is not
automatic and requires the active involvement
of operators holding up the plastic pocket

Figure 22: VSD for the implementation of RFID. Red boxes symbolize RFID (Source: compiled by authors).


containing the transponder towards a RFID transponder against the antenna. This also
reader. Work instructions to these processes signals the end of washing operations.
have been created and can be seen in Appendix
6. The second flow, however, is automatic and
does not require the active involvement of
operators to function. Logic for how Crosstalk
should interpret the signals is also a result from
the case study that is presented in its concept
form in Appendix 7.
The first workstation is equipped with a
computer and equipment for writing the
information for the motor to the transponder
through a RFID-writer.
The first antenna is located at a workstation in
the kitting area, seen in Figure 24. This means
that the transponder will have to follow the
motor in a plastic folder from this station.
Operators manually scan the transponder when
kitting is started by holding up the transponder
against an antenna.
Figure 25: RFID reader installed in the pre-
assembly station (Source: authors’ picture).
The third antenna is located inside the assembly
area over a conveyor belt leading to the testing
area seen in Figure 26. The antenna is attached
to a fixture one meter over the conveyor belt,
facing down on. The scan is automatic when the
motor passes under the antenna. This signals the
end of assembly operations.

Figure 24: RFID reader installed at the kitting

location (Source: authors’ picture).

The second antenna seen in Figure 25, is located

inside the assembly area directly adjacent to a
gate leading to the washing area. The antenna is
fixed to a wall close to where the receipt cards
for the motors are put when being worked. The Figure 26: RFID reader installed on a fixture above
assemblers manually scan the transponder to an automatic transportation belt out from CA
signal that assembly is started by holding up the motors assembly (Source: authors’ picture).


The fourth and fifth antennas are located inside

the testing chamber seen in Figure 27. The
antennas are attached to opposite sides of the
chamber wall, pointing down on the motor at the
test bench. A signal is sent when the motor first
is registered by both antennas and when the
antennas no longer receive a signal from the
transponder. This signals the start and end of

Figure 29: RFID antenna with built-in reader

installed above the gate to accessories assembly
Figure 27: RFID antennas installed inside testing (Source: authors’ picture).
chamber 1 (Source: authors’ picture). The ninth installed antenna is located over the
The sixth and seventh antennas are located at the gate between painting and packaging. The
pick-up station added to the existing antennas at situational analysis showed that motors
that location. The installation can be seen in sometimes come back from packaging, thus
Figure 28 below. direction detection in the gate was also needed.
A similar solution to the accessories gate was
installed, and is shown in Figure 30.

Figure 28: Installation of RFID readers in AGV

pick-up station (Source: authors’ picture).
For the accessories assembly, a gate reader is
Figure 30: RFID antenna with built-in reader
used. A reader to detect direction was selected installed above gate between painting and packing
to show when a motor is entering or leaving the area (Source: authors’ picture).
accessories area. The antenna is hanging above
the entrance to the assembly station, seen in The final read-station is located at the packaging
Figure 29. area as an end of the value stream of the


assembly operations. The antenna reader is a area or maybe even to the last step in the process
mobile reader for manual scanning. This flow for manufacturing operations.
antenna was not implemented during the case
A visual signal of a transponder being read is
study but the hardware was purchased and the
already built into some of the antennas installed
personnel were informed of a future
and the mobile reader. However, the antennas
implementation on that station.
installed at the testing chamber, over the gate to
the accessories station and between the painting
7.5.1 Workshop Results and packing area do not visually display a signal
The workshop held with the operators when successfully reading a transponder. A
highlighted some potential problematic areas suggested improvement on the design would
and potential secondary functions the RFID thus be to add a system for signaling reads into
system could realize. The suggested wishes for the design.
improvement can be described as; The suggested points for receiving a picking list
or a constructional drawing when scanning a
 Visual signal when a transponder is
transponder should be more thoroughly
read for security
investigated before considering it a suitable part
 Receiving a picking list when scanning of the design. It is believed by the thesis group
transponder that these points would need some kind of
portable display suitable for industrial
 Receivnig constructional drawing
environment e.g. a tablet.
when scanning transponder
The point on conveying information on the
 Seeing number of motors that has been transponder to the testing software system is
done in one day. something that the thesis group has investigated.
 Conveying information on transponder The information gained from this investigation
to testing chambers showed that it was difficult to realize this
suggestion without the direct involvement of the
 Abnormalities not obstructing the testing software supplier, Seifo.
RFID system.
Certain exceptions in how a motor passes
The full results from the workshop can be seen through the assembly line was mentioned in the
in Appendix 8. workshop. The impact on the RFID system
installed by the thesis group is that some motors
7.5.2 Suggested Design Improvements would get registered on multiple occasions at
specific antenna read points. The drawback to
The suggested improvements are design choices
this is that the monitoring system cannot
that for different reasons were cut out from the
indicate the reason behind multiple reads. The
final design, but are considered the best solution.
issue was discussed but omitted from the design
The optimal implementation design would be to
mainly because of time delimitations. This is,
achieve automatic registration through the
however, not perceived as a big issue since the
entire RFID system. This would mean that the
last location of the motor will still be shown in
RFID transponder is attached at the first step of
the monitoring system. Should MllP wish to
the process flow for assembly and registered
improve on the design, there is always the
without any effort from an operator. As a result
possibility of adding another point for manual
of the fact that the physical placement of the
registration of exceptions. This could be done
transponder interferes with specific assembly
with a mobile reader. According to the operators,
operations, further investigation of a new
these exceptions pass through roughly the same
placement or transponder type is suggested as an
area for future improvement. This also means
that the attachment of the transponder will have The pick-up area for the paint shop where RFID
to be moved from the assembly to the kitting antennas already existed and used for the paint


shop were planned to be used in the initial

design. Because of the complex situation
involving two different external consultants and
nearly no internal know-how, the natural
solution of using existing readers was not
possible in the case study. However, this was
investigated and according to Wolfram Kiel at
nofilis, who handled the previous installation of
RFID at MllP, the signal could be used but
needed special configuration. One of the
problems was also that the Crosstalk version
used in the paint shop was different from the one
used in the case study implementation.


7.6 Dashboard Design communication, 2016-01-28) that if the signal

works in Kibana, it will work in SAP as well.
The real-time monitoring tool Kibana was
provided to the thesis group as the tool for A conceptual image of the real-time monitor
visualization of RFID events. Kibana is a web- design can be seen in Figure 31. The concept
based data visualization platform that provides presents counted motors on different processes
the user with the ability to display data in in boxes in the top and then visualize the flow in
different graphical visualizations. The a time-line chart below. On the time-line chart
visualization can be customized and combined each tab displays an operation, and the colored
in a personalized dashboard to fit the specific dots are counted objects, or in our case, motors
needs of the user(s) (Elastic 2016). Events are passing through a read point signaling that an
defined by Bosch as any kind of activity or operation is completed. In this way it is possible
action in the process that is suitable for to follow a motor through each step and get an
monitoring or controlling e.g. a pallet of overview of each process.
material passing through a gate. Events can also
be used as triggers for other activities (Bosch
Group, 2016c).
Kibana can be used to verify that signals from
the RFID system work. It is also stated by the
supervisor at MllP, Anders Palm (personal

Figure 31: Concept for real-time monitor design (Source: Compiled by authors).


7.7 Risk Assessment instructions and validate them with the users,
other countermeasures were seen as valid
A risk assessment for the implementation not
through a thorough mapping of the operators
working properly was compiled. This was used
processes. Countermeasures to (2) unregistered
to increase awareness of potential risks which
transponders, were considered as performing
were taken into consideration during the
tests on the tag in live environment and having
execution of the implementation. Identified
consistent contact with the software supplier
major risks for the implementation not working
and CoC, a transponder with sample
properly can be seen in Figure 32 and were
information from a motor was also sent to CoC
specified as; (1) Effects on external
for inspection. Countermeasures to (3) incorrect
environment from the RFID system, where the
measurements, were similar to (2) unregistered
system could potentially affect other work
transponders, with the addition of having
routines or intrude on equipment usage, (2)
validated measuring points with MOE at several
unregistered transponders, related to hardware
occasions. Countermeasures to (4) Software-
and software functionality or installation but
related issues, were seen as having consistent
also human interaction, (3) incorrect
contact with nofilis and CoC before and during
measurements, via the RFID design or unknown
implementation and by following the GS1
variations or errors in data, (4) Software-related
standards for setting up the system logic.
issues, such as conflicts between systems, and
Countermeasures to (5) personnel-related issues,
lastly (5) personnel-related issues, such as
were seen as taken into consideration through a
resistance to change, unclear instructions of use,
constant contact with the operators and
or unknown sub-optimization of work routines
communicating a clear statement of the
among personnel.
objectives and delimitations of the
Countermeasures to (1) Effects on external implementation, and also through the produced
environment from the RFID system, was work instructions.
considered to be constructing clear work

Figure 32: Ishikawa diagram of assessed risks associated with implementation at MllP (Source: Compiled by


Case study miip: Implementation


The case study at MllP was done to gain empirical results to compare with the
theoretical framework. The importance of the implementation done at MllP,
seen from the standpoint of the research questions, was thus not to only get a
physical installation at the plant but also to gain knowledge and an
understanding of all the steps necessary for an implementation of RFID in
internal logistics. This section describes the different phases the case study
progressed through and the findings of each phase. The chapter ends with a
suggestion of continuous work and an evaluation of the implementation.


involvement was a factor that was considered

8.1 Project Scoping
important by the authors of this thesis. Involving
The scoping of the project from the perspective the personnel at the level closest to the system
of Bosch Rexroth, was in many ways defined by later played a role in achieving acceptance to the
MllP. The objectives and aims from the design.
perspective of MllP were to use RFID to
The system design was mainly focused on the
monitor movement of CA motors in real-time
creation of the design connected to the VSM.
through parts of the the value stream. The
This meant that the design of the system was
sponsor for the project knew about the
done to measure the cycle and waiting times of
possibilities and limits of RFID equipment, but
processes as accurate as possible. This meant a
there were definitely some stakeholders within
great focus was placed on defining where the
the organization with unrealistic expectations.
processes starts and end. A major part of this
One example is that the manufacturing
work was done together with the project
engineers expected the system to be directly
manager for the two week lead time. Her
connected to the existing enterprise system AX
involvement in this phase was natural because
and through that, switch all manual reporting
of the direct connection between using our
with automatic reporting from the whole value
RFID solution when tracking lead times and her
stream. These expectations spread on the shop
understanding of the measured processes.
floor and ended up in some disappointments
among the operators. The system design phase included the selection
of hardware for the RFID system, which was
In the beginning of the project, one part of the
shortened considerately through the
mapping of the processes was to communicate
collaboration with CoC. This saved the project
valid measuring points in the value stream for
valuable time. Nevertheless, the complexity of
the concept through visualizations to
selecting hardware was a major factor in the
stakeholders. This communication of ideas
project at MllP and cannot be neglected as a
through visual means was necessary to mediate
process in an RFID implementation. The CoC
the scope of the implementation and discuss
was strengthened by empirical knowledge of the
how the system could be used and designed.
equipment from other installations. A normal
hardware selection as the authors of this thesis
8.2 Analysis of the Existing System
experience it would be very demanding because
Collected data on the existing system was of the requirement of technical knowledge on
necessary to analyze to be able to come up with the hardware.
valid design parameters and a specification of
requirements. For example, the analysis of the 8.4 Installation
assembly group of processes showed certain
During the installation phase, the authors of this
limitations to the RFID system that were linked
thesis effectively took on the role as project
to a specific assembly operation of the CA
managers. This meant that all aspects of the
motor. Analysis also showed that one process
installation was managed through or by the
could be seen as a joint process which simplified
authors solely without any outer guidance. This
the system design to not include unnecessary
meant setting up the installation guide to the
operations. The analysis in its whole, set the
craftsman handling physical installation, setting
framework on which the system design was
up a time schedule and handling all technical
built on for the specific RFID system
implemented at MllP.
In terms of designing the installation guide, the
8.3 System Design thesis group made instructions on physical
When designing the RFID system a great deal placement of hardware and a list of all the
of consideration was given towards the affected wiring needed at all locations. Actual
operators and their working environment. User installation of hardware, and communication
and electrical wiring was outsourced to a local


company named Toriro. To make sure group. The data sheets contained general
everything was succeeding according to plan, information and safety details on the hardware.
the installation was followed up almost on a The hardware has also been pre-selected by
daily basis through inspection rounds together Bosch to meet the European standards and
with the contracted craftsman. A slight regulations for human exposure to
drawback on the installation was caused by a electromagnetic fields. Despite this, the
late delivery of connection cables for a specific recommendation of the thesis group is that MllP
group of RFID-readers. This mainly postponed is to carry out a more comprehensive
the testing phase, since everything but the observation of radiation through a specialist
connection to the affected RFID-readers could after everything is installed. To meet this end,
be installed while waiting for the delivery. the thesis group initiated contact with the
responsible person and provided the person with
The physical installations of RFID antennas at
both documentation and contact information to
all locations were first made with temporary
the hardware supplier.
fixtures where quick changes of angle or height
were applicable. Due to the authors’ lacking The installation in the testing chambers was a
practical knowledge on how an installation in an previously untested environment for RFID
industrial environment is carried out, the set up implementation according to the CoC. The
was designed to leave room for adjustments. testing chamber environment had several
After a testing and optimization phase the setup potential reflection surfaces because of all the
was fixed and finalized. At the testing chamber, metallic equipment. These reflections can both
an RFID-reader was installed adjacent to the disturb and amplify the RFID-antennas read
antenna needing the connection, with the design signal. As a result, the tuning in this area was
of being available for further installation of an more demanding and was in need of more
additional set of antennas. testing than the other stations. As a result, the
installation was made in only one of the two
After the physical installation of RFID hardware
testing chambers to make sure that the solution
was completed, each setup was connected to the
was working satisfactorily before implementing
local network system. The first step in this setup
it in both testing chambers. To be able to adjust
was to order IP-addresses via the IT support
the antenna placement and direction, a specific
department at MllP and assign an IP-address to
lockable multilinked fastening was attached to
each location with installed hardware. After this
the antennas inside the testing chamber. This
connection to the network was established, the
gave more room for tweaking and optimization
thesis group could connect to the software of the
than in the other installations.
RFID readers for setup and tweaking via the
provided IP-addresses. The bundled software A handheld RFID reader was the selected
for the RFID-readers was used to configure solution for the packing area. Since the irregular
power of the antennas to tune in the reading field work situation in the packing, mostly depending
of each antenna. Since the physical environment of different motors being packed and sent for
at each location was different, the settings of stocking through different gates a manual effort
each antenna differed somewhat to achieve to finish the value was chosen. The solution was
good success rate in reads. The configuration formed together with the managers of the
was done explorative, which meant testing packing workers to interfere as little as possible
settings out and modifying until satisfactory with the established working procedures but
read results were reached. was not implemented since hardware had not yet
arrived at the end of the thesis. This was added
During this process, some questions on safety
to the open point list seen in Appendix 9.
aspects were brought up by personnel. The
safety aspects were related to levels of
8.5 Software Design
electromagnetic radiation. Safety was deemed
satisfactory by MllP based on special data sheets The installation of the equipment also meant
obtained through the suppliers by the thesis setting up the software environment to send a


signal to the digital software systems. Since the each location, the thesis group accessed the
information was to be sent over Internet for hardware-embedded software through Internet
presentation in Kibana, the system needed a and provided the antenna with the correct IP-
database to store and retrieve data from, address. The functionality test was then carried
accessible via Internet. To prepare the system out by checking if the RFID transponder was
for future modifications, the system needed to detected when carrying it inside the antenna
be set up according to the GS1 standards and field. Tuning of the hardware was carried out
logic that Bosch follows. The logic handled until the test could produce correct reads of the
concepts such as relaying information on the transponder.
physical position of the hardware i.e. the
A performance test was carried out in the
checkpoint station, the process type the read
Kibana environment to check the repeatability
object was undergoing and if the object was a
of RFID reads. The test was carried out by
work in progress. This logic is presented in
comparing the transponders that had passed
Appendix 7.
each RFID checkpoint with the reads in the
The software design consisted of both system.
configuring Crosstalk, and designing the RFID
and Crosstalk logic described in the previous 8.7 Introduction and Training
chapter. Software design also includes the An introduction of the project at MllP was
design of the dashboard seen in Kibana. presented to related personnel while taking
Software setup, including setup of database, which department each user belonged to into
software logic according to GS1 standards and consideration. Operators and manual workers
setting up the server for the software were conceived as belonging to the level closest
environment, has mostly been handled in to the system. Here a focus was put on how the
collaboration with CoC. Steps handled by the system would affect their working environment
thesis group has included the order of correct and routines. It was considered important to
services via Bosch, external consultants and point to the fact that the system would not be
setting up the logic for the process steps measuring individual workers but instead the
including GS1 standards. motor itself. A great deal of effort was also put
on discussing how the system could increase the
8.6 Testing and Tuning
working conditions for workers. Another
The testing and tuning process was the phase in important topic that was brought up was the
the case study where a validation of the RFID expectations among the workers. Here, the
system was carried out. Results from the testing thesis group clarified what the system could
phase naturally initiated some tuning to increase achieve after this implementation.
the reading results or to alter some design.
Foremen were introduced to a more finalized
Initial testing was carried out to test design version of the design. The thesis group
options. The result from this test is described explained how the real-time monitoring system
under 7.2 Hardware testing. After the could be used to gain more transparency of the
installation of hardware was completed, a entire group of processes and a clarification of
functionality test was carried out to verify that expectations and what the outcome would be
that the equipment was performing correctly. was also the topic on these introductions. The
The test was carried out by the thesis group. In concept on how information would be shown in
the test an RFID transponder was created with Kibana was presented to collect feedback and
information burnt to the transponder for verify if the concept was perceived as
simulation of RFID reads in the system. The reasonable. Departments where the
transponder was then carried to each location for implementation did not directly interfere with
testing together with a laptop with access to the their work received a general introduction of the
internal network where the software embedded project to be kept up to date with the undergoing
in the RFID equipment could be accessed. At changes in the plant. For supervisors and


managers, the introduction was focused on the reporting of operation start and end times to the
monitoring tool and suggestions on how to production system and enterprise system SAP.
proceed in different areas to recoup all possible Before this is done, the system should not be
benefits of the implementation were discussed. considered fully implemented since it only
provides visual data. As a result of fully
The evolution of the system was considered an
implementing the system, manual reporting can
important part of the thesis and was discussed
be switched to automatic reporting, improving
on all introductions. The motive behind this was
working routines for personnel and reducing
partly to show potential improvements but also
time taken for performing the reporting tasks.
to underline that the implementation done by the
As a very important added step the reports in
authors of this thesis should be seen as a first
SAP will be values based on real-time data. This
step in a greater implementation. With this
will give the benefit of providing values closer
motive, the launch of the system was done with
to the actual outcome of start and end times
all the personnel knowing the possible
which will help MllP in their strive for
improvement areas but also the state of the
shortening lead times. The ultimate outcome of
system at the leave of the thesis group.
this is of course gaining an edge on the
The personnel handling the operation of writing competition by providing customers with a
the information to the RFID transponder possibly shorter and more transparent lead time.
received training and written instructions. The
A critical point for further work is the
instructions were handed out to the personnel
investigation of why the insulated transponders
and can be seen in Appendix 6. Instructions were
are not showing up in Kibana. This issue could
designed by the thesis group to simplify the
possibly be related to the fact that two numbers
processes to the smallest possible operation.
are written to the transponder which possibly
They were designed with written descriptions of
creates a long string of text that Crosstalk cannot
each operation complemented with pictures
send to Kibana. Crosstalk registers a read but
when applicable. The instructions also included
cannot send the information to Kibana for some
contact information to IT support and other
unknown reason. Since registrations of the
individuals who could assist the personnel in
insulated transponders are still being made in
case of errors or if help was needed.
Crosstalk and in the software for the antennas,
8.8 Continuous Work this solution is most probably related to software
issues which nofilis are owners of. Consultants
The belief throughout the thesis has been that at CoC could possibly help resolve this issue as
continuous improvement would play a major well.
part in creating a system were all possibilities
could be realized. During the work with the Another recommendation for continuous work
design of the RFID system, many areas suitable would be to implement the RFID system for all
for various improvements were identified. Some motor types. The assessment of the thesis group
areas for improvement were also firstly is that full traceability and transparency of the
identified and understood when the installation assembly group of processes cannot be
and implementation was in progress. Because of considered complete until all motor types are
the time and personnel delimitations of the monitored. There are instances where operators
project, the thesis group could not realize all the have to leave work on a CA motor to help in
identified possibilities. However, the identified assembly the other motor types. Since the
potential improvement areas were still noted implemented RFID system does not contain
and discussed with related personnel and are information on the other motors, the monitoring
described in this section as a summary of the system will only show that a stop in production
thesis group’s recommended actions for has occurred and not the reason behind the
continuous work. occurrence. It should be noted that assessment
of the thesis group is still that high levels of
The thesis group perceives the next major step traceability and transparency of the CA motor
as the implementation of the RFID system for


will be attained through the RFID system. an interest in knowing which motors are
inbound to be able to prepare equipment and
One examples of a specific situation that could
procedures. The cost for implementing this
arise in the RFID system is when problems arise
would be low, since cheap monitors can be used,
during manufacturing of the motor. The motor
and the benefit would be that operators could
then returns to the assembly area for restoration
sub-optimize processes to shorten cycle times.
or repair which would not give signals in the live
This would also involve the personnel in the
monitoring system until the motor leaves this
development, increasing the feeling of
area again. However, the person observing the
participation and involvement which may
monitoring system would not know why the
decrease defensive behavior to future
motor was returning to the assembly area. Thus,
improvement projects.
one recommendation would be to add an extra
handheld scanner to the assembly area to scan During the design of the system, a major
these special events as “problems or returned” continuous improvement point identified was
which could create a warning message in the the potential removal of existing paperwork.
monitoring system to supervisors and managers. This could be described as a major “selling point”
for the personnel at the shop floor since the
Another identified point for further work was
subject was brought up several times during
the questions that arose around safety issues
discussions and workshops. The system
among some MOE personnel. Although
implemented at the end of this thesis does not
information on radiation from the equipment
remove any actual paperwork but sets the
was sent to the person in charge, a
framework for reducing it if other systems are
recommendation would be that MllP initiate
interconnected with the RFID system. Scanning
measurements of radiation levels to make sure
the transponder could provide personnel with
that all radiations are on recommended levels.
e.g. instructions for the picking list, receipt card
An identified point for development of the RFID or assemble instructions digitally on a tablet or
system is the addition of functionality in the monitor. A recommendation would thus be that
testing chambers. Here the recommendation is MllP analyses potential areas for reduction of
that MllP investigates how the signal from the paper work. This improvement has the potential
RFID-readers inside the test chambers could to reduce cost and time taken for printing papers.
automatically provide the testing software with
The most critical open points were compiled
data. This would improve the working condition
into a document, seen in Appendix 9. Since the
of the operator by removing the time taken to
system could not be taken into full use before
manually insert data that is stored on the
some of the issues were solved the project was
handed over to a new project manager. The
Another identified point for further handover was done orally, but a document with
development is that MllP installs monitors in the status of the open points was used as a
certain stations to show data on incoming confirmation of the information transference.
motors, work in progress, planned work and the
outcome of the work during the day. A previous 8.9 Evaluation
project at MllP identified a need for a tact
As an evaluation of the implementation, a
monitor but did not realize the project because
review of the previously compiled specification
of lacking resources. The visualization system
of requirement was done.
Kibana can be used to display this type of
information. It is possible to create different In regard to (1) Important functionalities, the
dashboards that display different visualizations bullet point Track lead time was considered
if the information needed varies between partially fulfilled since some small technical
stations. Examples of identified stations for this issues were still in effect after leave of the thesis
are the testing area and the packaging area, group. Speakable real-time monitor were
where operators and personnel have expressed considered functional. Reporting signals
matching what is needed for SAP is considered


as needing more investigation since it could not related to the transponder. The transponder is
be evaluated before the rollout of SAP at MllP. technically readable in the environment but not
Increase transparency of assembly flow is sent correctly to Kibana. Placement should
considered fulfilled during testing and will work allow for process start time and end time to be
properly when the technical issues are resolved. acquired is considered fulfilled and validated
with MOE and LOG. The installed hardware in
In (2) Monitor user requirements, Track lead
the production environment should have
time for specific CA motor in real-time is
minimum effect on operator’s workplace and
considered fulfilled when the technical issues
working routines is considered fulfilled since a
are resolved. Monitoring should be intuitive to
change in design was made in collaboration with
use and understand is considered partially
users to achieve this.
fulfilled through the visualizations provided in
the Kibana dashboards but no in-house In (6) Communication, the bullet point RFID
knowledge exist on the software and some signals must go through Crosstalk and RFID
limitations in the software exist. Trustable and signal must be able to connect to subsystems in
accurate data on motor movement through various cases are considered fulfilled since
value stream is considered successful. Crosstalk, which can send information to
several systems simultaneously, is used as
In (3) Manufacturing operator requirements, the
middleware between reader-signal and Kibana.
bullet point Solution should be easier to operate
than today’s process of reporting is considered In (7) Non-functional requirements, The bullet
obtainable if the RFID system is implemented point Hardware placement must be installed
into SAP. Scanning should be intuitive and non- without effects on safety or working
intrusive on the operators other tasks is environment is considered fulfilled since safety
considered partly fulfilled, since some manual issues have been relayed to responsible parties
operations linked to the system exist while other and taken into account in the hardware
stations are automated. Operators should be selection. Hardware should be chosen in
involved in the development of the solution is accordance with Bosch recommendations has
considered fulfilled because through the been fulfilled through the hardware selection
working method of involving the user in the done in collaboration with CoC.
design process. Reduction of papers attached to
the goods is not fulfilled but recommendations
on further work to achieve this are presented in
this thesis. Reduction of delays and manual
errors in reporting is not considered fulfilled
since reporting to SAP is not yet implemented.
Operators should receive clear instructions on
RFID system and its use is considered fulfilled
since work instructions have been produced and
presented to personnel.
In (4) SAP requirements, the bullet point
Reading point for RFID in workshop should
match reporting points in SAP and Information
from RFID solution should be in SAP
compatible format is believed to be fulfilled but
needs validation with an SAP expert.
In (5) Antenna mounting requirements, the
bullet point Transponders should be fully
readable in the shop floor environment needs
further investigation on the technical issues



To be able to make relevant conclusions from the studied literature in the

theoretical framework, and the completed case study, an explanation of the
essential insights was compiled. The results from the case study together with
the findings made in the literature are the keystones that the conclusions of
this thesis will stand on.


facilitate an implementation. This can also

9.1 Theoretical Insights
reduce the risk of workers not accepting the
The findings from the literature review act as the change (Jaca et al.).
link between current research and the results
Studies show that automations of working
found in the case study. The theoretical insights
processes generally focus on automating
gained can thus be seen as a comparison of
mechanical task and not the cognitive tasks of
relevant theoretical findings described from the
the operators (Choe et al., 2015). The theoretical
perspective of the case study and the research
findings suggest that the cognitive tasks of the
questions. This section also supports the thesis
operators should also be included to fully
by giving the study scientific validity and makes
automatize a process (Fasth et al., 2008).
it possible to compare the case study results with
existing theories and studies.
9.1.2 Benefits of i4.0 through RFID
9.1.1 User Involvement Since RFID can be seen as a tracking system for
material, the technology fits well with the ideas
Theoretical findings strongly suggest that
of IoT. An RFID transponder can be given a
consideration must be taken to the fact that a
unique id number which means it can be created
change in working environment affects the
as a digital version of a physical object (Heng,
personnel in an organization. If the workers are
2014; Johansson & Larsson, 2015; Kagerman et
not involved in the change process there is a
al., 2013). Although an RFID transponder in
possibility that they may act defensively (Airo,
itself is not connected to the Internet,
et al. 2012). Involving workers in the process
checkpoints reading the transponder can be.
gives them a better understanding of the need
Thus, the vision for connecting objects to the
and purpose of the change, which gives the
Internet is possible to achieve through RFID
effect that the workers are more likely to adept
(Germany Trade and Invest GmbH, 2015; Heng,
to and accept the changes (Glover et al., 2014;
2014). This could give the benefits of removing
Jaca et al., 2012). Another way of facilitating for
manual labour for reporting objects passing
change is to have a general understanding within
through checkpoints or provide operators with
the organization that changes are necessary and
information on the whereabouts of an object,
important (Kimber et al., 2012). The findings
possibly reducing labour costs and improving
thus indicate that the workers should be
work environment for employees (EPRS, 2015;
involved in all improvement work. This
Lasi et al., 2014; Lee et al., 2014; Kagerman et
approach has been shown to create the
al., 2013).
possibility to develop more open-minded
employees in the long term. (Glover et al.; Jaca Using RFID as a tracking system primarily links
et al.) the technology to the logistic function describes
as part of the smart factory (Kagerman et al.,
Theoretical findings suggest that much of the
2013). More explicitly, one could see the
responsibility of user involvement in a change
potential of the technology in both internal and
process lies on the managers (Glover et al.,
external logistics, e.g. tracking an object inside
2014; Jaca et al., 2012). One vital factor of how
a manufacturing plant or during delivery to
well a change will be accomplished, lies in
customer (Liukkonen, 2015; Kagerman et al.;
communicating the reasons of change to
McFarlane et al., 2003). A higher rate of
motivate the workers participation in the change
identifying sources of error or bottlenecks could
work (Kimber et al., 2012). Using teamwork for
be examples of possibilities that could be gained
change work can lead to a more adaptable
by understanding the logistic flow (Ting et al.,
workforce and facilitation of the
2013). This makes way for organizational
implementation. Furthermore, it has the added
improvements by setting up a more transparent
effect that it creates a foundation for further
industry (Lasi et al., 2014; Lee et al., 2014;
changes (Jaca et al.; Kimber et al.). Merging a
Liukkonen; Kagerman et al.; Ting). As another
change with the existing culture can also
benefit, this information could help in decision-


making, thus creating more flexible production 9.1.3 Implementation

systems. This could for instance fit with the i4.0
goals of increasing flexibility and shortening An implementation of RFID can be divided into
development processes (Heng, 2014; Lasi et al.; several steps, such as the model that Ting et al.
Lee et al.; Kagerman et al.). Using RFID on (2013) present consisting of; (1) Defining the
manufactured objects could arguably increase scope, (2) Situational analysis, (3) System
the understanding of where to focus resources design, (4) Prototype testing, (5)
and development. One benefit would also be Implementation, (6) Continuous improvement.
having more information for optimizing the lead It is noticed that a clear objective of the
time. This in turn leads to an increased ability in implantation and a good communication of it to
meeting customer demand for shorter lead times. all stakeholders, is important for the success of
(Lasi et al.; Lee et al.; Kagerman et al.). an implementation. The complexity of an RFID
implementation comes from the amount of
One should, however, argue that the technology variables to consider e.g. existing system,
in itself does not give the proposed benefits. workers, interaction, correctly designing the
RFID only provides information, which means
system, choosing correct equipment, and
that some complementary system is needed for
training the personnel. In an RFID
either analysing, tracking, or decision-making implementation the success relies on topics
(Zhong et al., 2015). This could perhaps be
associated with technological, managerial and
solved by the introduction of a CPS that is
social factors which also makes the
mentioned as a big part of i4.0. SAP, which implementation even more challenging. (Ting et
Bosch Rexroth uses, is perhaps a candidate for al., 2013)
creating a CPS. It should also be noted that just
using RFID technology is not an argument for 9.2 Empirical Insights
automatically achieving benefits, as the research
questions of this thesis is a testament of. A In the case study, the thesis group progressed
crucial part for acquiring benefits when through the following steps; (1) Defining the
designing its use in organizations wishing to scope, (2) Analysis of the existing system, (4)
realize i4.0, is to understand the possibilities and System design, (6) Installation, (7) Software
limitations of the RFID technology (Ting et al., design, (8) Testing and tuning, (9) Introduction
2013; Zhu & Cao, 2014; Zhu et al., 2012). and training, (10) Continuous work and
improvement. The case study also included (5)
Prototype testing of transponders, which was
done in a previous project, and (3) Mapping of
hardware and software done together with CoC.


The authors of this thesis consider these steps, thesis project was assigned functions connected
also seen in Figure 33, as necessary in an to e.g. data and finance but the assigned people
implementation of RFID. did not get enough resources, i.e. time to assist
the project. This lead to a situation where the
thesis group had to solve problems attached to
these functions, to keep the project moving
forward. This could be considered as taking
resources from the thesis group and may have
delayed some work. A suggestion from this
experience is thus that RFID implementation
projects on this scale should consist of cross-
functional teams with personnel owning the
processes affected, personnel handling issues on
the related performance metrics, hardware and
software experts, owners of network
infrastructure at the plant, craftsmen handling
installation of hardware, and project
management to ensure the completion of the
implementation. The roles of all individuals
should also be clearly defined as to not create
any confusion or discussion of who does what.
By creating a more cross-functional team in the
future for these kinds of projects, a much more
efficient work flow and more thoroughly
reviewed results could be achieved. It is also
possible that a cross-functional team could
come up with a more effective solution.
A clear objective of why the implementation is
being made is crucial for a good implementation.
As described earlier in this thesis, the aim and
scope should be realistic and also clearly
communicated to all affected personnel to avoid
false expectations. This is also supported by
Ting et al. (2013).
An implementation takes a lot of time in
consideration. According to the amount of
resources available for this thesis some
simplifications had to be made to finish the
implementation in time. Thus, the amount of
time given to the project was not enough for a
Figure 33: Necessary steps for an implementation complete implementation. In addition to this it
of RFID according to the authors of this thesis must be considered that CoC for RFID had a lot
(Source: compiled by authors.) of experience on equipment and previous
implementations which helped the project. An
In the case study it became very clear that implementation of RFID without this expertise
several different areas of expertise were group would mean that additional time would
required to achieve a good implementation. This have to be added for mapping out relevant
was also supported by the findings of Ting et al. hardware and software solutions. The exact
(2013). The project team for the case study amount of time needed to implement RFID is
mainly consisted of the thesis group. The master


hard to specify for a recommendation since an The case study showed that a lot of possible
implementation at another plant faces different features for the implementation outside the
challenges. The experience gained from this scope of the initial design were discovered.
case study shows that the timetable was not Especially possible ways of extending the use of
enough to achieve full implementation in a team the equipment for the operators in different
consisting of two full time student working functions.
1600 hours on both the case study and the thesis,
a CoC consultant working on the project parallel 9.2.1 Risk Assessment and Outcome
with other projects, the installation craftsman
working approximately 40 hours with Some of assessed risks related to the
installation, setup of network infrastructure implementation were realized. For example the
taking approximately 4 hours, and consultants at risk (1) Effects on external environment from the
nofilis handling software related issues working RFID system, became real as one of the tools
approximately 12 hours. This shows the used in assembly could not be used when the
importance of thoroughly planning, allocating transponder was attached to the motor. This was
and approximating the time needed to complete however circumvented with the system design.
an implementation of RFID. Consideration The risk (4) Software-related issues, became
should be taken to the complexity of an RFID real. All transponders could be read by the
implementation and all related functions in the antennas and readers but for some unknown
project team handling the implementation. reason, Crosstalk was not able to send this signal
to Kibana.
The empirical findings also showed that the
mapping of processes needs to be correct and
thorough. In this case study, wrong measuring 9.2.2 Real-time Monitoring
points would of course have shown incorrect Through the RFID implementation,
cycle and waiting times, ultimately leading to performance metrics are measured in real-time.
incorrect performance metrics. A success factor This gives the benefits of acquiring data that is
to the thesis group here was involving LOG in up to date, which ultimately may aid
this process to understand their viewpoint on management in decision making as stated by
what needed to be measured. Nevertheless, Chen et al. (2012). The project for reducing lead
when mapping the processes, an open mind is time for the CA motor is an example where MllP
still important to identify possibilities of making has shown a great interest in reducing lead time.
smart design choices. For instance, in this case LOG has stated an interest in acquiring more up
study two processes where initially considered to date time values for cycle times and waiting
separate but further investigation showed that times which a real-time monitoring system like
they could be considered as a united process. Kibana can help sustain. Liukkonen (2015) and
This is something LOG also agreed on. Abdullah et al. (2015) also support using
Performing a thorough investigation of visualization tools to show figures like targets,
processes should also be done to identify differences and efficiency. Performance metris,
potential areas where an implementation could such as productivity, becomes more speaking
disturb working routines, as the case study at when the numbers are closer to the actual
MllP showed. outcome instead of being an approximation
A lot of resistance to change was discovered (Bellgran & Säfsten, 2005). Calculating more
among operators in the workshop. When accurate productivity factors are thus an aspect
holding workshops to and talking to operators that can be gained from the implementation
some negative feelings and anxiety towards the made in the case study. In the future, the data
changes were discovered. These were perceived acquired from the RFID system will have to be
by the thesis group as being the result of earlier implemented into an enterprise system like SAP
implementations, where the operators were not to gain the full benefits of analysis and follow-
involved in the change process. up of lead times.


9.3 General Insights systems handling ordering of e.g. materials in

purchasing systems, creating JIT in those areas
The RFID solution makes it possible to access
as well (Green et al., 2014; Zheng et al, 2012).
information of a motor via Internet, which fits
well with the principles of IoT and i4.0 (Heng, Kaizen is another part of Lean, coined
2014; Johansson & Larsson, 2015; Kagerman et Continuous improvement events in the BPS.
al., 2013; Zhong et al., 2015). Furthermore, the Arguments for using visual tools to convey
ability to present information on the information arguably helps create an
whereabouts of a motor in real-time to a environment where CIP events can be achieved
customer or within the organization opens up for on a larger scale. The transparency also helps all
new applications, both for internal and external personnel understand how the manufacturing
use. Other insights have also been made system functions, creating possibilities for
regarding the choice of RFID as the chosen identifying new areas for improvement.
technology for implementation. (Abdullah et al., 2015; Czarnecki & Loyd, 2001;
Liukkonen, 2015; Schwenker & Müller-Dofel,
9.3.1 Lean and RFID 2013; Ting et al., 2013)

The management model used at Bosch Rexroth, 9.3.2 RFID as the Chosen Technology
BPS, is built on the principles of Lean. Lean
focuses on reducing wastes and inefficiencies in RFID was selected as the technology for
organizations but to be able to do this the implementation before the start of the thesis.
organization must also be able to identify these RFID can be seen as one possible automated
issues (Hines & Rich, 1997; Näslund, 2008). identification technology among others that
Transparency can thus be regarded as an could be used for tracking.
important factor in achieving Lean or BPS
One of the major downsides with RFID, stated
(Näslund; Ting et al., 2013). More specifically,
by Ting et al. (2013), is the costs, so the benefit
wastes such as unnecessary waiting times or
of selecting RFID instead of cheaper options
excess inventory could be approached with
like i.e. barcode needs to be addressed. In a
information gained through the RFID solution
system using RFID, clear sight to the object
in internal logistics (Hines & Rich; Liukkonen,
being tracked is not needed (Chen et al., 2012).
2015). A better understanding on cycle times
This aspect can be used in the industrial
and in the longer run more ways to increase
environment in e.g. gates as to not disturb
profits are improvements that could be achieved
working routines and maintain an optimal read
(Liukkonen; Ting et al.).
rate. RFID also makes it possible to detect a
JIT is already used through Kanban cards for large amount of products at the same time
material ordering at MllP. RFID in conjunction (Castro Adaujo Filho, Travassos & Figueriedo,
with a real-time monitoring system can help 2011). This aspect is not utilized to a large
visually conveying the status of Kanban cards extent in the RFID implementation at MllP.
for operators (Abdullah et al., 2015; Kumar & However, the implementation utilizes this
Panneerselvam, 2007). Through this, an functionality to a small degree through
organization can follow a material or the simultaneous reads of two motors passing under
physical movement of a product in the factory the gate antennas. Another important reason to
through a digital platform (Abdullah et al.; Chen select RFID over other automated id solutions is
et al., 2012; Heng, 2014; Johansson & Larsson, the greater accuracy of the technology
2015; Kagerman et al., 2013). It is also possible (McFarlane et al., 2003). A good way of using
to achieve a more modern version of JIT, coined the RFID in a production environment is to
T-JIT, where the principles of pull production is visualize the reads for the operators (Abdullah
applied on other areas. Although this application et al., 2015). It can preferably be used to
is not directly related to RFID, a design of a describe the status of a working station perhaps
complete system where RFID plays the role of together with a status and goal of the production.
digital id for each object, could be linked to

The conclusions stand as the culmination of the master thesis and answers the
initially stated research questions. These are the results derived from a
combination of the theoretical and empirical insights gained throughout the
process of work. The conclusions are presented under the corresponding
research question in a table. The table also contains a reference to the section
in this report where the insights to each conclusion is presented.


10.1 Research Question 1

What factors should a framework for the implementation of RFID systems include?

An implementation of RFID should include steps such as;
(1) Defining the scope
(2) Analyzing of the existing system
(3) Mapping of hardware and software
Theoretical insights
(4) System design 9.1.3
(5) Prototype testing
Empirical insights
(6) Installation 9.2
(7) Software design
(8) Testing and tuning
(9) Introduction and training
(10) Continuous work and improvement.

Theoretical insights
Clear objective of the implementation.
Empirical insights
Theoretical insights
Information of objectives to all stakeholders to avoid 9.1.3
misunderstandings and unrealistic expectations.
Empirical insights

A cross-functional team with personnel owning the processes

Theoretical insights
affected, personnel handling issues on the related
performance metrics, hardware and software experts,
owners of network infrastructure at the plant, craftsmen Empirical insights
handling installation of hardware, and project managers. 9.2

Adequate resources in terms of time should be allocated but

can be hard to approximate because of the complexity of an Empirical insights
implementation. 9.2

Theoretical insights
A correct and thorough mapping of the affected processes.
Empirical insights
User involvement to facilitate a complete implementation. A Theoretical insights
clear responsibility for involving users and communicating 9.1.1 and 9.1.3
objectives and aims of the implementation should also
Empirical insights
be established.


10.2 Research Question 2

What benefits can be achieved by using RFID in internal logistics?

Theoretical insights
Empirical insights
Increased transparency of the value chain.
General insights

Transparency helps involve personnel more in Kaizen events. General insights


Theoretical insights
Potential reduction of tedious work tasks like manual 9.1.2
Empirical insights

Potential reduction of production costs. Theoretical insights


Theoretical insights
Potential increase in productivity.

Theoretical insights
Real-time information on performance metrics. Has the added
benefit of giving an organization more correct information Empirical insights
for decision-making. 9.2
General insights

Increased possibilities to identify potential wastes in internal General insights

logistics through transparency. 9.3.1

Can be used to visually convey status of JIT or Kanban. General insights



10.3 Research Question 3

How can Bosch Rexroth achieve benefits of I4.0 through RFID?


Theoretical insights
Through a real-time monitoring system, like Kibana, 9.1.2
accessible through the Internet.
Empirical insights

Theoretical insights
By creating the possibility of remote access to the real-time 9.1.2
monitoring system from anywhere in the world.
Empirical insights

By creating a potential to improve working conditions for Theoretical insights

operators by replacing tedious work with automation. 9.1.1 and 9.1.2

Theoretical insights
By creating a digital version of a physical object used in the 9.1.2
industrial environment.
General insights

Theoretical insights
Through the creation of a cyber-version of the plant and the 9.1.2
Empirical insights

Through removal of boundaries between processes by creating Theoretical insights

a digitalized overview. 9.1.2

Through tools that increase transparency in the plant. Theoretical insights


With increased amounts of data for analysis and decision- Theoretical insights
making. 9.1.2

Better meeting customer demand by gaining more information Theoretical insights

on lead time. 9.1.2

Theoretical insights
Potential reduction of tedious work tasks like manual 9.1.2
Empirical insights


The aim at MllP has been to further implement

10.4 Project Objectives and Aims
RFID in the plant. The objective from the
The aim of this thesis has been to investigate standpoint of the company has been to be able
how a smarter industry in terms of IoT and i4.0 to follow an order through the internal value
can be achieved by implementing RFID in chain and in a more far-sighted approach, to
internal logistics. To achieve this, the stated ensure shorter lead times by increasing
research questions has been formulated and transparency and traceability. From a broader
answered by reviewing pertinent research perspective, the Bosch Group aims to become
studies and course readings, and to evaluate the the lead provider and user of i4.0 related
results of the case study completed at MllP. The technology. At the end of this thesis, the plant
presented conclusions are a result of this has RFID antennas installed at all locations. A
conjoined analysis. The inclusion of empirical system test has been performed with a
knowledge has consolidated the validity and transponder showing satisfying results on the
reliability of the results presented in this thesis. installed system. Some areas for improvement
The thesis can thus contribute to the research are further optimization and adding of
area with new insights of how an RFID additional read points. A demonstration has
implementation process can be designed and been shown of the visualization in the real-time
how it can be seen as a step to realize i4.0 monitoring tool Kibana and an open point list of
the continuous work has been handed over to the
next owner of the project.


The results and insights gained from the master thesis are discussed in this
section. Here, a critical review of all the results is compared to the initially
stated objectives and aims. Covered subjects and possible flaws of the
implemented system are explained and considered in relation to the results


reads and the qualitative data once again came

11.1 Reliability and Validity
from interviews and observations.
Throughout the process of work, the goal of the
study has been to triangulate data to present 11.2 The Implementation Results
conclusions built on a scientific foundation.
The process of an RFID implementation
This means that the conclusions are built on
contained several more steps than was first
different types of data from different sources.
expected. One could expect that the
(Yin, 2013)
implementation steps would consists of a
The overall principle has been to base system design, an installation and training of
assumptions and conclusions on empirical data personnel. What was mentioned both in the
and existing scientific knowledge when possible, theoretical framework and discovered during
specified as one way to validate a case study by the implementation at MllP was that need of a
Yin (2013). A full implementation has been clear objective. A clear objective of the
done during the case study to acquire data that implementation will work as a solid ground to a
can be compared with existing knowledge. This lot of decisions during the project. The objective
has given the benefit of not only basing and aim of the implementation should be
conclusions on theoretical knowledge but also communicated around in the organization to
on the practical experience gained by the thesis avoid unrealistic expectations, but also to
group. The belief from the thesis group is that neglect part of the fear that new installation may
this significantly has helped increase the cause among workers.
reliability and validity of the presented
Another important step in the implementation is
working with continuous improvements. In the
To validate the final RFID design solution, it case study at MllP this part could not be
was also presented to different stakeholders and thoroughly worked because of time limitations
adjusted based on the feedback. This step was and therefore the setup was not entirely
done several times in both meeting rooms and optimized. During the implementation a lot of
directly on the shop floor, with different types great ideas were also discovered, both from the
of visualizations such as pictures of equipment, thesis group but also from the operators and
VSMs, VSDs, power point presentations and the foremen at the plant. Because of the fact that the
real-time monitoring tool Kibana. Collecting project was limited by a definite end date, the
feedback on the system directly in the many open points for improvement had to be put
implementation environment helped identify on a list for continuous work.
potential risks and points for further work. This
Another interesting point was the fact that the
also greatly added to an increased reliability and
operators initially was against the
validity to the installation, since it could be
implementation. During the process of work the
discussed on several occasions when working
involvement of the operators in the project,
with the system design. This active involvement
changed their criticism into an enthusiasm and
of both MOE and LOG also decreased the risk
will to make the most out of the implementation.
of subjectivity from the thesis group.
This also supports the theory that user
During the implementation, both qualitative and involvement early in the design process makes
quantitative methods were considered to the result better and also the implementation
increase the validity of the case study (Yin, easier which was also stated by Glover et al.,
2013). Most of the input to the mapping of the (2014) and Jaca et al. (2012).
current state and situational analysis was
Throughout the RFID implementation steps,
collected through interviews as qualitative data
many complicated decisions are made, which
and also verified with existing documentation
naturally requires a thorough investigation and
from Bosch to contribute with more quantitative
analysis of the current state. To get a good result,
data. During the testing phase, the quantitative
every decision needs to be fully understood and
data came from measurements of successful

considered in terms of how it may affect the end needed for RFID, but this thesis shows that there
result. For an implementation this means that are existing standards being used for the
most processes are more time consuming than technology. The belief of the authors of this
they may appear initially, especially if the thesis is that this can facilitate further
implementation has a strict timetable with no implementation of the RFID system into
room for setbacks. It is the belief of the thesis enterprise systems or other manufacturing
authors that a minor setback in the early execution systems.
processes could have caused problems enough
The results of the case study can in many ways
to jeopardize the entire implementation.
be described as a confirmation on the theoretical
To succeed with an implementation similar to findings on RFID implementation presented in
the case study a deep understanding of the this thesis. The case study further underlines the
affected processes, an expertise of the importance of having resources in terms of
technology used, and knowledge of expertise and time to facilitate the
programming languages to get a system is implementation. The case study has also shown
needed. Furthermore, the right resources have that an early user involvement aids in
to be assigned to the project to succeed. Right identifying areas for improvement but also risk
resources include technical expertise of both factors to a successful implementation that
hardware and software needed in the project, but could not have been discovered only through
also time as a resource dedicated to the different observations.
functions of the project. Another identified
As an addition to presenting how an
critical function is project management. In the
implementation of RFID can be designed, the
case study at MllP this was not clearly defined
case study presented in this master thesis clearly
in the start but the role was gradually established
shows that an implementation of RFID has
as belonging to the thesis group. The project at
several aspects that can help an organization
MllP was on several occasions suffering from
realize i4.0.
the lack of important functions such as clear
management and the lack of technical expertise. 11.4 Reflections
Despite this, the thesis group managed to solve
tasks initially assigned to other parties involved The theoretical findings suggest that the
in the project. Examples are software-related expenses of RFID implementation are one of the
tasks, such as database structuring and software main causes of concern. According to the
logic but also following up on the expenses of manager of i4.0 projects at MllP (Personal
the project. These insights have shown that this communication, 2016-02-01), the aim is to have
type of implementation requires a larger a return of interest within two years for projects
operational team to succeed. A positive aspect like this. The benefits of the implementation are
of the case study was the expertise and mostly calculated on estimated efficiency
knowledge of the CoC departments for RFID progress in the production. In this case study the
and event monitoring. Their experience on calculations were not considered. Furthermore,
previous RFID implementations and event the thesis group cannot point out definite
monitoring has been a crucial factor to the savings in the production realized through this
success of the implementation. implementation, but there are several points
recommended for continuous improvements
11.3 Positioning the Result that might increase efficiency and generate
savings. This is also one of the main reasons
Implementation of RFID is in many aspects
why the continuous work is seen as important.
similar to implementations in industrial
If the return of interest is considered important
environments in general. The case study has
for this case, the thesis group suggests that it
touched safety issues and standards on RFID
should be clearly specified in the project
hardware and software logic. The theoretical
objectives and aims. A suggestion is that key
findings indicated that more standards were

figures could be measured before and after 11.5 Recommendations

implementation. An added suggestion would
The case study has proven that it is important to
also be that clear targets are set up as a goal of
work with clear objectives and aims in
the implementation.
implementation projects. Recommendations
Another experience from the case study is the regarding RFID and other similar
importance of good documentation. At the start implementation projects are to involve
of the case study it was quickly discovered that personnel with the required expertise. It is the
the lack of documentation from previous belief of the thesis group that it is essential to
projects was an obstacle. The thesis group have an operational team with the right
quickly learned from this project that lack of competences and the dedicated time required for
documentation led to time consuming work in the project. It is also necessary to have a clear
figuring out what had been done. As another project management to achieve success.
experience much of the implementation done by
The use of an RFID system does not make it an
nofilis was well-documented. As a result, the
i4.0 advantage without other improvements
thesis group continuously documented all
connected to it. Thus the recommendation to
results and work to assist the next project group
MllP regarding the RFID implementation
taking ownership of the project. Apart from
project is to proceed with the suggested
documentation the thesis group aspired to also
improvement points both on the design and the
involve all related personnel in the changes to
actual implementation. The i4.0 advantages of a
increase the understanding of the project and its
more visible assembly line, accessible through
Internet, could be seen as an i4.0 achievement.
Several systems used in the case study were It is still the recommendation of the thesis group
governed by external suppliers and consultants. to extend the implementation to SAP to get full
Previous projects at the plants have also been benefit of the RFID implementation.
held by short-term employees. This outsourcing
As suggested, the final RFID system design
of services and work has led to a lack of in-
should include the RFID tag attached directly to
house knowledge. This was clearly noticed by
the motor part at the kitting process. This will
the thesis group when performing the mapping
open up for further automation and decrease the
of the current state as no person on site had a
risk of operators sub-optimizing the system
complete knowledge of the previous work.
incorrectly. The system should also give
Outsourcing of projects may provide the
feedback of a successful RFID registration to
organization with working solutions and get rid
the operators, to avoid uncertainty. Continuous
of the risk of wasting time and money learning
work on the implementation should focus on
about details, but on the drawback is that the
solving the issue with the unreadable insulated
knowledge is kept outside the company. This
transponders. When this is done the system
makes further improvements, maintenance or
could be seen as up and running despite the
changes to the system more difficult to obtain
improvement points. Further work to get real
and dependent on the initial project owner.
benefits in relation to automation, is to get the
One main success factor to the implementation RFID read points to trigger activates in SAP i.e.
in a large company with very strict regulations reporting of operations as completed.
and complex decision order, such as Bosch
When making changes to a work environment,
Rexroth, is that the thesis group has reported
consideration should be taken to the personnel
directly to the plant manager. The project group
within the organization. As proven by the
believes that the possibility to make quick
theoretical findings, an involvement of the
decisions have been a critical success factor to
workers also makes it easier to succeed with an
the implementation at MllP.
implementation. In the case study it was also
discovered that the involvement of personnel
was absolutely crucial to get a correct mapping

of the processes. In other words, it is the belief

of the thesis group that the user involvement
affects the end result of a change in a work
When making changes to reduce manual work
with automation, the cognitive workload on an
operator should also be considered. A reduction
of manual work can affect the operator in ways
not possible to define only by observing the
working process. The workers’ “new role” is an
interesting topic in terms of i4.0 and it is the
recommendation of the thesis group that the
evaluation of this topic is an area where
continued research should be undertaken.
Related to this topic is also that a reduction of
manual work can carry the risk of losing
valuable knowledge held by workers. This also
opens up for important fields for continuous


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Appendix 1

Appendix 1: Gantt diagram

18 jan 01 feb 15 feb 29 feb 14 mar 28 mar 11 apr 25 apr 09 maj 23 maj 06 jun 20 jun

Workstation design
Software design
Physical Installation
Software setup
Testing phase
Live test
Opposition 1
Opposition 2
Appendix 2

Appendix 2: Interviews and Meetings

Date Type Participant (attending) Topic Time

2016-01-27 Meeting Plant manager (1) Project aims 1h
2016-02-03 Meeting RFID implementation 7h
CoC (1), Juergen
Observation Physical implementation
Lieser, Anders Palm
2016-02-08 Interview LOG (1), 2 w. l. 1,5 h
2 week lead time project
2016-02-17 Interview MOE (3) 1,5 h
VSM CA motor
(Carolina Sondell,
Assembled accessories
Linn Håkansson,
Requirements from MOE
Patricia Karlsson)
2016-02-19 Observation Manual assembly station 1,5 h
Patricia Karlsson
Accessory station
2016-02-25 Introduction MOE morning meeting Introduce us and RFID project 0,5 h
2016-03-02 (16) to MOE operators

2016-02-29 Phone meeting John Reimers, CoC (1) RFID hardware 1,5 h
2016-03-02 Meeting Cross talk equipment 1h
IT department (2)
Software environment
2016-03-02 Observation/ MOE(1) , LOG (1) 0,5 h
meeting Carolina Sondell Concept for RFID in VSM
Sara Edholm
2016-03-11 Phone meeting CoC (1) Implementation design 1,5 h
2016-04-18 Meeting IT department (2) Network setup 1h
2016-04-19 Presentation MOE (12), foremen Project information, feedback 1h
2016-04-21 Presentation MOE (8), managers Project information, feedback 1h
2016-05-04 Meeting MOE (2), paint shop Discussion on implementation 1h
managers in paint shop
2016-05-11 Handover Anders Palm Handover of results and CIP 2h
2016-05-12 Skype meeting Nofilis (1), CoC (1) Setup of system in Crosstalk 8h
2016-05-18 Demonstration Sponsor, MOE (1), Demonstration of project 0,5 h
LOG (1), Visitors (6) results and Kibana
Appendix 3 (1/2)

Appendix 3: Workshop Setup

In swedish

Exjobb från jan-maj, från LTU
Vi gör en studie om hur man kan använda RFID, hur vi kan hjälpa operatörer, arbetsledning, säljare,
företransponderet i stort för att öka konkurrenskraft.
Hägglunds motor är bästa på marknaden
Kunderna efterfrågar snabba leveranser – 2w ledtider
För att kunna säkerställa leveranserna vill man kunna följa och säkerställa att man klarar leveranstiderna.
Det är en del i projektet, systemet kommer bara följa motorerna genom processerna inte mäta
Så det vi nu vill veta av er är vad vi kan dra mer för nytta av detta.

Initiera diskussion
Något om vad man kan använda det till…
 Busskort, träningskort
 Identifiering av djur
 Lidingöloppet RFID-märke i skon så kompisar kan följa löpare i realtid.
 Har ni några erfarenheter av RFID eller liknande användning?

Vart vi kommer installera – Visa Layout

För att vi ska få upp idéer och tänkte vi att ni kan börja med att diskutera lite kring det.

 Kan vi som är här inne få ut av det här?
 Vad kan ni få för nytta av det här?
 Vad skulle ni vilja veta av vad som händer i övriga fabriken?
 Hur skulle ni vilja arbeta med transpondergning och avrapportering

Vad vi behöver få ut av operatörerna

Hur vill dom göra taggning på kit
Appendix 3 (2/2)

Hur vill ni att arbetsrutinen skall se ut när ni ”startar” kittningen?

Montörerna I vilka steg hanterar ni plastmappen idag - Hur vill dom att arbetsrutinen med att
skanna ”tvättade” motorer ska se ut. När?

Vad kan ni få ut av det här? Exempel: Monitor, Papperslöst.

Vad vi ser att man kommer kunna använda installationen till:

 Kunna följa motorn i realtid
 Testa och förbereda utrusningen för vidare användning
 Information mellan avdelningar (info-tavla)
 Automatisk rapportering till SAP
 Kunna dela information mellan avdelningar (måleri & test får information om när motorer är
på väg)
 Testboxarna och paketeringen kan få information automatiskt om vilken motor som är ”på
plats” och så småningom ta med sig data från tidigare mätningar ex.
 Få bort alla papper, ett steg mot digitalisering, RFID taggen bär information och visas på
surfplatta eller datorskärm, exempelvis plocklista, checklista osv.

Att anteckna:
Hur många och vilka avdelningar var där:
Avdelning:____________ Antal:__________
Avdelning:____________ Antal:__________
Avdelning:____________ Antal:__________
Avdelning:____________ Antal:__________
Avdelning:____________ Antal:__________

Beslut var bränna transponder: _______________________________

Appendix 4 (1/3)

Appendix 4: List of RFID Equipment

Sick RFU620
 Single point reader.
 Reading range: up to 1 meter*.
 Reader and antenna included.
 Reading and writing of RFID transponder.
 Dimension: 137 x 131 x 56 mm.

Figure 1: SICK RFU620 RFID reader (Source: Bosch Intranet)

Kathrein ARU-CSB
 Gate reader.
 Direction detection.
 Reading range: up to 6 meter*.
 Reader and antenna included.
 Reading of RFID transponder.
 Dimension: 741 x 386 x 122

Figure 2: Kathrein ARU-CSB RFID reader (Source: Bosch Intranet)

* Reading range is depending on tag properties, environment and requirements.

Appendix 4 (2/3)

Nordic ID Morphic Cross Dipole UHF RFID Writer/reader

 Mobile RFID reader
 Integrated 1D Laser and 2D imager reader.
 Wi-Fi and USB connection
 Reading and writing of RFID transponder.
 Single-hand operation
 Dimension: 147 x 54 x 35

Figure 3: Nordic ID Morphic Cross Dipole / UHF RFID reader (Source: Bosch Intranet).
Kathrein UHF RFID Wide Range antennas 70°
 Gate reader.
 Wide Range RFID antenna for reading of RFID transponders.
 Read range: up to 12 meters*.
 Dimension (without brackets): 271 x 271 x 43 mm.
 Needs additional reader, i.e. RRU4.

Figure 4: Kathrein UHF RFID Wide Range antenna (Source: Bosch Intranet).

* Reading range depends on tag properties, environment and requirements.

Appendix 4 (3/3)

Kathrein RRU4 ELC RFID reader

 No built-in antenna.
 Four ports for antennas
 Dimension: 234 x 270 x 68
 Four ports for antennas

Figure 5: Kathrein RRU4 ELC RFID reader (Source: Bosch Intranet).

Appendix 5

Appendix 5: GS1 Standard

Compiled by the authors based on “Object Identification Global Document Type Identifier”, Bosch
The Global Location Number (GLN) can be used to identify a physical location. The key comprises a
GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit. For the plant in Mellansel the Company
prefix has been set to 4048118. The GLN is encoded in either a bar code or EPC/RFID transponder to
automatically identify locations like storage places in a warehouse, the destination of a pallet, or the
origin of a product and follows the standard seen in the picture below. When used in this manner, the
code is referred to as (S)GLN. This number was ordered by the authors of this thesis through Bosch on
all specific RFID antenna positions.

A table of the correct format to mark each antenna/checkpoint position can be seen below. 1000 unique
numbers have been given to the Mellansel plant, indicated by XXX in the table (choosing an nr between
0-999). A string of numbers also point at the business sector Drive and control which Mellansel is a part
Company prefix (CP) Business sector Location nr
4 0 4 8 1 1 8 8 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X

Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) can be used by a company to uniquely identify all of its trade
items. (S)GTIN is a GTIN with a serial number added in the end of the key. The Hägglunds CA motors
are examples of items where a serial number exists.
Appendix 6 (1/2)

Appendix 6: Work Instructions

Appendix 6 (2/2)
Appendix 7 (1/7)

Appendix 7: Crosstalk Logic

Appendix 7 (2/7)
Appendix 7 (3/7)
Appendix 7 (4/7)
Appendix 7 (5/7)
Appendix 7 (6/7)
Appendix 7 (7/7)
Appendix 8 (1/2)

Appendix 8: Workshop Results

Date: 20/4
Båda mötena inleds med en presentation av vilka vi är, vad vi vill åstadkomma och hur vi vill hjälpa
operatörerna. Information ges om pågående installation och hur det kommer se ut som färdig lösning.
Workshop #1 kl. 10:00
”Man vill kunna lita på att taggen är läst. Vill se att den är scannad.” Något system för att säkerställa
detta. En person uttrycker att det känns skönare med handhållen läsare. ”Då vet man att det är läst.”
Diskussion visar att man vill känna att man har kontroll över processen.
”Skulle man inte kunna se sin plocklista digitalt via RFID-taggen? Scanna taggen och se det på någon
skärm.” Vidare diskussion visar att man gemensamt har en önskan om att eliminera alla papper i
”Det vore bra att koppla RFID scanning till systemet för skyltmärkningen. Då ser man också att det är
rätt motor.” Operatörerna diskuterar möjlighet att kunna dubbelkolla system men också få information
direkt i programmet för skyltmärkning. Detta skulle underlätta deras arbete.
Testboxarna vill scanna motorn för att få information direkt i testprogramvara.
”Kan vi inte använda RFID för att se ritningar i monteringen? Vi kanske skannar motorn och får fram
ritningen för denna på en skärm.” Montörerna uttrycker att de kan använda skärmen som nyligen
installerats för detta ändamål.
”Varje morgon skriver vi in hur många motorer som ska köras den dagen. Skulle inte denna information
kunna ske automatisk?”
Avvikelser, ex
”Hur ska man kunna se om det blir avvikelser? Vad gör man då?”
Diskussion visar att när motorn ibland går tillbaka till montering efter provning sker detta via truck en
annan väg som inte passerar några läsare. Vidare diskussion leder till förslag:
”Vi skulle behöva någon sorts röd lampa som indikerar när det är fel.” En annan person fliker in: ”Kan
vi inte bara sätta upp antenner i gaten mellan provning och montering då? Då ser vi ju att det är en
avvikelse. Det är väl en enkel lösning?”
”Ja men hur gör vi med de motorer som tas till renlighetstest?” samma person fliker in: ”Det är väl bara
att sätta en antenn där också?”
Appendix 8 (2/2)

Workshop #2 kl. 14:00

Operatörer nämner att det vore bra att snabbt kunna se hur många motorer som gjorts en dag.
Montörerna uttrycker en önskan om att kunna skanna motorn för att få ritningar. ”Kan vara bra med
ritningar om någon ny montör kommer och jobbar.”
Testboxarna tas åter upp som ett exempel på där man vill scanna motorer och få infon till programvaran
som används. Operatörerna uttrycker en önskan att få denna funktionalitet.
Operatörerna skulle vilja ha en funktion där motorn blir rapporterad som färdig när man tryckt ut den
som godkänd på testet.
Avvikelser, ex
Återigen kommer ämnet upp om avvikelser i hur motorn kan gå i produktionen:
”Vissa motorer körs inte samma väg som övriga motorer, de går t.ex. till packen.” Operatörer föreslår
vidare att man kanske kan lägga in undantag.
Några operatörer påpekar vissa motorer går tillbaka till tillbehörsmontering och byter RFID-tagg. Efter
lite diskussion framgår det att det är ett nummer i AX som byts och inte taggen i sig. Motorn kan alltså
följas med antenner genom hela processen.
Appendix 9

Appendix 9: Open Points

Open point Status “issue handled by”
Insulated The installed antennas are getting a signal of the tag, but the Nofilis (Wolfram
RFID- current CrossTalk solution cannot send a message to Keil) or John
transponder Kibana. The insulated transponder have two different Reimers.
not working strings of information, which probably causes the problem.
An insulated tag has been sent to John Reimers at CoC-
RFID, and nofilis is aware of the problem.
Tune-in SICK When the issue with insulated RFID-transponders are Moa/Anders P
readers. solved, the SICK-readers needs to be tuned in for optimal
reading of the insulated transponders.
Readers on The AGV pick-up station have no RFID readers connected Åke Sundin
AGV pick-up to the CA tact time monitor. The solution to use existing
location readers (from HPS/Paint shop) needs involvement of
Midroc. Nofilis, John Reimers and Åke Sundin (CI-MllP) Nofilis
have tried to make this work but could not find a working John Reimers
solution. New SICK readers are installed but not connected,
because they might disturb the other readers, more
evaluation is needed before these can be used.
Testing The RFID antennas and reader are installed and roughly Wolfram Keil
chamber 1 tuned in. There is a CrossTalk issue that needs to be fixed (nofilis)
to get the both in and out signals from the reader. John
John Reimers CoC
Reimers and nofilis are aware of the problem and have tried
to solve it. No solution yet.
Testing Equipment is ordered. The solution from test chamber 1 can Toriro:
chamber 2 be copied to chamber 2. The installation was made by
Alexander at Toriro and he knows all the details about the
Hand scanner Hand scanner are delivered to MllP, and docking cradle is Installation: Henrik
for packing ordered. The packing operators manager are informed Westman
(Jimmie Jonsson) and waiting for the implementation.
Anders Palm
Contact: Jimmie
Tag-writing A computer with “Hägglund production system” is installed Åke Sundin
for tag-writing inside Pär Nordlunds office. A SICK-reader
John Reimers
is also installed for writing tags. Åke Sundin is involved
because of the HPS system, John Reimers and nofilis are Nofilis
involved for writing transponder with the SICK-reader.
Kibana Update Kibana when new stations are implemented. Moa

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