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Name: Glenn D. Villegas

Subject: Principles of Health/ Health Ministry
Professor: Ptr Damian Del Valle
Date: August 29, 2022
Reading report no. 4
Source: Ellen G. White, Ministry of Healing, (Ellen G. White State, 2007) Chapter 6, pp. 95-107

In Chapter 6 of this book “Saved to serve”, addresses the two different stories, the two
demoniacs and the Samaritan woman, Ellen White noted their important duties after they were
healed. Ellen White affirmed here that after we are healed we must proclaim His goodness to

I now understand the function of the souls that were healed by the Lord, I agree to Ellen
White when she said that the two restored demoniacs were the first missionaries whom Christ sent
to teach the gospel in the region of Decapolis, and the woman at the wells represents the working
of a practical faith in Christ, that moves her to be Christ’s messenger in own place.

I learned that every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary, as a
physically and spiritually healed by Jesus Christ, Ellen White counsels us to be God’s missionary
and a co-laborer with Him, to spread the goodness of the Lord in our surroundings or nearby
places, especially to those who are closer to us.

Personal Application and Recommendation:

As lost found by Jesus Christ, we must live according to His will, Ellen White counsels us
that after we receive salvation, we begin to be the giver, so that those who live in the chains of
darkness influence by the Enemy, will also experience healing and salvation of the, so that they
will be snatched out of fire and brought into light and becomes also the co-laborers of God just like
us. After we are saved, God called us to serve till He comes in the clouds.

Del Valle, D.P. (2022),

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