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Name: Glenn D. Villegas

Subject: Principles of Health/ Health Ministry
Professor: Ptr Damian Del Valle
Date: August 29, 2022
Reading report no. 1
Source: Ellen G. White, Ministry of Healing, (Ellen G. White State, 2007) Chapter 23, pp. 295-

In Chapter 23 “Diet and Health”, we will learn many things about health and how to
preserve the soundness of our body, Ellen White advocated that “food has a greater role in our
health,” she believed that the foods we eat help to build our bodies, she said that there is an
ongoing deterioration of bodily tissues; each motion of each organ produces waste, which is
replaced by our food. She asserted that each human organ needs a certain amount of nutrients.

I agree on Ellen White in this chapter because she is reminding us the original diet of man,
she affirmed that after the sin man receives the permission to eat the "herb of the field.” (Genesis
3:18.) Back to the original diet, our Creator decided for us to eat grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables;
these items must be prepared as simply and organically as possible, and they are the most
nourishing and healthy.

I learned that in Looking back to the original diet, Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables were
chosen for us by our Creator as our food for the health of our body, these foods must be prepared as
simply and naturally as possible, so that it would be healthful and nourishing. Health Laws show
the Love of God for His chosen and peculiar people so that His people may preserve and live a
wholistic holy, happy and healthy life, Intellectually, Interpersonally, Physically, and Spiritually, in
Exo 15:26 God said: “If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God…and wilt
give ear to his commandments…will put none of these diseases upon thee.,”

Personal Application and Recommendation:

Finally, as a future minister of God’s word, what I need to apply is that food must be
chosen and prepared wisely with intelligence and skill, it must not gratify the appetite yet it must
be nourishing, and food should not be eaten very hot or very cold, food should be eaten slowly, in
the night the stomach should rest as the whole body is resting, food should be simpler to gain
mental power and as people of God, we should exercise self-control, and should act from the
principle of the health law of God.

Del Valle, D.P. (2022),

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