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Nate the Great Goes


Lesson 2
Pages 14-28

Who is this?

What had happened up to now?

What is a pest?
• Solve- to find an answer to something
• Strigiformes- animals of prey, such as owls
• Caprimulgiformes- birds that eat insects and mostly come out at
• Shrew- small mammal that looks like a mouse with long snout and
tiny eyes
• Skunk-a white and black striped animal that sprays a smelly liquid
when threatened
• Raccoons- a grayish brown animal with a foxlike face and dark eyes
that look like a mask
• Opossum- a animal with a pouch for its young with a naked, hairless
• Mole- a small mouse-like animal with a long nose
• Flea- a small wingless insect which feeds on the blood of mammals
• Den- a wild animal’s home
Vocabulary fun
• Match the animal to the picture

Who is Sludge?

Which character is considered the


Can you find two questions on this

page of the book?

Is the case solved?

• Who did Nate the Great say might have taken the garbage?

• Did he solve the crime yet? Why or why not?

• Why do you think he needs the help of the library?

• What do you do in a library?

• What are Strigiformes and

• Does Nate think they are the

ones who ate the garbage?

• Who or what do you think ate the


What is in the picture? What

do you know about this bird?
Strigiformes and Caprimulgiformes- fluency practice.
Let’s take turns reading.
• Name some of the animals
that Nate read about.

• What animals live near you?

Do they eat garbage?

• Do you know the word for

animals that come out at
Put these words in alphabetical order
cats, rats, bats, mice, shrews, skunks, raccoons, opossums, and moles
Why did Nate leave this note for
his mom?

Name 3 things he will do to

prepare for the night.

Do you see any errors in his note?

• Where did Nate plan to spend the night?

• Did he stay there? Why or why not?

• Why wasn’t the doghouse a good place to


• What are your ideas? What should Nate

• Where did Nate try to hide next?

• What made this place a dirty place to hide?

• Which picture best describes what you read about that hiding
• Describe the sounds Nate heard as he

• What things can make those sounds?

• What sounds can you tell me you hear

in your life?

• Sound words are called onomatopoeia.

Let’s match some on the next page.
Match each word to a picture

• Buzz
• Bam
• Brrrrr
• Grrrrr
• Hachoo
• Sniff
• Shhhh
• Waa waa
• Was the garbage can still a good place to
hide? Explain your answer.

• What should Nate do? What are your


• What did Nate decide to do to find the

snatcher after he left the garbage can?
1. What word tells you that Nate hit something?

2. Describe how Nate is dressed.

3. In which directions in Nate looking?

4. What do you think is in front of Nate?

Get ready! I will ask you to show me your right and left of
something! When I call it out, you show me!
• What did Nate smack into?

• What is this?

• Why did he hit it?

• What happens sometimes if we do not pay attention to what is around us

as we walk, run, or bike?

• What prediction can you make about what might happen next in the
Grammar connection
• Nouns are people, places, animals, and things.

• What are the nouns in the sentence below?

Nate walked down the street and stopped to sit on a bench by the lake.

• Tell me some nouns and I will write them below! You can use the words in
your book to help, if you wish.
You did it! What a
great lesson!

• Homework:

• Read pages 26-40. Then read some of

the jokes on page 58 and 59.

• Can you think of your own riddle to

share with the class next week?

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND

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