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BSN 2- YA-4

What is good?
- The idea of being good refers to the conduct that should be used when posed with a choice between
different possible actions. Good is most often considered to be the opposite of evil. An example of being
good is when a lost person comes up to you and asks for directions, you have three possible options
here; the first one is telling them the right direction which is the good choice, and the second one telling
them that you don't know yourself (this could be because you're not familiar with the area) which is the
neutral choice, and the last one is pointing them to the wrong direction which, in most cases, is depicted
as the evil choice.

Is good subjective?
- Yes, good is subjective for the simple reason alone that the definitions of good and bad are different
for different people. What you may consider bad or offensive might be normal for other people, other
countries, or other cultures. While there is a general definition of good because of our society, each of
us still has our own unique perspective. Depending on your experience, how you see the world, on how
you grew up, your views on "Good" could very well be different. For example, when we hear a really
funny joke, we often laugh with our mouths open and we consider it normal, but in Japan, laughing with
your mouth open is considered bad, horse-like, impolite, and rude.

Is it always for the good of all?

- Of course not. When you do something, someone would most likely get the short end of the stick.
When someone gets rid of an old building because no one pays taxes for it anymore, most people might
think that it is good because new establishments could be built but what about the people, squatters
that are trying to live each day to their hardest that currently used that building as their home because
it's all they can get, of course, it's not good for them. Another perspective would be someone doing
something like helping an elderly cross the road, of course, it's good but how can we be sure that they
did what they did because it’s "Good"? They might have some ulterior motives like there could be
people watching and there are cameras, but would they do the same good action if there weren't
anyone watching?

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