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Measuring your room

You will measure the dimensions of your bedroom and your bed, to perform these measurements,
you will use a part of your body (hand, leg, foot, head among other possibilities)

Ask a member of your family to measure your bedroom and bed using the same body part using
his/her body

Measure your room and the bed using a measuring tape in meters, use 3 decimal positions

Complete the following information:

What body part did you use?


Fill the table with the information you acquired:

Your body part Relative’s body part Meters

Room’s length 15 feet 12 feet 3.60 meters
Room’s width 13 and a half feet 10 feet 3.65 meters
Room’s height 10 feet 8 feet 2.60 meters
Bed’s length 10 feet 8 feet 2.45 meters
Bed’s width 7 feet 6 feet 1.75 meters
Bed’s height almost a foot 1 foot 30 centimeters

Calculate the following conversion factors:

Measuring your room

Conversion ANSWER
Measuring your room

Your body part Room’s length 15 feet 12 feet 0.8 m

to the relative’s
body part
Your body part Bed’s length 10 feet 2.45 meters 0.245 m
to meters
Relative’s body Bed’s width 8 feet 2.45 meters 0.30 m
part to meters

Calculate the percentage error between your body part and your relative's body part, consider
your body part as the exact value:

⮚ To calculate the percentage error the formula is:

| 𝑉 −𝑉 |
ε = | 𝐴𝑉 𝐸 |×100%
| 𝐸 |


• 𝑉𝐸 is the exact value

Measuring your room

• 𝑉𝐴 is the approximate value of the measurement

Measuring your room

12-15X100%= 11


result: 11

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