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Health, Fitness and Wellness


✰ Health and Wellness

✦ is defined as a combination of physical fitness
and good nutritional habits

✰ What is Fitness ?
✦ The ability to meet the demand of the

✦ is a blend of a number of different physical


✦ WEAKNESS in one fitness area may keep you from

improving in other areas.

Components of Fitness

✰ Cardiovascular Endurance
✦ refers to the ability of your heart and lungs to work
together to fuel your body with oxygen.

✦ Aerobic conditioning, like jogging, swimming and

cycling, can help improve cardiovascular

✰ Muscle Strength
✦ refers to the amount of force a muscle can exert,
in a single effort.

✦ Exercises like the bench press, leg press or bicep

curl might be used to measure muscle strength.

✰ Strength
✦ The ability of a muscle or muscle group to apply
force and overcome and overcome resistance.

➢ There are 3 different types of Strength

★ Static or Isometric – When FORCE is applied to a

★ Dynamic or Isotonic – Which involves the

MOVEMENT of the muscles / joints etc. against a
MOVING object.

★ Explosive – Which involves all the athlete’s

strength going into a QUICK MOVEMENT.

✰ Muscle Endurance
✦ refers to the ability of a muscle to perform a
continuous effort without fatiguing.

✦ Cycling, step machines and sit up tests are often

used to measure muscular endurance.

✰ Flexibility
✦ the muscles and tendons and by extending the
ligaments and supporting tissues BEYOND THEIR NORMAL

➢ There are 3 different types of Strengthing

★ Static Stretching - EXTENDING a limb beyond its

normal range. The position is held for at least 10

★ Active/Dynamic Stretching – Extending a joint

beyond its normal limit, and repeats this
RHYTHMICALLY over a period of 20 seconds.

★ Passive Stretching – Joint flexibility is improved

by EXTERNAL FORCE caused by partners or
coaches who move the limb to its end position
and keep it there for a few seconds.

✫ Aerobic Exercises
➢ Aerobic exercises promote cardio-vascular
conditioning and endurance.

• Cross country skiing, swimming, jogging or

running, outdoor cycling, walking, roller skating,
dancing, handball, racquetball, squash and
Characteristics of Goal Setting

✫ Specific
➢ Develop a written plan that includes enough detail to
guide exactly where and when you will be active

✫ Measurable
➢ measuring the activity will give you tangible evidence
of your progress. Decide how you will measure your
activity—number of steps/ amount of time spent in

✫ Attainable
➢ Maximize your chances for success by examining your
strengths and weaknesses and using this information
when setting goals.

✫ Realistic
➢ Start small and include only what you can do. Know
you limitations! Plan a few things, rather than many. As
you achieve smaller or short-term goals you are
working toward achieving larger or long-term goals.

✫ Timely
➢ Include when you plan to work on your goal and how
long it will take to achieve it.
Components of an Exercise Session

- 5-10 minutes of several range-of-motion exercises and slow aerobic
activity designed to prepare the muscular and cardiovascular system
for exercise.
B. Stretching
- An effective method of stretching is by slowly stretching until
resistance is encountered. Hold that position for 10 to 20 seconds, then

C. Cool Down
- 8-10 minutes of slower aerobic activity and stretching designed to
allow the body to gradually return to its pre-exercise state and
increase the body’s flexibility.

Pathways to Success with Exercise

✰ Comprehension
✦ understand the reason why it is important for you
to exercise on a regular basis by talking with a
health care professional or by reading
educational exercise materials. This will provide a
strong base for your commitment.

✰ Commitment
✦ make a personal decision to place exercise as a
priority in your day’s activities. Make exercise a

✰ Confidence
✦ set small, reasonable goals. Reward and praise
yourself when reaching the steps that will lead you
to your ultimate objective.

✦ Eating a balanced diet that includes whole grains,

vegetables and fruits can help maintain or reduce

1. Larger portions tend to make us eat more.

✦ True. We’ve grown used to eating portions way

bigger than we need. Large portions, known as
portion distortion is one of many reasons given for
our increasing incidents of obesity.

2 The Body’s fuel comes from Protein, Fat, and


✦ True. All 3 nutrients provide calories which is what

your body uses for energy.

3 An average bakery bagel is 2 servings of grain


✦ False. Bagels have “exploded”. The average bagel

is now about 5 ounces and equal to about 5
servings of grain food.

4 When you are young, you can pretty much eat

whatever you want.

✦ False. Good nutrition and good health habits

should start early. What you eat now can have
some impact on your long term health.

5 Eating breakfast can help control late night


✦ True. Research suggests that breakfast eaters

tend to weigh less and have better balance to
their day. College students should try to eat real
food instead of “junk” if they are up late.
The Importance of Nutrients

✦ Proper nutrition is of the utmost importance if you

want to maintain good health.

✦ For this reason, the nutrients a person consumes on

a regular basis have to be understood.

✦ Nutrients are chemical substances that are found

in the food a person eats.

✦ There are many different nutrients and a large

number of these nutrients are vital to the health
and ultimately the life of each individual.

✦ Nutrients are responsible for a great number of

things such as providing energy to the body as well
as building and maintaining the various organs of
the body.

✦ Nutrients are also an important part of many

different metabolic processes that take place
throughout the body.

✰ Diuretics
✦ Drinks such as, coffee, alcohol, tea and
caffeinated soft drinks are considered to be
diuretics and will cause you to excrete body fluid
when you drink them.

✰ Stress
✦ Chronic stress can have an adverse impact on
both blood pressure and blood lipid value leading
to increased risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD).
Individuals with type H (hostility) personality and/
or clinical depression are especially vulnerable to

✦ Goal: Not to eliminate stress from your life, but to

learn how to manage it and how to use it to your
✦ Managing Stress : Become aware of your
stressors and your emotional and physical

–Notice your stress (Don’t ignore it)

–Determine what events distress you

–Determine how your body responds to the stress.

✰ Smoking
✦ Smoking increases the tendency for blood clot
formation and decreased HDL cholesterol levels.

✦ Smoking is a major risk factor for CHD, stroke,

peripheral vascular disease, many types of cancer
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(emphysema and bronchitis).

✰ Substance Abuse
✦ Refers to the use of substances when said use is
causing detriment to the individual's physical
health or causes the user legal, social, financial or
other problems including endangering their lives
or the lives of others.

✦ is an old fashioned term for which the term

problematic substance use is now more widely

✰ Alcohol
✦ Misuse and abuse continues to be problem

✦ Supplies calories but few nutrients

✦ Effects can be devastating:

–Adverse health consequences : Liver Damage, plus


–Domestic abuse

–Drinking and Driving

– Flunking out of school

✦ Long Terms : Heavy use for prolonged periods of time can

lead to:
– Addiction
– Brain damage
– Liver damage/ failure or cirrhosis
– Cancer
– Cardiac disease
– Skin diseases
– Gastritis
– Sexual dysfunction
–Irreversible neurological and psychological health

Sleep Facts
✰ As group, 18 to 24 yr olds suffer more from impaired
performance due to lack of sleep
✰ Require between 8 and 10 hours of sleep a night
✰ Fatigue involved in 1 of 6 fatal road accidents
✰ Insufficient sleep can cause hormone linked to obesity

Tips to improve sleep

✰ Avoid stress 2-3 hours before sleeping
✰ Exercise – finish 30-60 before sleeping
✰ Stick to a ritual
✰ Make room dark, cool, and quiet
✰ Be careful with caffeine drinks
✰ Quit smoking
✰ Take a nap if sleep deprived

✔ The body only requires very small amounts of vitamins.
✔ The small amounts are very essential for normal
✔ Vitamins help the body release energy from foods,
promote muscle and tissue growth.
✔The correct amount of vitamins the body requires maybe
obtained through good food sources or a one a day
Important Minerals & Sources

✦ Minerals are inorganic molecules that serve a

variety of functions within the body.

✦ Macro minerals that appear in the body in large

quantities are: calcium, phosphorus, potassium,
sulfur, sodium, chloride, and magnesium.

✦ Micro minerals are found in the body in smaller

quantities but they are essential for the body to

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