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”The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body”

FUNCTIONS OF MUSCULAR secretions from organs, and

SYSTEM regulate blood flow through vessels.
1.Movement of the body. 7.Contraction of the heart. The
Contraction of skeletal muscles is contraction of cardiac muscle
responsible for the overall causes the heart to beat, propelling
movements of the body, such as blood to all parts of the body
walking, running, and manipulating
objects with the hands. OVERVIEW OF MUSCULAR
2.Maintenance of posture. Skeletal
muscles constantly maintain tone,
which keeps us sitting or standing

3.Respiration. Muscles of the thorax

carry out the movements necessary
for respiration.

4.Production of body heat. When

skeletal muscles contract, heat is
given off as a

by-product. This released heat is

critical to the maintenance of body

5.Communication. Skeletal muscles

are involved in all aspects of
communication, including
speaking, writing, typing, gesturing,
and facial expressions.

6.Constriction of organs and vessels.

The contraction of smooth muscle
within the walls of internal organs
and vessels causes those structures
to constrict. This constriction can
help propel and mix food and water
in the digestive tract, propel
”The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body”
STRUCTURE OF A MUSCLE myosin myofilaments are held in
place by the M line.

(e) Part of an actin myofilament is


(f) Part of a myosin myofilament is


● Skeletal muscle, with its
associated connective tissue,
constitutes approximately 40%
(a) Part of a muscle attached by a of body weight. Skeletal muscle
tendon to a bone. A muscle is is so named because most of
composed of muscle fasciculi, each the muscles are attached to the
surrounded by perimysium. The skeletal system. It is also called
fasciculi are composed of bundles of striated muscle because
individual muscle fibers (muscle transverse bands, or striations,
cells), each surrounded by can be seen in the muscle
endomysium. The entire muscle is under the microscope.
surrounded by a connective tissue
sheath called epimysium, or FOUR MAJOR FUNCTIONAL
muscular fascia. CHARACTERISTICS
(b) Enlargement of one muscle fiber
containing several myofibrils. ● is the ability of skeletal muscle
to shorten with force. When
(c) A myofibril extended out the
skeletal muscles contract, they
end of the muscle fiber, showing the
cause the structures to which
banding patterns of the sarcomeres.
they are attached to move.
(d) A single sarcomere of a myofibril Skeletal muscles shorten
is composed mainly of actin forcefully during contraction,
myofilaments and myosin but they lengthen passively.
myofilaments. The Z disks anchor Either gravity or the
the actin myofilaments, and the contraction of an opposing
”The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body”
muscle produces a force that THE SARCOMERE
pulls on the shortened muscle,
● The striated appearance of
causing it to lengthen.
skeletal muscle fibers is due to
EXCITABILITY the arrangement of the
myofilaments of actin and
● is the capacity of skeletal
myosin in sequential order
muscle to respond to a
from one end of the muscle
stimulus. Normally, the
fiber to the other. Each packet
stimulus is from nerves that we
of these microfilaments and
consciously control.
their regulatory proteins,
EXTENSIBILITY troponin and tropomyosin
(along with other proteins) is
● means that skeletal muscles
called a sarcomere.
stretch. After a contraction,
skeletal muscles can be EXCITABILITY OF MUSCLE FIBERS
stretched to their normal
resting length and beyond to a
limited degree

● is the ability of skeletal muscles
to recoil to their original
resting length after they have
been stretched.



● Step 1 illustrates the status of
Na+ and K+ channels in a
resting cell.
● Steps 2 and 3 show how the
channels open and close to
produce an action potential.
”The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body”
● Next to each step, the ● (B)Photomicrograph of
charge difference acrossthe neuromuscular junctions.
plasma membrane is illustrated.

● Another specialization of the
skeletal muscle is the site
where a motor neuron’s
terminal meets the muscle
fiber—called the
neuromuscular junction (NMJ).
This is where the muscle fiber
first responds to signaling by
the motor neuron. Every
skeletal muscle fiber in every
skeletal muscle is innervated
by a motor neuron at the NMJ.
Excitation signals from the
neuron are the only way to
functionally activate the fiber
to contract.
● (A)In a neuromuscular
junction, several branches of
an axon junction with a single
muscle fiber.
”The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body”

● Aerobic respiration is the

breakdown of glucose in the
presence of oxygen (O2) to
produce carbon dioxide,
water, and ATP.
Approximately 95 percent of
the ATP required for resting
or moderately active muscles
is provided by aerobic
respiration, which takes place
in mitochondria.


● Some ATP is stored in a
resting muscle. As
contraction starts, it is used
up in seconds. More ATP is


● Each glucose molecule
produces two ATP and two
molecules of pyruvic acid
”The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body”
● Glycolysis is an anaerobic
● Muscle fibers are very (non-oxygen-dependent)
energy-demanding cells process that breaks down
whether at rest or during any glucose (sugar) to produce
form of exercise. This energy ATP.
comes from either aerobic ● Aerobic respiration is the
(with O2) or anaerobic breakdown of glucose or
(without O2) ATP production other nutrients in the
● Generally, ATP is derived presence of oxygen (O2) to
from four processes in produce carbon dioxide,
skeletal muscle: water, and ATP.
1.Aerobic production of ATP during ● Muscle tension, force
most exercise and normal generated by the contraction
conditions of the muscle (or shortening
of the sarcomeres)
2.Anaerobic production of ATP ● Isotonic contractions, where
during intensive short-term work the tension in the muscle
3.Conversion of a molecule called stays constant, a load is
creatine (kr̄ ′ a-t̄ n) phosphate to moved as the length of the
ATP muscle changes (shortens).
● A concentric contraction
4.Conversion of two ADP to one ATP involves the muscle
and one AMP (adenosine shortening to move a load.
monophosphate) during heavy ● An eccentric contraction
exercise occurs as the muscle tension
FATE OF ATP IN RESTING AND diminishes and the muscle
EXERCISING MUSCLE lengthens. Isometric
contractions involve
sarcomere shortening and
increasing muscle tension,
but do not move a load, as the
force produced cannot
overcome the resistance
provided by the load.
”The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body”
● You have 640 skeletal LARGE MOTOR UNIT
muscles in your body
motor neurons may synapse with
Sartorius – the longest muscles, and innervate a thousand muscle
located in your upper thigh fibers

Stapedius – the tinniest muscle, SMALL MOTOR UNIT

located in the middle ear
A hand full of motor neuron
Muscles Are Actually PULLING connect to a single fine neuron that
Their Insertions toward their origins produce a specialized movement/


Slow oxidative (SO) fibers contract
Muscles that are primary concern
relatively slowly and use aerobic
with the movement (Agonist
respiration (oxygen and glucose) to
produce ATP.
working in reverse of that particular
Fast oxidative (FO) fibers have fast
movement, preventing the prime
contractions and primarily use
mover to over extend
aerobic respiration, but because
SYNERGISTS they may switch to anaerobic
respiration (glycolysis),can fatigue
Helps the prime movers lending a
more quickly than SO fibers.
little extra oomph stabilizing joints
against dislocation FAST GLYCOLYTIC

if a synergist immobilize the
(FG) fibers
muscles’ origin bone so that the
have fast
prime mover can be more effective.
MOTOR UNITS and primarily
a group of muscle fibers that all get use
their Signals from the same, single anaerobic
motor neuron glycolysis.
”The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body”
The FG fibers fatigue more quickly muscle does not change, but
than the others. the amount of tension
increases during the
contraction process. Isometric
● Fatigue is a temporary state of contractions are responsible
reduced work capacity. for the constant length of the
Without fatigue, muscle body’s postural muscles, such
fibers would be worked to the as the muscles of the back.
point of structural damage to
them and their supportive
tissues. ● isotonic (equal tension)
● Historically it was thought contractions, the amount of
that buildup of lactic acid and tension produced by the
the corresponding drop in pH muscle is constant during
(acidosis) was the major contraction, but the length of
cause of fatigue. However, it the muscle decreases.
is now established that there
are multiple mechanisms
underlying muscular fatigue. ● Concentric (kon-sen′ trik)
contractions are isotonic
These mechanisms include:
contractions in which muscle
● Acidosis and ATP depletion tension increases as the muscle
due to either an increased shortens. Many common
ATP consumption or a movements are produced by
decreased ATP production concentric muscle
● Oxidative stress, which is contractions.
characterized by the buildup
of excess reactive oxygen
species (ROS; free radicals) ● Eccentric (ek-sen′ trik)
● 3. Local inflammatory contractions are isotonic
reactions contractions in which tension
is maintained in a muscle, but
TYPES OF MUSCLE the opposing resistance causes
the muscle to lengthen.
ISOMETRIC Eccentric contractions are used
when a person slowly lowers a
● isometric (equal distance)
heavy weight.
contractions, the length of the
”The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body”
MUSCLE TONE extracellular fluid through
membrane indentations called
● Muscle tone is the constant
tension produced by body
muscles over long periods of CARDIAC MUSCLE
time. Muscle tone is
● Cardiac muscle tissue is only
responsible for keeping the
found in the heart. Highly
back and legs straight, the head
coordinated contractions of
in an upright position, and the
cardiac muscle pump blood
abdomen from bulging. Muscle
into the vessels of the
tone depends on a small
circulatory system. Similar to
percentage of all the motor
skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle
units in a muscle being
is striated and organized into
stimulated at any point in time,
sarcomeres, possessing the
causing their muscle fibers to
same banding organization as
contract tetanically and out of
skeletal muscle.
phase with one another.
● Contractions of the heart
SMOOTH MUSCLE (heartbeats) are controlled by
specialized cardiac muscle cells
● Smooth muscle fibers are
called pacemaker cells that
spindle-shaped (wide in the
directly control heart rate.
middle and tapered at both
Although cardiac muscle
ends, somewhat like a football)
cannot be consciously
and have a single nucleus;
controlled, the pacemaker cells
Although they do not have
respond to signals from the
striations and sarcomeres,
autonomic nervous system
smooth muscle fibers do have
(ANS) to speed up or slow
actin and myosin contractile
down the heart rate. The
proteins, and thick and thin
pacemaker cells can also
filaments. These thin filaments
respond to various hormones
are anchored by dense bodies.
that modulate heart rate to
A dense body is analogous to
control blood pressure.
the Z-discs of skeletal and
cardiac muscle fibers and is
fastened to the sarcolemma.
Calcium ions are supplied by
the SR in the fibers and by
sequestration from the
”The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body”
● This group of cells is SUPERFICIAL BODY
self-excitable and able to MUSCULATURE
depolarize to threshold and fire
action potentials on their own,
a feature called
autorhythmicity; they do this at
set intervals which determine
heart rate. Because they are
connected with gap junctions
to surrounding muscle fibers
and the specialized fibers of the
heart’s conduction system, the
pacemaker cells are able to
transfer the depolarization to
the other cardiac muscle fibers
in a manner that allows the
heart to contract in a
coordinated manner.

Interactions of Skeletal Muscles,

Their Fascicle Arrangement, and
Their Liver Systems
”The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body”



”The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body”

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