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Name: Daniela Alison López Castillo

Date: 16/06/2022

Par. 8

SPEAKING/writing TASK: Discuss:

1. I think it’s safer to leave in the city because you got better services like hospitals or police stations.
2. My city doesn’t have a correct waste system or a good clean system where you can recycle your
rubbish, so I don’t think that the city is designed in a way that’s good for the environment at all.
3. If we could improve the security in the public transportation that would make the city way better than
it is.

1. Where do you think it’s safer to live in your country-in the city- or in the countryside? Think about:
 Driving
 Crime
 Hospitals
 Other sides
2. Is your (nearest) city designed in a way that’s good for the environment? Why/ Why not?
3. How could your (nearest) city be better? Thing about:
 Public transport
 Cycle lanes
 Other ideas
Work on this:

1. about 2. to
3. about 4. on

usually/don’t stress

1. depend on 2. cope with

3. succeed in 4. apologise for

5. pay for 6. complain about

7. believe in 8. belong to
A for
1. cash 2. Debit cards
B about
1. prices 3. cleaning
C for
1. recognizing that we were 2. inviting every one to
wrong dinner for the problems
D for
1. Talk to each others 3. Check their phones
E about
1. money 2. work
F in
1. Santa Claus 3. Fairy tails

Work on this:

1. lots of 2. many
3. very little 4. too many
5. lots of 6. not much

A city area that you know A country area that you know
1. It has a lot of shopping malls. 1) It has plenty of areas with wildlife.
2. There are a few places without noise. 2) There are many things to do in the outside.
3. There is too much traffic, is always a busy 3) There are a lot of beautiful views.
4. Many people are very shy and cold. 4) The green areas have many flowers and trees.
Work on this speaking task:


a. The place where I live is not a safe place to live because

criminal rates are very high, and policeman sometimes can’t
protect people that much. Another issue that a lot of people
complain about are the healthy problems since hospitals don’t
have enough supplies
b. My neighborhood could be a good place to life for an elderly
couple because it has a lot of restaurants and bars to have a
great time.

1. too many 2. enought light
3. too much 4. lots of
5.very few 6. many

1. The first person (a) must be
a woman since it’s using rings
and have painted finger nails.
The other person (b) can’t be
a woman because their hands
are very big and manly, so it
must be a male.
2. The woman could be young
since it looks like she knows
about tecnology. In other way,
the man might be an old
person for how his hands
5. The woman must be in a
place like a cyber because
she’s holding a mouse, and
the man could be in his house
or a quit place because he is

1. neighbourhood 2. views
3. floor 4. block
5. location

1. about 2. to
3. for 4. with
5. on 6. in
7. about

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