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Classroom Description (location, arrangement, condition, number)

Wall Displays As the DepEd order, wall displays are change to the policy regarding to the
pandemic. The current displays are now:
1. Wash your hands
2. Social Distancing
3. Wear Facemask
4. Use Alcohol
Aside from the displays there are also posters held in the windows I believe that
the grade 2 pupils made them, and it is also functional when the sun direct hit
from the room, that serves as a protection and good decoration of their artworks.
Teacher’s Table The teacher’s table is placed in front of the student in the black board, even
sitting behind the corner of the room you can clearly see them. The table is neat
and clean every change of teachers, they make sure to arrange before leaving for
the next instructor.

The furniture is in safe place for students in case of calamities such as

earthquake, they made sure that the furniture’s will not hindrance the student’s
learning like they don’t block the student’s way and they are sturdy such as the
hanging cabinets, and always at reach.
Learner’s Desks Since the protocol of social distancing, the learners chair is in 1 meter away from
each other to provide safety due to the virus. As I observe the chairs are sturdy
even students are playing, I did not see any broken chairs and the chairs are the
right size for the student’s comfortability. There are I believe 20 pupils in grade
2, the electric fans are not broken especially they will use it in the afternoon, the
room is well ventilated they often open the doors and there is an exhaust to
circulate the air.
Others The cabinets are full of learning materials like their books so that they don’t
have to bring it to school and home because its heavy and a lot for a grade 2
student, some tissues, and such that will need for pupils in case.

Analysis: In this activity it shows the comfortability of the students especially we must be
strict regarding to this time of year, where virus is still present which affected
students learning. That is why classroom facilities are important to this day.
Reflections: Overall, in this activity it shows us that learning is important as well as
classroom comfortability. Because even if you are a great facilitator and have a
great student, physically if you don’t manage and improve your classroom
management that will impact the student academic performance and there will be
a possibility that they will get ill. School facilities are important impact on
students’ performance and us future teacher’s effectiveness



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