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The Survivor Island In these last 7 weeks...

86 kids (7 teams of about 12)

Wednesday May 11, 16, 25 and June 1,8,15,22 and the finale on the last day 28th? Each team has 7 paper figures representing their team. At the end of every week for the next 7 weeks, each team will run the risk of losing a player depending on points earned. In the last week/ last day, the teams remaining (all the teams should be remaining!) will be set to compete in the final challenges. These will be intense, cut-throat activities, where teams will lose members (Paper people) in every activity. Points should be awarded to teams for things like spelling tests (ie: the team with the highest collective spelling mark or the team whos class member is the kindest all day, 100% on tests, whole tribe on task, etc....) If we could each keep track of it in class, we will unveil the points and add them in front of the kids on Friday before their large scale activity. These large scale activities could be things like an elaborate obstacle course or free throw basketball competition, gross out eating competition (spam/ escargot/ brussel sprouts/ sea weed) or puzzle activity. The winning team would receive 30 points, 2nd 25 points, 3rd 20 points, 4th 15 points, 5th 10 points, 6th 7 points, 7th 5 points. That should keep the numbers nice and easy to move up or down. We could keep track of these points on the notice board outside my classroom. We have discussed doing this during lunch recess on a Wednesday (thanks for letting us take your intramural time, Randy!) I propose that we take the last 15 mins of every Friday (or the last day of that week) to do the survivor vote TRIBAL COUNCIL. I know life is pretty busy at this time of the year, but we can really do a positive behaviour challenge and have some fun at the same time without going crazy (hopefully!) In order to not waste curriculum time, lots of these challenges can be directed specifically at Math/ ELA curriculum objectives in class. (ex: highest cumulative marks for spelling tests for your team, points for everybody who gets over a certain percentage in mad minutes, cleanest desks/ lockers, highest amount of homework turned in on time, and most pennies collected during a penny drive, a trivia contest, a cootie-bug-building contest, a stacking-cup relay, and a dress-up-day, etc) These points would be revealed at the Tribal council and whichever team got the highest would have immunity. Because the challenges are at lunch hour, I was thinking teams would get a point for every member who shows up that way it is somewhat voluntary but also somewhat compelling to take part.

The focus of this idea is three-fold -- teamwork, integrity and pride! We can really have fun and keep good classroom focus when half of them have checked out for summer already. BRING ON SURVIVOR VCA! WHAT I SPECIFICALLY WANT TO AVOID!: a winners-losers atmosphere. Too much recognition for the winners and little recognition for those who tried hard. Activities which allow teams to become Losers constantly. There needs to be an equal distribution of ability and weighting for mental, physical and social points. I absolutely want to avoid allowing losers to feel discouraged and even embarrassed. (Equal amounts of grade 4, 5 & 6 in each group... they do not get to pick.) These are my suggestions we only have 7 weeks, so I guess we have to pick and choose we can go with something you would prefer as well! I am totally open to suggestions just trying to make it as easy as possible for you dont want to stress anybody out! Thanks for being willing to participate I hope it is lots of fun!

MAY 11: Divide into groups, establish group names, and rules. Human Knot activity. May 16: Marble toe pick- participants pick up marbles out of a bucket of water with their toes. The different colors and sizes of marbles are assigned unique point values, and the students use math skills to calculate the tribes' totals. ) Whip cream math (math questions written on cards inside muffin tins. Students have to lick whipped cream / something edible to read the problem and run back to team to find answer on a bingo card.) Tribal Council May 25: Balloon Stomp Race for Rainbow (kids each get 2 balloons with a colored piece of paper inside. The competition is to tie the balloons to their ankles and try to stomp other peoples balloons. The last team with balloons still intact wins points. Part 2 is to collect all the pieces of paper to build a rainbow. First team done wins points.) This challenge might be best in the gym to negate wind. Tribal Council June 1: Team Obstacle Course (using a tire, a brick, a plank, a mat and ??? Teams have to move from one area to another without touching the ground. They either have to start again or take a penalty for every touch to the ground.)




Tribal Council

June 8: Fear Factor Eating (Some ideas: Sardines, avocado, jalapeo peppers, gummy worms, candy turtles, and oysters, escargot, spam, asparagus, etc . Players roll a die to reveal an eating challenge. If they are willing to try the food on the die, their teams receive points. Any suggestions? ) Tribal Council June 15: Puzzle Challenge - radioactive golf ball challenge(students have to transfer golf balls from a bucket into an ice-cream pail using only ropes attached to the bucket. If any golf balls escape, the bucket has to be set down, one member o f the team dresses up in suitable radioactive protection gear (apron, oven mitts, etc ) to collect the fallen balls and then the team has to go back half way and continue on the Endeavour. First team to successfully have all the balls in the pail wins!) Tribal Council June 22: Marshmallow, skittles, flour (kids have to bite an apple floating in a pail of water, run to a baking pan filled with skittles and flour, eat a skittle, run to an area where marshmallows are hanging on strings, bite a marshmallow, finish chewing, and run back to tag the next member. NO HANDS). Tribal Council June 28: SURIVIVOR FINALE (last day of school) water activities?




If you are interested, I included some of my other ideas below. They are a bunch of different youth group/ camp stuff Ive done over the years, so some will work, some wont I guess. Some are borrowed from various places from the internet. I am totally open to changing the activities or adapting them as I said, I picked them for efficiencys sake. I was hoping we could meet and go over the schedule/ changes/ ideas. Thanks again,


IDEAS: Use 8x11 sheets of paper to create a huge word scramble on a wall. Specific letters in answers would create the answer to the final question. A lot of fun & it can be done indiv. or by teams. Relay races: use combination to unlock a toolbox to obtain a puzzle, next person puts together the puzzle, next person must put on snorkle gear and "run" to next person, 4th person climbs over mats, under limbo stick and through cardboard box, final person run & raises flag. Best team time wins. Here's an idea for a "puzzle" activity. Print a sheet of "Wordles" (word puzzles) and have the team complete these puzzles. Some examples are: SIDE SIDE (answer: Side by side) BAN ANA (answer: Banana Split) R ROAD (answer: cross road) A D

The last weeks activity could be a huge outdoor activity station:

Ex: tug-o-war, bucket brigade, jump rope, Hula Hoop, team skis (Ukrainian skis) and more. For events like the water balloon toss, 50-yard dash, softball throw, and free throw

Power cells wide game Capture the flag Egg dropping competition Team obstacle race Twister Giant Board Games Shoe Grab American Gladiators Balloon stomp Texas snowballs Marshmallows, skittles, apples Spider web challenge

egg & spoon, 3 legged, wheelbarrow, leapfrog & dizzy relay

Gross out - mishmash (eat 3 tablespoons in 20 seconds) jello fish, insect jar, outmeal & banana chicita banana Skill : juggling, balloon pop pin, skipping, balance beam, 3 line rap, weird sound effect, butterfly, summersault to the edge of the carpet, hand / head stand, egg crack & peel PrizePictionary : cow, toothbrush, heaven, canoe, bunk bed, escalator, garage, ping pong ball, sleeping bag, glass, hockey rink

Charades : mow the lawn, tarzan, sheep, knight, boat, penguin, wedding, horse riding, the little mermaid, flashlight Conquest (pivoting circle w/jousting poles) Pinball Elimination (3' earth ball), Pop-Lock (duffle bags locked with the correct key hidden inside ballons), Speed Puzzle (first tribe to assemble a 100 piece puzzle, etc

ICE CUBES: Divide the players into two equal teams. At a starting signal, each team picks up an ice cube and tries to melt it as quickly as possible. Players can rub it between their hands or against their clothes, but they may NOT put it in their mouths. While they are trying to melt the ice cube, it should be passed around the team frequently - no player should keep it for more than a few seconds at a time. Players should keep it off the ground too. The first team to melt its ice cube, wins. On a really hot day, you may want to play more than one round of this one! BALLOONS OVER AND UNDER: A single line is formed with one person behind another. Four or five balloons filled with water are placed in front of the first person. One by one, the first person takes each balloon and passes it over their head to the person behind them. That individual passes it under their legs to the next person, the next passes it over their head, and so on. When the balloons get to the last person, they run to the front of the line and pass it over their head. Adventurous groups can choose to toss the balloon over their head and hike it (toss it) between their legs. Play continues until group reaches the destination line. Note: When playing water balloon games in hot places, balloons will burst all by themselves if left in the hot sun. Put them in a bucket of water to keep them in better shape.

PASS THE ORANGE (NECK PASS) OR LIFE SAVER RELAY: This activity is similar to the Banana Relay and the Neck Race. In this game, each team member receives a tooth pick to place between their teeth. The first person in line is given a lifesaver by the leader. When the leader says, GO! the lifesaver must be passed to the next person without using any hands. If the lifesaver drops, a new lifesaver will be given to the first person in line.

BITE THE BAG: The team is instructed to form a large circle. The facilitator then places a brown grocery bag in the center of the circle. Each member must pick up the bag with his/her teeth while standing on one foot with both hands held behind his/her back. After the entire group has successfully completed this task, the facilitator cuts one to two inches off the top of the bag. If a team member touches the floor with his/her foot (or any other part of the body), the member is disqualified. After each round, more of the bag is cut. The last team member who successfully picks up the bag without falling, wins! This exercise, similar to a reversed limbo contest, can be a lot of fun and a great icebreaker for new team members.

CONFUSION: Great high energy game to help participants begin to feel more comfortable in new group. Give each participant a sheet with various tasks and ask them to complete it when you say, GO! Here is a sample: Get a male to do five push-ups and sign here Stand on one foot with your arms outstreched for 20 seconds. Have someone time you and sign here Leap frog over someone 5 times Get someone to whisper the pledge of allegiance and sign here Play Ring around the Rosy with two other people and have them sign here Get a female to recite a nursery rhyme Shake hands with someone you do not know and continue holding hands while debating the merits of your favorite ice cream flavor Have someone teach you a dance step (even if they make it up) First person to complete the entire sheet, wins.

HUM THAT TUNE: Each person in the group is given a small piece of paper with the name of a nursery rhyme or other song written on the paper. (i.e. Row, row, row your boat, Rock-a-bye baby, etc.) All of the people who

are given the song must hum that tune and fine everyone else singing the song. They then form a group.

HUMAN SCAVENGER HUNT: The paper will have a series of questions on it (in a bingo format - in squares). Participants are required to find another participant who can answer yes to a question. They must have that person sign their name within the square. The object is to meet as many people as you can, and fill a BINGO! (A complete line either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) You can only use each participant once. Note: The center circle should be a freebie. Here are some samples: Knows their zodiac sign From a northern state Knows when Martin Luther Kings birthday is Member of a sorority or fraternity Has been a competitive athlete Has traveled abroad Knows how to polka

MUMBLE JUMBLE: Before the activity begins, the leader will cut up a few pictures into puzzle pieces. Each group member will grab a piece of a puzzle from a bag. The group members will keep their puzzle piece to themselves until the leader says, GO! At this point, the group members will try to locate the other members of the group with the pieces to form the appropriate pictures. Whichever group does it first, wins. Good activity for breaking into retreat/activity groups. DROP THAT SHEET! This is good for smaller groups; larger groups can break off into smaller ones for this. The group is split into two, and everyone introduces themselves by name one by one. Then, a sheet is placed between the two groups and each group selects one person to kneel in front. The two people selected should be face to face with only a sheet between them. The sheet is dropped, and each person tries to name the other. The one that

names the other person last must go to the other group. This is repeated until there is only one group. GREAT GUMSHOE: Mildly disgusting. Everyone takes off their shoes and places them at one end of the room. Then, they assemble into groups. The first person in the group is the "detective", and one of the group members describes his/her shoe to him. The detective tries to find the shoe and bring it back. If wrong, he tries again, if right, the second person puts his/her shoes on and becomes the detective. The first group with their shoes on wins.

NEWSPAPER CRUMPLE: If you really want to make a mess... The group is divided into two teams, and the room is separated into two sides (a rope a couple of inches off floor would be ideal) The teams are given a stack of newspapers, and when told, start to crumple them up and toss them over to the other side (the other team will then toss it back). The team with the least paper on their side wins.

Race for the Rainbow

Ingredients Plastic Bags Paper To Play Give each team a plastic bag as well as a piece of paper containing a written list of all of the colors of the rainbow. Each team has to find at least one object in nature or anything outside that matches each color of the rainbow. For example: A red apple, orange leaf, yellow weed dandelion, etc. For each object they find they have to place it in their plastic bags. The first team to find objects that match each color of the rainbow is the winner. Each item found can only count for one color.


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