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Pack Material List

(NOTE: You need to split up materials below when you divide into smaller packs)
- 24 cups: 12 cups per small pack
o Some are big, and some are small. Both can be used for any activity. It’s just the sizes we had.
- 8 rubber bands: 4 per small pack
- 10 pieces of string: 5 per small pack
- 2 poster board: 1 poster board per small pack
- 4 water bottles: 2 per small pack
- Get-to-know-you bingo sheets: divide evenly between small pack
- Animal Crown: divide evenly between small pack

Game Supply List

- Cup Stacking
o 6 cups
o 1 rubber band
o 5 pieces of string
- Knock Them Down
o 12 cups (two towers, 6 cups each)
o 6 rubber bands (3 per team)
- Bottle Flip
o 2 bottles
Knock Them Down Instructions

Two players or teams race against each other to see who can knock all the cups down
before the one-minute timer is up. This can be done 1 vs 1, or between two teams
(each player in the team gets one shot per round). To make it harder, have each team
member stand 10 ft away from the cups. Rotate and compete against different teams in
the class!

Bottle Flipping Challenge

Students compete to see who can flip the most bottles before the 1 min timer is up.
Participants (1 vs 1) or teams can take turns (rotating in the line), and the one with the
most points at the end of the designated rounds wins. Students can work as a team, or
play 1 vs 1 in a bracket formation.

• You can add variations to make the game more interesting. For instance, you
could have participants attempt a trick shot, such as landing the bottle on its cap
or having it bounce off a wall before landing upright.
Cup Stacking Instructions
The Cup Stack is a great activity to facilitate teamwork. Some groups can complete the task
very quickly while other groups must keep trying and trying to complete the task successfully.
It's hard not to give up when things get frustrating, and this is a valuable lesson for children to
learn in a safe environment. All you need is cups, rubber bands, and string.

This challenge requires 6 people. Each student holds a string around a single rubber band. The
group is given 6 cups. The challenge is for the group to build a pyramid out of the paper cups
(3 on the bottom, 2 in the middle, 1 on the top). Group members cannot touch the cups with
their hands or any other part of their bodies, even if a cup falls over or on the floor. Each
person holds onto one of the strings that are attached to the rubber band, and they use this
device to pick up the cups and place them on top of each other (by pulling the rubber band
apart and then bringing it back together over the cups). The goal of the game is to see how
many cups you can stack in under a min (time can be adjusted). Once the first group is
finished, another group of 6 goes, and so on. The rest of the class cheers groups on! At the
end, determine which group stacked the most cups in the allotted time.
Paper Animal Crown Instructions

1. Cut out shapes. Use rectangle pieces to create a crown.

2. Use the oval shape to design your packs animal (examples shown below)

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