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Royal University of Phnom Penh

Institute of Foreign Languages

Department of English

Weekly Homework for Romeo and Juliet

Name: BIN Sambat

Class: A3.4
Date: 09/10/2022
Parts:1, & 2

Instruction: Read the parts of Romeo and Juliet to be covered each week and do the
following tasks to be submitted in the Assignment Folder created in Microsoft Teams
before the class starts. Write in a paragraph structure

1. Summary of Romeo and Juliet, parts 1, 2.

Part I
In the Italian city of Verona where two noble families, the Montagues, and the Capulets, have been sworn
enemies for years on end. Prince Escalus was displeased by these brawls, and he reproached the head of the
two houses. Then the story was told about Lady Montague, who did not encourage her son in a foolish
family quarrel. At that moment, Lady Montague asked her nephew, Benvolio, who Romeo was in love with.
So, Benvolio asked Romeo and he loved Rosaline, the beautiful Veronese lady. Hence, Benvolio advises
Romeo to forget the fair Rosaline, he should choose someone else. 
Part II
On the feast day, Romeo, with Benvolio and his friend—Mercutio, attended the feast uninvited. When
seeing Romeo, Tybalt, a young Capulet, is prepared to attack him, but Mr. Capulet held him back.
Meanwhile, Romeo saw Juliet, the thirteen-year-old daughter of the Capulet family, and instantly fell in love
with her and forgot about Rosaline. Juliet was dancing with Paris, a kinsman of the prince and the one who
also loved Juliet, and Romeo was looking at her from the doorway. Soon, Romeo spoke to Juliet, and the
two experienced a profound attraction. They kissed, not even knowing each other’s names. After Juliet
leaves, Romeo met her nurse and found out that Juliet was a Capulet, his family’s enemy, he became
distraught. Later on, Juliet also learns from her nurse that Romeo was a Montague, her family’s enemy. She
grew equally upset.

2. Explain ONE OR TWO main ideas/themes:

Family’s quarrel: at the start of the story, the author shows that the Capulet and Montague family had had
hatred and quarrels for generations with a long-forgotten cause. They really hated each other, and their
servants or family members usually had a feud when seeing each other. Even for the family’s party, Capulet
invited everyone in Verona except people from the Montague family. Tybalt, a young Capulet, was always
ready to kill the Montague he saw. When he saw Romeo sneaking into the feast, he prepared to kill Romeo
without hesitation, but was held back by Mr. Capulet.

Love at the first sight: The first two parts illustrate the love of two young people—Romeo and Juliet— who
fell in love the first time they saw each other. They fell in love and kissed without even knowing each
other’s names and identities. Romeo fell in love with Juliet when he first saw her at the feast and forgot
Rosaline, even though he had never believed that no girl was prettier than his Rosaline. Juliet, at the same
time, suddenly fell in love with Romeo despite not knowing what love was before.

3. List down quotes/expressions in these parts (not in paragraph):

 I will push Montague’s men from the wall and thrust his maids to the wall (1.1)
 me, what fray was here? Yet tell me not, for I have heard it all. Here’s much to do with hate, but
more with love. (1.1)

4. Explain ONE OR TWO moral lessons learned from these parts:

Do not hold grudges: the Capulet and Montague families held grudges for long that they hated each other
from one generation to another, and usually, there were feuds that occurred between the two families which
as a result, impacted both families. If they hadn’t held grudges, these two noble families would have lived
with each other in harmony in Verona, and bad things would not have happened. In reality, one should not
also hold grudges and let them go to have a peaceful life and make the world a better place without hatred
and feuds.

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