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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
San Juan Evangelista St., Goa, Camarines Sur
Tel. # (054) 875-4794 E-mail :

2nd Monthly Exam

Character Education 9
November 17-18, 2022

Name: _____________________________________________ Score: _______ _

Teacher: Israel Alarcon
I. Worst Case Scenario. Read the following statements and try to imagine what would have resulted if the
situations below were true:

1-2.) Every driver can ignore stop lights and the road signs.

What could be done to avoid this:


3-4.) Laborers build house without any blueprint or planned design.

What could be done to avoid this:


5-6.) A person takes things that don’t belong to him.

What could be done to avoid this:


7-8.) Everyone can walk freely on the highway.

What could be done to avoid this:


9-10.) A student goes to class only when he feels like doing so.

What could be done to avoid this:

11-20.) Below is a list of things that students normally do, put a check in the Box that applies
to you. And explain the principle that is Violated or the principle that is observed.
Actions/Events Permissible but Rule of principle Permissible and Rule or principle
not beneficial violated beneficial observed
Cut Classes
Encourage others

Punch your

Get what is not


Honor and
respect others

Memory Verse: Fill in the missing words in the memory verse.

statutes hunger commands pure radiant perish

simple peacemakers righteousness arise law
“The _____of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The ________of the Lord are trustworthy,
making wise the_______. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The
__________ of the Lord are_______, giving light to the eyes.”
Psalms 19:7-8
Memory Verse: Fill in the missing words in the memory verse.

permissible good Timothy pure others perish

simple constructive Corinthians arise law
“Everything is___________’- but not everything is beneficial ‘Everything is permissible’- but
not everything is___________. Nobody should seek his own________, but the good
1 ____________10:23-24
Memory Verse: Fill in the missing words in the memory verse.

Egypt good Timothy slavery others heaven

simple waters idol arise law
“I am the LORD your God. Who brought you out of________, out of the land of________. You
shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make yourself an _________in the
form of anything in _________or above or on the earth beneath or in the ______ below.”
Exodus 20:1-4

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