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TV Drama


  One For Sorrow

  Lemur Productions 
 Prepared by Yasmin Leech and Izzy Leadbeater
A teenage boy gets drunk and finds himself trapped in a room with a bomb, and the
instructions to defuse it are on the other side of the walkie-talkie.

Short Summary (Explain what will happen in your tv show and its main plot points) 
- Alex is locked in a room with a bomb and an unknown girl talks to him through the
walkie-talkie explaining how to defuse it.
- He has flashbacks to before he got in that situation, slowly revealing how Alex and
Kara got stuck in this situation.
- Detective Holcombe has been assigned the case and is stressed with the weight of
looking for him and all the other missing kids, with Alex’s parents relying on him.

USP and purpose

- We can have many interesting characters in this series who all have their complex
ways of solving these puzzles.
- Our story has a unique way of telling the story through flashbacks and the slow
reveal of clues to how they got in their situation.

Target audience (detailed outline – Demographics and Psychographics) 

- No targeted gender, this show will be for anyone.
- 15+ age, since we include the use of bad language, weaponry and mature themes.
- People who like thrillers and high tension in films/shows, such as Black mirror or
- Teen drama / Thriller / Mystery

Codes and Conventions  

- High tension music
- Red flashing lights
- Clock/Countdown
- Character with bad morals

- Alex Trent: Your stereotypical British, teenage, 18-year-old boy who is obsessed with
sports and drinking culture. He is loud, rude and selfish and only cares about his
own being.
- Kara/Unknown girl: An 18-year-old girl who takes the escape rooms seriously, she
soon gets betrayed by Alex’s selfishness.
- Girl 1 – Talks to Alex at the party and encourages him to talk to Kara
- Girl 2 – Takes Kara into the police office and calls for help
- Bristol escape rooms (Alex’s escape room)
- Control room at College (Karas escape room)
- Izzy’s house (The house party)
- Better Kitchens (Police office)

Crew and Cast

Director – Isabel Leadbeater
Camera Operator – Yasmin Leech
Sound Operator – Ethan Marshall
Alex Trent – Ronnie Richardson
Kara/Unknown Girl – Beth Wilson
Girl 1 –
Girl 2 –

Resources needed (equipment, costumes, props, budget etc. ) 

- Fake bomb (Wires, symbols, buttons)
- Timer/Countdown
- Football/sports related shirt
- Alcohol bottles

Platform: Netflix

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