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One For Sorrow Treatment

Prepared by Yasmin Leech

A teenage boy gets drunk, and the next morning finds himself trapped in a room with a
bomb, the instructions to defuse it are on the other side of the walkie-talkie. 

 Alex Trent: Your stereotypical British, teenage, 18-year-old boy who is

obsessed with sports and drinking culture.  He is loud, rude and selfish and only
cares about his own being. 
 Kara/Unknown girl: An 18-year-old girl who takes the escape rooms seriously.
She soon gets betrayed by Alex’s selfishness, although her quick thinking and sly
tactics, allows herself to leave the game at the end of the episode.
 Girl 1 – Talks to Alex at the party and encourages him to talk to Kara.
 Character 2 – Takes Kara into the police office and calls for help.
ACT 1:

The scene opens in a police station room with detective Holcombe who looks stressed out
of his mind, he’s dismayed at how so many kids can go missing and he still has no hint to
what has happened. Someone tries talking to him but he his blunt with them which prompts
a quick end to the conversation. A ticking sound overlaps, and we transition to Alex Trent
who is knocked out on the floor of a room. An unknown girl screams at him to wake up
through the walkie-talkie. Finally, when he wakes, he walks around the room joking about
the whole situation before realising that it is not a prank, and that his life quickly becomes
on the line.

ACT 2:

The pair work together to solve different sections of the puzzle with the unknown girl being
blunt and formal while Alex still messes around a little. He has multiple flashbacks to the
party in which he talks to a girl called, ‘Kara’ who the audience may realise is the girl on the
other side of the walkie-talkie. In the flashbacks, she asks odd questions and is on edge as if
she is hiding something. They get to the end of the puzzle, and it is revealed that Alex has
the choice to save himself or the girl – He promptly chooses himself. The doors open for
both of their rooms and whilst Alex walks into another escape room, Kara walks free. The
credits roll.

ACT 3:

After the credits we cut to one last scene, detective Holcombe sits in his office and is
packing up his things ready to go home when suddenly, the doors fly open, and two girls
walk in. Kara is dirty and covered in bruises, the other girl asks him for help.

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