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HOW TO PLAY THE UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL COMPACT DILEMMA GAME The United Nations Global Compact Launched in 2000, the United Nations Global Compact is the world’s largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative with more than 7,700 participants located in over 130 countries. As a multi-stakeholder initiative, the United Nations Global Compact brings together all relevant actors - government, business, labour and civil society - to advance universal principles in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption. Remember the game is not about winning or losing but about learning and having fun! NX ( In a hurry and want to start playing straightaway? Then turn to page 5, ‘Getting started’ Welcome to the United Nations Global Compact game! This game is a dynamic and interactive learning tool, which provides an in- troduction to the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact and demonstrates their relevance to your business. This game has been devel- oped to celebrate the 10th year anniversary of the Global Compact in 2010. We hope that you find this a fun and educational experience that adds value to you and your business. The purpose of the game + The purpose of the game is to increase your knowledge and understanding of the Global Compact, in particular how it applies to the day-to-day op- erations of your business + It will assist you in understanding the business case for implementing the 10 principles of the Global Compact + During the game you will be presented with a series of business dilemmas covering human rights, labour, environmental and anticorruption issues + All of dilemmas in this game are based on real life issues experienced by businesses + You will also be presented with examples of good practice and poor practice + You will have the opportunity to experience issues from different perspec- tives including a decision maker and five stakeholders (employee, custom- er, shareholder, community representative and an NGO) + At the end of the game you will be able to see the impact of your decisions on various stakeholders by the number of Global Compact points and stakeholder points you have accumulated during the game 4 Who should play the game? + Anyone, in any role, in any organisation can play the game + No prior knowledge of the Global Compact or other concepts covered in the game is required to play. However you may want to take a few minutes before starting the game to familiarise yourself with: + The 10 principles of the Global Compact + The Millennium Development Goals * Both the 10 principles and the Millennium Development Goals are on the game board and at the back of these rules Number of players and playing time + Four to six players can play the game. We recommend four players, if time is Handy Hint: limited, to ensure everyone gets at select one person to take least one turn responsibility for ensuring everyone understands the + Agree amongst yourselves how long you rules of the game. will play for; it is recommended to play Then turn to page 5, the game for a minimum of one hour ‘Getting started’ The objective of the game XS aa + You work for a company that has re- cently signed the Global Compact + You and your fellow colleagues have been directed by your CEO to imple- ment the 10 principles within your organisation and your day-to-day work You have two objectives: * The successful implementation of the Global Compact; and + Creating good stakeholder satisfaction. 7 Getting started + Set up the board and organise the Global Compact, stakeholder points and cards into different piles + Each player should select a pawn to move on the board + Each player receives four Global Compact points and two of each type of stakeholder points to get them started + Decide amongst yourselves who will start, and the order of play + Starting on the Global Compact square, the player whose turn it is rolls the dice and moves their pawn the corresponding number of squares on the board + They select a dilemma card or wild card depending upon which square they land on There are four types of cards: 1. Dilemma cards (40 in total, 10 of each type) 2. Wild cards (20) 3. Stakeholder cards (5) 4. Self-assessment card (1) Landing on a dilemma card square + Ifa player lands on a dilemma square they take a card from one of the four piles corresponding to the colour of the square they land on: + Orange = Human Rights + Light Biue = Labour + Green = Environment + Red = Anti-corruption + The player reads out the dilemma and the four solutions on the card to the other players. The player must pick one of the four solutions presented on the card + Whilst they consider which solution they will pick, the other players take one of the stakeholder cards at random and consider the dilemma from that stakeholder’s perspective + The player who picked up the dilemma card tells the other players which op- tion he/she has selected. The player must justify to the other players their decision + The other players then provide feed- back on the answer given, based on their expectations as a stakeholder + Each of the stakeholders can award or deduct from the player whose turn it is, stakeholder points to a maximum of plus or minus two points Self-assessment for Global Compact points There are five different stakeholder points: 1. Money = shareholder 2. Shopping bags = customer 3. Hearts = employee 4. Trees = NGO 5. People = community + After the stakeholders have awarded points, the player then uses the self- assessment card to award or deduct fram themselves, Global Compact paints to a maximum of + or - two points + The player is required to justify to the other players the number of Global Compact points they have awarded themselves + Global Compact and stakeholder points are taken from (or returned to) the box Landing on a wild card square + If the player lands on a wild card square they select a wild card from the top of the pile / + Wild cards are random cards and pro- vide examples of good practice imple- mentation of the Global Compact prin- ciples, or poor practice. It's the luck of the draw! + The player reads out the example of good or poor practice to the other play- ers and the number of Global Compact points they have been credited or deb- ited for this example + The player then reads out the question at the bottom of the card and provides an answer * The player then turns the card upside down to find out the answer to the question The wild card questions are based on the eight Millen- nium Development Goals The practice examples high- light how business can sup- port these goals, or how they may be contributing to the problems. The goals range from halving extreme poverty, to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and pro- viding universal primary ed- ucation, all by the target date of 2015 + If the player provides the correct answer to the question they double the points earned or cancel out any debit + The corresponding number of Global Compact points are taken from (or returned to) the box Continuing play + Play continues with the next player roll- ing the dice, moving their pawn, select- ing acard and soon Keep going: you can go around the board several times providing ‘there are dilemma and wild cards unplayed \ Running out of points + If a player runs out of any one type of stakeholder points or Global Com- pact points then they can buy them from the ‘bank’, on a basis of two points for one Remember: you have an objective to create good stakeholder satisfaction, so you don't want to run out of any stakeholder points Ending the game + Play continues until the agreed number of rounds have been played or time elapsed or all of the dilemma and wild cards have been played + At the end of the game players should spend at least 10 minutes review- ing how the game progressed + Look at the number of Global Compact and stakeholder points you have been awarded based on the options you selected * How well did you meet the objectives of the game? + Share your insights with the other players, in particular any insights gained from the different roles you played + Provide the other players with feedback + Reflect on what you have learned both as an individual and from an or- ganisational perspective The 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact Human Rights Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of in- ternationally proclaimed human rights; and Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. Labour Standards Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Environment Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to envi- ronmental challenges; Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental re- sponsibility; and Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmen- tally friendly technologies. Anti-Corruption Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals 1 2 a ERADICATE EXTREME POVERT ‘ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL mo wuneR PRIMARY EDUCATION 2 en 2ibomury Meairn ee a wea “ ee 08 Useful links United Nations Global Compact Website Millennium Development Goals Business and Human Rights Resource Centre International Labour Organization http://www.ilo.ore/ Business Anti-Corruption Portal http://www. Transparency International http: //www.transparency.ore/ Acknowledgements Thank you to the following groups and organisations who have assisted in the development and testing of this game: + Global Compact Kenya Network + Global Compact Network Slovakia + Course participants in the DFC CSR course, March 2010 + UNDP Nordic Office + Global Compact Nordic Network + Novo Nordisk + AP. Maller-Maersk Note: the UN Global Compact Office is not responsible for the content of this game The United Nations Global Compact Game was: Exton topo ma MDE U I Ten ACO UeIeR CUT) + Developed by Responsible Business Solutions + Co-sponsored by Danfoss, Novo Nordisk, A.P. Maller-Meersk and fexedeyofel ge ol eM a OT eee esl OAL + Design and graphic production by Meyer & Bukdahl as

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