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Akbar Wibowo, Margono Setiawan, Agung Yuniarinto



JAM Akbar Wibowo

19, 2 Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business,
Received, December ‘20 Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Revised, March ‘21 Margono Setiawan
April ‘21 Agung Yuniarinto
Accepted, April ‘21
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the relationship of workload,
work stress, and social support for employee turnover intentions of PT. Bentoel Prima
Malang. This study uses a population of all Primary Manufacturing Department (PMD)
permanent employees of 83 employees. All members of the population are used as research
samples (total sampling). Analysis tool to test the relationship between variables using the
help of smartPLS 3.0. The results showed that workload did not significantly influence
turnover intention. Job stress plays a mediating role between workload and work stress.
Social support does not moderate work stress on turnover intention. The theoretical impli-
cations of this research provide opportunities for further research on workloads, not a
major factor in employee decisions leaving the organization. Practical implications in this
study provide new insights to companies and employees about the negative impact of
increasing workload.

Keywords: Workload, Work Stress, Social Support, Turnover Intention

Journal of Applied Cite this article as: Wibowo, A., M. Setiawan, and A. Yuniarinto. 2021. The Effect of
Management (JAM) Workloads on Turnover Intention with Work Stress as Mediation and Social Support as
Volume 19 Number 2, Moderated Variables. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, Volume 19, Number 2, Pages 404–412.
June 2021
Indexed in DOAJ - Malang: Universitas Brawijaya.
Directory of Open Access
Journals, ACI - ASEAN
Citation Index, SINTA - Employees in an organization them well. If the company does not manage em-
Science and Technology
Index, and Google
have a very important role ployees well, then employees will tend to leave the
Scholar. because employees are one organization (Gibson et al, 1996).
of the drivers to achieve the Turnover intention is the risk of a company in
goals of an organization. handling its human resources as a strength and
Therefore the organization achieves goals. When a company enters a labor
must pay attention to this fac- recruitment process, the long-term risk is that the
tor, namely the existence of company must have preparedness when the
Corresponding Author: employees who can influ- workforce has a desire to leave the company
Akbar Wibowo, Master of Man-
agement, Faculty of Economics
ence the condition of the or- (Robbin and Judge, 2018).
and Business, Universitas ganization. To get positive The stages of the emergence of employee turn-
Brawijaya, Indonesia, DOI:
contributions from employ- over intention are when someone evaluates his job,
ub.jam.2021.019.02.16 ees, companies must manage assesses or directs his satisfaction and dissatisfac-


The Effect of Workloads on Turnover Intention with Work Stress as Mediation and ...

tion with his work, calculates the cost and benefits Various things can cause a high level of turnover of
of his work, and ends with a real decision by stay- the employee. Among them are factors from the
ing or leaving the job (Mobley, 1977). organization itself namely the workload provided,
The turnover intention of employees can be work stress experienced by employees, and fatigue
predicted using the intention variable based on the of work done by employees (Robbin and Judge,
Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). In the Theory 2018). The high workload can be detrimental to
of Reasoned Action (TRA), it is explained that the employees and the organization, because if the
amount of intention possessed by someone will in- workload given by employees is too high while the
crease the effort to carry out an actual behavior ability of employees cannot meet work demands,
(Chang, 1998). In addition, the theory that supports then the organization will need additional time so
this turnover intention variable, namely Victor H. that the employee can complete his work (Cooper
Vroom’s expectations theory, in Mobley (1977) et al. 2001). Workload and work stress as defined
states that the reciprocal relationship between the by Robbins and Judge (2018) have a relationship
desired and needed based on the results of his work where changes in workload tend to change employee
can motivate someone to be more active in working. stress levels. When the workload increases without
The phenomenon of turnover intention in Indo- being followed by a balanced turnaround time it will
nesia can be categorized as high (Page, 2015). The cause employees to experience physical and men-
results of the Michael Page Indonesia Report (2015) tal stress (Cooper et al. 2001).
stated that the tendency of employees in Indonesia Robbins and Judge (2018) stated that one
to change their jobs within the next 12 months. The source of work stress experienced by an employee
level of employee displacement occurs in positions comes from the quality of relationships between
at the operational level which is around 10-12% per colleagues. When the quality of interpersonal rela-
year and managerial level ranges from 6-7% per tionships in the work is not good it can lead to men-
year. If the annual turnover in the company exceeds tal stress which can trigger stress levels to be high.
the 10% level, then leaving the company can be In addition, the lack of social support from colleagues
categorized as high (Roseman, 1981). can cause considerable stress, especially among
Based on the results of pre-research by col- employees with social needs where someone who
lecting secondary data from the Human Resources is experiencing work stress needs support. One
Development Department (HRD) of PT. Bentoel theory that studies the role of social support for stress
Prima in the past three years obtained the results management in The Buffering Hypothesis Theory
that the level of employee movement at PT. Bentoel and The Direct Effect Hypothesis Theory that so-
Prima can be categorized as high. Employee turn- cial support protects individuals by resisting the nega-
over data for PT. Bentoel is presented in Table 1. tive effects of high-stress levels by changing the
below. response to stressors received (Sarafino, 2006).
The rate of movement reaches an average of The phenomenon of turnover intention is hap-
15% per year for all employees. If the annual turn- pening in the cigarette industry. One of the 4th larg-
over in the company exceeds 10% then the turn- est cigarette companies in Indonesia, PT. Bentoel
over in the company can be categorized as high Prima is experiencing employee turnover with in-
(Roseman, 1981). creases from year to year. The annual turnover rate

Table 1. Employees Turnover Data

Year Total of Turnover Total of Employees Percentage of Turnover

2016 75 533 14 %
2017 64 410 15 %
2018 69 408 16 %

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 405
Akbar Wibowo, Margono Setiawan, Agung Yuniarinto

at PT Bentoel Prima reaches 15% per year. This Conceptual Framework

phenomenon is closely related to the addition of
workload in the Primary Manufacturing Department
Workload 2 Work Stress
(PMD) area. The addition of a new factory in the
(X1) (Y1)
PMD area has caused an increase in employee
workload. The turnover intention from employees
1 3
other than due to increased workload is also caused 4
by company policy to rotate work by placing em-
ployees in inappropriate positions or roles. This is Social Support Turnover
reinforced by the opinion of Robbin and Judge (2018) (M) Intention (Y2)
which stated that role mismatches can trigger stress
which then causes the desire to leave employees to Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
be high.
The results of previous empirical studies sup-
port the existence of further research on workload, HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT
work stress, and social support for turnover inten- The hypothesis of this research is:
tion. One is the inconsistency of the results of re- Research results from Qureshi et al. (2013),
search from several previous studies and research Yang et al. (2014), Khan et al. (2014), and Pradana
objects that are not the same. Research results from and Salehudin (2015) prove that workload affects
Vernekar and Shah (2018), Sheraz et al. (2014) the turnover intention. The workload is closely re-
showed significant positive results from the rela- lated to feeling tired when given excessively to
tionship of workload to work stress. But research employees and this can trigger a turnover of the
from Khuong and Yen (2016) shows different re- employee (Bakker et al, 2008).
sults that there is no significant effect between H1: Workload has a significant effect on turnover
workload on work stress. The object of research intention.
from Hakim and Sudarmiatin (2018) is that contract
labor gives different results from the effect of work Research conducted by Vernekan and Shah
stress on turnover intention when compared to the (2008), Hamim (2015), Kaewanuchit and Sawang-
research object, namely permanent employees from dee (2016), Shabbir and Naqvi (2017), prove that
Tziner et al. (2015). workload is one of the factors that influence work
Based on previous empirical studies and the stress.
phenomenon of the object of research, this study H2: Workload has a significant effect on work stress
wants to test and analyze the relationship between
workload, work stress, and social support for turn- Some empirical studies further prove that job
over intention at PT Bentoel Prima Malang. This stress is positively and significantly related to turn-
research is motivated by several reasons as follows: over. This is evidenced by the results of Mosa-
first, the existence of a research gap in the form of deghrad’s research (2013), Lu et al. (2017), Hakim
differences in the results of some previous studies et al. (2018) and Zahra et al. (2018), Kurniawaty et
and the lack of research on the desire to leave re- al. (2019) that work stress has a significant influ-
lated to non-work variables (social support). Sec- ence on employee’s intention to leave.
ond, research on the desire to leave the operational H3: Work stress has a significant effect on turn-
level employees is interesting to study because not over intention.
much research has been done in the tobacco pro-
cessing industry and previous research is mostly done The study of Pradana and Salehudin (2015)
in the banking and hospital sectors. states that the long exposure to stress from work is


The Effect of Workloads on Turnover Intention with Work Stress as Mediation and ...

associated with an increase in the turnover of the The workload variable has six indicators namely
employee. This proves that when someone experi- mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand,
ences excessive workload will cause work stress effort, own performance, and frustration (Hart and
or stress that increases the turnover of employees. Staveland, 1988), work stress variable has three in-
H4: Work stress mediates the effect of workload dicators namely task demands, role demands, and
on turnover intention quality of colleague interactions (Robbins and Judge,
2018), turnover intention variable uses indicators
The results of the study by Kaewboonchoo et from Hom and Griffeth (1991) with 3 indicators
al. (2014) and Asavapatra and Lert (2018) who used namely thinking of quitting, job search, and intention
a case study in Thailand where the country has simi- to quit, and social support variable has 4 indicators
lar topography and culture in Indonesia stated that namely appraisal support, tangible support, self -
social support from superiors and coworkers had a statement support, and belonging support (Schonfeld,
significant moderation effect reducing the effect of 1992) From each variable then several question
work stress on the turnover intention of employees. items are arranged. The total number of question
H5: Social support moderates the effect of work items compiled was 32 questions. The workload
stress on turnover intention variable consists of 12 question items. The work
stress variable consists of 6 question items. The
METHOD social support variable consists of 8 question items.
Research Approach And the variable turnover intention consists of 6
question items.
The research survey was conducted for 14
days. Data collection is carried out at the produc-
tion, quality assurance, logistics, and maintenance
departments. The population and sample of this Validity Test
study were 83 permanent employees of PT. Bentoel Measurement of the validity of this instrument
Prima Malang. The reason for the research sample is done by Pearson Product Moment correlation
is that permanent employees are because con- between item scores and scale scores. If the value
tracted or non-permanent employees cannot turn- of the correlation is significant, it can be said that
over according to personal wishes because they are the tool is valid as a research measure. The signifi-
bound by work contract rules so that they do not fit cant requirement is the value of r-count> r-table.
the research theme. With the number of trial samples of 30 respondents,
The research instrument used a questionnaire the value of the r-table is 0.300. The results of the
with a Likert scale. The Likert scale is useful for validity test of 32 question items show all r-count
answering questions from the questionnaire. In an- values above 0.3 so that all question items are
swering these items used degrees of tendency with declared valid.
a score of 1-5. Where 1 strongly disagrees and 5
strongly agrees (Hair et al, 2010). Data analysis Reliability Test
techniques using regression analysis and Structural This study, using an internal consistency ap-
Equation Modeling (SEM). Data from this study proach by measuring the alpha coefficient () to
were analyzed using the help of smartPLS 3.0 soft- determine the extent to which the research instru-
ware. ment used is reliable. A reliable requirement is when
the Cronbach alpha value> 0.6. The reliability test
Definition of Variable Operations results for the 4 variables showed the overall
This study consisted of four variables namely Cronbach alpha value above 0.6 so that the whole
work stress as an independent variable, workload, question items were declared reliable.
and turnover intention as the dependent variable,
and social support as a moderating variable.

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 407
Akbar Wibowo, Margono Setiawan, Agung Yuniarinto

Path Analysis Based on Table 2, the workload on turnover

The path analysis results for each variable are intention has a t-statistical value of 0.371 and a p-
obtained as follows: value of 0.711. Based on the terms of the hypoth-
esis accepted if the t-statistic value> t-table (1.96)
and p-value <0.05 (significance of 5%), it can be
0.537 Work Stress
stated that workload has no significant effect on
(Y1) turnover intention. While the path coefficient shows
a value of +0.282 meaning the higher the workload
0.250 will increase the turnover intention of employees.
-0.245 Hypothesis 1 is rejected.
Based on Table 2, work stress shows a t-
Social Support Turnover
statistic value of 3,596 and a p-value of 0,000 as
(M) Intention (Y2)
shown in Table 1. By looking at these criteria it can
be concluded that H2 is accepted because the t-
Figure 2. Analysis Results statistic value > t-table and p-value <0.05 (signifi-

Table 2. Hypothesis Testing Result

Hypothesis Variable Path Coefficient T-Statistics P-Values Information

H1 X1  Y2 0,282 0.371 0,711 Not Significant
H2 X1 Y1 0.537 3.596 0,000 Significant
H3 Y2  Y1 0.250 3.249 0,001 Significant
H4 X1  Y1 Y2 0.232 2.410 0,015 Significant
H5 M  Y2 -0.245 1.135 0.257 Not Significant

cance of 5%). Thus it can be said that workload Results Table 2 shows that the relationship be-
has a significant effect on work stress. The path tween workload and turnover intention through work
coefficient shows a value of +0.537 which means stress has a t-statistic value of 2,410 and a p-value
that workload has a positive influence on work stress of 0.015. That means it can be said that H4 is ac-
so that the more workload increases the stress level cepted which means work stress has a role as a
of employees will increase. Hypothesis 2 is ac- mediator. The nature of mediation is simultaneous
cepted. because workload significantly influences turnover
The relationship of work stress to turnover in- intention after being mediated by work stress. Hy-
tention is seen in the results of the t-test with a t- pothesis 4 is accepted.
statistic value of 3,249 and p-value of 0.001. These The influence of social support moderation on
two parameters indicate that there is a significant turnover intention is shown in Table 2 with a t-sta-
influence between the two variables related to the tistic value of 1.135 and a p-value of 0.257. Both
provisions of the t-statistic value> t-table and p-value parameters showed that the hypothesis require-
<0.05 (significance of 5%) so that it can be stated ments were not met because the provisions of the
that H3 is accepted. The path coefficient shows a t-statistic value> t-table and p-value <0.05 (signifi-
value of +0.250 which means the effect of direct cance of 5%) were not achieved. So H4 can be
and positive stress on turnover intention. The higher said to be rejected which means the role of social
the level of employee stress can result in the desire support does not moderate the effect of work stress
of employees to move into large. Hypothesis 3 is on turnover intention. The path coefficient shows a
accepted. value of -0.245 which means the greater social sup-


The Effect of Workloads on Turnover Intention with Work Stress as Mediation and ...

port provided by superiors or coworkers will reduce Sawangdee (2016). It also strengthens theories from
the chances of employee turnover intention. Hy- Caplan (1987) regarding Person-Environment Fit
pothesis 5 is rejected. Theory. According to the theory, stress occurs when
individuals identify mismatches of perception of the
DISCUSSION reality of the work environment. This is in line with
Effect of Workload on Turnover Intention the results of observations in the field showing a
The test results indicate that the workload of hot, noisy, and dusty work environment can cause
employees of PT. Bentoel Prima has no significant employee work stress.
effect on turnover intention. The results of the path Analysis of the assessment of respondents’
analysis also show a path coefficient with a positive answers to workload mentions mental demand and
sign that shows that increased workload can increase physical demand as dominant factors in the forma-
employee turnover intention to be high. These re- tion of workload. The company must strive for con-
sults support the empirical study of Pradana and crete steps to minimize these impacts so that the
Salehudin (2013) which states that workload does domino effect of work stress is not experienced by
not significantly influence the intention to leave and employees. Another fact is also obtained that work-
work stress mediates the effect of workload on turn- ers in the production department quantitatively ex-
over intention. This means that other variables be- perience additional workloads without being accom-
come mediator variables between workload and panied by adequate addition of work time. This trig-
turnover intention. gers physical and mental stress because workers
The research findings support the empirical facts are required to complete production deadlines in
in the field which show that employees at PT. Bentoel normal working hours and minimize the time allowed
Prima does not use the workload aspect only as the for personal needs, relieve fatigue and idle condi-
only factor towards the emergence of thinking about tions from the machine downtime so that the allow-
leaving the company. Three factors influence the ance time for employees becomes increasingly lim-
decision. First, the company’s management policy ited.
in distributing roles or responsibilities where a high
level of ambiguity is found, secondly regarding in- Effect of Job Stress Against Turnover Inten-
appropriate job rotations, and thirdly regarding in- tion
adequate annual salary increases. The test results show that work stress has a
The results of the study between workload vari- significant effect on employee turnover intention.
ables to the turnover intention show a correlation The results of the path analysis illustrate the exist-
number of 0.371, which means there is a moderate ence of a positive correlation which means that the
influence between workload on turnover intention. higher the level of stress will cause a high turnover
The results of the study are not significant but the intention. This is in line with previous empirical stud-
number still shows the relationship or influence be- ies from Lu et al. (2017), Hakim et al. (2018), and
tween workload on turnover intention so that the Zahra et al. (2018).
company must pay serious attention to these as- The results of descriptive analysis of respon-
pects so that it does not become a problem for the dents’ answers regarding employee turnover inten-
company in the future. tion included in the high category. The indicator of
thinking of quitting has the greatest weight in influ-
Effect of Workload on Job Stress encing turnover intention. The majority of employ-
The test results indicate that the workload of ees of PT. Bentoel Prima, especially those with an
employees of PT. Bentoel Prima has a significant undergraduate degree and who are still fresh gradu-
effect on employee work stress. These findings ates, have higher levels of thinking to move within
support previous empirical studies including those the next 1 year period compared to employees with
of Shabbir and Naqwi (2017) and Kaewanuchit and high school education. This can be caused by the

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 409
Akbar Wibowo, Margono Setiawan, Agung Yuniarinto

thought that working at PT. Bentoel Prima is only a support can change employees’ responses to the
stepping stone to get a job in another more promis- stress they face. While the regression results for
ing place. the effect of social support directly on turnover in-
tention have a significant effect. This means that it
Effect of Workload on Turnover Intention can be concluded that social support does not act
Through Work Stress as moderation but can act as an independent vari-
The results showed that workload did not sig- able. The presence or absence of social support does
nificantly influence turnover intention. But when not affect reducing employee job stress levels. But
work stress is used as an intermediary between the social support will have a significant influence on
two relationships, the workload significantly influ- the desire to leave when it becomes an independent
ences turnover intention. This supports the opinion variable.
of Glazer and Beehr (2015) which states that work
stress can act as an arbitrator between workload CONCLUSIONS
and turnover intention. The findings are also in line Based on testing the hypothesis, the results of
with research findings from Pradana and Salehudin the discussion, and the research findings, some con-
(2015) and Christy and Priartini (2019). clusions can be made as follows:
The findings in the field support a related ex- The workload is not a dominant factor as a pre-
planation that when an increase in workload is not dictor to influence employee decisions in changing
able to be managed properly by the company, it will jobs, this is indicated by the correlation value that is
be very vulnerable for workers to feel repetitive not large. There are other variables outside the re-
physical and psychological pressure in the long term. search model that affect employees’ decision to
When someone is wrong in responding to changes leave work at PT Bentoel Prima.
in workload, it is feared that what will happen next Increased work volume without adequate
will be dissatisfaction with what is received from completion time can cause physical and mental stress
their work and feel that they will not get a proper for employees. Continuous physical and mental
appreciation for the work done because it exceeds stress can cause individuals to respond incorrectly
their capabilities and the availability of time. When in a week and tend to be careless and less aware of
all accumulated into one it will arise whose name is the dangers around them.
work stress. The emergence of work stress will in- The provision of ambiguous authority and as-
directly influence employees to think or begin to signments that are not based on a clear job descrip-
square off leaving a job that does not provide ex- tion and job characteristics that are not following
cessive workload and high work stress. individual capabilities as a dominant factor in terms
of increasing the potential for work stress in the
Effects of Social Support Moderating Work company that gives a domino effect in the form of
Stress on Turnover Intention inconvenience in working for employees. In the end,
The results showed that the role of social sup- when employees are treated improperly by the com-
port did not moderate the effect of work stress on pany will trigger employee intentions to find work
turnover intention. The role of social support as elsewhere that does not provide a high level of stress.
moderating work stress on turnover intention is fol- Job stress plays the role of simultaneous me-
lowing the results of empirical studies from diation for the influence of burdens on employee
Kaewboonco et al. (2014) and Fong et al. (2018) desires. Adding workload is not a problem because
turn out to be a contradiction with the results of this it is not a major factor in an employee’s decision to
study. leave work. But it will be a problem when it is not
The results of this study do not support the managed properly by the company such as giving
theory of Sarafino (2006) about the role of social fair rewards or bonuses. What is feared is the emer-
support as a buffer and direct effect where social gence of dissatisfaction from employees due to feel-


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