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negligence cases, namely: duty, breach, injury, and

EVIDENCE proximate causation.

Although generally, expert medical testimony is relied
upon in malpractice suits to prove that a physician has
1998-2008 CASES done a negligent act or that he has deviated from the
standard medical procedure, when the doctrine of res ipsa
1. G.R. No. 150762, January 20, 2006 loquitor is availed by the plaintiff, the need for expert
COVERDALE ABARQUEZ, y EVANGELISTA vs. THE medical testimony is dispensed with because the injury
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES itself provides the proof of negligence. The reason is that
the general rule on the necessity of expert testimony
Every person accused has the right to be presumed applies only to such matters clearly within the domain of
innocent until the contrary is proven beyond reasonable medical science, and not to matters that are within the
doubt. The presumption of innocence stands as a common knowledge of mankind which may be testified to
fundamental principle of both constitutional and criminal by anyone familiar with the facts.
law. Thus, the prosecution has the burden of proving every
single fact establishing guilt. Every vestige of doubt having Hence, in cases where the res ipsa loquitur is applicable,
a rational basis must be removed. The defense of the the court is permitted to find a physician negligent upon
accused, even if weak, is no reason to convict. Within this proper proof of injury to the patient, without the aid of
framework, the prosecution must prove its case beyond expert testimony, where the court from its fund of
any hint of uncertainty. The defense need not even speak common knowledge can determine the proper standard of
at all. The presumption of innocence is more than care. Where common knowledge and experience teach that
sufficient. a resulting injury would not have occurred to the patient if
due care had been exercised, an inference of negligence
We apply in this case the equipoise rule. Where the may be drawn giving rise to an application of the doctrine
evidence on an issue of fact is in issue or there is doubt on of res ipsa loquitur without medical evidence, which is
which side the evidence preponderates, the party having ordinarily required to show not only what occurred but
the burden of proof loses. how and why it occurred. When the doctrine is
appropriate, all that the patient must do is prove a nexus
The equipoise rule finds application if, as in this case, the between the particular act or omission complained of and
inculpatory facts and circumstances are capable of two or the injury sustained while under the custody and
more explanations, one of which is consistent with the management of the defendant without need to produce
innocence of the accused and the other consistent with his expert medical testimony to establish the standard of care.
guilt, for then the evidence does not fulfill the test of moral
certainty, and does not suffice to produce a conviction. 3. G.R. No. 146737, December 10, 2001
Briefly stated, the needed quantum of proof to convict the IN THE MATTER OF THE INTESTATE ESTATE OF THE
accused of the crime charged is found lacking. LATE JUAN "JHONNY" LOCSIN, SR., LUCY A. SOLINAP
(Daughter of the late Maria Locsin Araneta), the
2. G.R. No. 130547, October 3, 2000 successors of the late LOURDES C. LOCSIN, MANUEL C.
minors LLOYD and KRISTINE, all surnamed REYES, estate of the late JOSE C. LOCSIN, JR. vs. JUAN C. LOCSIN,
represented by their mother, LEAH ALESNA REYES vs. JR.
DR. MARVIE BLANES, and DR. MARLYN RICO A birth certificate is a formidable piece of evidence
prescribed by both the Civil Code and Article 172 of the
Petitioner’s action is for medical malpractice. This is a Family Code for purposes of recognition and filiation.
particular form of negligence which consists in the failure However, birth certificate offers only prima facie evidence
of a physician or surgeon to apply to his practice of of filiation and may be refuted by contrary evidence. Its
medicine that degree of care and skill which is ordinarily evidentiary worth cannot be sustained where there exists
employed by the profession generally, under similar strong, complete and conclusive proof of its falsity or
conditions, and in like surrounding circumstances. In order nullity.
to successfully pursue such a claim, a patient must prove
that the physician or surgeon either failed to do something In this case, respondent's Certificate of Live Birth No. 477
which a reasonably prudent physician or surgeon would entered in the records of the Local Civil Registry (from
have done, or that he or she did something that a which Exhibit "D" was machine copied) has all the badges
reasonably prudent physician or surgeon would not have of nullity. Without doubt, the authentic copy on file in that
done, and that the failure or action caused injury to the
patient. There are thus four elements involved in medical


office was removed and substituted with a falsified 5. G.R. Nos. 132875-76, November 16, 2001

At this point, it bears stressing the provision of Section 23, It is settled that in cases of statutory rape, the age of the
Rule 132 of the Revised Rules of Court that "(d)ocuments victim may be proved by the presentation of her birth
consisting of entries in public records made in the certificate. In the case at bar, accused-appellant contends
performance of a duty by a public officer are prima facie that the birth certificate of Rosilyn should not have been
evidence of the facts therein stated." In this case, the considered by the trial court because said birth certificate
glaring discrepancies between the two Certificates of Live has already been ordered cancelled and expunged from the
Birth (Exhibits "D" and "8") have overturned the records by the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 38,
genuineness of Exhibit "D" entered in the Local Civil in Special Proceedings No. 97-81893, dated April 11, 1997.
Registry. What is authentic is Exhibit "8" recorded in the However, it appears that the said decision has been
Civil Registry General. annulled and set aside by the Court of Appeals on June 10,
1999, in CA-G.R. SP No. 45289. The decision of the Court of
4. G.R. No. 123300, September 25, 1998 Appeals was appealed to this Court by petition for review,
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. ELPIDIO DELMENDO docketed as G.R. No. 140305. Pending the final outcome of
y URPIANO that case, the decision of the Court of Appeals is presumed
valid and can be invoked as prima facie basis for holding
Appellate courts accord the highest respect to the that Rosilyn was indeed eleven years old at the time she
assessment made by the trial court of the testimonies of was abused by accused-appellant.
eyewitnesses. We have doctrinally held that the findings of
a trial court on the credibility of witnesses deserve great However, even assuming the absence of a valid birth
weight, given the clear advantage of a trial judge over an certificate, there is sufficient and ample proof of the
appellate magistrate in the appreciation of testimonial complainant’s age in the records.
evidence. It is judicially recognized that the trial court is in
the best position to assess the credibility of witnesses and Rosilyn’s Baptismal Certificate can likewise serve as proof
their testimonies because of their unique opportunity to of her age. In People v. Liban, we ruled that the birth
observe the witnesses firsthand and note their demeanor, certificate, or in lieu thereof, any other documentary
conduct and attitude under grueling examination. These evidence that can help establish the age of the victim, such
are the most significant factors in evaluating the sincerity as the baptismal certificate, school records, and documents
of witnesses and in unearthing the truth. Hence, except for of similar nature, can be presented.
compelling reasons, we are logically bound by the trial
court's assessment of the credibility of witnesses. And even assuming ex gratia argumenti that the birth and
baptismal certificates of Rosilyn are inadmissible to prove
An innocent person will at once naturally and emphatically her age, the Master List of Live Births and the Cord
repel an accusation of crime, as a matter of self- Dressing Book of Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital where
preservation, and as a precaution against prejudicing Rosilyn was born are sufficient evidence to prove that her
himself. A person's silence, therefore, particularly when it date of birth was May 11, 1985. These documents are
is persistent, may justify an inference that he is not considered entries in official records, admissible as prima
innocent. Thus, we have the general principle that when an facie evidence of their contents and corroborative of
accused is silent when he should speak, in circumstances Rosilyn’s testimony as to her age.
where an innocent person so situated would have spoken,
on being accused of a crime, his silence and omission are In order for a book to classify as an official register and
admissible in evidence against him. Accordingly, it has admissible in evidence, it is not necessary that it be
been aptly said that silence may be assent as well as required by an express statute to be kept, nor that the
consent, and may, where a direct and specific accusation of nature of the office should render the book indispensable;
crime is made, be regarded under some circumstances as a it is sufficient that it be directed by the proper authority to
quasi-confession. be kept. Thus, official registers, though not required by
law, kept as convenient and appropriate modes of
Likewise, appellant's flight and his use of a different name discharging official duties, are admissible.
to hide his identity is a clear and positive indication of his
guilt. It is a well-entrenched doctrine that the flight of an Entries in public or official books or records may be
accused from the scene of the crime and his act of hiding proved by the production of the books or records
himself until he was arrested are circumstances highly themselves or by a copy certified by the legal keeper
indicative of his guilt, for, as has long been wisely said, the thereof. It is not necessary to show that the person making
wicked flee even when no man pursueth but the righteous the entry is unavailable by reason of death, absence, etc., in
are as bold as a lion. order that the entry may be admissible in evidence, for his


being excused from appearing in court in order that public standards and procedures were followed in conducting the
business be not deranged, is one of the reasons for this tests, and the qualification of the analyst who conducted
exception to the hearsay rule. the tests.

6. G.R. No. 139070, May 29, 2002 Under Philippine law, evidence is relevant when it relates
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. NOEL LEE directly to a fact in issue as to induce belief in its existence
or non-existence.
The rule is that the character or reputation of a party is
regarded as legally irrelevant in determining a The kernel of the right against self-incrimination is not
controversy, so that evidence relating thereto is not against all compulsion, but against testimonial compulsion.
admissible. Ordinarily, if the issues in the case were The right against self-incrimination is simply against the
allowed to be influenced by evidence of the character or legal process of extracting from the lips of the accused an
reputation of the parties, the trial would be apt to have the admission of guilt. It does not apply where the evidence
aspects of a popularity contest rather than a factual sought to be excluded is not an incrimination but as part of
inquiry into the merits of the case. After all, the business of object evidence.
the court is to try the case, and not the man; and a very bad
man may have a righteous cause. There are exceptions to For too long, illegitimate children have been marginalized
this rule however and Section 51, Rule 130 gives the by fathers who choose to deny their existence. The
exceptions in both criminal and civil cases. growing sophistication of DNA testing technology finally
provides a much needed equalizer for such ostracized and
In criminal cases, sub-paragraph 1 of Section 51 of Rule abandoned progeny. We have long believed in the merits
130 provides that the accused may prove his good moral of DNA testing and have repeatedly expressed as much in
character which is pertinent to the moral trait involved in the past. This case comes at a perfect time when DNA
the offense charged. When the accused presents proof of testing has finally evolved into a dependable and
his good moral character, this strengthens the authoritative form of evidence gathering. We therefore
presumption of innocence, and where good character and take this opportunity to forcefully reiterate our stand that
reputation are established, an inference arises that the DNA testing is a valid means of determining paternity.
accused did not commit the crime charged. This view
proceeds from the theory that a person of good character 8. G.R. No. 153699, August 22, 2005
and high reputation is not likely to have committed the act CIRSE FRANCISCO "CHOY" TORRALBA vs. PEOPLE OF
charged against him. Sub-paragraph 2 provides that the THE PHILIPPINES
prosecution may not prove the bad moral character of the
accused except only in rebuttal and when such evidence is It is generally held that sound recording is not
pertinent to the moral trait involved in the offense inadmissible because of its form where a proper
charged. This is intended to avoid unfair prejudice to the foundation has been laid to guarantee the genuineness of
accused who might otherwise be convicted not because he the recording.
is guilty but because he is a person of bad character. The
offering of character evidence on his behalf is a privilege of In our jurisdiction, it is a rudimentary rule of evidence
the defendant, and the prosecution cannot comment on the that before a tape recording is admissible in evidence
failure of the defendant to produce such evidence. Once and given probative value, the following requisites
the defendant raises the issue of his good character, the must first be established, to wit:
prosecution may, in rebuttal, offer evidence of the (1) a showing that the recording device was capable
defendant’s bad character. Otherwise, a defendant, secure of taking testimony;
from refutation, would have a license to unscrupulously (2) a showing that the operator of the device was
impose a false character upon the tribunal. competent;
(3) establishment of the authenticity and correctness
7. G.R. No. 162571, June 15, 2005 of the recording;
ARNEL L. AGUSTIN vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS AND (4) a showing that changes, additions, or deletions
BY HIS MOTHER/GUARDIAN FE ANGELA (5) a showing of the manner of the preservation of
PROLLAMANTE the recording;
(6) identification of the speakers; and
In assessing the probative value of DNA evidence, courts (7) a showing that the testimony elicited was
should consider, inter alia, the following factors: how the voluntarily made without any kind of inducement.
samples were collected, how they were handled, the
possibility of contamination of the samples, the procedure In his comprehensive book on evidence, our former
followed in analyzing the samples, whether proper colleague, Justice Ricardo Francisco, wrote that "[e]vidence


of a message or a speech by means of radio broadcast is that there is no more harmony to be preserved nor peace
admissible as evidence when the identity of the speaker is and tranquility which may be disturbed, the reason based
established either by the testimony of a witness who saw upon such harmony and tranquility fails. In such a case,
him broadcast his message or speech, or by the witness’ identity of interests disappears and the consequent danger
recognition of the voice of the speaker." of perjury based on that identity is non-existent. Likewise,
in such a situation, the security and confidences of private
9. G.R. No. 151040, October 6, 2005 life, which the law aims at protecting, will be nothing but
ALLIED BANKING CORPORATION vs. CHENG YONG and ideals, which through their absence, merely leave a void in
LILIA GAW the unhappy home.

Under the parole evidence rule, the terms of a contract are 11. G.R. No. 147039, January 27, 2006
conclusive upon the parties and evidence which shall vary DBP POOL OF ACCREDITED INSURANCE COMPANIES vs.
a complete and enforceable agreement embodied in a RADIO MINDANAO NETWORK, INC.
document is inadmissible.
The Court will not disturb these factual findings absent
The appellate court is correct in declaring that under the compelling or exceptional reasons. It should be stressed
parole evidence rule, when the parties have reduced their that a review by certiorari under Rule 45 is a matter of
agreement into writing, they are deemed to have intended discretion. Under this mode of review, the jurisdiction of
such written agreement to be the sole repository and the Court is limited to reviewing only errors of law, not of
memorial of everything that they have agreed upon. All fact.
their prior and contemporaneous agreements are deemed
to be merged in the written document so that, as between Moreover, when supported by substantial evidence,
them and their successors-in-interest, such writing findings of fact of the trial court as affirmed by the CA are
becomes exclusive evidence of the terms thereof and any conclusive and binding on the parties, which this Court will
verbal agreement which tends to vary, alter or modify the not review unless there are exceptional circumstances.
same is not admissible. There are no exceptional circumstances in this case that
would have impelled the Court to depart from the factual
10. G.R. No. 143439, October 14, 2005 findings of both the trial court and the CA.
A witness can testify only to those facts which he knows of
During their marriage, neither the husband nor the wife his personal knowledge, which means those facts which
may testify for or against the other without the consent of are derived from his perception. A witness may not testify
the affected spouse, except in a civil case by one against as to what he merely learned from others either because
the other, or in a criminal case for a crime committed by he was told or read or heard the same. Such testimony is
one against the other or the latter’s direct descendants or considered hearsay and may not be received as proof of
ascendants the truth of what he has learned. The hearsay rule is based
upon serious concerns about the trustworthiness and
The reasons given for the rule are: reliability of hearsay evidence inasmuch as such evidence
1. There is identity of interests between husband are not given under oath or solemn affirmation and, more
and wife; importantly, have not been subjected to cross-examination
2. If one were to testify for or against the other, there by opposing counsel to test the perception, memory,
is consequent danger of perjury; veracity and articulateness of the out-of-court declarant or
3. The policy of the law is to guard the security and actor upon whose reliability on which the worth of the out-
confidences of private life, even at the risk of an of-court statement depends.
occasional failure of justice, and to prevent
domestic disunion and unhappiness; and Res gestae, as an exception to the hearsay rule, refers to
4. Where there is want of domestic tranquility there those exclamations and statements made by either the
is danger of punishing one spouse through the participants, victims, or spectators to a crime immediately
hostile testimony of the other. before, during, or after the commission of the crime, when
the circumstances are such that the statements were made
But like all other general rules, the marital disqualification as a spontaneous reaction or utterance inspired by the
rule has its own exceptions, both in civil actions between excitement of the occasion and there was no opportunity
the spouses and in criminal cases for offenses committed for the declarant to deliberate and to fabricate a false
by one against the other. Like the rule itself, the exceptions statement.
are backed by sound reasons which, in the excepted cases,
outweigh those in support of the general rule. For instance, The rule in res gestae applies when the declarant
where the marital and domestic relations are so strained himself did not testify and provided that the testimony


of the witness who heard the declarant complies with It bears stressing that the trial court may validly determine
the following requisites: forgery from its own independent examination of the
(1) That the principal act, the res gestae, be a startling documentary evidence at hand. This the trial court judge
occurrence; can do without resorting to experts, especially when the
(2) The statements were made before the declarant question involved is mere handwriting similarity or
had the time to contrive or devise a falsehood; and dissimilarity, which can be determined by a visual
(3) That the statements must concern the occurrence comparison of specimen of the questioned signatures with
in question and its immediate attending those of currently existing ones. Section 22 of Rule 132 of
circumstances. the Rules of Court explicitly authorizes the court, by itself,
to make a comparison of the disputed handwriting with
Admissibility of evidence should not be equated with its writings admitted or treated as genuine by the party
weight and sufficiency. Admissibility of evidence depends against whom the evidence is offered, or proved to be
on its relevance and competence, while the weight of genuine to the satisfaction of the judge.
evidence pertains to evidence already admitted and its
tendency to convince and persuade. 13. G. R. No. 157064, August 7, 2006
12. G.R. No. 127857, June 20, 2006 UBP Securities, Inc.) vs. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL
BELLAFLOR, MARIO, ARNOLFO, JOCELYN and Jurisprudence is replete with cases holding that if the
GODFREY, all surnamed DE JESUS, all represented by taxpayer denies ever having received an assessment from
RONALDO DE JESUS the BIR, it is incumbent upon the latter to prove by
competent evidence that such notice was indeed received
It is not the function of this Court to analyze or weigh by the addressee. The onus probandi was shifted to
evidence all over again, unless there is a showing that the respondent to prove by contrary evidence that the
findings of the lower court are totally devoid of support or Petitioner received the assessment in the due course of
are glaringly erroneous as to constitute palpable error or mail. The Supreme Court has consistently held that while a
grave abuse of discretion. mailed letter is deemed received by the addressee in the
course of mail, this is merely a disputable presumption
Although this rule admits of several exceptions, none of the subject to controversion and a direct denial thereof shifts
exceptions is available in the instant case which gives us the burden to the party favored by the presumption to
reason to deviate from the rule. The courts a quo had prove that the mailed letter was indeed received by the
sufficient factual basis in holding that the questioned addressee.
signatures are spurious.
The facts to be proved to raise this presumption are:
In any event, we are not convinced that the courts a quo (a) that the letter was properly addressed with postage
erred in declaring null and void the Deed of Sale. Generally, prepaid, and (b) that it was mailed. Once these facts are
a notarized document carries the evidentiary weight proved, the presumption is that the letter was received by
conferred upon it with respect to its due execution, and the addressee as soon as it could have been transmitted to
has in its favor the presumption of regularity. However, him in the ordinary course of the mail. But if one of the
this presumption is not absolute and may be rebutted by said facts fails to appear, the presumption does not lie.
clear and convincing evidence to the contrary.
Entries in official records made in the performance of his
It is true that the opinion of handwriting experts are not duty by a public officer of the Philippines, or by a person in
necessarily binding upon the court, the expert’s function the performance of a duty specially enjoined by law, are
being to place before the court data upon which the court prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated.
can form its own opinion. Handwriting experts are usually
helpful in the examination of forged documents because of There are three requisites for admissibility under the
the technical procedure involved in analyzing them. But rule just mentioned:
resort to these experts is not mandatory or indispensable (a) That the entry was made by a public officer, or by
to the examination or the comparison of handwriting. A another person specially enjoined by law to do so;
finding of forgery does not depend entirely on the (b) That it was made by the public officer in the
testimonies of handwriting experts, because the judge performance of his duties, or by such other person
must conduct an independent examination of the in the performance of a duty specially enjoined by
questioned signature in order to arrive at a reasonable law; and
conclusion as to its authenticity. (c) That the public officer or other person had
sufficient knowledge of the facts by him stated,


which must have been acquired by him personally of respondents’ daughter was a result of petitioner’s
or through official information. negligence, being in charge of the school.

14. G.R. No. 162037, August 7, 2006 As a rule of evidence, the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur is
HEIRS OF ENRIQUE DIAZ, Represented by AURORA T. peculiar to the law of negligence which recognizes that
DIAZ vs. ELINOR A. VIRATA, In her capacity as the prima facie negligence may be established without direct
Administratrix of the Estate of ANTENOR VIRATA proof and furnishes a substitute for specific proof of
A certificate of title shall not be subject to collateral attack.
It cannot be altered, modified, or cancelled except in a The procedural effect of the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur is
direct proceeding in accordance with law. that petitioner’s negligence is presumed once respondents
established the requisites for the doctrine to apply. Once
An action is deemed an attack on a title when the object of respondents made out a prima facie case of all requisites,
the action or proceeding is to nullify the title, and thus the burden shifts to petitioner to explain. The presumption
challenge the judgment pursuant to which the title was or inference may be rebutted or overcome by other
decreed. The attack is direct when the object of the action evidence and, under appropriate circumstances a
is to annul or set aside such judgment, or enjoin its disputable presumption, such as that of due care or
enforcement. On the other hand, the attack is indirect or innocence, may outweigh the inference.
collateral when, in an action to obtain a different relief, an
attack on the judgment is nevertheless made as an incident 16. G.R. No. 152007, January 22, 2007
(Deceased) represented by her children namely:
Laches is defined as the failure to assert a right for an HEIRS OF CELEDONIA PUTONG, namely: FORTUNATO
unreasonable and unexplained length of time, warranting ESCUDERO, TERESITA TABALDINA, CONCORDIO E.
a presumption that the party entitled to assert it has either NEBRIA, PEDRO ESCUDERO and LUISA PEDRERA;
abandoned or declined to assert it. This equitable defense HEIRS OF EUFEMIO PUTONG, namely: RICARDO
is based upon grounds of public policy, which requires the PUTONG and PORFERIA PUTONG; HEIRS OF GREGORIO
discouragement of stale claims for the peace of society.84 PUTONG, namely: ROSALIO PUTONG, PERSEVERANDA
Indeed, while it is true that a Torrens Title is indefeasible LOPEZ, BERNARDO PUTONG and ROSALINDA OMAGAC;
and imprescriptible, the registered landowner may lose his HEIRS OF MARIANO PUTONG, namely: SERAPIA
right to recover the possession of his registered property DALHOG, TEODORA AYENG, MARCIANO PUTONG,
For laches to apply, it must be shown that there was lack of REPRESENTED BY THEIR ATTORNEY-IN- FACT, AUREA
knowledge or notice on the part of the defendant that P. MERCIDOR vs. CARMELITA LOQUELLANO VDA. DE
complainant would assert the right in which he bases his MENDE and the HEIRS OF EVANS MENDE, namely: ERIC
15. G.R. No. 157906, November 2, 2006 MENDE and the REGISTER OF DEEDS OF THE CITY OF
The Court, in petitions for review of CA decisions under
The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur applies where: Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, usually limits its inquiry only
(1) The accident was of such character as to warrant to questions of law. Stated otherwise, it is not the function
an inference that it would not have happened of the Court to analyze and weigh all over again the
except for the defendant’s negligence; evidence or premises supportive of the factual holdings of
(2) The accident must have been caused by an agency lower courts. The Court refrains from further scrutiny of
or instrumentality within the exclusive factual findings of trial courts, more so when those
management or control of the person charged findings are affirmed by the CA, as here. To do otherwise
with the negligence complained of; and would defeat the very essence of Rule 45 and would
(3) The accident must not have been due to any convert the Court into a trier of facts, which it is not meant
voluntary action or contribution on the part of the to be.
person injured.
As a rule, forgery cannot be presumed. It must be proved
The effect of the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur is to warrant a by clear, positive and convincing evidence. Mere allegation
presumption or inference that the mere falling of the of forgery is not evidence and the burden of proof lies on
branch of the dead and rotting tree which caused the death


the party alleging it. Here, the petitioners failed to for being hearsay, but on account of failure to object
discharge their burden. thereto, the same may be admitted and considered as
sufficient to prove the facts therein asserted. Hearsay
Moreover, the technical procedure utilized by handwriting evidence alone may be insufficient to establish a fact in a
experts, while usually helpful in the examination of forged suit but, when no objection is made thereto, it is, like any
documents, is not mandatory or indispensable to the other evidence, to be considered and given the importance
examination or comparison of handwritings. it deserves.

17. G.R. No. 173309, January 23, 2007 19. G.R. No. 156183, February 28, 2007

There are instances where, although a witness may not It is a settled principle in this jurisdiction that statements
have actually seen the very act of commission of a crime, made in the course of judicial proceedings are absolutely
he may still be able to positively identify a suspect or privileged. This absolute privilege remains regardless of
accused as the perpetrator of a crime, as for instance when the defamatory tenor and the presence of malice if the
the latter is the person or one of the persons last seen with same are relevant, pertinent or material to the cause in
the victim immediately before and right after the hand or subject of the inquiry. The lone requirement
commission of the crime. imposed to maintain the cloak of absolute privilege is the
test of relevancy. (Doctrine of Absolute Privilege)
It is also important to emphasize that Adelaida
immediately called out to her son that her husband was Since the newsletter was presented during the preliminary
shot by Pascual and afterward narrated the incident to the investigation, it was vested with a privileged character.
police again identifying Pascual as the assailant. These
circumstances, as the trial court correctly reckoned, are It is hornbook learning that the actions and utterances in
part of the res gestae, having been made by Adelaida judicial proceedings so far as the actual participants
immediately subsequent to the shooting. therein are concerned and preliminary steps leading to
judicial action of an official nature have been given
18. G.R. No. 150157, January 25, 2007 absolute privilege. Of particular interest are proceedings
MAURICIO MANLICLIC and PHILIPPINE RABBIT BUS leading up to prosecutions or attempted prosecutions for
LINES, INC. vs. MODESTO CALAUNAN crime xxx [A] written charge or information filed with the
prosecutor or the court is not libelous although proved to
For Section 47, Rule 130 (Testimony or Deposition at a be false and unfounded. Furthermore, the information
former proceeding) to apply, the following requisites given to a prosecutor by a private person for the purpose
must be satisfied: of initiating a prosecution is protected by the same cloak of
(a) The witness is dead or unable to testify; immunity and cannot be used as a basis for an action for
(b) His testimony or deposition was given in a former defamation.
case or proceeding, judicial or administrative,
between the same parties or those representing The one obstacle that those pleading the defense of
the same interests; privileged communication must hurdle is the test of
(c) The former case involved the same subject as that relevancy. Under this test, a matter alleged in the course
in the present case, although on different causes of of the proceedings need not be in every case material to
action; the issues presented but should be legitimately related to
(d) The issue testified to by the witness in the former the issues or be so pertinent to the controversy that it may
trial is the same issue involved in the present case; become the subject of inquiry in the course of trial.
(e) The adverse party had an opportunity to cross- 20. G.R. No. 170491, April 4, 2007
examine the witness in the former case. NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION vs. HON. RAMON G.
CODILLA, JR., Presiding Judge, RTC of Cebu, Br. 19,
It is elementary that an objection shall be made at the time BANGPAI SHIPPING COMPANY, and WALLEM
when an alleged inadmissible document is offered in SHIPPING, INCORPORATED
evidence; otherwise, the objection shall be treated as
waived, since the right to object is merely a privilege which An "electronic document" refers to information or the
the party may waive. Thus, a failure to except to the representation of information, data, figures, symbols or
evidence because it does not conform to the statute is a other models of written expression, described or however
waiver of the provisions of the law. Even assuming ex represented, by which a right is established or an
gratia argumenti that these documents are inadmissible obligation extinguished, or by which a fact may be proved


and affirmed, which is received, recorded, transmitted, However, in the case at bar, though petitioner insisted in
stored, processed, retrieved or produced electronically. It offering the photocopies as documentary evidence, it failed
includes digitally signed documents and any printout, to establish that such offer was made in accordance with
readable by sight or other means which accurately reflects the exceptions as enumerated under the above-quoted
the electronic data message or electronic document. rule. Accordingly, we find no error in the Order of the court
a quo denying admissibility of the photocopies offered by
The rules use the word "information" to define an petitioner as documentary evidence.
electronic document received, recorded, transmitted,
stored, processed, retrieved or produced electronically. 21. G.R. No. 155483, April 27, 2007
This would suggest that an electronic document is relevant HEIRS OF PEDRO PASAG, represented by EUFREMIO
only in terms of the information contained therein, similar PASAG; HEIRS OF MARIA PASAG, represented by
to any other document which is presented in evidence as EPIFANIA LUMAGUI; HEIRS OF JUANITA PASAG,
proof of its contents. However, what differentiates an represented by ASUNCION ORTIOLA; HEIRS OF ISIDRO
electronic document from a paper-based document is the PASAG, represented by VIRGINIA P. MENDOZA; HEIRS
manner by which the information is processed; clearly, the OF BASILIO PASAG, represented by MILAGROSA P.
information contained in an electronic document is NABOR; and HEIRS OF FORTUNATA PASAG,
received, recorded, transmitted, stored, processed, represented by FLORENTINA S. MEMBRERE vs. SPS.
retrieved or produced electronically. LORENZO and FLORENTINA PAROCHA, PRISCILLA P.
A perusal of the information contained in the photocopies
submitted by petitioner will reveal that not all of the The Rules of Court provides that "the court shall consider
contents therein, such as the signatures of the persons who no evidence which has not been formally offered." A formal
purportedly signed the documents, may be recorded or offer is necessary because judges are mandated to rest
produced electronically. By no stretch of the imagination their findings of facts and their judgment only and strictly
can a person’s signature affixed manually be considered as upon the evidence offered by the parties at the trial. Its
information electronically received, recorded, transmitted, function is to enable the trial judge to know the purpose or
stored, processed, retrieved or produced. Hence, the purposes for which the proponent is presenting the
argument of petitioner that since these paper printouts evidence. On the other hand, this allows opposing parties
were produced through an electronic process, then these to examine the evidence and object to its admissibility.
photocopies are electronic documents as defined in the Moreover, it facilitates review as the appellate court will
Rules on Electronic Evidence is obviously an erroneous, if not be required to review documents not previously
not preposterous, interpretation of the law. Having thus scrutinized by the trial court.
declared that the offered photocopies are not tantamount
to electronic documents, it is consequential that the same The formal offer of one’s evidence is deemed waived after
may not be considered as the functional equivalent of their failing to submit it within a considerable period of time.
original as decreed in the law.
No evidence shall be allowed to be presented and offered
When the original document has been lost or destroyed, or during the trial in support of a party’s evidence-in-chief
cannot be produced in court, the offeror, upon proof of its other than those that had been identified below and pre-
execution or existence and the cause of its unavailability marked during the pre-trial. Any other evidence not
without bad faith on his part, may prove its contents by a indicated or listed below shall be considered waived by the
copy, or by a recital of its contents in some authentic parties. However, the Court, in its discretion, may allow
document, or by the testimony of witnesses in the order introduction of additional evidence in the following
stated. The offeror of secondary evidence is burdened cases:
to prove the predicates thereof: (a) Those to be used on cross-examination or re-
(a) The loss or destruction of the original without bad cross-examination for impeachment purposes;
faith on the part of the proponent/offeror which (b) Those presented on re-direct examination to
can be shown by circumstantial evidence of explain or supplement the answers of a witness
routine practices of destruction of documents; during the cross-examination;
(b) The proponent must prove by a fair (c) Those to be utilized for rebuttal or sur-rebuttal
preponderance of evidence as to raise a purposes; and
reasonable inference of the loss or destruction of (d) Those not available during the pre-trial
the original copy; and proceedings despite due diligence on the part of
(c) It must be shown that a diligent and bona fide but the party offering the same.
unsuccessful search has been made for the
document in the proper place or places. It is apparent from the foregoing provision that both
parties should obtain, gather, collate, and list all their


respective pieces of evidence–– whether testimonial, While the lone defense of the accused that he was the
documentary, or object––even prior to the preliminary victim of a frame-up is easily fabricated, this claim
conference before the clerk of court or at the latest before assumes importance when faced with the rather shaky
the scheduled pre-trial conference. Otherwise, pieces of nature of the prosecution evidence. It is well to remember
evidence not identified or marked during the pre-trial that the prosecution must rely, not on the weakness of the
proceedings are deemed waived and rendered inutile. The defense evidence, but rather on its own proof which must
parties should strictly adhere to the principle of "laying be strong enough to convince this Court that the prisoner
one’s cards on the table." In the light of these issuances and in the dock deserves to be punished. The constitutional
in order to obviate interminable delay in case processing, presumption is that the accused is innocent even if his
the parties and lawyers should closely conform to the defense is weak as long as the prosecution is not strong
requirement that the offer of evidence must be done orally enough to convict him.
on the day scheduled for the presentation of the last
witness. The glaring contradictory testimonies of the prosecution
witnesses generate serious doubt as to whether a firearm
2007-2008 CASES was really found in the house of petitioner. The
prosecution utterly failed to discharge its burden of
1. G.R. No. 173612, March 26, 2008 proving that petitioner is guilty of illegal possession of
DOMINADOR MALANA and RODEL TIAGA vs. PEOPLE firearms beyond reasonable doubt. The constitutional
OF THE PHILIPPINES presumption of innocence of petitioner has not been
demolished and therefore petitioner should be acquitted of
This rule provides that where the evidence of the parties in the crime he was with.
a criminal case is evenly balanced, the constitutional
presumption of innocence should tilt the scales in favor of 3. G.R. No. 159585, April 22, 2008
the accused. There is, therefore, no equipoise if the AMANDO A. PONTAOE and DR. ALEJANDRO G.
evidence is not evenly balanced. Said rule is not applicable PONTAOE vs. TEODORA A. PONTAOE and EDUARDO A.
in the case before us because the evidence here presented PONTAOE
is not equally weighty. The equipoise rule cannot be
invoked where the evidence of the prosecution is As to the argument that handwriting experts should have
overwhelming. been employed, handwriting experts are usually helpful in
the examination of forged documents because of the
Against the direct, positive and convincing evidence for the technical procedure involved in analyzing them, but resort
prosecution, appellants could only offer denials and to these experts is not mandatory or indispensable to the
uncorroborated alibi. It is elementary that alibi and denial examination or the comparison of handwritings. A finding
are outweighed by positive identification that is of forgery does not depend entirely on the testimonies of
categorical, consistent and untainted by any ill motive on handwriting experts, because the judge must conduct an
the part of the eyewitness testifying on the matter. Alibi examination of the questioned signature in order to arrive
and denial, if not substantiated by clear and convincing at a reasonable conclusion as to its authenticity. The
evidence, are negative and self-serving evidence opinions of handwriting experts are not binding upon
undeserving of weight in law. The prosecution witnesses courts, especially when the question involved is mere
positively identified appellants as two of the perpetrators handwriting similarity or dissimilarity, which can be
of the crime. It is incumbent upon appellants to prove that determined by a visual comparison of specimens of the
they were at another place when the felony was questioned signatures with those of the currently existing
committed, and that it was physically impossible for them ones. Moreover, Section 22 of Rule 132 of the Rules of
to have been at the scene of the crime at the time it was Court likewise explicitly authorizes the court, by itself, to
committed. This they failed to prove. make a comparison of the disputed handwriting "with
writings admitted or treated as genuine by the party
2. G.R. No. 158788, April 30, 2008 against whom the evidence is offered, or proved to be
ELY AGUSTIN vs. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES genuine to the satisfaction of the judge."

A material matter is the main fact which is the subject of

inquiry or any circumstance which tends to prove that fact
or any fact or circumstance which tends to corroborate or
strengthen the testimony relative to the subject of inquiry
or which legitimately affects the credit of any witness who


4. G.R. No. 173192, April 14, 2008 by the adverse party, except by evidence of his bad
ROSENDO BACALSO, RODRIGO BACALSO, MARCILIANA character. Under a rule permitting the impeachment of an
B. DOBLAS, TEROLIO BACALSO, ALIPIO BACALSO, JR., adverse witness, although the calling party does not vouch
MARIO BACALSO, WILLIAM BACALSO, ALIPIO BACALSO for the witness’ veracity, he is nonetheless bound by his
III and CRISTITA B. BAÑES vs. MAXIMO PADIGOS, testimony if it is not contradicted or remains unrebutted.
PADIGOS, VICTORIA P. ABARQUEZ, LILIA P. GABISON, A party who calls his adversary as a witness is, therefore,
TIMOTEO PADIGOS, PERFECTO PADIGOS, PRISCA not bound by the latter’s testimony only in the sense that
SALARDA, FLORA GUINTO, BENITA TEMPLA, SOTERO he may contradict him by introducing other evidence to
PADIGOS, ANDRES PADIGOS, EMILIO PADIGOS, prove a state of facts contrary to what the witness testifies
DEMETRIO PADIGOS, JR., WENCESLAO PADIGOS, NELLY on. A rule that provides that the party calling an adverse
PADIGOS, EXPEDITO PADIGOS, HENRY PADIGOS and witness shall not be bound by his testimony does not mean
ENRIQUE P. MALAZARTE that such testimony may not be given its proper weight,
but merely that the calling party shall not be precluded
Expert opinions are not ordinarily conclusive. They are from rebutting his testimony or from impeaching him.
generally regarded as purely advisory in character. The This, the petitioner failed to do.
courts may place whatever weight they choose upon and
may reject them, if they find them inconsistent with the The notarization of a private document converts it into a
facts in the case or otherwise unreasonable. When faced public document, and makes it admissible in court without
with conflicting expert opinions, courts give more weight further proof of its authenticity. It is entitled to full faith
and credence to that which is more complete, thorough, and credit upon its face. A notarized document carries
and scientific. evidentiary weight as to its due execution, and documents
acknowledged before a notary public have in their favor
The value of the opinion of a handwriting expert depends the presumption of regularity. Such a document must be
not upon his mere statements of whether a writing is given full force and effect absent a strong, complete and
genuine or false, but upon the assistance he may afford in conclusive proof of its falsity or nullity on account of some
pointing out distinguishing marks, characteristics and flaws or defects recognized by law. A public document
discrepancies in and between genuine and false specimens executed and attested through the intervention of a notary
of writing which would ordinarily escape notice or public is, generally, evidence of the facts therein express in
detection from an unpracticed observer. clear unequivocal manner.

5. G.R. No. 160855, April 16, 2008 The "best evidence rule" as encapsulated in Rule 130,
CONCEPCION CHUA GAW vs. SUY BEN CHUA and FELISA Section 3, of the Revised Rules of Civil Procedure applies
CHUA only when the content of such document is the subject of
the inquiry. Where the issue is only as to whether such
The delineation of a piece of evidence as part of the document was actually executed, or exists, or on the
evidence of one party or the other is only significant in circumstances relevant to or surrounding its execution, the
determining whether the party on whose shoulders lies best evidence rule does not apply and testimonial evidence
the burden of proof was able to meet the quantum of is admissible. Any other substitutionary evidence is
evidence needed to discharge the burden. In civil cases, likewise admissible without need to account for the
that burden devolves upon the plaintiff who must establish original. Moreover, production of the original may be
her case by preponderance of evidence. The rule is that the dispensed with, in the trial court’s discretion, whenever
plaintiff must rely on the strength of his own evidence and the opponent does not bona fide dispute the contents of
not upon the weakness of the defendant’s evidence. Thus, the document and no other useful purpose will be served
it barely matters who with a piece of evidence is credited. by requiring production.
In the end, the court will have to consider the entirety of
the evidence presented by both parties. Preponderance of An agreement or the contract between the parties is the
evidence is then determined by considering all the facts formal expression of the parties’ rights, duties and
and circumstances of the case, culled from the evidence, obligations. It is the best evidence of the intention of the
regardless of who actually presented it. parties. The parties’ intention is to be deciphered from the
language used in the contract, not from the unilateral post
That the witness is the adverse party does not necessarily facto assertions of one of the parties, or of third parties
mean that the calling party will not be bound by the who are strangers to the contract. Thus, when the terms of
former’s testimony. The fact remains that it was at his an agreement have been reduced to writing, it is deemed
instance that his adversary was put on the witness stand. to contain all the terms agreed upon and there can be,
Unlike an ordinary witness, the calling party may impeach between the parties and their successors in interest, no
an adverse witness in all respects as if he had been called


evidence of such terms other than the contents of the 8. G.R. No. 157766, July 12, 2007
written agreement. ERNESTO L. SALAS vs. STA. MESA MARKET
6. G.R. No. 157177, February 11, 2008 DOMINGO
REYES and CONRADO B. REYES Whether a document is public or private is relevant in
determining its admissibility as evidence. Public
It is a basic rule in evidence that each party to a case must documents are admissible in evidence even without
prove his own affirmative allegations by the degree of further proof of their due execution and genuineness. On
evidence required by law. In civil cases, the party having the other hand, private documents are inadmissible in
the burden of proof must establish his case by evidence unless they are properly authenticated.
preponderance of evidence, or that evidence which is of
greater weight or is more convincing than that which is in During authentication in court, a witness positively
opposition to it. It does not mean absolute truth; rather, it testifies that a document presented as evidence is genuine
means that the testimony of one side is more believable and has been duly executed or that the document is
than that of the other side, and that the probability of truth neither spurious nor counterfeit nor executed by mistake
is on one side than on the other. or under duress.

For a better perspective on the calibration of the evidence While there is no fixed criterion as to what constitutes
on hand, it must first be stressed that the judge who had competent evidence to establish the authenticity of a
heard and seen the witnesses testify was not the same private document, the best proof available must be
judge who penned the decision. Thus, not having heard the presented.
testimonies himself, the trial judge or the appellate court
would not be in a better position than this Court to assess 2011-2014 CASES
the credibility of witnesses on the basis of their demeanor.
1. G.R. No. 193966, February 19, 2014
Physical evidence is a mute but eloquent manifestation of DESIGN SOURCES INTERNATIONAL INC. and KENNETH
truth, and it ranks high in our hierarchy of trustworthy SY vs. LOURDES L. ERISTINGCOL
evidence. We have, on many occasions, relied principally
upon physical evidence in ascertaining the truth. Where Excluding future witnesses from the courtroom at the time
the physical evidence on record runs counter to the another witness is testifying, or ordering that these
testimonial evidence of the prosecution witnesses, we witnesses be kept separate from one another, is primarily
consistently rule that the physical evidence should prevail. to prevent them from conversing with one another. The
purpose is to ensure that the witnesses testify to the truth
7. G.R. No. 159240, February 4, 2008 by preventing them from being influenced by the
GREGORIO SILOT, JR. vs. ESTRELLA DE LA ROSA testimonies of the others. In other words, this measure is
meant to prevent connivance or collusion among
Well-entrenched is the rule that the client is bound by the witnesses. The efficacy of excluding or separating
mistakes arising from negligence of his own counsel. The witnesses has long been recognized as a means of
only exception to this rule is, as the Court of Appeals itself discouraging fabrication, inaccuracy, and collusion.
cited in its decision, when the negligence is so gross that However, without any motion from the opposing party or
the client is deprived of his day in court. order from the court, there is nothing in the rules that
prohibits a witness from hearing the testimonies of other
Judicial admissions are frequently those of counsel or of witnesses.
the attorney of record, who is, for the purpose of the trial,
the agent of his client. When such admissions are made […] Without any prior order or at least a motion for exclusion
for the purpose of dispensing with proof of some fact, […] from any of the parties, a court cannot simply allow or
they bind the client, whether made during, or even after, disallow the presentation of a witness solely on the ground
the trial that the latter heard the testimony of another witness. It is
the responsibility of respondent's counsel to protect the
Judicial admissions do not require proof and may not be interest of his client during the presentation of other
contradicted in the absence of a prior showing that the witnesses.
admissions had been made through palpable mistake.
Respondent is bound by the acts of her counsel, including
mistakes in the realm of procedural techniques. The
exception to the said rule does not apply herein,


considering that there is no showing that she was thereby One of the purposes of the above rule is to prevent fishing
deprived of due process. expeditions and needless delays; it is there to maintain
order and facilitate the conduct of trial. It will be presumed
2. G.R. No. 173540, January 22, 2014 that a party who does not serve written interrogatories on
PEREGRINA MACUA VDA. DE AVENIDO vs. TECLA the adverse party beforehand will most likely be unable to
HOYBIA AVENIDO elicit facts useful to its case if it later opts to call the
adverse party to the witness stand as its witness. Instead,
While a marriage certificate is considered the primary the process could be treated as a fishing expedition or an
evidence of a marital union, it is not regarded as the sole attempt at delaying the proceedings; it produces no
and exclusive evidence of marriage. Jurisprudence teaches significant result that a prior written interrogatories might
that the fact of marriage may be proven by relevant bring.
evidence other than the marriage certificate. Hence, even a
person’s birth certificate may be recognized as competent Besides, since the calling party is deemed bound by the
evidence of the marriage between his parents. adverse party’s testimony, compelling the adverse party to
take the witness stand may result in the calling party
Evidence of the execution of a document is, in the last damaging its own case. Otherwise stated, if a party cannot
analysis, necessarily collateral or primary. It generally elicit facts or information useful to its case through the
consists of parol testimony or extrinsic papers. Even when facility of written interrogatories or other mode of
the document is actually produced, its authenticity is not discovery, then the calling of the adverse party to the
necessarily, if at all, determined from its face or recital of witness stand could only serve to weaken its own case as a
its contents but by parol evidence. At the most, failure to result of the calling party’s being bound by the adverse
produce the document, when available, to establish its party’s testimony, which may only be worthless and
execution may effect the weight of the evidence presented instead detrimental to the calling party’s cause.
but not the admissibility of such evidence.
Another reason for the rule is that by requiring prior
Truly, the execution of a document may be proven by the written interrogatories, the court may limit the inquiry to
parties themselves, by the swearing officer, by witnesses what is relevant, and thus prevent the calling party from
who saw and recognized the signatures of the parties; or straying or harassing the adverse party when it takes the
even by those to whom the parties have previously latter to the stand.
narrated the execution thereof. The Court has also held
that "the loss may be shown by any person who knows the Thus, the rule not only protects the adverse party from
fact of its loss, or by anyone who has made, in the unwarranted surprises or harassment; it likewise prevents
judgment of the court, a sufficient examination in the place the calling party from conducting a fishing expedition or
or places where the document or papers of similar bungling its own case. Using its own judgment and
character are usually kept by the person in whose custody discretion, the court can hold its own in resolving a
the document lost was, and has been unable to find it; or dispute, and need not bear witness to the parties
who has made any other investigation which is sufficient perpetrating unfair court practices such as fishing for
to satisfy the court that the instrument has indeed been evidence, badgering, or altogether ruining their own cases.
lost." Ultimately, such unnecessary processes can only constitute
a waste of the court’s precious time, if not pointless
Marriage may be proven by any competent and relevant entertainment.
evidence. The testimony by one of the parties to the
marriage or by one of the witnesses to the marriage has 4. G.R. No. 179786, July 24, 2013
been held to be admissible to prove the fact of marriage. JOSIELENE LARA CHAN vs. JOHNNY T. CHAN
The person who officiated at the solemnization is also
competent to testify as an eyewitness to the fact of The physician-patient privileged communication rule
marriage. essentially means that a physician who gets information
while professionally attending a patient cannot in a civil
3. G.R. No. 185145, February 5, 2014 case be examined without the patient’s consent as to any
SPOUSES VICENTE AFULUGENCIA and LETICIA facts which would blacken the latter’s reputation. This rule
AFULUGENCIA vs. METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST CO. is intended to encourage the patient to open up to the
and EMMANUEL L. ORTEGA, Clerk of Court, Regional physician, relate to him the history of his ailment, and give
Trial Court and Ex-Officio Sheriff, Province of Bulacan him access to his body, enabling the physician to make a
correct diagnosis of that ailment and provide the
As a rule, in civil cases, the procedure of calling the adverse appropriate cure. Any fear that a physician could be
party to the witness stand is not allowed, unless written compelled in the future to come to court and narrate all
interrogatories are first served upon the latter. that had transpired between him and the patient might


prompt the latter to clam up, thus putting his own health sufficiently identify the caller. The completeness of the
at great risk. identification goes to the weight of the evidence rather
than its admissibility, and the responsibility lies in the first
Section 36, Rule 132, states that objections to evidence instance with the district court to determine within its
must be made after the offer of such evidence for sound discretion whether the threshold of admissibility
admission in court. has been met.

Josielene of course claims that the hospital records subject It is a fundamental rule in criminal procedure that the
of this case are not privileged since it is the "testimonial" State carries the onus probandi in establishing the guilt of
evidence of the physician that may be regarded as the accused beyond a reasonable doubt, as a consequence
privileged. Section 24(c) of Rule 130 states that the of the tenet ei incumbit probation, qui dicit, non qui negat,
physician "cannot in a civil case, without the consent of the which means that he who asserts, not he who denies, must
patient, be examined" regarding their professional prove, and as a means of respecting the presumption of
conversation. The privilege, says Josielene, does not cover innocence in favor of the man or woman on the dock for a
the hospital records, but only the examination of the crime. Accordingly, the State has the burden of proof to
physician at the trial. show: (1) the correct identification of the author of a
crime, and (2) the actuality of the commission of the
To allow, however, the disclosure during discovery offense with the participation of the accused. All these
procedure of the hospital records—the results of tests that facts must be proved by the State beyond reasonable
the physician ordered, the diagnosis of the patient’s illness, doubt on the strength of its evidence and without solace
and the advice or treatment he gave him—would be to from the weakness of the defense. That the defense the
allow access to evidence that is inadmissible without the accused puts up may be weak is inconsequential if, in the
patient’s consent. Physician memorializes all these first place, the State has failed to discharge the onus of his
information in the patient’s records. Disclosing them identity and culpability. The presumption of innocence
would be the equivalent of compelling the physician to dictates that it is for the Prosecution to demonstrate the
testify on privileged matters he gained while dealing with guilt and not for the accused to establish innocence.
the patient, without the latter’s prior consent. Indeed, the accused, being presumed innocent, carries no
burden of proof on his or her shoulders. For this reason,
5. G.R. No. 157943, September 4, 2013 the first duty of the Prosecution is not to prove the crime
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. GILBERT REYES but to prove the identity of the criminal. For even if the
WAGAS commission of the crime can be established, without
competent proof of the identity of the accused beyond
In every criminal prosecution, however, the identity of the reasonable doubt, there can be no conviction.
offender, like the crime itself, must be established by proof
beyond reasonable doubt. 6. G.R. No. 174461, September 11, 2013
Verily, it is only fair that the caller be reliably identified
first before a telephone communication is accorded The inconsistencies between the testimony of a witness in
probative weight. The identity of the caller may be open court, on one hand, and the statements in his sworn
established by direct or circumstantial evidence. According affidavit, on the other hand, referring only to minor and
to one ruling of the Kansas Supreme Court: collateral matters, do not affect his credibility and the
veracity and weight of his testimony as they do not touch
Communications by telephone are admissible in evidence upon the commission of the crime itself. Slight
where they are relevant to the fact or facts in issue, and contradictions, in fact, even serve to strengthen the
admissibility is governed by the same rules of evidence credibility of the witnesses, as these may be considered as
concerning face-to-face conversations except the party badges of truth rather than indicia of bad faith; they tend
against whom the conversations are sought to be used to prove that their testimonies have not been rehearsed.
must ordinarily be identified. It is not necessary that the Nor are such inconsistencies, and even improbabilities,
witness be able, at the time of the conversation, to identify unusual, for no person has perfect faculties of senses or
the person with whom the conversation was had, provided recall.
subsequent identification is proved by direct or
circumstantial evidence somewhere in the development of The rule is settled that the validity of a judgment is not
the case. The mere statement of his identity by the party rendered erroneous solely because the judge who heard
calling is not in itself sufficient proof of such identity, in the the case was not the same judge who rendered the
absence of corroborating circumstances so as to render the decision. In fact, it is not necessary for the validity of a
conversation admissible. However, circumstances judgment that the judge who penned the decision should
preceding or following the conversation may serve to actually hear the case in its entirety, for he can merely rely


on the transcribed stenographic notes taken during the which specifies that every child is presumed qualified to be
trial as the basis for his decision. a witness. To rebut this presumption, the burden of proof
lies on the party challenging the child's competence. Only
At any rate, we find it noteworthy that the lack or absence when substantial doubt exists regarding the ability of the
of motive for committing the crime does not preclude child to perceive, remember, communicate, distinguish
conviction where there are reliable witnesses who fully truth from falsehood, or appreciate the duty to tell the
and satisfactorily identified the petitioner as the truth in court will the court, motu proprio or on motion of a
perpetrator of the felony, such as in this case. party, conduct a competency examination of a child. Thus,
petitioners’ flimsy objections on Rachel’s lack of education
The chemistry report showing a positive result of the and inability to read and tell time carry no weight and
paraffin test is a public document. As a public document, cannot overcome the clear and convincing testimony of
the rule on authentication does not apply. It is admissible Rachel as to who killed her father.
in evidence without further proof of its due execution and
genuineness; the person who made the report need not be 8. G.R. No. 188395, November 20, 2013
presented in court to identify, describe and testify how the HEIRS OF THE LATE FELIX M. BUCTON, namely:
report was conducted. Moreover, documents consisting of NICANORA G. BUCTON, ERLINDA BUCTON-EBLAMO,
entries in public records made in the performance of a AGNES BUCTON-LUGOD, WILMA BUCTON-YRAY and
duty by a public officer are prima facie evidence of the DON G. BUCTON vs. SPOUSES GONZALO and TRINIDAD
facts stated therein. GO

On the issue of the normal process versus the actual As a rule, forgery cannot be presumed and must be proved
process conducted during the test raised by the petitioner, by clear, positive and convincing evidence and the burden
suffice it to say that in the absence of proof to the contrary, of proof lies on the party alleging forgery. The best
it is presumed that the forensic chemist who conducted evidence of a forged signature in the instrument is the
the report observed the regular procedure. Stated instrument itself reflecting the alleged forged signature.
otherwise, the courts will not presume irregularity or The fact of forgery can only be established by comparison
negligence in the performance of one’s duties unless facts between the alleged forged signature and the authentic
are shown dictating a contrary conclusion. The and genuine signature of the person whose signature is
presumption of regularity in favor of the forensic chemist theorized upon to have been forged.
compels us to reject the petitioner’s contention that an
explanation has to be given on how the actual process was While it is true that a notarized document carries the
conducted. Since the petitioner presented no evidence of evidentiary weight conferred upon it with respect to its
fabrication or irregularity, we presume that the standard due execution, and has in its favor the presumption of
operating procedure has been observed. regularity, this presumption, however, is not absolute. It
may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence to the
7. G.R. No. 197813, September 25, 2013 contrary.
ALBANTE and ALFREDO (FREDDIE) NULLA y IBANEZ 9. G.R. No. 177407, February 9, 2011
Well-entrenched in jurisprudence is that the trial court's EDITHA SIOSON
evaluation of the testimony of a witness is accorded the
highest respect because of its direct opportunity to It is well-settled that the rules of evidence are not strictly
observe the witnesses on the stand and to determine if applied in proceedings before administrative bodies.
they are telling the truth or not. This opportunity enables
the trial judge to detect better that thin line between fact Admissibility of evidence refers to the question of whether
and prevarication that will determine the guilt or or not the circumstance (or evidence) is to be considered
innocence of the accused. That line may not be discernible at all. On the other hand, the probative value of evidence
from a mere reading of the impersonal record by the refers to the question of whether or not it proves an issue.
reviewing court. Thus, the trial judge's evaluation of the
competence and credibility of a witness will not be Unquestionably, the rules of evidence are merely the
disturbed on review, unless it is clear from the records that means for ascertaining the truth respecting a matter of
his judgment is erroneous. fact. Thus, they likewise provide for some facts which are
established and need not be proved, such as those covered
With exceptions provided in the Rules of Court, all persons by judicial notice, both mandatory and discretionary. Laws
who can perceive, and perceiving, can make known their of nature involving the physical sciences, specifically
perception to others, may be witnesses. That is even biology, include the structural make-up and composition of
buttressed by the Rule on Examination of a Child Witness living things such as human beings. In this case, we may


take judicial notice that Editha’s kidneys before, and at the technical procedure involved in analyzing them. But resort
time of, her operation, as with most human beings, were in to these experts is not mandatory or indispensable to the
their proper anatomical locations. examination or the comparison of handwriting. A finding
of forgery does not depend entirely on the testimonies of
10. G.R. No. 185454, March 23, 2011 handwriting experts, because the judge must conduct an
STAR TWO (SPV-AMC), INC. vs. HOWARD KO, MIN MIN independent examination of the questioned signature in
SEE KO, JIMMY ONG, and GRACE NG ONG order to arrive at a reasonable conclusion as to its
Indeed, courts cannot consider evidence which has not
been formally offered because parties are required to The fact that petitioner was able to secure a title in her
inform the courts of the purpose of introducing their name did not operate to vest ownership upon her of the
respective exhibits to assist the latter in ruling on their subject land. Registration of a piece of land under the
admissibility in case an objection thereto is made. Without Torrens System does not create or vest title, because it is
a formal offer of evidence, courts are constrained to take not a mode of acquiring ownership. A certificate of title is
no notice of the evidence even if it has been marked and merely an evidence of ownership or title over the
identified. particular property described therein. It cannot be used to
protect a usurper from the true owner; nor can it be used
This rule, however, admits of an exception, provided that as a shield for the commission of fraud; neither does it
the evidence has been identified by testimony duly permit one to enrich himself at the expense of others. Its
recorded and that it has been incorporated in the records issuance in favor of a particular person does not foreclose
of the case. the possibility that the real property may be co-owned
with persons not named in the certificate, or that it may be
In this case, the subject pieces of evidence were presented held in trust for another person by the registered owner.
in support of respondents’ motion for reconsideration of
the denial of their motion to dismiss. A hearing was set for 12. G. R. No. 171701, February 8, 2012
the reception of their evidence, but petitioner failed to REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. MA. IMELDA "IMEE"
attend the same. The pieces of evidence were thus R. MARCOS-MANOTOC, FERDINAND "BONGBONG" R.
identified, marked in evidence, and incorporated in the MARCOS, JR., GREGORIO MA. ARANETA III, IRENE R.
records of the case. Clearly, the trial court correctly MARCOS-ARANETA, YEUNG CHUN FAN, YEUNG CHUN
admitted and considered the evidence of respondents HO, YEUNG CHUN KAM, and PANTRANCO EMPLOYEES
warranting the dismissal of their case. ASSOCIATION (PEA)-PTGWO

11. G.R. No. 189647, February 6, 2012 It is petitioner’s burden to prove the allegations in its
NANCY T. LORZANO vs. JUAN TABAYAG, JR. Complaint. For relief to be granted, the operative act on
how and in what manner the Marcos siblings participated
Primarily, Section 1, Rule 45 of the Rules of Court in and/or benefitted from the acts of the Marcos couple
categorically states that the petition filed shall raise only must be clearly shown through a preponderance of
questions of law, which must be distinctly set forth. A evidence. Should petitioner fail to discharge this burden,
question of law arises when there is doubt as to what the the Court is constrained and is left with no choice but to
law is on a certain state of facts, while there is a question uphold the Demurrer to Evidence filed by respondents.
of fact when the doubt arises as to the truth or falsity of the
alleged facts. For a question to be one of law, the same First, petitioner does not deny that what should be proved
must not involve an examination of the probative value of are the contents of the documents themselves. It is
the evidence presented by the litigants or any of them. The imperative, therefore, to submit the original documents
resolution of the issue must rest solely on what the law that could prove petitioner’s allegations.
provides on the given set of circumstances. Once it is clear
that the issue invites a review of the evidence presented, Thus, the photocopied documents are in violation Rule
the question posed is one of fact. 130, Sec. 3 of the Rules of Court, otherwise known as the
best evidence rule, which mandates that the evidence must
In any case, the CA aptly ruled that a handwriting expert is be the original document itself.
not indispensable to prove that the signature of Tabayag in
the questioned deed of sale was indeed a forgery. It is true The rule is that if the writings have subscribing witnesses
that the opinion of handwriting experts are not necessarily to them, they must be proved by those witnesses.
binding upon the court, the expert’s function being to place
before the court data upon which the court can form its In the case of writings, subscribed by witnesses, if all
own opinion. Handwriting experts are usually helpful in are dead, the proof of one of their hands is sufficient to
the examination of forged documents because of the establish the deed:


 where an original is lost, a copy may be admitted; burden of proving the material allegations of the complaint
 if no copy, then a proof by witnesses who have when those are denied by the answer; and defendants
heard the deed, and yet it is a thing the law abhors have the burden of proving the material allegations in their
to admit the memory of man for evidence. answer when they introduce new matters. Since the
divorce was a defense raised by respondent, the burden of
Basic is the rule that, while affidavits may be considered as proving the pertinent Australian law validating it falls
public documents if they are acknowledged before a squarely upon him.
notary public, these Affidavits are still classified as hearsay
evidence. The reason for this rule is that they are not It is well-settled in our jurisdiction that our courts cannot
generally prepared by the affiant, but by another one who take judicial notice of foreign laws. Like any other facts,
uses his or her own language in writing the affiant's they must be alleged and proved. Australian marital laws
statements, parts of which may thus be either omitted or are not among those matters that judges are supposed to
misunderstood by the one writing them. Moreover, the know by reason of their judicial function. The power of
adverse party is deprived of the opportunity to cross- judicial notice must be exercised with caution, and every
examine the affiants. For this reason, affidavits are reasonable doubt upon the subject should be resolved in
generally rejected for being hearsay, unless the affiants the negative.
themselves are placed on the witness stand to testify
thereon. 14. G.R. No. 187926, February 15, 2012
In order that secondary evidence may be admissible, vs. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES
there must be proof by satisfactory evidence of:
(1) Due execution of the original; This doctrine of res ipsa loquitur means "Where the
(2) Loss, destruction or unavailability of all such thing which causes injury is shown to be under the
originals; and management of the defendant, and the accident is such as
(3) Reasonable diligence and good faith in the search in the ordinary course of things does not happen if those
for or attempt to produce the original. who have the management use proper care, it affords
reasonable evidence, in the absence of an explanation by
13. G.R. No. 183622, February 8, 2012 the defendant, that the accident arose from want of care."
CATALAN-LEE Res ipsa loquitur is a rule of evidence whereby negligence
of the alleged wrongdoer may be inferred from the mere
Before a foreign judgment is given presumptive fact that the accident happened provided the character of
evidentiary value, the document must first be presented the accident and circumstances attending it lead
and admitted in evidence. A divorce obtained abroad is reasonably to belief that in the absence of negligence it
proven by the divorce decree itself. Indeed the best would not have occurred and that thing which caused
evidence of a judgment is the judgment itself. The decree injury is shown to have been under the management and
purports to be a written act or record of an act of an control of the alleged wrongdoer. Under this doctrine, the
official body or tribunal of a foreign country. happening of an injury permits an inference of negligence
where plaintiff produces substantial evidence that the
Under Sections 24 and 25 of Rule 132, on the other injury was caused by an agency or instrumentality under
hand, a writing or document may be proven as a public the exclusive control and management of defendant, and
or official record of a foreign country by either: that the occurrence was such that in the ordinary course of
(1) An official publication or things would not happen if reasonable care had been used.
(2) A copy thereof attested by the officer having legal
custody of the document. The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur as a rule of evidence is
unusual to the law of negligence which recognizes that
If the record is not kept in the Philippines, such copy prima facie negligence may be established without direct
must be: proof and furnishes a substitute for specific proof of
(a) Accompanied by a certificate issued by the proper negligence. The doctrine, however, is not a rule of
diplomatic or consular officer in the Philippine substantive law, but merely a mode of proof or a mere
foreign service stationed in the foreign country in procedural convenience. The rule, when applicable to the
which the record is kept and facts and circumstances of a given case, is not meant to and
(b) Authenticated by the seal of his office. does not dispense with the requirement of proof of
culpable negligence on the party charged. It merely
The burden of proof lies with the "party who alleges the determines and regulates what shall be prima facie
existence of a fact or thing necessary in the prosecution or evidence thereof and helps the plaintiff in proving a breach
defense of an action." In civil cases, plaintiffs have the of the duty. The doctrine can be invoked when and only


when, under the circumstances involved, direct evidence is circumstances are such that the statements were made as
absent and not readily available. a spontaneous reaction or utterance inspired by the
excitement of the occasion and there was no opportunity
The requisites for the application of the doctrine of res for the declarant to deliberate and to fabricate a false
ipsa loquitur are: statement. The test of admissibility of evidence as a part of
(1) The accident was of a kind which does not the res gestae is, therefore, whether the act, declaration, or
ordinarily occur unless someone is negligent; exclamation is so intimately interwoven or connected with
(2) The instrumentality or agency which caused the the principal fact or event that it characterizes as to be
injury was under the exclusive control of the regarded as a part of the transaction itself, and also
person in charge; and whether it clearly negatives any premeditation or purpose
(3) The injury suffered must not have been due to any to manufacture testimony.
voluntary action or contribution of the person
injured. 16. G.R. No. 185527, July 18, 2012
15. G.R. No. 173476, February 22, 2012 THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES and HIGHDONE
The examination of witnesses must be done orally before a
A dying declaration, although generally inadmissible judge in open court. This is true especially in criminal
as evidence due to its hearsay character, may cases where the Constitution secures to the accused his
nonetheless be admitted when the following requisites right to a public trial and to meet the witnesses against
concur, namely: him face to face. The requirement is the "safest and most
(a) That the declaration must concern the cause and satisfactory method of investigating facts" as it enables the
surrounding circumstances of the declarant’s judge to test the witness' credibility through his manner
death; and deportment while testifying. It is not without
(b) That at the time the declaration is made, the exceptions, however, as the Rules of Court recognizes the
declarant is under a consciousness of an conditional examination of witnesses and the use of their
impending death; depositions as testimonial evidence in lieu of direct court
(c) That the declarant is competent as a witness; and testimony.
(d) That the declaration is offered in a criminal case
for homicide, murder, or parricide, in which the While we recognize the prosecution's right to preserve the
declarant is a victim. testimony of its witness in order to prove its case, we
cannot disregard the rules which are designed mainly for
A declaration or an utterance is deemed as part of the the protection of the accused's constitutional rights. The
res gestae and thus admissible in evidence as an giving of testimony during trial is the general rule. The
exception to the hearsay rule when the following conditional examination of a witness outside of the trial is
requisites concur, to wit: only an exception, and as such, calls for a strict
(a) The principal act, the res gestae, is a startling construction of the rules.
(b) The statements are made before the declarant "The main and essential purpose of requiring a witness to
had time to contrive or devise; and appear and testify orally at a trial is to secure for the
(c) The statements must concern the occurrence in adverse party the opportunity of cross-examination. "The
question and its immediately attending opponent", according to an eminent authority, "demands
circumstances. confrontation, not for the idle purpose of gazing upon the
witness, or of being gazed upon by him, but for the
The term res gestae has been defined as "those purpose of cross examination which cannot be had except
circumstances which are the undesigned incidents of a by the direct and personal putting of questions and
particular litigated act and which are admissible when obtaining immediate answers." There is also the advantage
illustrative of such act." In a general way, res gestae refers of the witness before the judge, and it is this – it enables
to the circumstances, facts, and declarations that grow out the judge as trier of facts "to obtain the elusive and
of the main fact and serve to illustrate its character and are incommunicable evidence of a witness' deportment while
so spontaneous and contemporaneous with the main fact testifying, and a certain subjective moral effect is produced
as to exclude the idea of deliberation and fabrication. The upon the witness. It is only when the witness testifies
rule on res gestae encompasses the exclamations and orally that the judge may have a true idea of his
statements made by either the participants, victims, or countenance, manner and expression, which may confirm
spectators to a crime immediately before, during, or or detract from the weight of his testimony. Certainly, the
immediately after the commission of the crime when the physical condition of the witness will reveal his capacity


for accurate observation and memory, and his deportment
and physiognomy will reveal clues to his character. These
can only be observed by the judge if the witness testifies
orally in court. x x x"

The right of confrontation, on the other hand, is held

to apply specifically to criminal proceedings and to
have a twofold purpose:
(1) To afford the accused an opportunity to test the
testimony of witnesses by cross-examination, and
(2) To allow the judge to observe the deportment of

The constitutional requirement "insures that the witness

will give his testimony under oath, thus deterring lying by
the threat of perjury charge; it forces the witness to submit
to cross-examination, a valuable instrument in exposing
falsehood and bringing out the truth; and it enables the
court to observe the demeanor of the witness and assess
his credibility."

As the right of confrontation is intended "to secure the

accused in the right to be tried as far as facts provable by
witnesses as meet him face to face at the trial who give
their testimony in his presence, and give to the accused an
opportunity of cross-examination," it is properly viewed as
a guarantee against the use of unreliable testimony in
criminal trials.



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