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School of Basic Medical Sciences, Fudan University

The final examination paper of the first term in 2013~2014

Paper A
Name of course: Systemic anatomy Code of the course: Med 130205
Department: Anatomy, Histology & Embryology
Test type: Book-closed Time:13:00-15:00, Date: Jan-08-2014 Speciality MBBS
Name: Scholar number:
Type Identification Choice Fill blank Ter Fill diagram Q&A Total score

The first part - Recognize the structures by pictures or specimens.
Each slide lasts for 30 seconds on the screen. Please write the key on the following
(mark:30,1 each)
1 11 21

2 12 22

3 13 23

4 14 24

5 15 25

6 16 26

7 17 27

8 18 28

9 19 29

10 20 30
The second part- Single choice questions
Please choose one best answer from the below five choices marked A ,B, C, D and
E. Write the key into the corresponding brackets(Mark: 20,1 each)
1. Concerning the superficial sensory pathway of head and face, the cell body of the third
grade neuron locates at ( )
A. Ventral posterolateral nucleus of dorsal thalamus
B. Ventral intermediate nucleus C. Ventral anterior nucleus
D. Postcentral gyrus
E. Ventral posteromedial nucleus of dorsal thalamus
2. After post. limb of left internal capsule damaged, result in ( )
A. Left upper limb skeleton m. paralyzed B.Left lower limb skeleton m. paralysis
C. Right upper limb skeleton m. paralyzed
D. Right upper and lower limbs skeleton mm.paralysis
E. Right lower limb skeleton m. paralyzed
3. The lymphatic organs doesn’t include ( )
A. Lymph nodes B. Tonsile C. Lymphatic vessel
D. Thymus E. Spleen.
4. Which structure does not belong to the right atrium? ( )
A. Orifice of the sup. vena cava D. Orifice of the coronary sinus
B. Left atrioventricular orifice E. Right atrioventricular orifice
C. Orifice of the inf. vena cava
5. 15. Concerning the heart ,the wrong is
A. Inf.part of interventriculr septum is C. There are four cavities
membranous part D. Sinuatrial node initiates the heartbeat
B. Is a muscular power organ E. Pulmonary veins drain to left atrium
6. While the left ventricle contract, the correct is ( )
A. Aortic valve open D. Right atroventricular valve open.
B. Left atrioventricular valve open. E. Valve of inf.vena cava open
C. Pulmonary valve close.
7. About the brain, the wrong is ( )
A. Cerebral aqueduct communicate the third ventricle and the fourth ventricle
B. Basal nuclei include caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus, claustrum and dorsal thalamus
C. The central transverse fissure locates between cerebellum and occipital lobe
D. Central sulcus separate frontal lobe and parietal lobe
E. Corpus callosum belongs to commissure fiber
8. Concerning the pyramid system, the wrong is ( )
A. Corticospinal tract form decussation at pyramid in medulla ablongata
B. Include the corticospinal tract and corticonuclear tract
C. Lower part of nucleus of facial n. receive both corticonuclear tracts
D. The hypoglossal nuclear receive the control of the contralateral corticonuclear tract only
E. Lower motor neurons body of corticospinal tract are in spinal cord
9. About the spinal cord and spinal nerve, the wrong is ( )
A. Ant.horn of spinal cord contain somatic motor neurons
B. Post.funiculus of spinal cord contain ascending conducting tracts only
C. Ant.branches and post.branches of spinal nn.are mixed
D. Spinal ganglion connect to ant. root of spinal n.
E.The 10th thoracic n. is at the level of umblicus
10. The hypophysis tumor compress optic chiasma result in: ( )
A. Blindness of both eyes D. Homonymous hemianopia of right eye
B. Nasal hemianopia of left eye E. Temporal hemianopia of both eyes
C. Light reflex of both eyes disappear
11. Concerning the vein, the wrong is ( )
A. Great saphenous v. is the largest vein in the body.
B. Left & right common iliac vv.unite and form inf.vena cava
C. Sup. vena cava and inf. vena cava return to right atrium
D. Pulmonary v. return to left atrium
E. Hepatic v.enter porta hepatis
12. Which muscle move the ant. pole of the eyeball superolaterally ( )
A. Lateral rectus D. Inferior obliquus
B. Superior rectus E. Superior obliquus
C. Medial rectus
13. 3. Concerning the blood supply of the organs, the wrong is ( )
A. Sup. mesenteric a. supply the ileum and jejunum
B. Inf. mesenteric a. supply the sigmoid colon
C. Sup.thyroid a.come from internal.carotid a
D. Vertebral aa. and internal carotid aa. supply the brain
E. Splenic a. originates from the celiac trunk
14. The fracture of the middle segment of the humerus easily damages the ( )
A. Ulnar n. D. Axillary n.
B. Radial n. E. Median n.
C. Musculocutaneous n.
15. Concerning the spinal cord, which is false? ( )
A. Inferior end is at the level of the third B. Locates in the vertebral canal
lumbar vertebra in adult C. Give rise to 31 pairs spinal nn.
D. Connects with medulla oblongata at foramen magnum
E. The neurons of ant. horn innervate the skeletal mm.of the trunk and limbs
16. The fiber of corticospinal tract decussate at ( )
A. Medulla oblongata C. Cerebellum
B. Midbrain D. Pons
E. Different level of spinal cord
17. The somatic motor area (center) locates in ( )
A. Precentral gyrus and post.part of the paracentral lobule
B. Precentral gyrus and ant.part of the paracentral lobule
C. Postcentral gyrus and ant.part of the paracentral lobule
D. Post.part and ant.part of the paracentral lobe
E. Precentral gyrus and postcentral.gyrus
18. Which artery is palpable in the midpoint deep to the inguinal lig. ( )
A. Ant. tibial a. C. Femoral a
B. Lat.femoral a. D. Internal iliac a..
E. Deep femoral a.
19. Which structure does not belong to the middle ear ( )
A. Tympanic cavity D. Vestibule
B. Auditory tube E. Mastoid antrum
C. Auditory ossicles
20. The masticatory muscles are innervated by ( )
A. Abducent n. D. Oculomotor n.
B. Facial n. E. Trigeminal n.
C.Trochlear n.
The third part-Fill the blanks:
Please write the key into the corresponding brackets(mark 15, 0.5 each).
1. The brachiocephatic trunk (or inmominate a.) divides into (a.). and (a.) .
2. The three major branches from celiac trunk are left gastric a.,splenic a. and ( ) a.
3. The artery passing through 1-6 transverse foramen of cervical vertebrae is ( )a.
4. The largest and longest nerve is sciatic n, which usually divide into ( ).and ( ).at
popliteal fossa.
5. Venous blood from sup.and inf. vena cava return to ( ).
6. Azygos v. return to ( ), hepatic portal v. is usually formed by the union of the ( v.)
and ( v. ).
7. The important superficial vv.of lower limb are ( v. )and ( v.).
8. The largest lymphatic duct is thoracic duct which finally drainage to ( ).
9. Two thirds of the heart located at the ( left or right) side of the ant. median line of thorax.
10. There are three layers about the eyeball wall, the ant. part in the middle coat is ( ).
11. The arteries to supply the brain are internal carotid aa. and ( ) a.
12. The sympathetic ganglions include paravertebral ganglions and ( ) ganglions.
13. In the bulbopotine sulcus, from medial to lateral arrange three cranial nn, there are ( ), (
).and ( ).
14. There are twelve pairs thoracic nn, among them, eleven pairs are called intercostal nerves, the last
pair is called subcostal n.,surface projection of the sixth thoracic n. is at the level of ( ).
15. The portion between telencephalon and midbrain is ( ).
16. The spinal lemniscus is the continuation of ( tract) in spinal cord.
17. The motor neurons in the spinal cord grey matter locates in ( ).
18. The dorsolateral surface of telencephalon is supplied mainly by ( a.)
19. The third ventricle communicate the fourth ventricle by ( ).
20. The white matter of telencephalon consist of three type fiber, that are association fiber,
commissure fiber and ( ) fiber.
21. The largest nucleus in cerebellum is ( ).
22. Olfactory n. connects with ( ). Optic n. connects with ( ).
The fourth part - explanation of the terms (mark 8, 4 each)
1 Carotid sinus ( Location, feature and function)

2. Sympathetic trunk ( Location and constitution )

The fifth part - fill the name of the diagram. n (Mark 8, 0.5 each)


11 12

The inf.view of the brain

The sixth part: Question and answer(Mark. 19)

1. Illustrate the location, beginning and ending of abdominal aorta, name of three major
unpaired visceral branches and their major branches (Each branch at least answer three
branches) (mark.7,could be shown by drawing a picture).

2. Illustrate name and portions of the wall of eyeball, action and innervation of extraocular
muscles (mark.6, could be shown by drawing a picture).

3. Please describe the origin, route, main branches and distribution of sciatic nerve (mark 6,
could be shown by drawing a picture)

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