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Name: Juan dela Cruz Ward/Bed Number: 101 Attending Physician: Dr. Santos
Age: 75 Impression/Diagnosis: Acute Respiratory Failure Type II Secondary to Aspiration Pneumonia
Route Mechanism of Special Nursing
Name of Drug Indication Adverse Reactions
Freq., Action Precautions Responsibilities

Generic: Dosage: 1g Interferes with Cefoxitin is CNS: seizures - Use cefoxitin - Assess for
Cefoxitin bacterial cell wall administered to the cautiously in hypersensitivity to
sodium synthesis by patient to treat GI: hepatic failure, patients Penicillin prior to
Route: IV inhibiting the final lower respiratory pseudomembranous hypersensitive to administration
Brand: step in the Infection – colitis penicillin; cross-
Monowel cross-linking of pneumonia caused sensitivity with other - Inspect site of IV
Frequency: peptidoglycan by Bacteroide GU: nephrotoxicity, beta-lactam insertion regularly to
- Stat order strands. species renal failure antibiotics has detect and report
- q8H Peptidoglycan Streptococcus occurred in evidence of
makes cell pneumoniae. HEME: hemolytic about 10% of such inflammation such as
membranes anemia, patients. thrombophlebitis.
Timing: rigid and hypoprothrombinemia,
6AM-2PM- protective. neutropenia, - Use cautiously in - Assess patient for
10PM Without it, thrombocytopenia, patients with a anaphylaxis reactions
bacterial cells unusual bleeding history of GI and other serious
rupture and die. disease, particularly adverse reactions;
SKIN: erythema colitis, because of report to physician
multiforme, Stevens– an increased then discontinue drug
Johnson syndrome risk of immediately,
pseudomembranous keep emergency
Other: Anaphylaxis colitis. equipment nearby.
Classification Contraindications Side Effects
- Obtain culture and - Instruct patient and
Functional: Hypersensitivity to CNS: Chills, fever, sensitivity test significant others to
Antibiotic cefoxitin, other headache results, if possible report adverse
cephalosporins, or and as ordered, reactions and signs
their components CV: Edema before giving drug. and symptoms of
Chemical: anaphylaxis promptly.
Second- EENT: Hearing loss, - Reconstitute 1 g
generation oral candidiasis with at least 10 mL - Monitor BUN and
cephalosporin of sterile water for serum creatinine for
GI: Abdominal injection and 2 g early signs of
cramps, diarrhea, with 10 to 20 mL of nephrotoxicity. Also
elevated liver sterile water for monitor fluid intake
enzymes, injection. Solutions and output;
hepatomegaly, of D5W and NSS for decreasing urine
nausea, vomiting injection also may output may indicate
be used. nephrotoxicity
GU: Elevated BUN
level, vaginal - After - Assess bowel
candidiasis reconstitution, drug pattern; report to
may be stored for 6 physician if diarrhea
HEME: Eosinophilia hours at room does not stop,
temperature or 1 abdominal or
MS: Arthralgia week under stomach pain, and
refrigeration. blood/mucus stool.
RESP: Dyspnea Cefoxitin, although
- Be aware that an rare, can cause
SKIN: Ecchymosis, allergic reaction gastrointestinal
erythema, flushing, may occur a few infection after
pruritus, rash, urticaria days after therapy antibiotic treatment of
starts. nosocomial
Other: injection-site pneumonia due to C.
pain, redness, and difficile bacteria.

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