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In the last more than 50 years since the first Pride Month was celebrated in the United States,

month-long celebration of love, identity, acceptance, equality, gender diversity, and self-pride has
become a global phenomenon. Let’s delve into some history, and before yall skip over this slide
lemme tell you it’s actually damn interesting.

In the 60’s it was very common for Police to raid LGBTQIA+ bars in Manhattan for various
reasons and throw the patrons out on the streets. But June 28th was different at the Stonewall inn,
and instead of giving in, today all the suppressed members of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum decided to
step up and fought back for several days to come in what came to be known as Stonewall Rebellion.
What happened in the Stonewall Inn and the uprising thereafter has long been considered to have
fundamentally changed the dialogue surrounding the LGBTQ+ civil rights movement.
And everyone knows the landmark Judicial decisions that followed like the Decriminalization of
homosexual intimacy and the legalization of same-sex marriages including the repeal of Article 377
in our country which have been landmark judgments. Generally, the month is marked with many
parades which are famous for their colors as colors are seen as a form of expression of identity as
seen in the LQBTIA+ flag which is famous for its rainbow-colored stripes.

During this month we can see pride sprinkled everywhere. In some places, it is truly used as a form
of expressing yourself>. In others, several companies change their logos during this month to the
pride flag- it’s debatable whether it is truly a sign of support and solidarity or else a marketing


 Hang a Pride flag outside your home.

 Place a Pride sticker on your car.
 Host your own Pride-themed movie night.
 Wear some Pride clothing.
 Educate yourself about the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, their history, and their aspirations
 Participate in the nearest parades or else Join virtual events.
 Be an ally to your LGBTQ colleagues, friends, and family members. 
 Support LGBTQ organizations in schools.
 Support businesses that support the LGBTQ community.
 Change your Zoom background to incorporate pride symbols.
 Schools can incorporate Queer History lessons.
 Watch party of Queer stories. Netflix has it listed as a special genre for this month.
 What not to do- DO NOT stereotype and No hollow/meaningless gestures please,
 You can also consult your school/company’s inclusivity or HR departments to know
how you can help out more in your workplace or your school.

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