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Created by Ian Stead, Tom Price and Ade Stewart

Compatible with a number of 2D6 Science Fiction role-playing systems, including the 2d6 SCIFI OGL and The
Cepheus Engine SRD

“Cepheus Engine and Samardan Press are the trademarks of Jason “Flynn” Kemp”. Moon Toad is not
affiliated with Jason “Flynn” Kemp or Samardan Press™.

Gladius Battalion Handbook: Copyright © 2021 Moon Toad Publishing.

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Please Note: This Product is derived from the Traveller System Reference Document and other Open
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This game material is dedicated to Andy Slack, Bob McWilliams and Marcus Rowland whose writings have
sparked the imagination for countless youngsters over the years, and to the inspirational Ron Kline, James
Lam and Craig Cook.

Gladius Battalion Handbook .............................................................................................................................. 1
Contents ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Gladius Battalion ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Sword Corporation ........................................................................................................................................ 3
General Purpose Military Companies (GPMC) .............................................................................................. 3
Gladius Battalion Table of Organisation ............................................................................................................ 4
Battalion Headquarters Company ................................................................................................................. 5
Alpha Company ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Bravo Company ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Charlie Company ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Shadow Companies ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Support Company .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Standard Uniforms ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Detailed Organisation Charts ............................................................................................................................ 8
Standard Section (10 personnel) ................................................................................................................... 8
Standard Platoon (35 Personnel (1+34)) ....................................................................................................... 8
Standard Company (111 Personnel (5+106)) ................................................................................................ 9
Support Company Elements (210 Personnel (11+199)) ................................................................................ 9
Gladius Battalion History ................................................................................................................................. 10
Notable Characters .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Key Personnel Roster................................................................................................................................... 13
Recruiting! ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Equipment Table.............................................................................................................................................. 15
Drones. ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Outline of a Mercenary Ticket ......................................................................................................................... 21
Example Mercenary Tickets............................................................................................................................. 22
Peacekeeping / Counter Narcotics .............................................................................................................. 22
Rear Area Duties .......................................................................................................................................... 23
Disaster Relief .............................................................................................................................................. 24
Corporate Security....................................................................................................................................... 25
Referees Afternotes......................................................................................................................................... 26
Pre-Generated Characters ............................................................................................................................... 27
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a .................................................................................................................. 28

by Ian Stead, Tom Price and Ade Stewart

This book is provided as background details for a mercenary unit, the Gladius Battalion. It is not intended in
any way to replace any rules, supplements, or monster Kickstarter add-ons, but is merely intended as a
system neutral "handbook" explaining the roles and capabilities of the Battalion, its equipment, and key
personalities. It will also provide some details of recent mercenary tickets the Battalion has successfully
completed so any prospective customer can understand what they would be getting.

Sword Corporation
The Battalion is a subsidiary of Sword Corporation, a medium sized corporation with a short but complex
history. It operates on a franchise model, licensing a number of private General Purpose Military
Companies" (mercenaries), each titled after the names for various different types of swords.

Sword Corporation licenses its know-how, procedures, intellectual property, use of its business model,
brand, and rights to sell its branded products and services to a franchisee. In return the franchisee pays
certain fees and agrees to comply with certain obligations, set out in the Sword Corporation Code. Adopting
this system minimizes the corporation's capital investment and liability risk.

General Purpose Military Companies (GPMC)1

GPMCs make up the vast bulk of private military organisations. They are hired to provide training for local
forces; security for rear areas, important installations, checkpoints, convoy escorts, as well as bodyguards
for key personnel or VIPs. They are normally hired by groups and organisations who have their own military
forces, but who don't want to tie up their own personnel, whose loyalty is presumed to be without
question, on the more dull and mundane military security jobs; freeing up larger numbers of their own
personnel for the more specialised and important missions.

GPMCs are intended for use for defensive purposes only. They are not supposed to be used for "first strike"
or offensive operations (such operations are normally forbidden under the terms of their contracts). This
provides far greater flexibility, bypassing the laws and restrictions of many Governments, given that
suitable commercial instruments can be constructed, giving them broadly the same status as armed
"security guards", or "corporate police" in most systems.

This does not mean that they cannot be used to attack, provided that it can be demonstrated that it is a
reaction to offensive measures being used against their personnel or the personnel, stores, equipment or
facilities that they have been contracted to protect. In fact, part of the Gladius Battalion organisation is a
group specifically intended for hostage rescue, counter attack and "second strike" missions.

The Sword Corporation emphasises the defensive role of their operatives, looking for long term contracts,
filling in the routine security roles that highly-paid professional soldiers hate to do and are a waste of their
training, loyalty and expertise.

GPMCs, like Gladius Battalion, are found everywhere, doing the everyday mundane but essential security
tasks, rather than the exciting "strike from space!" operations so beloved of the entertainment channels.

The word "company" here is used to refer to a commercial organisation, rather than a military "Company" which is a
military grouping of about 100 personnel.
Battalion Headquarters Company
The Battalion Headquarters is the command headquarters for the Battalion.

Command Staff. It has the Commanding Officer and the operational intelligence and planning staff,
dealing with the day-to-day security situations specified in the contract.

Paymaster's Staff. It also has the Battalion Paymaster and their staff, which deal with financial
management of the contract, and the provision of locally hired facilities, services and equipment (usually
accommodation, fuel, food, and logistic vehicles), as well as pay for all personnel. Working alongside the
Paymaster, is the Unit Quartermaster, and their staff, responsible for the provision of replacement items,
consumables, ammunition and weapon systems.

Support Staff. In addition, the Headquarters has the Support Staff, operating under the Battalion Second-
in-Command. These deal with the general administration tasks of the Battalion, including recruiting,
managing public relations, families (if the contract term is longer than 1 year), the Unit Councillor for
morale and welfare, managing leave, rest and recreation, and a host of other minor duties necessary for an
efficient Battalion.

Alpha Company
Alpha Company contains the most combat experienced personnel in the Battalion. These are troopers with
a proven track record in extreme threat environments, who have demonstrated their effectiveness time
and again. They have all received additional training and, following rigorous assessment and demonstrated
suitability, are individually selected for the specific roles they are assigned to.

Close Protection Platoon. These personnel are specially trained for close protection of key personnel, and
courier duties for small volume, high value, assets. They operate in small teams and are all adept at
blending in with the local environment and corporate culture.

Counterstrike Platoons. The Counterstrike Platoons operate as the Battalion reserve, available at short
notice to deploy in the event of offensive action against assets they are contracted to protect. They are all
combat veterans, very experienced in high-tempo retaliatory strike interventions, either in a general
combat role, or in Police actions against organised crime or hostage taking.

Bravo Company
Bravo Company contains the Main Force Platoons, with the bulk of experienced professionals that have
served several successful contracts, and are commanded by veterans of the Battalion. Their primary role is
to quickly establish a physical presence and dominate the security situation in the assigned area, before
creating a safe operating environment suitable for long term operations.

Charlie Company
Charlie Company is established in exactly the same manner as Bravo Company, and perfectly capable of
operating in the same manner if necessary. It is, however, organised and commanded by experienced
combat veterans who have a proven expertise in training and mentoring. It has the bulk of less experienced
troopers and new joiners to the Battalion, but the officers and NCOs have all demonstrated their skills in
ensuring the less experienced Troopers will be effective in their roles in the shortest possible time.

Training Sections. A section within each Platoon is designated as a "Training Section" with the intention of
recruiting and training local personnel in order to provide a cost effective and efficient method of
increasing the scale of the Battalion operations. Suitably vetted locals will be trained and equipped by the

Battalion and brought up to the standards required, providing local knowledge and insight for the Unit, as
well as employment for appropriate personnel.

Shadow Companies.
The practical scale of the option for local recruiting is up to two additional "Shadow Companies" (Delta
Company and Echo Company), with Officers and NCOs from the Battalion, but with the vast majority of the
Troopers formed from locally employed civilians. These will, depending on the threat level and the
operation profile, take about 3 to 6 months to be properly effective. The Battalion has the necessary stores
and equipment for the additional Companies, but their personnel would normally be on a different pay-
scale in order to provide additional value for money to the contractor. In addition, having willing and
motivated local recruits as part of the Battalion organisation helps to ensure local cultural norms are
understood and respected, as well as helping the Battalion personnel better understand the locals and the
security situation they are operating in.

Shadow Company Security. Some employers may express concerns, if the local security situation warrants
it, that there is a risk from infiltration from a hostile local agent joining a Shadow Company. Such a risk, of
course, exists but the Battalion staff are extremely experienced in monitoring for this sort of thing, and has
available an array of technical means to monitor communications and behavioural activities, in order to
identify high risk individuals.

Support Company
Support Company provides the necessary combat support capabilities to the front-line Troopers in the rest
of the Battalion. All personnel in the Support Platoon are equipped and trained to the same standards as
the Troopers in the Main Force Platoons.

Drone Platoon. The Drone Platoon provides the key intelligence and communications capability that
increases the effectiveness of the Gladius Battalion above that of most "normal" GPMCs. They ensure that
the operations of the various drones in the Battalion are all integrated into a highly secure, distributed
communications and intelligence network, feeding back information to the Intelligence Officer in the
Tactical Operations Centre of the Headquarters. They also operate the vehicle launched, high level,
persistent, "Nightingale", overwatch, long endurance drones, equipped with a wide range of sensors with
an all-weather, day and night capability. These provide wide area coverage intelligence, supplemented by
an artificial-intelligence enhanced pattern matching algorithm to provide early warning of hostile activities.
They are also a cost-effect alternative to satellite communications over the Battalion area of operations,
and are less prone to jamming or interference.

Reconnaissance Platoon. The Reconnaissance Platoon has specialists in Forward Observation,

communications, stealth and camouflage, able to provide overwatch and early warning of any hostile
activity, and to lead the way for the Main Force Platoons, in the event of counterstrike operations. They
are normally equipped with the nearly silent, electrically driven Scout Cars, but have been known to use
local vehicles in order to fit in more easily, and even native riding animals if the situation warrants it.

Support Fire Platoon. The Support Fire Platoon is split into three sections:

• The Heavy Gauss Rifle Section, equipped with 4 multi-barrel heavy gauss rifles.
• The Grenade Machinegun Section, equipped with 4 fully automatic grenade launchers.
• The Missile Section, equipped with Pallet Launched Utility Missiles, covering the battalion area.

Medical Platoon. The Medical Platoon is split into 6 Medical Support Squads, providing the very best
mobile medial aid and ambulance services to the Battalion, as the security situation dictates.

Maintenance Platoon. The Maintenance Platoon maintains the Battalion APCs, Scout Cars and military
equipment, as well as providing technical oversight for any local equipment contracts and services.

Supply Platoon. The supply platoon is responsible for managing and providing drivers to support suitable
locally provided logistic vehicles, and to manage any additional transport contracts to move personnel and

Standard Uniforms
The Gladius battalion personnel come with a variety of uniform
types to suite the biome in which they will be operating, as follows:

• Temperate and Jungle. This is a predominately green uniform

suitable for Garden worlds and areas with abundant plant life
and normal spectrum solar incident radiation.
• Desert. This is a predominately sand coloured uniform suitable
for Desert worlds.
• Snow. This is a predominately white uniform intended for
operating in areas with long term snow cover and incorporates
excellent thermal protective properties, down to -300
• Urban. This is a predominately grey coloured uniform suitable
for operations in Urban areas.
• Formal. This is a black uniform, with maroon highlights and a
formal cap, intended for parades and operation in high visibility
situations, such as security for important Government buildings.

All uniforms are available with patches that can be customised to

order, depending on the contract specification, to reflect the
employer's appropriate branding requirements.

Their uniform includes options for inconspicuous lightweight body

armour where discretion is needed, more substantial protection
where the threat level is higher, and either a formal cap or more
capable helmet, with appropriate communications and sensors.

Masks are also available for thin, and tainted atmospheres, as well privacy masks in areas where individual
personnel identification may pose a threat.

A visor is also provided, which offers ballistic protection and is integrated with the communications suite, to
provide the trooper with a Head Up Display to inform them of any necessary information.

Included in the Trooper's personal equipment is a high specification medical trauma patch and a Battalion
issue personal data unit, managing sensors, communications as well as providing inertial navigation
pathfinding and all relevant data on the local situation.

Alternative Uniforms

All personnel are experienced in operating in a wide variety of climatic conditions and native biomes.
Additional protective measures and optical colour schemes can be locally provided, or can be acquired by
the Battalion at relatively short notice for a nominal additional charge. An example of which was the Dark
Evening Blue uniforms required to match those of the local Police Factors in a recent contract, which were
provisioned as 3 days' notice for the entire force.

Standard Section (10 personnel)
A Standard Section consists of the following (all personnel
are equipped with a personal protection Gauss Pistol and
Gauss Carbine, unless specified):

• Section Commander (Senior Corporal to Sergeant).

Commands the Section of 10 personnel.
• Section Specialist (Corporal). Provides support to the
Commander as well as communications, drone control
and data fusion for the Section, and is either a skilled
medic or computer operator.
• Squad Leader (Corporal). Commands the Squad of 4
• Trooper. General duties soldier, usually carrying
additional equipment based on the mission.
• Marksman. Simply the best shot in the Squad.
Equipped with a Gauss Rifle and an upgraded sight.
• Grenadier. Equipped with a 40mm self-loading
grenade launcher, capable of firing a variety of lethal
and non-lethal grenades up to 600m, as well as
launching the 40mm Spider Tactical Drone.

Standard Platoon (35 Personnel (1+34))

A Standard Platoon consists of the following (all personnel
are equipped with a personal protection Gauss Pistol and
Gauss Carbine, unless specified):

• Platoon Commander (Lieutenant). Commands the

Platoon of 34 personnel.
• Platoon Sergeant (Staff Sergeant or Gunnery Sergeant).
Second in Command of the Platoon and senior Platoon
NCO. Weapons or electronics expert.
• Senior Specialist (Corporal). Provides support to the
Commander as well as communications, drone control
and data fusion for the Platoon (using the more capable
Hummingbird Platoon Drones), and is either a skilled
medic or computer operator.
• Platoon Sniper (Senior Trooper). Highly trained and
qualified Sniper, equipped with a heavy barrel Gauss
Rifle, used as an anti-materiel weapon, as well as for
neutralising designated hostile personnel.
• Sniper Specialist (Corporal). Commander of the Sniper
pair. Highly qualified in in stealth, communications,
sensors, forward observer and gun combat.

Standard Company (111 Personnel (5+106))
A Standard Company consists of the following (all personnel
are equipped with a personal protection Gauss Pistol and
Gauss Carbine, unless specified):

• Company Commander (Major). Commands the

Company of 111 personnel.
• Company Second in Command (Captain). Supports the
Company Commander for tactical planning and
• Company Sergeant-Major (Sergeant-Major). The
Senior NCO, responsible for logistics and resupply.
• Lead Specialist (Corporal). Provides support to the
Commander as well as communications and data fusion
for the Company, and is normally a skilled computer
• Gunnery Specialist (Gunnery Sergeant). Supports the
Sergeant-Major and ensures all Company weapons and
equipment are functioning properly.
• Medic (Sergeant). Highly qualified combat medic.

Support Company Elements (210 Personnel (11+199))

The Support Company is approximately double the size of
the other companies. (all personnel are equipped with a
personal protection Gauss Pistol and Gauss Carbine):

• The Command and Support Teams are standard, but

with an Administrative Officer instead of a Medic.
• The Drone Platoon is responsible for all training of
Drone Specialists, as well as the maintenance, repair
and support to drone operations.
• The Recce Platoon is equipped with 7 x GMX-24S
armoured Scout vehicles (see below).
• The Support Fire Platoon is equipped with 4 x multi-
barrelled heavy Gauss rifles, 4 x Grenade Machineguns
and Pallet Launched Utility Missile (PLUM) launchers.
• The Medical Section is responsible for manning the
Battalion Medical Station, medic training, and any
protective measures required due to local conditions.
• The Maintenance Platoon is responsible for all vehicle
and weapons maintenance and repair. Facilities are
normally locally contracted, and may include local
trades personnel if necessary.
• The Supply Platoon is responsible for the storage and transportation of all Battalion supplies and
ammunition. Storage facilities are normally locally contracted, and may include local trades personnel
and vehicle guides / additional drivers if necessary.

Like many mercenary units, the Gladius Battalion has only a relatively short history, having been formally
created under the Sword Corporation franchise only 6 years ago.

The personnel on the Battalion can, however, trace their lineage back over 90 years, and they are the direct
descendants of the White Horse Janissary Regiment, famed for their defence of the Noble House of
Abidjan, on Quillion in the Ndakro Sector. The Archduke of Quillion had always relied on Mercenary
Companies for household protection as neutral parties among the murky and treacherous politics of the
System, and the White Horse Regiment had served there for over 10 years.

The main product for the Quillion System was Interferon crystals. These naturally occurring crystals have
unique properties of electrical energy absorption and release depending on the type of crystal and how it is
cut. As a result, they are extremely valuable in high-end quantum computing, advanced weapon systems,
and as electromagnetic buffering and shielding. It is possible to artificially manufacture the crystal
structure, but the cost and failure rate makes this prohibitively expensive. The Archduke had, over many
years, limited the production of Interferon and taxed it heavily, in order to ensure the gradual, but steady,
increase in the living conditions for all Quillion citizens. Many other Houses objected to the system wide
restrictions and quotas, but their rivalries and mistrust of each other had allow the status quo to endure.

After many years of uneasy peace, a secret truce was formed by the leading rival Houses to Abidjan,
sponsored by out-of-Sector rivals to the Archduke. A coordinated attack was launched at the annual
Harvest Festival, beginning with an assassination attempt on the Archduke himself. This was foiled by a
Sergeant Dalrosso of the Close Protection detail, sacrificing himself, and buying time for the Archduke to be
evacuated to the Palace.

What followed was nearly 3 months of fierce urban fighting around the Palace and in the city, with loyalist
troops, bolstered by the personnel of the White Horse Regiment, fighting effectively and seeing off
attacking forces time and again. The Palace itself was largely destroyed, but by then the Archduke and
Regiment were at large in the city organising continuous uprisings and counter-attacks. Eventually the
ingrained mistrust of the rival Houses got the better of them, and they turned on each other, or quit
fighting to return to their homes.

One of the most powerful Houses had turned on its rivals, siding with the Archduke's forces, but intending
to betray them later. The Regiment discovered the plot from a lowly pastry Chef who supported the
Archduke's policies, and overheard the ringleaders. The senior leaders were all captured and executed.

Following the collapse of the rebellion, the Regiment received a citation from the Archduke, with the quote
that the Battalion "Always performed with Honour" and on which they base their motto.

Over the years, time, changing politics and the vagaries of commercial law have served to force the
Regiment to change its name and system of registration, but at the core, the personnel of the Gladius
Battalion are directly descended from the men and women who defended the Palace of Abidjan.

It is a tradition that those who enter the Battalion can elect to "lose" their former life and identity; swearing
to be strictly neutral and only loyal to each other and their contracts. An arrangement has been made with
the Government of Shenu in the Bounteous Cluster (the system houses the Battalion's registered Home
System) to provide them with citizenship and a new identity. Almost all follow this tradition.

Colonel Nui is the Commanding Officer of Gladius Battalion, having been
appointed to the role when the unit was first being formed. He is fairly
short, solidly built, and has thinning close cropped hair.

He is a tough, no nonsense professional soldier who has spent more than

half his life serving. He is dour, surly, and caustic, given to bouts of heavy
drinking, and drives the troops hard. He leads from as close to the front as
he can get. His temper is feared but he is also respected. He won't promise
anything he can't deliver and won't ask anything of his men that he wouldn't
do himself.

Captain Teitei is the adjutant of Gladius Battalion, assisting Colonel Nui with
his administrative duties. His first tour of service was under the Colonel, and
when the battalion was being formed he requested a transfer to it. Teitei is
tall, athletic and is always impeccably well turned out.

Though he is young he is driven, determined to climb the ranks and earn a

name for himself. In action he may act rashly, perhaps endangering others,
in an attempt to prove himself. He is also something of a barrack-room
lawyer and knows every line and word of the Sword Corps Service

Major Roroa is the Second in Command of Gladius Battalion, for the most
part specializing in working with the Support Company and Communications
section. She liaises with the Company and Platoon Commanders and ensures
the smooth running and overall integration of the unit.

Roroa has contacts in Sword Corporation, the Battalion's parent

organisation, and can pull some powerful strings if she feels the need. She is
efficient, reliable, rather humourless, and sticks to the rules. She has strong
religious beliefs and her faith frowns upon intoxication: she is always sober.

Captain Rino is the Battalion Quartermaster and was promoted from the
ranks. He oversees supply for the unit, a role he takes extremely seriously.
He is slightly overweight and is always conscious of his expanding waistline,
though he never quite gets around to exercising or dieting.

He is witty and approachable, the life and soul of the party, and will happily
join the ordinary troopers in sharing a bottle and a joke. He is given to
periods of brooding introspection, particularly if he feels responsible for a
problem. Rino is close to his extensive family and he misses them.

Major Hamuera is Alpha Company Commander, in command of the most
experienced fighters of the Battalion. He has a reputation as a "hard man",
leading by example and a stickler for discipline when operating in the field.
He is good at understanding the Troopers, however, and happy to "cut them
some slack" when in barracks and relaxing - but only up to a point.

He is single, with a very dry sense of humour which strangers can find
unsettling. He understands the value of good intelligence, is expert at
getting the best out of the Battlion drones, and can be relied upon to make
the hard decisions quickly when the occasions demands it.

Warrant Officer Muru is the Battlion Regimental Sergeant-Major (RSM), the

most senior non-commisioned rank in the unit. She works closely with the
Commanding Officer in Battalion Headquarters to make sure the CO
understands the morale and spirit of the Troopers, and with the Adjutant to
ensure that discipline is maintained at all times.

She has an almost supernatural knack for understanding an individual's

breaking point, and is renoun for appearing out of nowhere with a quiet
word, or a touch to the arm or shoulder, steadying nerves and preventing
panic, seemingly by sheer force of will and personality.

Gunnery Sergeant Tau is the Battalion Master Gunnery Sergeant. He is a

legend in the Battalion for not only surviving the most dangerous and lethal
missions, but remaining seeming utterly unruffled by anything. He has the
nickname of "the Centurion" for almost never being seen with a rifle, but
carrying instead a weapon cleaning rod as if it was an ancient Roman vine
staff, which he uses to encourage the laggard and lazy. On several occasions
he has even used it to kill enemy soldiers in close combat.

He is a dour character, who says little, but when he speaks everyone listens.

Captain Neho is the Battalion Intelligence Officer, responsible for data

fusion in the Tactical Operations Centre. She may be relatively young, but
has established a reputation for interpreting the data feeds from the
Battalion Drones, the Recce Company and even individual Troopers' helmet
cameras to build the correct tactical picture.

Her voice is the voice most commonly heard over the comms channels,
guiding Troopers into action and out of trouble. She is attractive, but always
professional, if occasionally cutting to anyone romantically inclined. Some
rumours have linked her to Major Hamuera, but nobody would dare say so

Key Personnel Roster
Names and appointments

Colonel Kaiarahi Nui Commanding Officer Major Atama Rata Support Coy Commander
Capt Maunga Teitei Adjutant Capt Poto Waaka Support Coy 2IC
Maj Wahine Roroa Battalion 2IC Lt Wai Oro Taneti Admin Officer
Lt Tipene Ropata Assistant Adjutant Capt Mahora Pihopa Drone Pl Leader
Capt Kiwi Terere TOC Executive Officer Capt Amiri Taimona Recce Pl Leader
Capt Awhina Neho Intelligence Officer Capt Ianga Petera Support Fire Pl Leader
Lt Poto Raharuhi Planning Officer Capt Ariki Rakena Medical Pl Leader
Lt Paau Winiata Data Fusion Officer Lt Tahiwai Arepata Maintenance Pl Leader
Sgt Kahorere Puhipi TOC Senior Specialist Lt Maaka Pekama Supply Pl Leader
WO Pape Muru Battalion Sergeant-Major WO Hamahona Topia Support Sergeant-Major
Capt Tipene Rata Paymaster Specialist Piripi Aperahama
Capt Tangata Rino Quartermaster Specialist Iramai Waaka
GSgt Tekau Tau Battalion GSgt Specialist Moana Pihopa
Maj Matiu Hamuera A Coy Commander Specialist Paipa Rata
Capt Hori Munu A Coy 2IC Specialist Pahu Hohepa
Lt Eti Kawhena A Coy, 1 Platoon Leader Specialist Ahia Dalrosso IV
Sgt Hirini Pihopa A Coy, 1 Platoon Sgt Specialist Ena Watihana
Lt Maiope Hakopa A Coy, 2 Platoon Leader Specialist Akumatua Tame
Sgt Huatare Arana A Coy, 2 Platoon Sgt Specialist Roimata Nopera
Lt Taaura Arepata A Coy, 3 Platoon Leader Specialist Rangi Area Kawhena
Sgt Hemi Ropata A Coy, 3 Platoon Sgt Specialist Poroka Keeti
WO Tapu Himona A Coy Sergeant-Major Specialist Uri Kino Tahana
Maj Okiara Pikari B Coy Commander Cpl Newea Enoka
Capt Hori Piripi B Coy 2IC Cpl Wa Tahana
Lt Hani Rakena B Coy, 1 Platoon Leader Cpl Pania Winiata
Sgt Taaura Waaka B Coy, 1 Platoon Sgt Cpl Waiano Wirihana
Lt Paau Tahana B Coy, 2 Platoon Leader Cpl Uri Kino Topia
Sgt Naihi Tereiti B Coy, 2 Platoon Sgt Cpl Pania Herangi
Lt Erehe Rakena B Coy, 3 Platoon Leader Cpl Ngaire Rakena
Sgt Napo Waaka B Coy, 3 Platoon Sgt Cpl Uruewa Raharuhi
WO Hakara Topia B Coy Sergeant-Major Cpl Aka Paora
Maj Hamonga Arona C Coy Commander Cpl Anahera Kerehoma
Capt Iaka Waata C Coy 2IC Cpl Mere Matene
Lt Rewi Wati C Coy, 1 Platoon Leader Cpl Aperira Natana
Sgt Maiore Wihone C Coy, 1 Platoon Sgt Tpr Aperira Arana
Lt Okiara Herewini C Coy, 2 Platoon Leader Tpr Arona Ropata
Sgt Kiri Matene C Coy, 2 Platoon Sgt Tpr Mahuika Manuera
Lt Okiara Paraone C Coy, 3 Platoon Leader Tpr Ruhi Wetere
Sgt Kiri Timoti C Coy, 3 Platoon Sgt Tpr Oenga Rata
WO Huatare Kehoma C Coy Sergeant-Major Tpr Hara Romana
Major Io Keeti D Coy Commander Tpr Ori Karauna
Capt Uru Reio Tereiti D Coy 2IC Tpr Mairana Tamihana
WO Kauri Akarana D Coy Sergeant Major Tpr Pora Kingi
Major Io Taera E Coy Commander Tpr Neni Rata
Capt Hori Enoka E Coy 2IC Tpr Maiore Taneti
WO Kae Rehipeti E Coy Sergeant Major Tpr Ihanga Teira
Battalion Vehicles
Armoured Personnel Carrier
The standard Armoured Personnel Carrier is the GMX-19 APC
armed with a multi-barrelled heavy Gauss rifle and 3 x PLUM
launchers (see below). It is a squad vehicle with 2 x Crew
(Commander and Specialist) and 8 x Dismounts. The vehicle
is electrically driven and almost silent in operation, with a
speed of 60kph and deployable solar panels giving it a range
of over 2,000 km. It is capable of being remotely piloted by a
Specialist up to a range of 1km, or further if an uplink to the
Hummingbird or Nightingale drone is available.

Scout Car
The standard Scout Car is the GMX-24S equipped with a
variety of advance sensors, and armed with 2 x PLUM
launchers (see below). It is a half-squad vehicle with 2 x
Crew and 3 x Dismounts. The vehicle is electrically driven
and almost silent in operation, with a speed of 80kph and
deployable solar panels giving it a range of over 2,000 km.
It is capable of being remotely piloted by a Specialist up to
a range of 1km, or further if an uplink to the
Hummingbird or Nightingale drone is available.

Contract Hire Vehicles

Supply Truck.

Additional vehicles required to support the Battalion are

normally locally procured from suitable heavy duty cargo
vehicles with off-road capability, in order to reduce inter-
system transportation. If no appropriate vehicles are available,
they can be included in the contract and shipped with the
Battalion to the target system.

General Purpose Utility Vehicle.

General purpose and liaison vehicles required to support

the Battalion are normally locally procured from suitable
utility vehicles with off-road capability, in order to reduce
inter-system transportation. It is extremely rare for no
appropriate vehicles to be available, but they can be
included in the contract and shipped with the Battalion to
the target system if necessary.

Support Fire Equipment.
Pallet Launched Utility Missile
The Pallet Launched Utility Missile (PLUM) is a low-cost
medium range (100km) utility missile, with an armour-
piercing nosecone, and fragmentation jacket. It is a precision
attack missile, capable of striking fixed geographically located
targets, or laser guided from the designator fitted to Gauss
Carbines, issued to Officers and NCOs; or the Hummingbird /
Nightingale Drones. Other ammunition types can be made
available depending on the threat profile in system.

40mm Spider Tactical Drone
The 40mm Spider tactical drone is capable of being fired from a 40mm
grenade launcher, to a maximum range of 600m. They can be set to
deploy on impact, or at a set distance, so can be fired through light
foliage or glass windows, to deploy behind them. They usually operate in
flying mode, but can operate on articulated legs in order to gain entry, if
necessary. They can relay optical and thermal video to the operator and
be controlled at a distance of up to 1,000m depending on the terrain and
obstructions, for up to an hour. They can also be recovered and re-used,
but are considered a consumable asset in combat.

Man-Portable Hummingbird Platoon Drone

The Hummingbird Platoon Drone is a high endurance, man-portable, drone intended to provide overwatch,
intelligence, and artificial-intelligence augmented warning of hostile activities, based on object or
movement pattern-matching, or electro-magnetic signatures (if a suitable data feed is available). Realtime
optical or thermal feeds are provided direct to the Platoon operator and from there relayed to the Tactical
Operations Centre. The drone has a range of up to 40Km and an endurance of 6hrs (day time) and 3hrs
(night time or in very low temperatures) before returning to the operator for replacement

The drone can also operate as a short range (50km) reserve communications and data
relay, and baseline telemetry transponder in locations with no (or compromised)
satellite positioning or communications links.

The drone is collapsible and designed to be

fitted to the outside of a Trooper's backpack
if necessary, but is normally launched from
the roof of the APC or Scout Car.

The drone Specialist can be equipped with

a high power, broad spectrum, directional
jammer, instead of their Gauss Carbine if the
threat profile warrants it.

Nightingale Persistent Battalion "Top-Cover" Surveillance Drone
Persistent surveillance drones are intended for long-term passive security surveillance of defined areas.
Linked to the Battalion Tactical Operations Centre (the TOC) the drone uses electro-magnetic, thermal and
optical sensors to continuously generate high-resolution imagery of the target area every 4 seconds. This
enables the base-station to "roll-back" and examine movements and communications leading up to events
of security interest. Linked to the optional base-station machine-learning and analysis capability, over time,
movement and communications patterns can be base-lined and anomalies flagged for additional analysis.

The drone can also operate as a reserve communications and data relay, and baseline telemetry
transponder in locations with no (or compromised) satellite positioning or communications links.

Type: Long Endurance Atmospheric Surveillance Drone (vehicle launched).
Displacement: 2.75 dton
Endurance: Mean Time to Failure: 4,000hrs
• Wide area passive electro-magnetic signal detection array.
• High gain passive electro-optical sensor with false-colour and thermal capabilities.
Defensive Aids:
• Electronic whisper turbofan engine.
• Radar absorbent stealth coating.
• Passive thermal management.
• Real-time polymorphic assured communications encryption.
Long-Term surveillance in atmosphere Types 4 to 9, however certain types of atmospheric taint can reduce
the efficiency of the whisper turbofan and increase the maintenance requirements. In low gravity
situations, successful operations have been achieved in atmosphere Types 2 and 3. Normal maintenance
period is 12hrs per 30 standard days, and deep maintenance is required for 5 days each standard year of
operation. Effectiveness is impacted by persistent cloud cover (depending on density).

Battalion Small Arms and Support Weapons
The Battalion uses Gauss weapons as standard, for their
robust design, minimal moving parts, interoperability,
commonality of parts and ammunition, and cost effectiveness.
Operation is electromagnetic, low recoil and very low
operational signature. All weapons are modified with a grip
safety preventing operation by unauthorised personnel, and
the Carbine version can be fitted with a target designator laser
for use with the PLUM missile system.

Pistol. All personnel are equipped with a pistol as a backup

weapon for self-defence.

Carbine. The majority of personnel are equipped with the

Carbine variant, offering excellent performance out to 600m,
with a compact profile, suitable for congested environments.

Rifle. Designated Marksmen are equipped with the heavier

duty Rifle variant, equipped with an improved day/night sight
and are accurate up to 1,000m.

Sniper Rifle. A heavy barrel Gauss Rifle, used as an anti-

materiel weapon, as well as for neutralising designated hostile
personnel. This can use standard ammunition, a very high
velocity sabot round, or a heavy-duty frangible round for
kinetic strikes with minimal collateral damage. Accurate to 3,000m with the enhanced "zero-error" sight.

Grenade Launcher. A launcher with a selectable 20-round rotary magazine allowing different 40mm
grenade types, including the Spider Tactical Drone, to be fired on demand. Range 600m.

Light Anti-Armour Missile (LAAM). A single-use, standard light missile, with an armour penetrating
chemical warhead and enhanced fragmentation jacket for anti-personnel use. Low signature, recoilless and
accurate to 400m. The unit can be emplaced and fired remotely, using a clip-on remote trigger kit.

Multi-Barrelled Heavy Gauss Rifle. This is the multi-barrel, tripod mounted version of the standard rifle.
Accurate to 1,200m and capable of suppressive fire out to 1,800m.

Grenade Machinegun. This is the heavy duty, tripod mounted, fully automatic version of the standard
grenade launcher. Accurate to 1,000m. Normally used with high explosive and fragmentation grenades.

Grenade Types: High Explosive/Fragmentation, Riot, Gas, Flash-Bang, Chaff, Thermite, Marker, Drone)

Personal Equipment.
Helmet. All personnel are equipped with a high specification, lightweight, carbon nano-tube reinforced
polymer helmet. This is equipped with a camera, infra-red and visible light torch, relay speaker, intelligent
noise suppression system, antennae and connection points for the following:

• Head Up Display. The HUD allows the command team to display essential information directly to each
trooper, including: imagery, mapping, a pathfinding overlay, low light enhancement and thermal views,
medical information about other squad members, and ammunition holdings. They also provide ballistic
eye protection.
• Personal Data Unit. The PDA provides reconfigurable communications networks, satellite or inertial
navigation, biometric monitoring, and encyclopaedia data to the trooper, as well as a loudspeaker relay
output for remote language assistance and command communication. In circumstances where silent
communication is required, along with zero electronic emissions, the infra-red torch can be used to
transmit data between personnel that are in line of sight.

Body Armour. Troopers are equipped with a dual level body armour system; with inconspicuous
lightweight body armour to provide basic small arms protection over the vital organs, where discretion is
needed; and with add-on plates and layers for more substantial protection where the threat level is higher.

Combat Harness. The Combat Harness is a lightweight modular system of pouches, straps and a backpack,
to permit weapons, equipment, ammunition, water and rations to be carried comfortably for extended
periods. Incorporated in the Harness is a multi-point wiring system to permit power and data to be routed
to the locations required, and a flexible polymer battery system to provide backup power to weapons and

Masks. Environmental masks (Breather, Filter, or Privacy) can be provided and incorporated in the
Harness equipment dependent on the local conditions and threat level.

Medical Patch. All personnel are provided with an advanced individual Medical Patch,
capable of treating significant wounds, arresting blood flow and reducing the effects of
trauma. Early use of the pack can extend the survivability of personnel for several hours
until the arrival of medical aid.

Detection Wand. One trooper in each squad is provided with a Detection Wand, used for
identifying concealed weapons, buried equipment and land mines. It can also be used with
the Communications pack as a directional antenna to identify and locate electromagnetic

Knife. A simple knife is provided with a trooper's equipment, capable of

being fitted as a bayonet to Carbines and Rifles, useful as a fighting knife,
as well as a utility knife for wilderness survival.

Solar Cloth. Most equipment is provided with integral rechargeable batteries, or with the
polymer battery reserve in the Combat Harness. In the event of extended deployments,
however, a solar cloth is provided to permit recharging during daytime.

Multi-Tools. Two types of multi-tool are provided as part of personal equipment: one
that is optimised for minor mechanical tasks, and the alternative optimised for electrical
tasks. The appropriate one is issued to an individual, based on their skill set.

Identification Implant. Battalion personnel are all fitted with a passive radio frequency identification
chips, implanted in their hand. This is used for identification, security access privileges and as a weapon
safety interlock to prevent accidents and the hostile use of Battalion equipment.

Most Gladius Battalion Tickets are the result of a personal referral or direct approach from a Broker
through the Sword Corporation offices. The beginning of any new Ticket starts with the "Offer" from an
individual, organisation or Government. This is followed up with standard due-diligence checks through the
Sword Corporation Business Intelligence Division, and by the Battalion Headquarters, to confirm bona fides,
and a reconnaissance "on the ground" to assess the situation. Assuming that everything checks out, and the
terms and conditions are acceptable, the fees are placed in escrow with a mutually agreeable third-party,
and the Ticket accepted.


Transit is then arranged, usually from the Gladius Battalion holding location on Shenu, in the Bounteous
Cluster, but occasionally direct from a previous Ticket on another system (the contract normally specifies
that the Battalion can reside for up to a year after the end of the operation, awaiting a follow-on contract).
The Advance Party travels first to work out the Battalion detailed deployment and set up support contracts
with the locals. This is normally followed by the heavy equipment, and finally the personnel. The Battalion
prefers to travel by a large transport to ensure the bulk of the unit arrives together, but occasionally they
may be forced to break the unit into smaller groups for transit. Transit is always a difficult time for the
Battalion, as troops get bored, especially on multiple Jumps, and there is the worry that the situation on
the ground might have changed when they arrive.


On arrival, the Battalion normally seeks to deploy visibly and publicly, in order to establish a clear presence
and dominate the local situation. This period is very busy, with frequent patrolling and a frenzy of activity
to ensured everything is properly set up and secure, ready for normal operations.


The Battalion will then set out to carry out the Tasks set out in the contract. Early in the operation, there
are few concerns about the costs of everything, until things have settled down and the situation is well
known and understood. At that point the budget is usually tightened in order to increase profitability, when
the risks are well known and understood.

Transition Operations

Some Tickets result in successful contract termination after the agreed period, or when the security
situation has stabilised, and the Battalion leaves. In many cases however, they will need to hand over duties
to local forces, in order to maintain the situation without the need to pay mercenaries. Occasionally, the
Battalion is required to hand over to another Mercenary Company (usually one that has undercut them on
price, because they don't feel the need for some of the Battalion's more advanced (and expensive)

Recovery or Re-Deployment

Following the end of a contract, the Battalion would either return to Home Base, on Shenu, or settle into
local Garrison life (usually somewhere out of sight) awaiting a follow-on contract. In the event of a disaster,
or military defeat, a Repatriation Bond would be available to evacuate individuals back to Shenu. In this
case it may be some time before the Battalion is reconstituted and may well have to change its name or
even move their Home Base to start again elsewhere.

Peacekeeping / Counter Narcotics
Background (Amman'Bar, Trimman Sector)

Merat is an addictive drug derived from the stems of the Solium plant, a blue-flowered mountainous shrub.
In small doses Merat can reduce tension, aid concentration and allow users to see a greater range of
colours than normal. Merat causes a variety of long-term health issues, especially among heavy users,
including psychoses and psychotic behaviour, memory problems, and eye damage (users tend to wear eye
protection). It is stable and refined as a fine powder, easily transportable and illegal on most worlds. Local
criminal organizations, backed by off-world interests, control the supply of Merat. This provides a lucrative
income to the mountain villages, but that wealth largely goes to a few tribal leaders who live in luxury. They
in turn use their status, along with coercion and threats, to keep the villagers in line. Government troops
patrol the desolate region in an effort to subdue the trade but they are thin on the ground, their training is
basic, and they are frequently outgunned by the well-equipped criminals.

Operating Environment

Solium grows in mountain valleys, containing one or more walled village strongholds, surrounded by
stepped fields. It takes a trained eye to distinguish Solium bushes from Khat, a similar blue-flowered shrub
used in the production of animal food. Roads are little more than narrow tracks and animals provide the
main means of transport. Thick geo-thermal fogs rise in the mornings, a vital part of the local plant lifecycle.
These severely limit visibility, which both the criminals and the farmers exploit to cover their movements.


Provide basic training to local troops. Identify the areas where the Solium fields are located. Operate
alongside government troops and mentor them as they clear fields of the crops. Establish relationships with
local communities and promote education and alternative sources of income.

Successful Operations

• Identifying Solium from Khat was extremely difficult, and after some unfortunate incidents where
incorrect identification was given by local guides, the Battalion HQ developed an AI routine to optically
recognise the plants at short range with the high-definition cameras fitted to Specialist's helmets.
• The morning fogs effectively blocked most sensors, so foot patrols and sweeps were made during the
day, especially in the early morning. These rarely caught anyone, but were intended to encourage
traffickers to move at night when they were visible to the thermal cameras on the Battalion drones.
• After some months of apparently fruitless operations, a pattern of nocturnal movement was recorded,
revealing a network of caves used by traffickers to store Solium and manufacture Merat. These were
subsequently raided in a coordinated series of strikes, destroying the facilities and neutralising the


While the destruction of the Merat trade was successful, the lack of sustainable income for the mountain
people meant that the problem was likely to return in the future. However, using survey data provided by
the Battalion, Government scientists found rich seams of minerals in the region that will provide the locals
with an alternative means of income to drug production. The survey parties were targeted by traffickers,
but provided protection by A Company personnel and were successful. Locals were offered lucrative terms
in the mineral extraction and processing operation, and the Battalion was released from their contract after
only 7 months.
Rear Area Duties
Background (Grand Eféri, Ring Sector)

Grand Eféri was a balkanised system, in the Ring sector. The ticket was to provide rear area protection to
the Sultan of Kotimpo's forces, while they launched a carefully prepared assault on their rivals, the Yabasso.
The Yabasso had occupied a rich and fertile area of land claimed by the Kotimpo, after a long and bloody
war some 10 standard years earlier. Attempts at a diplomatic resolution over several years had produced
little progress and the Sultan was convinced that military action was the only solution.

Operating Environment

The Battalion operating area was the frontier zone on the border with Okomu, a rival state with a largely
agrarian economy, but a small military force lacking in strategic transport or heavy weapons. The frontier
zone was a significant area, but the terrain was mainly soluble rocks such as limestone, gypsum or
dolomite. This produces very complex Karst terrain characterised by sinkholes and caves, with very little
surface water and only bushes and clump grasses for ground cover. Because the terrain is so difficult, and
soil pockets are often undisturbed, a wide variety of unusual plant types have developed. As a result, there
were few natural routes in deep ravines, meaning that any ground force advance would be canalised
through few key locations.


Provide Rear Area security on the border with Okomu, in order to ensure all available Kotimpo forces are
available for the assault on the Yabasso occupying forces.

Successful Operations

• Initial analysis of the terrain went well, with key locations identified and occupied, keeping A Company
in reserve. Logistic support was contracted from Kotimpo and Platoon bases established with allocated
PLUM and heavy weapon support.
• A series of failures in the software for the Nightingale Drone was identified as a sophisticated cyber-
attack, indicating a higher level of technology than expected from the Okomu forces.
• A counter-cyber operation was launched, revealing that some merchant ship arrivals to Okomu had
been deleted from sensor logs, raising the spectre of off-world interference. This led to the conclusion
that the security of the assault had been compromised and the Sultan's forces were in grave danger.
• The Sultan's troops dug themselves in and prepared defensive operations, just in time to receive an all-
out attack from Yabasso forces infiltrated into the area over the preceding weeks.
• Meanwhile, the Battalion managed to modify the Nightingale drones for purely manual operations, and
were able to successfully identify Okumo forces, reinforced by off-world mercenaries, moving to assault
the border. Battalion intelligence also managed to identify the traitors in the Sultan's forces through a
cyber-operation on the Sultan's senior military command net, and neutralise them with a strike team.
• While significantly outnumbered by the attackers, the Battalion was able to exploit the Karst terrain,
falling back in a series of ambushes, using the anti-materiel sniper Gauss rifles to effectively target the
heavy weapons brought in by the mercenaries. Ultimately the Okumo forces lost interest, when the
Yabasso attack petered out against the Sultan's defences, and retired, skilfully covered by their
mercenary support.


Following a return to the status quo, the bulk of the Battalion was released from the contract. However, a
specialist team remained for some additional months to secure and advise on the Sultan's military
command and control infrastructure.

Disaster Relief
Background (Taskar, Trimman Sector)

An undersea earthquake in the deep ocean triggered a tsunami. The surging waters arrived at the coast of
Taram'Ha in the early morning, with little warning, devastating coastal communities. While the local
authorities did their best to handle the immediate problem, they were completely overwhelmed and the
situation deteriorated quickly. Organised crime and local gang lords took advantage of the circumstances
and their remoteness from central government, with the area becoming increasingly lawless and armed
gangs controlling whole districts.

The Gladius Battalion was operating in a neighbouring system of Mei Ling, providing long term training and
support to the local military. The Mei Ling Government reacted immediately, and the battalion was cleared
for deployment, along with a large quantity of emergency supplies and equipment. The advance party
achieved boots on the ground in little more than two weeks after the disaster struck. By the time the main
body arrived, the Taskar Government was really only in control the local starport and startown.

Operating Environment

The area was primarily temperate coastal lowlands, dotted with small towns and fishing villages. Transport
links were damaged by the flood waters. Mud and wreckage covered the terrain. There were many
unrecovered bodies that presented a serious risk of disease, but the weather forecast was good.


The mission was to work alongside local officials and police to open up routes between major communities;
begin the distribution of aid and restore law and order. It was primarily to exert a visible presence and use
force only when necessary. Deployment was expected to last up to 6 weeks.

Successful Operations

• The Battalion was quickly able to set up a comprehensive communications net with local officials and
police using the distributed capabilities of the Drone Platoon.
• Safe routes were established to the major towns in the region. These were scouted by Bravo Company
and any roadblocks dealt with. In some places going was extremely slow, but the all-electric Battalion
vehicles have good cross-country mobility and need little infrastructure support.
• A large-scale logistic distribution base was established at Taram'Ha Down starport with security
provided by Charlie Company, and its coordinating headquarters was provided by Support Company
• A vital bridge between Taram'Ha Down starport and the seaport was badly damaged by the floods and
debris, and had to be repaired. The wide marshlands it crossed were thick with aggressive predators,
drawn in by the carcases of drowned animals and eager for fresh prey. The Battalion snipers were able
to provide comprehensive protection to the local engineers while they made an emergency crossing.
• Local warlords seized control of an area and their forces swept through, looting, pillaging and
kidnapping people to be trafficked off-world. They were well armed and organised, having raided a
local military reserve depot. The Battalion's surveillance capabilities and intelligence fusion cell,
however, operating with the local authorities, identified their headquarters. In a combined operation,
simultaneous strikes were carried out by Alpha Company decapitating the warlord leadership, freeing
their prisoners, securing property and vital local services, with minimal unnecessary loss of life.


4 months after initial deployment, the Taskar Government battalion declared the situation under control.
They had sufficient humanitarian aid, trained staff and additional security, so the battalion was stood down
and returned to Mei Ling.
Corporate Security
Background (Franca, Ring Sector)

The Franca system was home to a long-established colony, on a garden world, circling an orange K-type
main sequence star. Ideology and tradition had maintained the colony at a relatively low technology level,
equating to the age of sail or the early industrial age. The colony was originally defiantly self-sustaining,
and situated far from regular trade routes, but increases in the population and a sudden die-back of the
principal food crop on the main continent have forced them to trade.

Operating Environment

Franca was obviously the site of a previous civilisation, as there are large scale ruins scattered planet wide
in the vast forests and jungles. The ruins post-date the Ancients by millennia, so have been largely left
alone, but rumours and folk tales tell of giants and fabulous wealth. There are, however, large scale
deposits of Lanthanides, a group of 15 or so similar elements, useful in medical and electronic applications.

Despite considerable opposition from significant parts of the population, the Franca Government has
granted all rights to Bambui, a large island located near the coast, to the Beautiful Flower Mining
Corporation. The corporation is intent on strip mining the vast area, in return for subsidising the colony for
the next 20 years. It is hoped that by then time bio-engineered alternative diverse crops could be
introduced and had time to adjust.


To protect Beautiful Flower Mining Corporation operations on Bambui and provide close protection to
senior corporate officials in the course of their duties while planet side.

Successful Operations

• Close protection operations by A Company personnel operated safely and

effectively, with the minimum unnecessary loss of life, when Franca
Isolationist rebels attempted numerous attacks on corporate officials, in
transit, and when visiting Government offices.
• Provided mobile security to survey teams and mobile mining equipment,
operating in strip mines at suitable sites, including intercepting small
watercraft attempting to smuggle rebels to the island.
• Provided a clear cordon preventing members of the Press or unauthorised
personnel from accessing a previously undiscovered ruin on Bambui,
containing hundreds of 4m high stone heads.
• Provided secure transportation for sample stone heads to be taken
discreetly Franca Down starport for analysis off-world.
• Prevented large scale attacks by rebels, with the minimum unnecessary loss
of life, when details of the stone heads were leaked by a corporate whistle-
blower to the Isolationist leadership. Recovered the whistle-blower in a
daring covert operation, and brought them to stand trial for breach of
corporate loyalty and non-disclosure agreements.


The Beautiful Flower Mining Corporation left suddenly after 2 years operations, generously providing a
replica stone head from their collection as a memento of their time on Franca, dropped all charges against
the Government abetting a terrorist organisation and agreed to a lump sum subsidising the colony for 20
years. The Battalion returned to Shenu with significant performance bonusses.
This is, of course, how things are supposed to be – the "Advertising Brochure" for the Company, if you will.
It does not necessarily represent how things are in reality…

• Gauss rifles are almost silent, but the round travels supersonically, so generates a sharp crack, like a
whip. This is common, but it makes identification of the firing position difficult as there is no flash or
bang at the firing point. The distributed communications used by the Battalion can pick up the
supersonic crack from high velocity weapons, however, and provide an acoustic directional indication
of the enemy to Troopers under fire. Special ammunition is available for the Gauss rifles that do not
generate the "crack" noise, but these are extremely expensive and limited to specialist snipers.
• The clip-on kits to convert the LAAMs to fire remotely, to allow them to be used as a mine or ambush
weapon, are delicate and require an experienced and well-trained operator. They are rarely used
except by key individuals in A Company.
• The Identification Implants, designed to permit a Battalion weapon to operate are very simple passive
identification chips. They work on almost all Battalion weapons (the main exception being the locals in
the Shadow Companies, who are unable to use heavy weapons or the laser designators for the PLUM
launchers) so simply digging a chip out of another soldier's hand and putting it in your glove will make it
work. Alternatively, someone with electronic skill could quite easily bypass the circuit on the weapon.
• Power management for the Battalion equipment is an issue in remote locations, especially if daylight
hours are short or the solar spectrum that is less than optimal for the recharging cells. All primary
equipment is electrical, so it is very common to see stationary vehicles with their solar panels deployed
to try to keep batteries topped up. The panels are efficient, but too fragile to use while moving.
• Communications in the Battalion uses polymorphic encryption and is distributed via personnel, drones,
vehicles and backpack relay stations. It is very secure, but can be jammed locally by a powerful broad-
spectrum jammer. The veterans in the Battalion will be able to operate in this sort of environment, but
the less experienced Shadow Company personnel will be disproportionately affected.
• The Trooper's Helmet is a little complicated to get the best use from it. The more intelligent and
adaptable Trooper, with a facility with computer systems will gain a distinct advantage in combat;
however, less capable personnel may have to have various features turned off in order to prevent them
being distracted and slowing their reaction time. Their biometric circuits are very good at stopping a
sentry falling asleep, however.
• The Nightingale Drone is the Battalion's main advantage over similar units in operation. Because it
generates a "snapshot" of the operating area every 4 seconds, so after an attack takes place, it is trivial
to identify the location of the attack and then "rewind" back in time to see where the attackers formed
up to attack, and where they came from. This makes counter actions extremely effective in a long-term
security, counter-insurgency or Police mission. Of course, in a general combat situation this capability is
far less effective, and it does not provide any advance warning of an attack (unless the drone has been
on station for long enough to establish pattern-matching for routine movements in the area).
• The quantity and release authority for certain systems are quite restricted, if they are particularly
expensive. PLUM missile release needs to be authorised by Battalion HQ or a Company Commander,
and actions like remote piloting of a Battalion APC is very rare in case the vehicle gets damaged. Any
action that endangers a Nightingale drone, for example, would need the Commanding Officer to
approve it, and casualties are always recovered, not just for humanitarian reasons, but to recover their
expensive equipment.
• A Company personnel are the most combat experienced personnel in the Battalion, so it is only to be
expected that one or two are a little "over the edge" and demonstrate psychopathic tendencies. They
are basically trained killers, only really deployed when things are not going well.


Tipene Rakena, Male, Age 37, UPP 6C9875

Skills: Admin-2, Computer-1, Wheeled Vehicle-1, Liaison-1, Medical-1, Gun Combat-1

Tactics-1, Mechanical-0, Recon-0, Streetwise-0, Medical-0


Amaia Tamanui, Female, Age 33, UPP 69AA67

Skills: Navigator-2, Wheeled Vehicles-2, Bribery-1, Computer-1, Streetwise-1, Electronics-0,

Mechanical-0, Medical-0, Close Combat-0


Hira Hiroa, Male, Age 34, UPP A8A767

Skills: Close Combat-2, JOT-1, Mechanical-1, Recon-1, Gun Combat-1, Medical-1,

Carousing-0, Electronics-0, Streetwise-0, Wheeled Vehicles-0


Wikitoria Parekowhai, Not Declared, Age 39, UPP 587AB5

Gun Combat-3 Stealth-2, Communications-1, JOT-1, Mechanical-1, Close Combat-1,

Engineering-0, Admin-0, Medical-0, Survival-0,


Ihaia Mohi, Male, Age 41, UPP A779A9

Gun Combat-2, Heavy Weapon-2, Admin-1, Carousing-1, Comms-1, Computer-0,

Linguistics-0, Gun Combat-0, Tracked Vehicles-0, Medical-0

Designated Marksman

Nia Runga, Female, Age 47, UPP 7A6AC4

Skills: Gun Combat-2, Liaison-1, Carousing-1, Electronics-1, Admin-0, Mechanics-0, Close

Combat-0, Streetwise-0, Medical-0


Kereama Korako, Male, Age 36, UPP B8A657

Skills: Close Combat-2, Mechanics-1, Recon-1, Gun Combat-1, Survival-1, Tactics-1,

Carousing-0, Computer-0, Gambling-0, Linguistics-0, Medical-0

Senior Specialist

Whetu Pongia, Female, Age 31, UPP 7A9966

Skills: Computer-2, Wheeled Vehicles-2, Comms-2, JOT-1, Mechanical-1, Gun Combat-1,

Survival-0, Streetwise-0, Close Combat-0, Medical-0

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specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade
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depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and
descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments,
creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered
trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f)
"Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated
products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format,
modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be used
under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you use. No terms may be added to or subtracted
from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed
using this License.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By using the Open Game Content you indicate your acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant you a perpetual, worldwide, royalty‑free,
non‑exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to use, the Open Game Content.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If you are contributing original material as Open Game Content, you represent that your
contributions are your original creation and/or you have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and you must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's
name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in
another, independent agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or
co‑adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly
licensed in another, independent agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open
Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game
Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content you must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open
Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this
license to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this license with every copy of the Open Game Content you distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any contributor unless you have written
permission from the contributor to do so.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for you to comply with any of the terms of this license with respect to some or all of the Open Game
Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then you may not use any Open Game material so affected.
13. Termination: This license will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of
becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this license is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e) and
are not open content: All trademarks or registered trademarks, proper names (characters, organizations etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations,
characters, artwork and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not
included in this declaration.)
Open Content: Except for material designated as product identity (see above) any game mechanics are Open Game Content as defined in the Open
Gaming License version 1.0a section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in
any form without written permission.
The only portion of this book that is open content, are the Pre-Generated Character Statistics.
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Traveller System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.
Traveller is © 2008 Mongoose Publishing. Traveller and related logos, character, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Far
Future Enterprises unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd Authorized User. Cepheus Engine System Reference
Document, Copyright © 2016 Samardan Press; Author Jason “Flynn” Kemp. Gladius Battalion Handbook © 2021 Moon Toad Publishing.


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