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Set A


GRADE - X (2018-2019)
Exam No. : MT/ICSE/PRELIM - I - Set - A 007



(Two Hours)

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during the first l5 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. 

Section I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section II

The intended marks for questions or the parts of questions given in brackets [ ].

SECTION - I (40 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this section.
Question 1
(a) Fill in the blanks : [5]
(i) The liquid that protects the brain from shocks is _______________
(ii) Control and coordination in plants is carried out by _______________
(iii) Hormone that regulates the basal metabolism of the body is
(iv) The pre-human ancestor is ___________
(v) Too frequent exposure to _______________ in a medical diagnostic
technique may damage chromosomes.

(b) Choose the correct alternative for each : [5]

(i) Drooping of leaves of Mimosa plant is due to:
(a) change in turgor pressure (b) imbibition
(c) plasmolysis (d) diffusion

(ii) Sudden and sharp increase in the number of individuals of population

is called.
(a) Population dynamics (b) Population explosion
(c) Zero population (d) Population density

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(iii) Substances that stimulate cell division and cause dormant seeds to
sprout are _____________.
(a) Gibberellins (b) Cytokinins
(c) Abscisic acid (d) Indole acetic acid

(iv) Factor that does not affect transpiration is _________________

(a) Wind (b) Age of the plant
(c) Temperature (d) Humidity

(v) DNA content doubles during _________________.

(a) Interphase (b) Prophase
(c) Metaphase (d) Telophase

(c) Name the following : [5]

(i) Process by which mineral salts are absorbed by the root.
(ii) It is called the fight or flight hormone.
(iii) Part of female reproductive system, which is also known as ‘Birth
(iv) Part of chloroplast where biosynthetic phase occurs.
(v) Exudation of sap from injured part of a plant. (process)

(d) Match the items in column A with the most appropriate in column B.
Rewrite the matching pairs. [5]
Column A Column B
1) Pinna a) air pressure both sides
2) Ear Ossicles b) inner ear
3) Eustachian tube c) Temporal lobe of the brain
4) Labyrinth d) are three in number
5) Auditory nerve e) Sense of smell
f) collection of sound waves
g) Taste buds

(e) State the location of the following : [5]

(i) Centrosome
(ii) Cerebellum
(iii) Spleen
(iv) Viterous Chamber
(v) Prostate

(f) Give Functions for : [5]

(i) Iris of the eye
(ii) Hypothalamus
(iii) Pituitary
(iv) Penis
(v) Aortic Semilunar Valves

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(g) State whether the following statements are true or false. If false,
write the correct statement : [5]
(i) High humidity increase the rate of transpiration.
(ii) The cranial capacity of Cro-Magnon man was 1000cc.
(iii) During phototropic curvature movement shown by plants, auxin
accumulates on the illuminated side so that cells on the darker
side divide more rapidly.
(iv) If the xylem vessels are blocked, the plant will wilt.
(v) Guttation is the result of root pressure.

(h) Study the diagram given below and then answer the questions that follow : [5]

1. Name the region in the kidney where the above structure is present.
2. Name the parts labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4.
3. Name the stages involved in the formation of urine
4. What is the technical term given to the process occurring in 2 and 3?
Briefly describe the process.

SECTION - II (40 Marks)

(Attempt any four questions from this section.)

Question 2
(A) Given below is the diagram of the human ear. Study the diagram and
then answer the following questions. [5]
(a) What role does the ear drum play in hearing?
(b) What common term is given to the parts labelled A, B and E?
(c) Would there be any difference if these three parts mentioned in (b)
above were replaced by a bigger one? Why ?
(d) Give the biological term for the parts labelled C and D
(e) Name the fluid which fills the parts mentioned in (d) above.

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(B) Study the diagram given below and then answer the questions that follow : [5]

1. Name the cells of the pancreas that produce (1) glucagon (2) insulin
2. State the main function (1) glucagon (2) insulin
3. Why is the pancreas referred to as an exo-endocrine gland?
4. Why is insulin not given orally but is injected into the body?
5. What is the technical term for the cells of the pancreas that produce
endocrine hormones?

Question 3
(A) Given below in an experimental
set-up to study a particular Strong sugar
process. [5]
Tap water
(i) Name the process.
(ii) Define the above named
(iii) What would you observe in
the experimental set-up after an hour or so?
(iv) What control experiment can be set-up for the above experiment?
(v) Mention two advantages of this process to the plant.

(B) Answer the following questions :

(i) How would you justify that Australopithecus was a human ancestor? [2]
(ii) Difference between :
Growth Dependent Movements and Growth Independent Movements. [2]
(iii) What is Systemic Circulation? [1]

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Question 4
(A) Diagram below is of 8 weeks old foetus of human. [5]
(i) Name the parts labelled 1 and 2. 1
(ii) State any one function of part 1and 2.
(iii) What is the role of the umbilical cord 2
in the development of the foetus?
(iv) Name the part in the diagram which
is endocrine in nature? umbilical
(v) What term is given to the period of cord

development of the foetus in the


(B) Define : [5]

(i) Population density
(ii) Ovulation
(iii) Menarche
(iv) Demography
(v) Stimulus

Question 5
(A) (i) What are vestigial organs? Name any three vestigial organs found in
humans. [3]
(ii) Important functions of Gibberellins. [2]

(B) The diagram below represents the spinal cord of a mammal seen in a
transverse section together with the nerves. Study the same and then
answers the questions that follow : [5]

Receptor (Skin)

(a) Label the parts 1 – 8 indicated by guide–lines.

(b) What do the arrows indicate? What is the pathway indicated termed as?
(c) What type of nerve is shown in the diagram?

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Question 6
(A) Four leaves of equal size were cut from [5]
the same plant. They were weighed and
then vaseline was applied in the following
way-before leaving the set up for few days
Leaf A: Applied vaseline on both
Leaf B : Applied vaseline on lower
Leaf C : Applied vaseline on upper
Leaf D : No vaseline was applied.
Study the results of the above and answer :
(i) Which leaf weighs the most?
(ii) Which leaf weighs the least?
(iii)What is the aim of the experiment?
(iv)Which leaf is least shrivelled and why?

(B) Give biological reasons for the following : [5]

(i) Leaves are reduced to spines in cactus.
(ii) Salting of meat keeps it fresh for a long time.
(iii) The body of a marine fish often bursts when placed in tap water.
(iv) The wooden doors of houses get jammed in rainy seasons.
(v) Transpiration is a price plant pays for photosynthesis.

Question 7
(A) Sketch and label the Vertical section of human kidney. [5]

(B) Answer the following : [5]

(i) What is Glycosuria?
(ii) What are Rhesus factor ?
(iii) How does gyri and sulci, make a difference to a person?
(iv) What are the Secondary Sexual characters in human male?
(v) Explain Chemotropism

All the Best 

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