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Observation Assignment

The work environment for the PT group practice, or Dr. Tuscans office is active and

looks like a typical doctor's office, except where most patients are receiving treatment it is in a

gym-like setting with different machines for patients to perform exercises on. Secondly, the work

environment is very fluid, a physical therapist's day at work is subject to continual change.

Additionally, depending on what area of practice one is in, a work environment for a physical

therapist can be in a private practice clinic, hospital, nursing home, patients homes, and more.

Due to the varying environments, the type of treatment also varies. In hospitals physical

therapists are typically doing inpatient or rehabilitation treatment, while private practices may be

primarily outpatient treatment. Again, the differing types of treatment also creates a different

work environment for doctors, because while inpatients may be seen for the duration of their stay

at a hospital, outpatients may be seen for a series of visits.

The type of patients that a physical therapist works with varies greatly. Depending on the

work environment, a patient could be of any age, gender, race, ethnicity, and much more. Clients

even vary in what they are receiving treatment for, some have treatment plans to improve their

mobility, manage or eliminate pain, prevent disability, and more. There is great diversity in the

clientele for this profession.

I am interested in pursuing a career in physical therapy, however, with such a broad range

of specialties, areas of treatment, and work environments I believe that I would struggle in

determining where and what type of physical therapy I would want to practice. Further, I know

that I would not enjoy all of the paperwork and documentation that comes along with treating

patients. I want to pursue a career where I can be hands-on for a majority of my work rather than

dealing with insurance companies and reports. Nevertheless, I know that if I were to pursue a
career in physical therapy I would enjoy working with patients and seeing their progress from

start to finish. Treating patients and assisting them in their rehabilitation or observing their

growth and regained function would most definitely be a rewarding aspect of this career.

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