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Place the expressions below in the corresponding category:

Self-present Area of Getting each Talking Why you are Talking

ation expertise other right about your applying for about your
experience/s the position weaknesses

- I am a _____ with ____ years of experience in the ____ industry.

- I’m self-organized and self-motivated person. My experience in
different/various industries and expertise in ____ technologies enables
me to be a valued resource in any IT environment. Currently I’m
interested in a ____ position where I will be able to successfully
use/utilize my skills and on the other hand, I could learn, grow and
develop professionally. Outside of work, I like/prefer___ing
- I have a good understanding of
- I can't quite catch what you mean
- I am diligent about keeping up with the latest technology and design
- Is that what you wanted to know?
- I have sometimes struggled with___
- I have spent the last _ years/months developing my skills as a/an _____
- To help myself improve in this area, I ____
- I have proven/hands-on (practical) experience in
- Can you put it differently, please?
- I have in-depth knowledge of ___
- There’s always room for improvement and ____
- I worked with such frameworks/technologies as …
- My greatest weakness is that I ___
- Methodologies I used included …
- I’m looking to further my skills as a ___
- Let me give you an example of what I mean
- I mainly work with ___
- I work well under pressure
- One specific example that comes/ springs to mind is__
- I take (took) part in= I am (was) involved in = I participate(d) in sth
- My main expertise is
- I am good at (managing relationships with others)
- I believe your company is an important player in its industry
- Did I answer your question?
- So just to confirm__
- I want to further my career in _____
- I’m open to new challenges/opportunities

Match synonyms and complete the sentences

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