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Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to

1. define what table napkin is.
2. identify the styles of table napkin folding.
3. appreciate the importance and advantages of table napkin folding.
4. demonstrate examples of table napkin folding.
Topic: Table Napkin Folding
Reference: Principles of Food and Beverage Services (Second Edition) pp.27-35
Materials: laptop, white screen, projector, table napkin, blackboard
III. PROCEDURE (Explicit Teaching)


A. Introduction
1. Daily Routine
 Opening Prayer
Before we start the lesson, may I request everyone to
please stand for a prayer? (Students stand and say a prayer)
You may now take your seats Thank you Ma’am
Good Morning class Good Morning Ma’am
2. Motivation
Have you been to restaurants or hotels? Yes Ma’am
What do you observe in restaurants? What do you see
on the table aside from foods? We saw different fancy decorations Ma’am
We saw chandeliers Ma’am
We saw Fresh flowers Ma’am
This time I will group you into five. I have here a
puzzle. Each group will be given a puzzle to be
assembled. After you assemble the puzzle, ill check
your work on your respective table. Yes Ma’am
(Students group themselves and assemble the
What did you see in the puzzle you assembled? We see folded table napkin Ma’am
Very good students.
B. Modelling
I have here a power point presentation showing how to
do table napkin folding and its name. Please try to
memorize the name of the folded napkin. In order to
memorize its name and how to fold it, be sure that you
watch carefully the presentation. Can you do it class? Yes Ma’am
(Video presentation on table napkin folding) (Students watch the video presentation)
What are the names of folded napkins presented in the
video? Bishops Mitre table napkin fold Ma’am
Very Good. What else? Ice Cream Cone table napkin fold Ma’am.
Excellent. What’s the last table napkin fold presented? Pyramid table napkin fold Ma’am.
What is a table napkin? Table napkin is a small piece of table linen that can
be seen as a table accessory during special
What do you think is the importance of table napkin
folding? A napkin, when properly folded, may enhance
one’s dining experience and it reflects personality
and creativity.
A table napkin fold does not simply rest on table,
each fold/style, projects elegance.
Nice answer.
What is now the use of table napkin? It is used for wiping your hands and mouth while
eating and drinking.
Very good.
Aside from being accessory or decoration, table napkins
protect our clothes while eating or drinking.
C. Guided Practice
Since you’ve watch already the video tutorial, I will give
each one of you a table napkin. You will fold the type of
table napkin that I will tell you to do. You can ask me if
you don’t know the step.
Everybody fold you table napkin into a BISHOP’S
(The teacher will go around as the students fold the
napkin) (The students fold the table napkin as instructed)
The next one, fold your table napkin into ICE CREAM
(The teacher will go around as the students fold the (The students fold the table napkin as instructed)
And the last, fold your table napkin into PYRAMID.
(The teacher will go around as the students fold the (The students fold the table napkin as instructed)
Very nice performance.
Now, I will divide you into groups of three. Each group
will be given one table napkin to be folded. Each group
will have 1 representative for every type of table napkin
that I will ask you to do. The group members can help
their representatives. The activity will stop if all of the
representatives of each group are able to fold the table
napkins properly. I will go around as you perform the
activity to check if you know already.
(The teacher distributes the table napkins to each group)
The first type of table napkin folding that you will
perform is BISHOPS MITRE. Please select your
If I say begin, you will start folding. If I say stop, you
will raise your hand. But if you finish before the allotted
time, you can also raise your hand. Yes Ma’am
Is the representatives ready? (The representatives of the group perform the
Your one minute starts now. BISHOPS MITRE table napkin fold)

(The teacher will let each group representatives fold the

table napkin into ICE CREAM CONE followed by the
D. Independent Practice
Now you have to fold the napkin by yourself without
asking my help and your classmates. You have to fold
the table napkin within one minute.
I will go around to check if you know already how to
fold table napkin.
In one minute, you fold your table napkin into ICE
CREAM CONE. (The students fold the table napkin into ICE
(The teacher continuous the activity until the three types CREAM CONE)
of table napkin folding are done)

The teacher will call each student to perform one type of table napkin folding and will be rated
using the rubric below:


(Excellent) Performance output is correct. The workmanship shows clear evidence
95-100 of accepted appearance as evaluated.
(Very Good) Performance output is correct but leaves some minor details of the
90-94 expected perfect appearance.
(Satisfactory) Performance output lacks particular attention.
(Fair) Performance output lacks manifestation of attention and effort of
75-79 producing acceptable appearance of product.
(Poor) Performance output is incorrect but shows evidence of effort to perform
70-below the activity. The student had skipped several steps in the procedure.
(Very Poor) Performance output shows an evidence of no understanding that the
0 student simply comply with the requirement.

Bring a table napkin, study how to fold the table napkin into Birds of Paradise.

Prepared By:
Allyson Cordovez Alarcon
Junior High Applicant

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