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Background of the Study

The advancement and development of technology bring various

changes that can either make people's lives easier or more

complex. One outcome of this development is the emergence of

online gaming, which has grown to be one of the most popular and

addicting forms of leisure time for both adults and youth. Online

games can be used to reduce stress, provide challenge,

competition and relaxation, and even as a mental escape from the

real world (Dumrique & Castillo, 2018). However, the rising growth

of the development of online games has contributed to the growing

subject of gaming addiction, which seems to have an impact to the

academic performance and priorities of affected students (Jongco,


Several studies published in many different countries have

conflicting conclusions regarding the subject. A Turkish study

conducted by Taş (2017) concluded that gaming addiction is not a

predictor of school engagement. Studocu (2021) cited many studies

indicating that gaming actually helps students improve their

academic engagement. Playing games improve reading tests of

dyslexic children and has since been used as a way to treat

dyslexia. Additionally, a study conducted by Kovess-Masfety et

al. (2016) showed that high video game exposure among children

aged 6 to 11 was related with a significantly increased risk of

high intellectual functioning and overall school competence. On

the otherhand, studies conducted by Brunborg et al. (2014), Taylan

et al. (2017) and Çetinkaya (2013) concluded that gaming addiction

is linked to poor academic achievement and hinders homework.

Studies have also been conducted in the Philippines

concerning the issue. A study conducted by Cabrillos et al.

(2022) in Sultan Kadarat showed that playing online games has no

significant relationship with the academic success of students.

Another study by Dumrique and Castillo (2018) also stated that

even if students play online games, their academic performance is

unaffected. However, opposite findings were concluded in studies

by Verecio (2018) and Garnada (2020), that academic engagements

were fairly affected by playing games.

The literature is divided on the issue, which is why the

researchers feel the necessity to mainly study what kind of

correlation exists between the two variables in the local

context, specifically in Davao Central College. The researchers

will attempt to figure out what factors are associated with

students’ excessive online gaming. It seeks to discover the

relationship between students’ intellectual capacity and academic

performance as it relates to online gaming.

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