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Commitment Contract and Action Plan

I, Christian A. Limon, hereby agree to commit and take the following:

*STARTING POINT: Identify your take off point by listing your goals or the things that
you want to do.

1. I want to graduate college

2. I want to pass the licensure examination
3. I want to be a professional teacher
4. I want to pay for all the sacrifices that my family made
5. I want to support my two younger sisters to their education

1. LOADING STATION 1: Before going further, list down the resources you'll need to
help you out -money, people etc.

1. God
2. Family
3. Friends
4. Money
5. Diploma

2. LOADING STATION 2: Build information profiles. Learn more about the

requirements of your career. (Ex. Compensating, In-demand, In line with my skills etc...)

1. In-demand
2. In line with my skills
3. Thing that I love to do
4. Where I could be able to help others
5. Improvement and apply things I learned within myself and to others

3. LOADING STATION 3: Check your progress. There might be things that may hinder
your progress and needs to be addressed.

1. Pandemic
2. Financial Problem
3. Low Morale Support from family
4. Losing my Faith
5. Depression

#MILESTONE: Identify what specific things you want to achieve at this point.

Becoming a teacher is a rewarding and fulfilling career, but it's also a lot of hard work. I
don’t just want to become a successful person but I must be dedicated to my student’s
success too.

Describe what kind of PERSON you are after enhancing/developing/improving

these values? Who are you as a person.

I have been through a lot of ups and downs in life. Sometimes it makes me feel like
nothing is left for me to do but to give up on my dreams and live with it. But every time I
feel like this, I also feel that there's still something inside me that makes me want to
keep going no matter what happens. My parents are very supportive and they always
encourage me to pursue my dreams. They have always been there for me when times
were tough and they have never made me feel like less than anything because of my
color or race. I had to learn how to adapt quickly and make friends wherever I went
because if you don't have friends then you are going nowhere in life so it was important
for me to get over these issues as soon as possible and continue with my life as if
nothing happened at all. I’ve been through so many challenges in my life, but I always
come out stronger and more determined. I believe in fighting for what you believe in and
never giving up. I am a fighter.

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