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benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 28 chii dé tir vung Toeic LISTENING COT LOI 48 én luyén, vi dat TOL DA DIEM sw sie dung tai ligu na Listening, digu nay chirng t6 su hiéu qua ciia né. + Cach siz dung thay 48 xuat cho ban: Truc khi luygn nghe part nao, hay hoc tir vung part dé. Hoc téi thiéu 5 — 10 tir 1 ngay, kign dinh HOC HANG NGAY. Hoe ca nghia tiéng viet, vi tap phat am toh dm dung la mau chét dé ban nghe tét), ban c6 thé tra phién am chuan tai trang: https://www lexico com/ Va dé that su hiéu qua, ban hay IN FILE NAY RA, va ding batt chi danh dau. PART1 VOCABULARY PART 1: MUA SAM, NHA HANG No. Words Meaning 1 souvenir qua liu niém 2 be arranged Duc sip xep 3 be stacked up Duoe chat ding 4 be lined up Duge xép thanh hang 5 be on display Burge trumg bay 6 browse in the store nhin quanh trong cita hing 7 compare prices so sinh gid cA 8 make a selection from chon hra tir 9 on both sides of the aisle & hai bén 1éi di 10 be hanging on the rack Durge treo lén gid 11 be laid out for sale Duc tring bay dé ban 12 be marked down treo bang gidm gid 13 be stocked with Duge du trit (mit hang) 14 cash register may tinh tién 15 reach for an item véi tay lay hang benzen 16 piles of bags chéng tai xach 17 on the shelves trén ké 18 pushing a shopping cart day xe mua hang 19 chef dau bép 20 stack of plates chong dia 2 dine out no bén ngoai 22 leave a tip dé tien boa 23 pour water nto a glass rot mute vao ly 24 call the waiter over goi béi ban 25 study the menu xem thue don 26 be covered by a cloth duoc trai khan trai ban 27 cluttered table ban an bita bon 28 be occupied c6 ngudi ngéi, dat ché troy 29 help oneself to refreshments —_| tir phuc vu bita &n nhe 30 he crowded with patrons dang nghit khach Tver ything for TOLIC. benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 17 dock bén tau 18 curb Ie phan cach 19 path duéng, léi di 20 sweep quét don, don dep 21 climb a ladder wéo len thang 22 be renovated durge stra chita (toa nha) 23 kneel in the garden quy trong voyon 24 push the wheelbarrow day xe cuit kit 25 operate heavy machine dieu khién trang thiét bi nang 26 vacuum the floor nat bui san nha 27 lead to dan dén 28 change the light bulk thay bong dén 29 fence hang rio 30 railing lan can, rao chan 31 stairway cau thang 32 construction site cong trong xay dung benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 33 hold a shovel cam cai xéng 34 be mounted on the wall treo trén tuéng, 35 dig in the ground dao dat 36 wear a safety hat d6i ndn bao hiém 37 pave the road lot durdng 38 brick gach 39 load a box cho hop gb VOCABULARY PART 1: NOI LAM VIEC, THOI GIAN RANH ROI No. [Words Meaning 1 applaud the speaker hoan nghénh dién gia 2 folder bia tai ligu 3 look into microscope nhin vao kinh hién vi 4 machine lid nap day may 5 speak into a microphone néi qua micro 6 make photocopies sao chép lai 7 adjust the equipment diéu chinh thiét bi 8 wear protective glasses deo kinh bao hé 9 doorway cia ra vao 10 look through a report doc ky ban bio cio n stare at a screen hin chim chi vio min hinh 12 be seated at a workstation ngdi & phéng lim viée 13 sort through some paperwork sp xép tai ligu u reach for a knob vi téi qua dam cira 15 hold the receiver to the ear gitt éng nghe sat tai 16 waive in the breeze lay dong trong gid 17 rest outdoors nghi ngoai troi 18 extend over the hill trai dai dén bén kia doi 19 upside-down Jon nguge benzen 31 remove loaves of bread dep di nhimg é banh mi 32 be seated on the stool ng@i trén ghé khong cé bang tra 33 take an order nhan don dat hing 34 sit on the patio ng0i én hanh lang ugoai woi phue vu, tiép thire an dimg 35 wait tables ban 36 VOCABULARY PART 1: GIAO THONG, CONG TRUONG No. Words Meaning 1 float in the water ni trén mat nude pedestrian ngudi di bd be packed bi nhét day bai be parked on the ground —_| dau xe be lined up in rows xép thang hang chan dung on the deck of the boat trén boong tau in the back of the track @ phia san xe tai 2 3 4 5 6 block the road i g 9 put gas in the car dé dau vao xe hoi 10 lamppost cét den n train track dung ray xe lira 12 be towed away bi kéo di 13 be unoccupied trong ché 4 be tied up in the harbor bj cét Iai 6 bén tau 1s board the vehicle en xe 16 near the platform gan thém ga A A mn 4 op p= Tver ything for TOLIC. VOCABULARY PART 3: SAN PHAM benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. No. Words Meaning 1 special offer gidim gia dae biet 2 inventory ban ké khai hang ha 3 out of stock hét hang trong kho 4 refund wa lai tién, swt bdi hoan 5 manufacturer nha san xuat 6 warehouse kho hang 1 stockroom kho hang 8 release tung ra (san pham) 9 launch tung ra (san pham) 10 details chi tiét (san pham) ll estimates bang bao gia 12 expedite xte tién 13, defects khuyét diém 14 warranty giay bao hinh VOCABULARY PART 1: THE BI BONG/MIEU TA GIAN TIEP benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. No. Words Meaning 1 be being carried out dang duge van chuyén 2 be being renovated dang duge sita chita 3 be being displayed dang duge trong bay 4 be being towed away dang duge kéo di 5 be being packed dang duge déng géi 6 be being served dang duge phuc va 7 be being cleaned dang duge don dep 8 be being weighed on the scale |dang duge can 9 have been laid out da duge bé ui 10 have been arranged da duge sip dat ist have been covered with da bi phi boi 12 have been left open da bi mora 13 have been sliced da chtge cat Lat 4 have been planted in rows da duoc trong thanh hang 15 have been stacked da duoc chat thanh dong 16 have been taken out da dirge lay ra 17 beverage thtte uéng 18 vehicle xe cd 19 equipment trang thiét bi 20 performance swbudi biéu dién 21 (musical) instrument nhac cu 22 attire/costume y phuc 3 produce néng phim 24 electronic device thiét bi dién tir 25 protective gear trang thiét bi bao hd benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 16 | session nign khéa, phién hop VOCABULARY PART 3: CONG VIEC No. | Words Meaning 1 contract hop dong 2 expire hét han 3 benefits phuc loi 4 headquarters tru so 5 branch chi nhénh Ze 6 access card thé ra vao 1 allocate phan phéi, cap 8 laptop (computer) may tinh xdch tay 9 sales repart hiio cao kinh doanh benzen 20 be positioned duge dit vaio 21 walk toward an archway bude theo Idi di ed mai vom fhuong thite cae téc pham dieu 22 fidmire sculptures khic 23 hilltop dinh ddi 24 be scated in a row ngéi thing hing 25 water the plants tdi murée cho cay 26 being seating with one's legs cross| ngoi bat chéo chan 27 spray water into the ait xit noyse vao khong khi 28 grassy area Khu vue phit day co 29 hold a fishing pole cam can cau 30 row a boat chéo thuyén 31 in the opposite direction 6 hung ngoyge lai 32 be reflected into the water phan chiéu qua mat nose Tver ything for TOLIC. 10 | workflow process qué trinh xir ly cong viée 1 deal thoa thuan mua ban 12 commute di lai hing ngay tir nha dén noi am viée 13 call in sick goi dién bao 6m 14 | annual budget ngfin sch hing nim 15 specialty chuyén nganh, chuyén mén 16 assignment nhiém vu (duoc phan céng) 17 | marketing strategy chién luge kinh doanh 18 | performance higu suat, thanh tich 19 | bulletin board bang théng bio VOCABULARY PART 3: SAN BAY, DU Lich No. Words Meaning 1 catch a plane dap may bay _ 2 miss the connection —_ | nhd chuyén xe, tau (chay ndi 3 package tour tua du lich tron goi 4 carousel bang tai hanh ly (6 san bay) 5 aisle seat ché ngéi gan 16i di 6 direct flight chuyén bay thang 7 board Jen may bay 8 final destination diém dén cudi cing 9 travel agent nhan vién du lich 10 adjust to the time thich nghi voi sir thay déi mui gid difference int accommodation ché 6 12 carry-on baggage hanh ly mang theo lén may bay 13 clear customs lam thi tuc hai quan benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. benzen 11 personnel nhan se 12 salesperson nhan vién ban hing 13 crew ban, uhom, d9i (cong tae) 14 coworker déng nghiép 15, colleague déng nghiép 16 plumber thg stra ng nude 17 receptionist nhan vién tiép tan 18 automatic mechanic thg sita xe hoi VOCABULARY PART 3: PHONG VAN Tver ything for TOLIC. No. Words Meaning 1 fill ont an application di&n dom xin vide 2 cover letter thwrxin viée 3 candidate ngudi dy tuyén, img vién 4 qualifications trinh d6 chuyén mén 5 certificate bang cp, gidy chimg nhan 6 company policy chinh sich céng ty 7 be entitled to do 6 quyén (lim gi) 8 replacement ngudi thay thé 9 annual salary long hang nim 10 vacancy ché tréng rel workplace gi in vige 12 working conditions diéu kién lam viée 13 reception desk ban [é tan 14 minimum requirements diéu kién téi thiéu 15 narrow down the applicants _| ruyén chon tng vién do hru niém benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 4 souvenir 15 exit 16i thoat 16 courtesy shuttle xe dua dén mign phi VOCABULARY PART 3: BENT VIEN No. Words Meaning 1 eye exam kham mat 2 dental appointment | hen kham rang 3 doctor's office /phong mach 4 have a baby sinh con 5 laboratory phong thi nghiém 6 medication thude (dieu tri) 1 alleviate lam giam dau 8 prescription toa thuéc benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. hoan lai mét phan tién (sau khi da mua san phim) 15 rebate 16 distribute phan phéi 17 supplier nha cung cap 18 wall-mounted unit loai treo tuong 1 bulk purchase mua hang s6 hrgng lon VOCABULARY PART 3: HOI NGHI, CHUYEN BI CONG TAC No. | Words Meaning 1 registration su ding ki mét xp cdc tip sich nhé, cung cap 2 information packet thoug tin 3 itinerary 16 wink 4 amenities tién nghi 5 agenda chuuong trinh nghi swt 6 give a presentation tinh bay 7 be away ona trip dang di cong tac 8 fundraising gay quy 9 conference hoi nghi 10 _|arrange a meeting chuan bi mét cudc hop 11 {handout tai ligu phat tay 12 draft ban phac thao, dé cong 13. | training seminar hoi thao huan luyén 14 | trade show héi cho trién lam thuong mai 15 submit the proposal dé trinh ban ké hoach benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. PART 3 VOCABULARY PART 3: NHAN SU’ No. Words Meaning 1 junior nhan vién tap su 2 transfer sir thuyén chuyén 3 short-staffed thiéu nhan vién 4 supervisor gidm sit vin 5 boss éng chi 6 sales representative nhan vién ban hang 7 technician nhan vién ky thuat 8 security officer nhin vién an ninh administrative assistant tro ly gidm déc 10 store clerk nhan vién ban hang VOCABULARY PART 1: TU NANG CAO benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 0. ords Meaning 1 |A backpack cai ba lo 2 IA fishing rod (Cai can cau ca 3 ‘A bulleting board Bang thong bao 4 IA scarf Khan choang cé 5 ‘An orchar nun trai cay 6 |A Scooter ‘© may 7 aiting at the curb Dang chi & 1é dubng 8 Trimming a bush Dang cat tia mét bui cay 9 Sitting on the lawn Dang ngéi trén bai co 10 ‘A vending machine fay ban hang tr dong u The lid of the bottle (Cai nip chai 12 (Conversing on the phone Dang néi chuyén dign thoai 13 Boxes are scattered thiéu chiée hép nam rai rc 14 Bend over the table (Cai ngudi nghién xuéng ban 15 ‘A gap between the chairs Khoang tréng gitta nhiéu lchige ghé 16 IA crate is empty (6t cai thing trong khong 7 heeling a cart Dang kéo | cai xe day 18 Holding a utensil Dang cam dung cu lam bép 19 ‘A man is gesturing jgttoi dan ong dang ra cit chi ay 20 Riding in a carriage Dang lai xe ngua benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 9 itchy ngita ngay 10 hoarse khan giong n sore throat viém hong 12 diabetes bénh tigu dudng 13 lose/gain weight gidm/ting can 14 get an injection tiém thuéc VOCABULARY PART 3: CAU TRUC CONG TY No. Words Meaning 1 CEO Tong giam déc 2 Vice president Phé chi tich Director/Division ; 3 Head Gidm dée 4 Manager ‘Truong phong 5 Assistant Manager Phé phéng 6 Human Resources Phéng Nhan swe Research and ; 1 Development Phong nghién ctra va Phat trién 8 General Affairs Phéng hanh chin 9 Editorial Phong bién tap 10 Public Relations Phong Quan hé Céng ching ll Overseas Sales Phong Kinh doanh véi mréc ngoai 12 Marketing Phong tiep thi 13 Shipping B6 phan phy trach van chuyén VOCABULARY PART 3: BAT DONG SAN, NGAN HANG Words Meaning, property bat dong san benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 2 complex khu nha dat 3 real estate agent nhan vién méi gidi bat déng san 4 tenant ngwéi thué nha 5 landlord chi nha 6 move into doi dén 7 move out of dai di 8 renovation su sita chita (nha cita) 9 establishment co sé, co ngoi 10 utilities dich vu dién, mrée it suburb ngoai 0 12 rental price gia thué nha 13 lease cho thué, thué 4 deposit slip phiéu giti tién vao tai khoan 15 small business loan | tién cho cae doanh nghiép nhé vay 16 open an account mé mét tai khoan 17 porfolio danh muc von dau tr 18 exchange trao déi benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 19 statement ban ké khai 20 online banking hoat déng ngan hang trén mang VOCABULARY PART 3: SAP XEP LICH LAM VIEC No. Words Meaning 1 reschedule sp xép lai lich lam viée 2 postpone hoan lai 3 make a reservation dat trude 4 book dat trude 5 call back 201 lai 6 make an appointment [hen trrée 7 function sy kién quan trong 8 arrange another date _| sip xép lich lam viée vao ngay thang khac 9 itinerary chuong trinh lim viée 10 run late ll coordinate schedule | diéu chinh lich lam viée 12 cancel hay 13 behind schedule tré hon so véi lich trink 14 mect the deadline Kip thoi han 15 ahead of schedule truée théi han 16 have a conflict in schedule lich lam viéc trang nhau VOCABULARY PART 3: THOI GIAN RANH ROL No. Words Meaning benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 1 gym phéng tp thé duc 2 be sold out da ban hét 3 soap opera kich nhiéu ki trén ti vi, radio 4 bike tail dudng dank cho xe dap 5 art exhibit trién lam nghé thuat 6 skating rink san bang, san patanh 7 premiere budi dién ra mat, budi céng chiéu (phim) 8 convertible xe mui tran 9 work out tap luyén 10 car rental agency cong ty cho thue xe i directions chi dan, huéng dan 12 double park dau xe bén canh chiée xe khac 13 maintenance viée bao tri 14 personal belongings d6 dac ca nhan VOCABULARY PART 3: NHUNG VAN DE KHAC benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. No. Words Meaning 1 sponsor ngudi dé dau, doanh nghiép tai tro 2 silverware bé dé an bang bac 3 appliance thiét bi gia dung dién tir 4 pick up lunch dian tra 5 freshly-baked méi nung 6 remodeling vige tu stra lai 7 ‘voucher phiéu tra tién 8 premium phi bao hiem 9 gift-wrap goi qua ting 10 distribution su phan phdi iat relative ho hang than thuéc viée cung cap thre pham cho eae dip 18, sit 12 catering kign lon 13 renovation sit ddi méi 14 guarantee bao hanh 1S policy diéu khoan bao higm VOCAB PART 4 VOCABULARY PART 4: Thing bio & noi kim viée No. Words Meaning 1 Annual report Théng bao thudng nién 2 Track Theo dudi, theo dau 3 Attribute Cho 1a, quy cho 1a 4 Shut down Két thitc, ngimg hoat dang 5 Dedication Sy tan tam 6 Extra training Huan luyén thém 7 Clarity Lam sang 6 benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 8 Unplug Rat phich cim ra 9 Log off Tit (may tinh) 10 Assign Phan céng 11 Identification card Gidy chimg minh 12 Securing system ‘He théug an nin 13 Temporary Tam thoi 14 Reduce the use of Giam vige sir dung VOCABULARY PART 4: THONG BAO O CUA HANG No. Words Meaning 1 Attention, please! Xin chi ¥ 2 Alert Canh gide 3 At half price Phan nia gia benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 4 Miss out Bé qua co héi 5 Complimentary Biéu, moi 6 Advantage Uu diém 7 Proceed to Didén Shipping and handling ; 8 charge Phi van chuyén 9 Checkout line Quay tinh tién 10 On duty >< Off duty Dang lam viée >< Hét ca lam viée ll Ata large discount Dai ha gid 12 Organic Cé hé théng, hi co 13 Bulky Céng kénh 14 Patron Khach quen 15 Cirenlation desk Quay cho mrgn sich 16 Extend operating hours Kéo dai gid hoat dang VOCABULARY PART 4: THONG BAO LIEN QUAN DEN GIAO THONG 1. No. Words Meaning u 1 Be closed for Bi chan lai vi 2 Closure Sur dong cita (chin duéng) 3 Southbound Di vé phia nam 4 Board the vehicle Lén xe 5 On the scene G hién wring 6 Direct traffic Hudng dan ludng xe co 7 Take an alternate route | Bi dung vong 8 Landing Ha canh 9 Incomng >< Outcommg |i vio >< Di ra, roi benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 10 Periodically Theo dinh ki 11 Underway (ké hoach) dang tién hanh 12 Be caught in traffic Bi ket xe 13 Intersection Giao 16 4 Tubuleuce Sur hon loan 15 Flight itinerary Thoi biéu cdc chuyén bay 16 Cancellation Sur hay bo VOCABULARY PART 4: TIN NHAN HUONG DAN TY DO) No. | Words Meaning 1 |reach Duge noi dén a Technical problem Su c6 ky thuat 3 Fxtension (ext ) s6 may nhanh 4 | Regular hours Gids hoat déng thing 18 5 |Come across Tinh c& phat hién 6 | Put someone through (Dién thoai) néi may véi Hé théng dat truéc qua dign thoai 7 — | Automated telephoue reservation | ty benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. system dong 8 Press Nhan sé 9 Afier the tone Sau khi nghe tiéng bip 10 | Agent Nhan vin 11 | Call back Goi lai 12 | Hang up Cap may 13. | Hold on Gitr may chor 14 | Telephone operator Nhan vien tric tong dai dign thoai 15 | Connect Két noi VOCABULARY PART 4: HOP THU THOAI CA NHAN No. | Words ‘Meaning 1 |Mobile phone Dién thoai di déng a Ready for pick-up Sn sang nghe 3 [Return a call Goi dign tra 16i 4 Answering machine May tra loi ty déng: 5 |Be scheduled to do Lén ké hoaeh (lam gi) 6 | Apologize for Xin ldi vé 7 |Make a phone call Goi dign thoai 8 Leave a message Dé lai tin nhan 9 Remind Nhic, nhac nhé 10 | Mailing address Dia chi giti thu 11 | Direct number Dién thoai chinh 12 _ | Status of repair Tinh trang stta chtta VOCABULARY PART 4: HOP THU THOAL CONG VIEC benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. No. Words Meaning 1 Voice mail message _|I1Gp thur thoai 2 Tolkfice number —_ {6 dign thoai min cude phi 3 Confirm Xae nhan WY 4 Appreciate Danh gid cao, cam kich 5 Interruption Str gidn doan 6 Area code Ma ving 1 Get through Két noi duge 8 Feel free to do (Noi khi cho phép) cit ty nhién (lam gi 46) 9 Place an order pat hang 10 Out of office Khong cé mit 6 vin phong in Web site Trang web Set up an | 12 appointment An dinh cude hen 13 System malfunction |Su true trae cita hé théng @ 14 Job opening Co hdi vige im VOCABULARY PART 4: DU BAO THOT TIET benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. No. Words Meaning 1 Breezy Cé gié hin hin 2 Heavy rain Mua to 3 Poor weather Dieu kién thoi viet ie conditions 4 Chilly Rat lanh 5 ‘Temperature Nhiét do 6 ‘Celsius (Dd) C 7 Fahrenheit (D6) F 8 Humidity Do am 9 Degree Do 10 Gusty Co gio giat timg con ll Scorcher Ngay rat nong, ngay troi nong nhu thiéu dot 12 High >< Low Cao >< Thap 13 Accumulation Su tich tu VOCABULARY PART 4: GIGI THIEU SAN PHAM BREAKING NEWS //, No. Words Meaning 1 Stay tuned for Gite nguyén song 2 Audience Thin gia 3 Newscaster Phat thanh vign chwong trinh tin tite 4 Radio show Chnrong trinh radi 5 Live (Phat song) truc tigp 6 Critic Nha phé binh ? Channel Kénh 8 Upcoming concert Budi hoa nhac sap téi 9 Be broadcast on Duge phat sng wen benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. 10 Hourly Hing gid u Special guest Khach moi dae biét 12 Commercial break Théi gian quang cao VOCABULARY PART 4: QUANG CAO SAN PHAM No. Words Meaning 1 Drop in Ghé lai 2 Durable Lau bén 3 Competitor Doi tha canh tranh 4 Dispatch Giri di 5 Sign up for Dang ki 6 Maintenance Sir hao tri 7 Warranty Giay bao hanh 8 Environmentally | Thin thién véi méi truéng friendly Céng ty tién ich cng céng (cung img 9 Utility company —_| dién, benzen ga, nurse) 10 Car show Cusc trién lam xe hoi rel Nutitioual value | Gid ui dinh dudug 12 Equipment Trang thiét bi 13 Instruction Loi huéng dan 14 Unit Don vi VOCABULARY PART 4: HUONG DAN THAM QUAN No. Words Meaning 1 Video equipment __ {Thiet bi video 2 Exhibit Vat tring bay 3 Key site Khu di tich quan trong 4 Historic city [Thanh phé cé tim quan trong vé mit lich sie 5 Last approximately |Kéo dai khong 6 Spectacular INgoan mue 7 Aquarium BE cd 8 Lean out of the INhoai nguwéi qua cita sé window 9 Direct Chi duéng, huéng din 10 Donation Vat ting/cting n Admission free Phi vao cia IMéc, sur kién dénh déu mét giai doan 12 Landmark quan trong 13 Tourist attraction INoi thu hit khach du lich VOCABULARY PART 4: GIOT THIEU Tver ything for TOLIC. benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. No. Words Meaning 1 Instructor Giang vién 2 Keynote speaker Negu6i dign thuyét chinh 3 Expert Chuyén gia 4 Prominent Li xual chung, 5 Be honored todo | Han hanh/vinh dr kim gi dé 6 Performance Su biéu dién, thanh tu T Pager May nhan tin 8 Flash photography | Chup hinh cé dén flash 9 Be prohibited Bi cam 10 Auditorium Think phong int Entrepreneur Doanh nhan 12 Filmmaker Nha lam phim 13 Award ceremony —_ | Lé trao gidi thong 14 Work history Kinh nghiém kim viée benzen Tver ything for TOLIC. VOCABULARY PART 4: THUYET TRIN No. Words Meaning 1 Principle Nguyén tic 2 Supplement with Bo sung voi 3 Intermission Khoang théi gian tam nghi 4 Conserve energy _| Bao toan nang hrong 5 Brief Bao cao ngan gon 6 Cover Dé cp dén 7 Give one’s comments] Pura ra nhan xét ve cha dé on the subject 8 Brainstorming Png nao 9 Comment Nhin xét, lai phé binh Téng hop: tir nhiéu nguén. Chiie cite ban hoc tit !

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