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Ecological Modelling 153 (2002) 1 – 6


Modeling complex ecological systems: an introduction

1. What is complexity? plex adaptive systems’ (Cowan et al., 1994).

According to Levin (1999), a complex adaptive
The world is replete with all kinds of complex system is ‘ a system composed of a heterogeneous
systems, be they ecological, social, economic, or assemblage of types, in which structure and func-
political. Nevertheless, complex systems share sev- tioning emerge from the balance between the con-
eral common characteristics. First, they are ther- stant production of diversity, due to various
modynamically open, meaning that they exchange forces, and the winnowing of that diversity
energy and/or mass with their environment. Sec- through a selection process mediated by local
ond, they are often composed of a large number interactions’. Most ecological and socioeconomic
of diverse components. Third, system components systems exhibit different degrees of self-organizing
interact with each other nonlinearly, and fre- complexity, and thus may be considered as com-
quently have response delays and feedback loops plex adaptive systems (Cowan et al., 1994; Levin,
among them. Fourth, complex systems exhibit a 1999).
high degree of heterogeneity in both time and Scientists have long been interested in unravel-
space. Consequently, complex systems are often ing the problem of complexity. The late Noble
characterized by emergent properties, multiscale Laureate Herbert A. Simon (Simon, 1996) iden-
interactions, unexpected behaviors, and self-orga- tified three bursts of interest in the study of
nization (Jørgensen, 1995; Prigogine, 1997; Levin, complexity in the 20th century. The post-World
1999; Wu, 1999). Furthermore, a comprehensive War I period was characterized by such terms as
concept of complexity not only needs to include ‘holism’, ‘Gestalts’, and ‘creative evolution’. The
the inherent system properties, but also the role of post-World War II period was signified primarily
the observer (Allen and Starr, 1982; Flood, 1987; by general systems theory, information theory,
Wu, 1999). and cybernetics, focusing primarily on the roles of
While the term ‘complexity’ has become a buz- feedback and homeostasis in maintaining system
zword across many fields in science, it has various stability. The current period of complexity re-
meanings. For example, structural complexity search has focused mainly on causes, mechanisms
may refer to the compositional diversity and and methods, and a diversity of views can be
configurational intricacy of a system; functional identified with terms such as ‘chaos’, ‘catastro-
complexity emphasizes the heterogeneity and non- phe’, ‘fractal’, ‘cellular automata (CA)’, ‘genetic
linearity in system dynamics; and self-organizing algorithms (GA)’, ‘neural networks’, ‘hierarchy’,
complexity hinges on the emergent properties of ‘self-organization’, and ‘complex adaptive systems
systems co-evolving with their environment pri- (CAS)’ (Wu, 1999). Different concepts and theo-
marily through local interactions and feedbacks at ries entail different approaches to modeling com-
different spatiotemporal scales. Such self-organiz- plex systems. In many cases, however, they are
ing systems have often been referred to as ‘com- more complementary than contradictory. It is in-

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2 Editorial

teresting that the development of ecological mod- the 1950s and 1960s, ecologists were among the
eling in theory and practice seems to follow this most active, applying and contributing to the
‘historical trajectory’ of complexity research three major theories in systems science: general
rather closely. systems theory, cybernetics, and information the-
ory (Patten, 1959; Van Dyne, 1966; Watt, 1966;
Margalef, 1968; Dale, 1970; Patten, 1971, 1972,
2. Some history of modeling complex ecological 1974, 1976; Reichle et al., 1973; Hall and Day,
systems 1977; Shugart and O’Neill, 1979; Odum, 1983).
By the 1970s, this ‘systems modeling movement’
As a science that deals with complexity of apparently had a significant influence in ecology,
physical, biological, and socioeconomic origins in particularly through the IBP (International Bio-
concert, ecology has experienced successes and logical Program), and some began to see the ‘new
failures in applying a variety of theories and ecology’ as a ‘big science’ (McIntosh, 1985; Wu,
methods developed from multidisciplinary re- 1991). This may be called the ‘Golden Age’ of
search in complexity. Although the first period of systems ecology, broadly defined as the applica-
complexity research did not seem to have stimu- tion of systems analysis to ecology (Walters,
lated much activity in ecological modeling, a 1971), which coincided with the rapid develop-
much closer relationship between ecological mod- ments in systems science. In fact, even prior to
eling and complexity research in terms of both this time the holistic perspective was essential for
theory and methods is found when Simon’s sec- the supraorganismic ecological theory pioneered
ond and third developmental stages are by Clements in the context of community ecology
considered. (e.g. Clements, 1916) and later championed by R.
As in several other earth sciences, the Newto- Margalef and E.P. Odum in the context of ecosys-
nian mechanics approach characterized by deter- tem ecology (e.g. Margalef, 1968; Odum, 1969;
minism and mathematical tractability represents McIntosh, 1985; Wu and Loucks, 1995 for
the classical way of modeling ecological systems. reviews).
It was first adopted by population ecologists, and However, the enthusiasm for systems ecology
remains very much alive as a legacy of the faded away quietly (notably in North America)
‘Golden Age’ of theoretical ecology from 1920s during the 1980s in the wake of the failure of
and 1940s (see Scudo and Ziegler, 1978; McIn- several large, monolithic computer models pro-
tosh, 1985 for reviews). Being able to handle duced by the IBP and with the increasing recogni-
systems with only a small number of components, tion of the importance of ubiquitous spatial
this approach is opt for dealing with the ‘orga- heterogeneity and scale. While the systems model-
nized simplicity’. The statistical mechanics ap- ing approach continued to be dominant in model-
proach, on the other hand, is effective for tackling ing energy flow and matter cycling of various
the ‘disorganized complexity’, characterizing sys- ecosystems, spatial modeling approaches, includ-
tems with a large number of components that ing diffusion-reaction, patch (or gap) dynamics,
each behave more or less randomly. This ap- cellular automata, and fractal models, seemed to
proach has been rather successful in modern take over the central place in ecological modeling
physics, but infrequently applied in ecology partly during much of the 1980s and the 1990s (e.g.
because, for many ecological problems, the system Shugart, 1984; Hogeweg, 1988; Sugihara and
of study does not have a large enough number of May, 1990; Levin et al., 1993; Wu and Levin,
components (O’Neill et al., 1986). 1994; Wu and Loucks, 1995). Models based on
Ecologists are often confronted with the so- catastrophe theory and chaos theory have also
called ‘medium-number’ systems that exhibit the had profound influence on the way ecologists
‘organized complexity’, which is the subject of think of ecological stability and predictability
systems science (O’Neill et al., 1986; Wu, 1999). (Hastings et al., 1993). This shift of emphasis in
No wonder that, as systems science emerged in modeling approaches seems reminiscent of the
Editorial 3

new developments in the science of complexity 3. The special issue of modeling complex
(the third developmental stage of complexity re- ecological systems
search as per Simon, 1996).
One of the most intriguing recent developments This special issue has evolved out of the Model-
in both complexity research and ecological model- ing Complex Systems Conference held in Mon-
ing is the resurgence of interest in self-organiza- tréal, Canada between 31 July and 4 August 2000.
tion, emergent properties, and order (be it spatial Most of the papers originated from the presenta-
or temporal). These concepts have been familiar tions at the conference. These papers by no means
to systems ecologists since the Clements’ supraor- cover the whole spectrum of the diverse ecological
ganismic theory of succession (e.g. Clements, models, but are reflective of several major ap-
1916; Margalef, 1968; Odum, 1969; Ulanowicz, proaches and challenges for modeling complex
1979; De Angelis et al., 1981). However, new systems. In the following, we present a synoptic
theories and methods such as self-organized criti- overview of these papers.
cality, complex adaptive systems, fractals, and Wu and David argue that the large number of
cellular automata provide new insights and op- diverse components, nonlinear interactions, scale
portunities for understanding ecological complex- multiplicity, and spatial heterogeneity are the ma-
ity (Cowan et al., 1994; Patten et al., 1995; jor sources of ecological complexity. They advo-
Jørgensen, 1997; Jørgensen et al., 1998; Levin, cate that the hierarchical patch dynamics
1999; Wu, 1999). All these new theories and meth- paradigm provides a powerful framework for
ods seem to have an explicit emphasis on the breaking down complexity and integrating pattern
individual (or agent) behavior and local interac- with process and parts with the whole. They
tions, and this common theme is evident in many present a spatially explicit hierarchical modeling
recent ecological models that are often character- approach to study heterogeneous landscapes fol-
ized as individual-based models (IBMs), patch lowing a scaling ladder strategy. The hierarchical
models, and a variety of cellular models urban landscape model (HPDM-PHX) is pre-
(Hogeweg, 1988; Levin et al., 1993; Judson 1994; sented as an implementation of this approach.
Grimm, 1999). However, it would be mistake to They further discuss the development of a model-
perceive this bottom-up oriented approach simply ing environment, the hierarchical patch dynamics
as another reductionist route. Complex systems modeling platform (HPD-MP) that is designed to
are complex primarily because they are not com- facilitate hierarchical patch dynamic modeling.
pletely ‘reducible’ to their components, and thus Detecting and quantifying scale-multiplicity and
top-down constraints and hierarchical linkages hierarchical structure in space are important and
must be adequately considered. An obvious chal- represent a new dimension in modeling complex
lenge in modeling complex ecological systems is, ecological systems. Hay et al. consider landscapes
then, to integrate the rigor of reductionism with as complex systems which necessitate a multiscale
the comprehensiveness of holism. or hierarchical approach in their analysis, moni-
It is perceivable that with the renewed and toring, modeling and management. They propose
broad interest in the issues of complexity and that Scale– Space theory, combined with remote
needs for more holistic perspectives for under- sensing imagery and blob-feature detection tech-
standing large-scale ecological and environmental niques, satisfy many of the requirements of an
problems (Naveh, 2000; Wu and Hobbs, 2001, in idealized multiscale framework for landscape
review), systems ecology is regaining its important analysis. Scale–Space theory is a framework de-
role in ecological science and applications. While veloped by the computer vision community for
new modeling approaches provide needed insights early visual operations, and can be used to auto-
into different aspects of ecological complexity, the matically analyze real-world structures at multiple
systems methodology remains a powerful frame- scales without requiring a priori information
work to integrate ‘parts’ to understand the about such structures or appropriate scale(s) of
‘whole’. analysis. The authors hypothesize that the spa-
4 Editorial

tially explicit features derived from the scale– While SORTIE is primarily a plant succession
space methodology correspond to ecologically model based on the life cycle of individual trees,
meaningful entities in landscapes, which can be Childress et al. present a systems model that
used as inputs in geographic information systems mechanically simulates essential ecosystem pro-
or spatially explicit models to better represent the cesses and management activities. Like in most
spatial complexity of ecological systems. From a cross-scale modeling efforts today, the plot-level
different perspective, Borcard and Legendre ecosystem is scaled up to the landscape using a
present a statistical method for detecting and grid-based, direct extrapolation approach. They
quantifying spatial patterns over a wide range of also discuss several practical challenges in apply-
scales, using eigenvalue decomposition of a trun- ing complex models in a management context. To
cated matrix of geographic distances among sam- meet the multifold needs of quantifying carbon
pling sites. Through numerical simulations and a budgets, assessing climate change effects, and pro-
contrived data set they demonstrate that the jecting forest yield for management decisions,
method is effective in characterizing the multiscale Peng et al. have developed a hybrid model of
patterns of ecological systems. forest growth and carbon dynamics by integrating
Thermodynamic approaches are powerful in parts of existing empirical and mechanistic mod-
studying macroscopic patterns and processes in els. They argue that many process-based ecosys-
ecological systems, but their potential is yet to be tem models, some of which are well-established
fully explored. Zhang and Wu develop a statistical and tested, are not appropriate for management
thermodynamic model of the organizational order applications because their output is not directly
of vegetation (OOV) that can be used to derive
useful in management planning, and that this
broad-scale vegetation patterns. OOV is a thermo-
hybrid modeling approach strikes a balance be-
dynamic measure of the degree of structural and
tween science and application. In general, it seems
functional self-organization of vegetation, and a
wise to build the complexity upon well-established
macroscopic representation of the steady state
models or modules in modeling complex ecologi-
reached between vegetation and its environment
cal systems.
over large spatial and temporal scales. The model
Qi et al. examines one of the salient characteris-
unites OOV, ecosystem entropy, actual annual
evapotranspiration, and mean annual temperature tics of all complex systems— the nonlinearity and
in the same thermodynamic framework. They ar- its manifestation in several well-known ecosystem
gue that statistical and non-equilibrium thermo- models of biogeochemical cycles. In particular,
dynamics may serve as both a theoretical they demonstrate that, due to the nonlinear re-
framework and a practical modeling approach for sponse of soil respiration to changes in tempera-
dealing with the complexity, diversity, and hetero- ture sensitivity, the accuracy of these models in
geneity of ecological systems. Ménard et al. inves- predicting carbon fluxes at large scales is seriously
tigate the effects of local-scale disturbances on the questionable. Based on their earlier finding that
dynamics of forest ecosystems using one of the the temperature sensitivity is often a function of
better-known forest simulators, SORTIE, a temperature itself, soil moisture and possibly
stochastic and mechanistic spatially-explicit and other factors (Xu and Qi 2001), they develop a
individual-based forest succession model. Their general model of temperature sensitivity of soil
results indicate that the species spatial structure respiration as affected by multiple factors. This
and dynamics are not sensitive to initial condi- model deals more realistically with this nonlinear-
tions after 300 years of simulation. This may be ity and variability in model prediction, which is
interpreted as a result of self-organizing processes particularly useful for addressing the complex
in the complex model forest system. These au- feedback mechanisms between climate and terres-
thors suggest that SORTIE can be a valuable trial ecosystems. Wang et al. also address the
complementary tool to field studies for under- problems of model accuracy and uncertainty in
standing the impact of local disturbances on the context of soil loss, which has been a rather
forest dynamics. complex and long-standing issue. Apparently, a
Editorial 5

full understanding of soil loss requires a landscape emerge in the science of complexity, ecological
ecological perspective. The Revised Universal Soil modeling is entering another exciting period. Al-
Loss Equation explicitly considers several factors, though we may never be able to adequately pre-
including runoff erosivity, soil erodibility, slope dict the exact dynamics of complex systems,
measures, and land cover. Wang et al. demon- improving our understanding of the complex
strate that the sequential Gaussian simulation al- world through modeling is surely expected.
gorithm can be effectively used to estimate spatial
and temporal variabilities of the factors directly
affecting soil loss over a region. Clearly, accuracy Acknowledgements
assessment and uncertainty analysis of complex
models are essential, but much more research is The Modeling Complex Systems Conference
needed. would not have been a success without the hard
Optimization methods provide another suite of work and dedication of the Organizing Commit-
tools for dealing with complex ecological systems. tee (J. Carter, D. Marceau, K. Porter, J. Wu) and
Turner et al. examine two optimization packages, all participants from several countries. We thank
one based on linear programming and the other Dr Sven E. Jørgensen for providing us with the
based on a heuristic search algorithm, in the opportunity to organize this special issue. We are
context of forest resource management and plan- also grateful to all the reviewers whose valuable
ning. Their results show that, while both packages criticisms and suggestions have subsequently im-
can handle the problems at hand, the second proved the quality of the special issue. J. Wu’s
package is preferable for solving multi-objective research in ecological complexity and modeling
problems with spatial components as in modeling has in part been supported by grants from US
sustainable forest management. Complex ecologi- EPA (R827676-01-0) and NSF (DEB 97-14833;
cal systems become even more complex when CAP-LTER). D. Marceau’s research on forest
human actions (e.g. disturbances, and manage- modeling and scale–space has been funded by a
ment or conservation interventions) are explicitly NSERC grant (to Danielle Marceau) and a team
considered. Roberts et al. present such an exam- grant (to A. Bouchard).
ple in modeling the recreational rafting behavior
on the Colorado River within the Grand Canyon
National Park of the United States. The Grand
Canyon River Trip Simulator is a model of com- Allen, T.F.H., Starr, T.B., 1982. Hierarchy: Perspectives for
plex, dynamic human-environment interactions Ecological Complexity. University of Chicago Press,
which integrates agent-based modeling, artificial Chicago, p. 310.
intelligence, and statistical analysis. Such ap- Clements, F.E., 1916. Plant Succession: An Analysis of the
proaches are promising for modeling complex Development of Vegetation. Carnegie Institution of Wash-
ington, Washington DC.
adaptive systems such as many ecological systems, Cowan, G.A., Pines, D., Meltzer, D. (Eds.), 1994. Complexity:
especially, when individual behavior and decision Metaphors, Models, and Reality. Perseus Books, Reading,
making processes at various scales must be explic- MA, p. 741.
itly considered. Dale, M.B., 1970. Systems analysis and ecology. Ecology 51,
Again, this special issue is only a sample of the 2 – 16.
De Angelis, D.L., Post, W.M., Travis, C.C., 1981. Self-orga-
many topics and approaches for modeling com- nizing characteristics of ecological communities. In: Roth,
plex ecological systems. Yet, they represent some G., Schwegler, H. (Eds.), Self-organizing Systems: An In-
of the major directions of the current research in terdisciplinary Approach. Campus Verlag, New York, pp.
this area. Some other important topics, not di- 84 – 101.
rectly dealt with in this special issue, are men- Flood, R.L., 1987. Complexity: A definition by construction of
a conceptual framework. Syst. Res. 4, 177 – 185.
tioned in the first two sections of this introductory Grimm, V., 1999. Ten years of individual-based modeling in
paper and referred to the literature cited. As a ecology: what have we learned and what could we learn in
number of new theories and methods continue to the future? Ecol. Model. 115, 129 – 148.
6 Editorial

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Theory and Practice: An Introduction with Case Histories. ical Ecology: 1923 – 1940. Springer, Berlin, p. 490.
Wiley, New York, p. 684. Shugart, H.H., 1984. A Theory of Forest Dynamics: The
Hastings, A., Hom, C.L., Ellner, S., Turchin, P., Godfray, Ecological Implications of Forest Succession Models.
H.C.J., 1993. Chaos in ecology: is mother nature a strange Springer, New York, p. 278.
attractor? Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 24, 1 –33. Shugart, H.H., O’Neill, R.V. (Eds.), 1979. Systems Ecology.
Hogeweg, P., 1988. Cellular automata as a paradigm for Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc, Stroudsburg, PA, p.
ecological modeling. Appl. Math. Comput. 27, 81 –100. 368.
Jørgensen, S.E., 1995. Complex ecology in the 21st century. In: Simon, H.A., 1996. The Sciences of the Artificial. The MIT
Patten, B.C., Jørgensen, S.E., Auerbach, S.I. (Eds.), Com- Press, Cambridge, p. 231.
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Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, pp. xvii –xix. ecology. Trends Ecol. Evol. 5, 79 – 86.
Jørgensen, S.E., 1997. Integration of Ecosystem Theories: A Ulanowicz, R.E., 1979. Complexity, stability and self-organi-
Pattern. Kluwer, Boston, p. 388. zation in natural communities. Oecologia 43, 295 – 298.
Jørgensen, S.E., Mejer, H., Nielsne, S.N., 1998. Ecosystem as Van Dyne, G.M., 1966. Ecosystems, systems ecology, and
self-organizing critical systems. Ecol. Model. 111, 261 –268. systems ecologists. Report No. ORNL-3957, Oak Ridge
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Levin, S.A., Powell, T.M., Steele, J.H., 1993. Patch Dynamics. 276 – 292.
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Naveh, Z., 2000. What is holistic landscape ecology? A con- Wu, J., Levin, S.A., 1994. A spatial patch dynamic modeling
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O’Neill, R.V., DeAngelis, D.L., Waide, J.B., Allen, T.F.H., Ecol. Monogr. 64 (4), 447 – 464.
1986. A Hierarchical Concept of Ecosystems. Princeton Wu, J., Loucks, O.L., 1995. From balance-of-nature to hierar-
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