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Scientific discoverys

Aristotle was one of the greatest

philosophers who ever lived and the
first genuine scientist in history. His

384-322 B.C.
most important treatises include
Physics, Metaphysics, Nicomachean
Ethics, Politics and Poetics. He also
studided motion

Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish

astronomer who put forth the theory
that the Sun is at rest near the center

of the Universe, and that the Earth,
spinning on its axis once daily, revolves
annually around the Sun.

Galileo was a natural philosopher,

Galileo Galilei astronomer, and mathematician who

made fundamental contributions to the
sciences of motion, astronomy. He also
invented the first telescope and proof
copernicus theory.

He invented calculus and provided a

Isaac Newton clear understanding of optics. But his

most significant work had to do with

forces, and specifically with the
development of a universal law of
gravitation and his other motions laws.

Alessandro Alessandro Volta was anItalian

physicist whose invention of the

electric battery provided the first
source of continuous current.


Albert Einsten
Albert Einstein is justly famous for devising
his theory of relativity, which

revolutionized our understanding of
space, time, gravity, and the universe.

Nikola Tesla He invented the first alternating current

(AC) motor and developed AC
generation and transmission technology.

Stephen Hawking
Hawking is best known for his discovery
that black holes emit radiation which can

be detected by special instrumentation.
His discovery has made the detailed
study of black holes possible.

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