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As from the title it is clear that the whole essay will be about the combating

corruption and how can we achieve our goals of economic development by

combating this evil of society. First and foremost thing is to understand that what
is Corruption and what is Economic Development. Any dishonest behavior either
financially or ethically by those individual, group or an organization who are in
power of position are termed as Corruption. The Corruption may come from
bribery double dealing and defrauding. On other hand the Economic development
are termed as the creation of wealth from which the community benefits are
realized or Economic development is the process whereby low-income national
economies are transfer into modern high-income economies. As for as it is
concerned the major obstacle is the Corruption in the way of economic
development. In this short essay we will try to show that how the corruption is a
major obstacle in the way of economic development and how can we achieve the
economic development and our goals by combating with the corruption we may
say the evil of the society.

The corruption had great adverse effects on the economy of a country and it has
almost makes the flow of the economy and economic development in the
negative direction. In the presence of corruption, businessmen are often made
aware that an up-front bribe is required before an enterprise can be started and
that afterwards corrupt officials may lay claim to part of the proceeds from the
investment. Businessmen therefore interpret corruption as a species of tax--
though of a particularly pernicious nature, given the need for secrecy and the
uncertainty that the bribe-taker will fulfill his part of the bargain--that diminishes
their incentive to invest. When it takes the form of tax evasion or claiming
improper tax exemptions, corruption may bring about loss of tax revenue. By
reducing tax collection or raising the level of public expenditure, corruption may
lead to adverse budgetary consequences. It may also cause monetary problems if
it takes the form of improper lending by public financial institutions at below-
market interest rate. The allocation of public procurement contracts through a
corrupt system may lead to lower quality of infrastructure and public services.
Corruption may distort the composition of government expenditure. Corruption
may tempt government officials to choose government expenditures less on the
basis of public welfare than on the opportunity they provide for extorting bribes.
Large projects whose exact value is difficult to monitor may present lucrative
opportunities for corruption. A priori, one might expect that it is easier to collect
substantial bribes on large infrastructure projects or high-technology defense
systems than on textbooks or teachers' salaries. In the same the talented and
eligible individuals are deprived of their rights because they are unable to bribe
the officers or officials who are in the position of that particular activity especially
in the recruitment of jobs which leads to misallocation and wasting of the talent.
Apart from the mentioned effects and impacts there are a lot of more adverse
effects on the country’s economy.

Now the question is arises that how will we combat these problems and how will
we achieve the economic development in the country. The first thing to do is to
maintain the law and order in the country and to introduce strict law and policies
for combating the evil of corruption. The introduction of laws and policies for
combating the corruption is not enough the implementation and enforcement of
these laws should be make sure. Effective law enforcement is essential to ensure
the corrupt are punished and break the cycle of impunity, or freedom form
punishment and loss. This law enforcement and fear of punishment will
discourage the corrupt officials who claims a part in the income of the investors
and the investors from inside and outside the country will be encouraged and will
take interest in investing their money in our country and will increase the level of
tax and revenue of the country which will help and leads us to achieve the
economic development. Reforms focusing on improving financial management
and strengthening the role of auditing agencies have in many countries achieved
greater impact than public sector reforms on curbing such reform
is the disclosure of budget information, which prevents waste and
misappropriation of resources. This will have a great effect in all the given
suggestions because it will ensure the reduction in the budgetary consequences ,
government expenditure and will increase the responsibility of each and every
individuals towards their given work activities which will surely need to be done
with the honesty. By doing this the pressure on the economy and our
backwardness in the economic development will best bounced towards boosting
the economy and the economic development will be progressed. Strengthening
the citizens’ demand for anti-corruption and empowering them to hold
government accountable is a sustainable approach that helps in building the
mutual trust in government and public. If the government makes themselves
accountable to t the citizens and empowered the citizens this will be an another
great step in combating the corruption and the another result of this step will be
the building of trust between the government and the public. The public will start
trusting the government and will stand with the government even in the hard
decisions taken by government to strengthen the economy and to achieve the
economic developmental goals because the people will know that the
government is accountable and they are empowered to ask and know about each
and everything so this will also be proven helpful in getting the economic
developmental goals. Countries successful at curbing corruption have a long
tradition of government openness, freedom of the press, transparency and
access to information. Access to information increases the responsiveness of
government bodies, while simultaneously having a positive effect on the levels of
public participation in a country. And as the response of government bodies
increase both financial and administrative bodies will do their work and fulfill
their responsibilities in right way and legally explained process which will make
sure the issuing of public contracts and tenders into the right hand and will result
in the good and high quality of infrastructure and public services .The
transparency will also make sure the elimination of waste of talent in country .The
right and eligible person will get their desired job only based on pure
hardworking and talent and when their will be right person on the right job the
whole cycle of corruption will be eliminated and the whole financial and public
sector will do their jobs with honesty and willingly this lead to the economic
development of the country.

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