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Overpopulation of urban areas has leaded to numerous problems. Identify one or

two serious one and suggest ways that government and individuals can tackle these

In recent years, the burgeoning population has become increasingly common in

metropolises, which can result in an array of grave issues. This essay will discuss
potential consequences and suggest a number of appropriate solutions for the government
and each individual to address it

On the one hand, there are a host of problems triggered by the booming population in
the megacity. To begin with, infrastructure has been overloaded, which can be
considered as the main culprit for causing traffic congestion in urban areas during rush
hours. Therefore, the transportation system in these cities which is the backbone of the
economy has been negatively impacted. In addition, public services, especially health
care tend to be overcrowded. Hospitals in HCM city, for instance, have witnessed a
growing increase in the number of patients, who can not receive sufficient treatment. This
could lead to making such patients have to wait for hours in order to be served, or even
worse many of them are forced to sleep in the corridor of the hospitals

On the other hand, a wide range of measures can be adopted to address these issues.
One possible remedy is the government’s investment in transportation and services. It
means that the construction of roads, bridges and metro lines should be promoted so that
they can be operated soon. Simultaneously, the authority ought to enact stricter laws to
curb the number of personal vehicles and raise citizens’ awareness of using means of
public transport. Furthermore, new hospitals should be built with the allocation of
qualified staff members. Likewise, a large number of patients would be adequately served
and treated

In conclusion, the burgeoning population can bring about countless problems in urban
areas. However, the suggested solution can be exploited to tackle such issues, such as the
government’s interventions and the construction of new medical facilities


- infrastructure has been overloaded 🡪 traffic congestion

- public services tend to be overcrowded


- the government’s investment in transportation and services

- to enact stricter laws to curb the number of personal vehicles and raise
citizens’awareness of using means of public transport

- backbone
- receive sufficient treatment
- enact stricter laws
- the allocation of qualified staff members
- patients would be adequately served and treated

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