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{ALCULAL TENS REVIEW CENTER ‘General Seience: Life Sciences Biology -From two Greek words “bios” and “logos” - Literally means the “study of life” Hierarchy of Life = Organ = System = Organism cytology ‘Gytology- the study of cells “Two types of cells make up every organism = Prokaryotic (Bacteria and Archaebacteria) - Eukaryotic (Protist, Fungi, Plant, Animal) Prokaryotic cells = Donot contain a nucleus = Have their DNA lacated in.a region called. ‘the nucleoid Eukaryotic cells - Contain a true nucleus 1. Robert Hooke (1665) = Discovered cell from a cork made from bark of an oak tree = Coined the term cell (cellulae), meaning small room Robert Brown (1831) ~ Discovered the cells nucleus ‘Taxonomy 8 Levels of Taxonomic classification (Dear King Philip Comme Over For Good Spaghetti) = Domain Kingdom = Phylum = class = Order - Family Genus - Species ‘Carolus Linnaeus = Father of modern Taxonomy = Proposed the binomial nomenclature Kingdoms and Domains Virus ~ Not living, inert chemicals = Has capsid- protein shell that protects the virus’ DNA or RNA. A. DOMAIN ARCHAEA: 1, KINGDOM ARCHAEBACTERIA = They lve in various places, some even in the most severe environments. = Methanogens, Halophiles and Thermophiles are examples of archaebacterial B. DOMAIN BACTERIA: 1. KINGDOM EUBACTERIA (Monera) = Theyare referred to as the true bacteria and are usually called the “bacteria” group. ~ Ex. Streptococeus DOMAIN EUKARYA: 1. KINGDOM pROTISTA = Protezoans, diatoms, varlous types of algae (green, golden/brown, red algae), ~ Ex Entamoeba histolytica (Amebiasis) 2. KINGDOM FUNGI = Allare heterotrophic = Molds, mushroom, yeasts, microsporidia 3. KINGDOM ANIMALIA = Animals consist of two major groups, the invertebrates and vertebrates. Invertebrates lack backbone which is presentin vertebrates = Allare heterotrophic or consumer {it means cannat produce their own fod) 2. CNIDARIA (phylum Cnidaria}~ have stinging cells (nematocyst) Example: jellyfish, coral, hydra b. ARTHROPODA {Phylum Aithropoda)— jointed legs; segmented bodies Example: Insects-mosquito, butterflies CCrustaceans- crab, shrimps, lobsters Arachnidl- spiders Centipede Milipede * IMolting or Eedysis- insects shed off their ole cuticle to grow in size ¢._NEMATODA (Phylum Nematoda)- roundworms; unsegmented Example: pinworm, Ascaris, hookworm, fllarial worm 4d. PLATYHELMINTHES ~flatworms: worms have soft tissues; unsegmented Example? flukes, tapeworms, planaria e. ANNELIDA [Phylum Annelida)— segmented warms Exampletleech, earthworms f MOLLUSCA (Phyiuen Mollusca) — with soft bodies (usually with shells) Example: squids, elams, snails, ectopi 8. ECHINODERMATA (Phylum Echinodermata) - spiny body Example: sea star, sea urchin, sand dollars, sea cucumber, brittle star 1. CHORDATA (Phylum Chordata)- FISH (Pisces) scales, gills and fins: shark, lampreys - AMPHIBIANS (Amphibia)~ part of their life cycle in water: frogs, caecilians, salamanders ‘Amphibia- Tw lives - REPTILES (Reptilia) ~ eggs, scaly bodies: crocodile, snake Reptlia- Creeping - BIRDS (Aves}~ 2 scaly legs, wings, feathers: penguin, ostrich, duck = MAMMALS (Mammalia)~ mammary glands, hairs, milk: human, platypus, marsupials = Waleus- Marine mammals that have long ivory tusks and lives in arctic environment 2 Genetics Genetics- Study of genes and heredity Gregor Mendel- the Father of genetics Phenotype = Observable traits of an organism (Green, Tal, Short, Straight, Kinky) Genotype = Genetic constitution of an organism with reference to a specific character (Gg, gg, HH, hh) Homozygous = Gene combination having identical alleles fora single trait (HH, TT, tt) Heterorygous = Gene combination having two different alleles (Hh, Tt) Mendet’s Law of Dominance Dominant gene (Working genes) = Itprevents the expression of the other gene (recessive gene) Recessive gene (Non-working genes) ~The expression is masked in the presence of a dominant gene = Will only have phenotypic expression if present as a homozygous genotype Example: S- Straight (Dominant) 5 Kinky (Recessive) "SS. Straight “S¢-Straight "se Kinky. Homologous Structures.and Analogous Structures = Homologous organs are‘organs having similar structure but different function e.g. Human arm, cat leg, seal flipper, bat wing Analogous organi are organs having'similar functions but they have different structures e.g. butterfly’s wings and. ‘and at's wings. Biotechnology Biotechnology = Modification of biologiéal process through human intervention - Genetic engineering ~The reciplent becomes GMO (genetically modified organism)- transgenic organism = Btcom = Avariant of maize that is genetically altered to express the bacterial Bt (Bacillus thuringensis) toxin which is poisonous te earn borer = Bioremediation. the use of biotechnology to solve environmental problems = Oil eating bacteria-used in cleaning up oil spills 4, KINGDOM PLANTAE = They are autotrophic or producer (it means they can make their own food). = Plants consist of two big groups: those which do net have tissues to transport water and food (nanvascular) and those that have this transport system (vascular) Vascular Plants Vascular plants can be: A. Seedless vascular plants B. Seed vascular plants i. Angiosperms ~~ Manacot FALCULAN TWINS’ REVIEW CENTER SPAS Saw nteneeetet coors = Dicot I. Gymnosperms = Vascular plants have xylem and phloem a. Xylem = Conducts most of the water and minerals b. Phloem = Disteibutes sugars, amino acids, and other organic products A. Seedless vascular plants = Example: ferns B. Seed Vascular Plants 1. Angiosperms Most abundant and widely distributed plants = Flowering plants = Flowers contain reproductive cells = Bears fruit to protect the seed Plant Reproduction: Sexual Reproduction in Angiosperms Flower- reproductive organ of flowering plant - _ Pollination- transfer of pollen grains from the anther to thestigma of the flower 4, Cross pollination. from one plant to theother plant b. Self-pellination- pollination from same flower ‘The Flower = Sepals, collectively called the ealyx, protect the flower bud before it opens ~ Petals, collectively called the corolla ~The petals often attract a particular pollinator ~ Stamen, male part = anther, a saclike container = filament, a slendet stalk Le = , ll grans develop from microspores prodoxedntheanthep-=— = Carpet (Pistl), female part Stigma - Style me - Ovary = -Qvulle (petas= * Ovule becomes the seed * Ovary becomes the fruit = Fruit is instrumental in the distribution of seeds 2. Gymnosperms = Cone bearing plants ~ _ Gymnosperms have “naked'seeds” = Seeds are not enclosed by fruit Example: conifers Plant Reproduction: Asexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction. vegetative reproduction Runners- Horizontal stems, new roots and shoots develop at the node. Also knawn as stolon = strawberry, bermuda grass, bamboo grass ‘Tubers- Underground stems that store faod for the plant, the “eyes” are the stem’s nodes, and each eye containsa cluster of buds = Potato pueunnene erence Rhizomes: they grow as horizontal underground stem from plant to plant. o Ginger bulbe- which areshortene, compressed underground stems. "Onin, Gare Corms- noth ind of underground stem. Faro (Clocrt), Underground roots- Carrots, Sweet potatoes (camote) and cassava ‘Animal Reproduction: Sexual Reproduction Earthworm = Hermaphroditic : both male and female organs are found in the same worm = Clitellum- contains egg = During copulation, one worm passes its sperms into the seminal vesicle of afither, at the same time receives ‘sperms into its own receptacle ‘Asexual Reproduction in other organisms Budding = The parent organism produces offspring by growing a replica in the form of an outgrowth called bud ~ eg. Hydra, Sponges, Yeast Fragmentation = Separated pieces of the parent organism can develop into in individual = eg. Sea star, Flatworms Binary Fission = inbacteria Human Systems Digestive System = Physical digestion: motith andistomach = Peristalsis- Wave-ike muscle contractions that mave food = Chemical digestion: breakdown oflarge food molecules by enzymes = Mouth = Pharynx = Throat - Esophagus = Peristalsis occurs - Stomach = Chyme (mixéd food and gastric juices) = Small intestine ~final place of digestion = Large intestine ~ Colon, water absorption, production of Vit. K, ends in rectum = Anus - Passagewayiin defecation = Accessory Organs: = Salivary gland = _Lver- largest internal organ in the body, creates bile (emulsification of fats) = Gall bladder- stores the bile = Pancreas: secrete pancreatic amylase for final digestion of starch Gireulatory System = Transport blood from the heart to the lungs to oxygenate blood then to other parts of the body = Vein: blood back to heart = Artery: blood away to heart ~ Heart: pumps blood = Blood- contains of blood cells (RBC, WBC, Platelets), plasma = RBC {red corpuscles) is red because of hemoglobin = Fibrinogen- protein found in the plasma is responsible for blood clotting = Vitamin K- vitamin needed for blood clotting, 5 FALCULAN TWINS REVIEW CENTER = Calcium: mineral needed for blood clotting ~ Vitamin 812- vitamin needed for RBC production. 3. Respiratory System ~ Supplies body with oxygen, and release CO. as waste Inspiration- inhale, takes oxygen in Expiration: Exhale, releases CO; out = Nose- warms and moisten air, traps dirt - _Pharynx(throat)- passageway for both air and food ~ _Epiglottis- prevents the entrance of food to trachea = Larynx voice box = vocal cords are found inside the larynx (voice box) - Adam's apple in males = Trachea- (Windpipe) cartilaginous, traps and sweeps out dirt through cilia = Lungs: the main organ of respiratory system = Dlaphragm- dome-shaped muscle beneath the lungs = Inhale-contracts - Exhale-relaxes 4. Endocrine System ~ Regulates body temperature, metabolism, development, homeostasis through hormones ~ Regulates other organ = Example: Pancreas releases insulin 5. Reproductive System = Male: Penis, Testes, Vas deferens, Epididymis, Sérotum, Prostate glands, Seminal vesicles, Bulbourethral gland = Female: Ovaries, Oviduet, Uterus, Cervix, Vagina, Labia = Fertilization- union of sex cells (gametes)= union of sperm and egg (ovum) ~ Invitro fertilization- Sperm and ovum meet inside the test tube - _Invvivo fertilization- Spermand ovum meet inside'the body Nervous System = Regulates behavior, maiatalashomeostasis, controls sensory and motor functions - Memory and emotions = Spinal cord, brain = Neurons- te basié unit of nervousiystem ‘A. Central nervous system = Cerebum: voluntary activities, lafgest,ineligences, learning, judgement ~ Cerebellum: involuntary, balance, coordination =) Brain stem: connects brain and spinal éord, involuntary, life sustaining activities: breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, swallowing ~ Midbrain - Pons 2 Medulla oblongata 8. Peripheral nervous system ~ IReonsists of the nerves Skeletal system ~ Protects and supports body parts ~ Framework = Blood cell production on bone marrows = Calelum and phosphorous storage = Bones (206 bonas in adult) 8, Muscular System = Moves limbs and trunk = Moves substanees through the body ‘Three types of Muscular Tissue = Smooth muscle- involuntary, non- striated = Cardiac muscle- involuntary, striated ~ Skeletal muscle- voluntary, striated = Removes metabolic waste from the body ~ Kidney- main excretory organ; produces urine. ~ Lungs: releases water vapor and carbon dioxide = Liver: produces urea - Skin- produces sweat 10. Integumentary System. = Body covering = Protects from loss of internal fluids and from UV rays. ~ Body temperature regulation = Nail, skin, hair "Skin is the largest organ in the human body Ecology Ecology- The study of ecosystem Ecosystem = Refers to the interaction group of natural elements and the organisms in a given environment ~ Relationship between living (biotic) things and non-living (abiotic) things Biotic Components of Ecosystem Producers ~ Can make their own food + Example: Plants = Autotrophs Consumers = Obtain food from produces = Heterotrophs = Herbivores- organisms that graze directly on producers ~ Carnivores- feed on other animals ~ _Omnivores- animals that feed on Beth plants and animals = _ Scavengers- feed on decaying and necrotic matter (example: vulture) Decomposers/Saprophytes = bacteria, fungi = Break down dead organisms [Abiotic Components of Ecosystem A. Sunlight ~ Primary source ofenérgy 2. Temperature = Hotness or coldness Water = Universal solvent, basis of life 4. Wind = Movement of air ‘Atmospheric gases Biological environment - Competition - Predation = Symbiosis = Mutualism (4,4) = Parasitism (¢, = Commensalism (+, neither harmed nor benefited) FALCULAN TWINS REVIEW CENTER General Science: Earth Science Solar System: Planets General characteristics = All evolve around the sun in the same direetion = Revolves eastward: from west to east (counterclockwise) = They rotate (spin on the axis) in the same direction (except Venus and Uranus) = Rotates eastward: from west to east (counterclockwise) A. Solar System: Inner Planets/ Terrestrial Planets 1. Mercury ~ Lrevolution: 88 earth days = Nearest planet to the sun 2. Venus ~The brightest planet in our solar system, = Evening star (March and April) = Hottest planet ~ Earth's closest neighboring planet 3. Earth = Theonly planet with life ~The shape of the earth is oblate spheroid Red planet = Two small moons: Phobos and Deimos Asteroid belt = Located between Marsand Jupiter = Grained sized up to hundreds of kilometers in diameter B. Solar System: Jovian Planets/ Gas Planets /;Outer 5. Jupiter = Largeat planet = 79moons ~ Aalilean moon: : lo, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto 6, Saturn ~The ringed planet (made of ice, rocks, dusts) = Has 82 moons 7. Uranus 8. Neptune * Pluto (Owarf planet) = 1930- 2006 = Found in the Kuiper belt (Qort Cloud) = Smoons: Charon, Nix, Hydra, Kerberos, Styx = Highly elliptical orbit Solar System: Earth’s Moon The Moon = UG of the Earth's gravity - Wofthe Earth's size = rate of revolution thus, the same side of the moon is always facing the Earth- Tidal lock 8 Phases ofthe Moon ~ repeats every 295 days = Has @phases 1. New moor not seen in the night sky 2. Waning crescent First quarter Waxing gibbous Full moon Waning gibbous Last quarter ‘Waning crescent poo me Lunar Eclipse = Earth's shadow fall on the Moon, - SEM Solar Eclipse ~ Moon’s shadow fall on the Earth = SME Spring tide ~ Highest tide and lowest tide Neap tides = Have lower high tides and higher low tides. Perigee- moon clasest to the Earth ‘Apogee- moon farthest fram the Earth Lunar missions = Apolto 12, first successful manned mission to the moon = Nell Armstrong and Buz2 Aldrin- first men on moon (July 16, 1968, 8:18 PM} Apollo 11 mission Solar system: The Si The Sun = Yellow star (Average Star) Nuclear fusion- H+ H=He + energy Perihelion- Sun is‘losest to the Earth ‘Aphelion- Sun is farthest from the Earth, Other objects in the Universe Asteroid~> Meteoroid.-> Metéor--> Meteorite Meteorold- small debris chipped off from an asteroid Meteor- when it‘enters the atmosphere ‘Meteorite- when it hits the land comets Means long-haired ‘Small body of rock, iron, iee)methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide that orbit the sun elliptically Nucleus catled coma ‘The tall points away from the sun: in a slightly curve manner due to solar winds Halley's comet appears every 76 years ‘ball of hydrogen and helium = Blue- Hottest star color = Blue-white - White = Yellow-white = Yellow - Red-orange - Red: coolest star color Constellation: group of stars forming recognizable pattern. Example: Ursa minor, Orion 9 ~ "Proxima centauri- nearest star = Sirius- brightest star = Norther Star- Pot of the Ursa Minor (Little Bear) The Earth’s History Geologic Time Scale Eon - Era~Perlod- Epoch Mesozoic Era- Middle/ Medieval life 1. Triassic Period = 248-213 mya = Appearance of first dinosaurs and mammals. 2. Jurassic Period = 213-185 mya - Age of Dinosaur The Earth ‘The earth is divided Into the following spheres: lithosphiére, atmosphere, hydrosphete, and biosphere A. Lithosphere ‘he Earth's layer 41. Grust- Earth's surface, outermast layer of the Earth 3 bone ~ Oceanic crust Continental crust = Continental cst Lithosphere 2. Mante- rocky, mide up of Si,0, 8) Mg, 2, denser than nea rust * Lithosphere = crust + uppermost mantle: 3. Core-innermost, central part of the Earth = The liquid outer core is primarily made up of iron and nickel = The inner core is primarity made up of iron and is solid Changes in the lithosphere = Continental drift theory (Alfred Wegener) = Pangaea- super continent = Evidence by jigsaw-like shapes of South America and Africa Earthquake- any movement of the graund due to voleanic eruption er tectonic plate movement + Foreshock = Mainshock = Aftershock = Focus- the point of origin where the movement of faulthappens Epicenter- the place abave the focus Magnitude: measurement of energy released, Richter Scale (by Charles Richter) = Intensity: the damage produced and the reaction of people, Mercalli Intensity Seale Minerals and Rocks 10 Mineral- defined as 2 naturally occurring, Inorganic crystalline solid element or compound composed of an ordered arrangement of atoms with a specific chemical composition = Physical Properties of Minerals, = Hardness- it means resistance to seratch Mohs Scale of Hardness 1. Tale Gypsum alee Fluorite Apatite Orthoclase ‘Quartz Topaz Corundum 10. Diamond Rock isa naturally farmed solid made up of one or more kinds of minerals Rocks can be classified based on their origin into igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic 1L. Igneous rock is formed by the process of erystallization. Is formed from hardened magma:or lava. 2. Sedimentary rock ~ Formed by the process of lithifietion = Goal ~ Peat: decayed vegetation = Lignite- soft brown coal (lowest rank of coal) = Bituminous: black coal - _Anthracite-ark, black coal, Raving highest-heat valUlamong the four 3. Metamorphic rock = Formed from previously existing rock such asignaous and sedimentary cocks ~ Then, subjected to heat and pressure, metamorphism = Example: Marble Weathering and Erosion Weathering. bréaking of rocks, soll and their minerals through direct contact with the Earth’s atmosphere, waters, or living things Erosion- removal of solids (sedifient, sol, rock, and other partictes) is the natural environment, usually occurs due to transport by wind and water. B. Hydrosphere Water facts = Three-quarters (75%) ofthe Earth’s surface is submerged in water ~The abundance of water is the main reason the Earth is habitable Hydrologie/ Water cycle 1. _Evaporation- when liquid turns to gas from bodies of water i. Condensation- gas returns to liquid in the form of clouds *Clouds are classified based on their shape and altitude *Cunulonimbus- clouds that bring thunderstorms lil, Precipitation- when heavy clouds pour liquid water ar solid ice |v. Run-off- when the ground is saturated with water and water flows back to bodies of water ‘Oceans (PAISA) 1. Pacific Ocean un 2. Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean a 4. Southern Ocean (Antarctic) 5. Arctic Ocean Atmosphere Meteorology = Deals with the study of the atmosphere and the elements that produce weather and climate. Layers of the Atmosphere 1. Troposphere is the lowermost layer of the atmosphere that extends from ground! lve! up to an altitude of about 16 km 2. Stratosphere isthe layer of the atmosphere above the troposphere. It extends from the topmast boundary of the troposphere up to an altitude of 50 km = Ozone (0;)- protects us against UV rays ~ Destroyed by CFC’s (Chlorofluorocarbons} = _CFC’sare replaced by altemative chemicals called HEC's (Hydrofiuarocarbons) 3. Mesosphere is the layer of the atmosphere that is above the stratosphere. Meteors burnt up here, coldest layer 4. Thermosphere is the layer of the atmosphere that: fas temperature that can be as high as 2000°%C/ = Auroras ace observed here (australis-southern, borealis-northern) 5. Exosphere- outermost layer of the atmosphere: Wind and Climate System = Typhoon- Pacific Ocean = Cydlone- indian Geean ~ Hurricane- Atiantic Quan. Monsoons and Wind Systems ~ _ Amihan- Néftheast Monsoon, Septembéh to June (cold and dry) - Habagat Southwest Monsoon, July to August (ivarm and humid} = Easterlies- Hanging Silafigan, from Pacific Ocean PAG-ASA- Philippine atmospheric Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration ‘Atmosphere: Climate Change Greenhouse = Thermal blanket = Accumulation of COz and other gases wiich causes the trapping of radiation from the sun- increase temperature 2. Global warming Caused by an increase of CO; in the atmosphere Resulted to rapid increase in temperature Human Effects on the Environment 1. Land pollution = Causes land to be unproductive 2. Alrpollution Example: Acid Rain- caused by NO, and SOx 3. Water pollution 2 |. Point Source Pollution- through pipelines from large factories and water waste treatment plants, directly poured into badies of water li. Nom-point Source Pollution- from many sources, coming from agri lands, homes, subdivisions, septic tanks - _Eutrophication- when algae bloom (algal bloom), oxygen concentration is reduced in a water system Basic Chemistry Atom = Smallest possible unit into which matter can be divided, while still maintaining its properties Building blocks of Matter ~ Has protons (+), neutrons (0), and electrons (-) NON-MATTER > does not accupy a space and does not have a mass MATTER MATTER. > anything that occupies space (volume) and has mass ‘Therefore, anything that occupies space and has mass is matter. >It —_, PURE SUBSTANCE > substance’ that exhibit definite properties and composition 1. Element = Substancestthat are made up of anly one type of atom. = Pure substance that cannot be broken downiby chemical processes Into simpler substances. Examples: * oxygen gas hydrogen gas * sodium metal *Fodine crystals * pure gold ‘The 118% Element: Oganesson (Og) Classification of Elements v Metal > usually solid and is a good conductor of heat and electricity, e.g. copper or iron metals exist as solid with the exception of mercury and gallium Y Non-metal a chemical element that are poor conductors of heat and electricity > it ncludes oxygen gas, which supports life; carbon, bromine and sulfur. Y Metalloid > Have both properties of metals and non-metals 2. Compound = Asubstance formed by the chemical combination of elements in fixed proportions = Water (H:0), which is made of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, is one of the most abundant compounds found in our planet 2B = Carbon dioxide (COs) gas, table sugar (CisHz20x) and table salt (NaC!) = Alcohol isa class of organic compound characterized by a hydroxyl bonded to an alkyl group 1. Chemical Bonding: Covalent Bonds = Sharing of electrons of two or more non-metals © Examples: HzO, CHe, CO: 2. Chemical Bonding: lonic Bonds = Bonding between metals and non-metals = Metal loses electrons, non-metal receives electrons 2 NaCl (Sedium Chloride), NaF (Sodium Fluoride) uxTuRE >a substance consisting of two or more substances that have been combined without chemical bonding, taking place, therefore physical combination 1. Homogenous Mixture 3a homogeneous mixture has only a single phase > it cannot be separated by filtration Example: water + sugar = sugar solution water + salt = 2. Heterogenous Bibature 3 components of the mixture are visually distinguished itcanbe separated by physical means lke fitration, evaporation, sublimation) rystalization, distillation Example: salad, gravel, macaroni, soup, Cake, plasties, fog, paints, *Collold- Contains pafticles that do not settle Example: milk, gelatin, cloud, plastic, foams, emillsions and sols ‘Suspension contains latger particles that eventaully Settle out. Particles have to be re-suspended. STATES OF MATTER 1. Solid’ have definite shape and volume, particleare tightly packed, have very little energy, particles vibrate in place 2. Liquid: have definite volume but ne definite shape (takes the shape of the container), particles are loosely packed, medium eneigy level, particles flow around each other 3. Gas- do not have definite volume and shape, particles move freely and have lots of energy 4, Plasma: A very hot gas of nuclei and electrons, superheated gas, electrically charged, 4 form of matter 5. BEC (Bose-Einstein Condensate)- super unexcited, super cold at absolute zero Changes in the states of matter Freezing: liquid to solid ‘Melting: solid to liquid Evaporation: liquid to gas Condensation- gas to liquid Sublimation. solid to gas 6, Deposition- gas to solid CHANGES IN MATTER ¥Physieal Change > the chemical composition remains the same, It involves only a change in the size or shape or 14 ‘state of subdivision, as well as changes in state Example: tearing of paper. chopping of woods, breaking of rocks ¥ Chemical Change > a change wherein the chemical compositian has been altered or a chemical reaction has taken place Example: rusting of fron, metallic iron reacts with oxygen from the atmosphere to form rust ‘TYPES OF CHEMICAL REACTION 1. Synthesis Iisa reaction between two or more simple substances to form a single product A+B AB 2. Decomposition > Asingle reactant is broken down to two or more products ABD A+B A. Endothermic Reaction (needs energy) AB + energy A+B ‘AvB + energy > AB B. Exothermic Reaction (releases energy) ABD A+B + energy ABD AB + energy ACIDS AND BASES 1. Acids have pH vale of betow 7 2. Bases have pHivalue of above 7 3. pH value of 7 ismeutral Physics Physics- stiidy of matter and energy and their relationship. Base Units: ‘Quantity measured Basic Unit ‘Symbol Time ‘Second s Mass ‘Grams. 9 Distance Meter m Volume iter or cubicmeter [Lor m® Force: ‘Newton N Energy Joule 7 Power Watt Ww Current ‘Ampere B Potential Difference: Voit Vv Resistance ‘Ohm 2 Pressure Pascal Pal Frequency Hertz He. Number Mole: mol ‘+ Mass versus Weight ‘Mass: quantity of matter in an object; measured in kg Weight: the pull of gravity; measured in N (Newton) 45 = Acontinuous change in position Newton’s Laws of Motion 41. FIRST LAW: Law of Inertia. Every object continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion with constant speed in a straight line, unless acted upon by unbalanced external forces impressed upon 2. SECOND LAW OF MOTION: Law of Acceleration. When enough force is applied, the object will accelerate 3. THIRD LAW OF MOTION: Action and reaction. To every action there is always an opposed equal reaction. Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the fist. ENERGY = Property of a system that enables itto do work. Potential Energy: Energy at rest; Energy that something possesses because ofits position Example: Gravitational energy, Electromagnetic energy, Weak Nuclear Potential Energy Kinetic Energy: Energy in motion Example: Mechanical Energy, Thermal energy, Electrical energy, Electromagnetic radiation Conservation of Energy: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form into another, but total amount of energy never changes. ‘THERMODYNAMICS ~ study of heat and its transformation to different forms of energy. Heat/ Thermal Enefgy ~ Energy produced as heat is transferred from object with higher temperature to that with lower temperature until it eeaches equilibrium, Methods of Heat Transfer 1. Conduetion: transmission of heat from two objects with DIRECT contact 2. Convection: heat transfér through AIR and water currents (liquid) 3. Radiation: heat transfer through RAYS or WAVES emitted by a very hot abject. UGHT AND SOUND 1. Light = The speed of light is 3.0% 108 m/s = Fasterthan sound = Travels fast in a vacuum (airless space), next in gas, next in liquid, next in solid (preferably transparent) ‘*Nearsighted (myopia) = concave lenses (diverging) correct nearsightedness ‘*Farsighted (hyperopia) = convex lenses (converging) correct farsightedness 2. Sound = Amechanical wave ~ Travels fast in solid, next in liquid, next In gas, = Cannot travel in a vacuum 16

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