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No science/physics educator feels doubt that laboratory applications are importantly and significantly

effective in giving these skills to students, developing positive attitudes towards science and
understanding science Munir Hussain and Mumtaz Akhtar

Actually, laboratory experiences should enable students to develop problem solving, science process
skills and technical skills; to provide conceptual development and to promote scientific attitudes and
scientific inquiry. It can help students construct an important body of scientific knowledge, ygar Kanli

in science education, the aim is to have students understand concepts correctly. However, this aim
cannot be achieved at a desired level as some subjects of sciences enjoy abstract concepts. For that
reason, use of techniques/tools that embody abstract concepts in science subjects gives effective results
in terms of learning (Jaakkola and Veermans, 20015)

Kohnle, Benfield, Hähner and Paetkau (2017) states that use of simulations is important in science
teaching and those simulations can be used as well when giving students homework. On the other hand,
Moore, Chamberlain, Parson, and Perkins (2014) points out that use of simulations are very suited for
lessons, laboratories, and homework especially in chemistry teaching.

Rutten, Van Joolingen and Van der Veen (2012) reviewed (quasi) experimental researches carried out on
computer simulations’ effect on learning in science education of last ten years and, as result of their
analysis, concluded that there are significant findings that computer simulations can improve traditional
education especially when there are laboratory activities.

experimental method reveals scientific facts, analyzes principles using cause and effect relation, and
requires safety measures for some potentially dangerous situations Faruk Arıcı

For every developing nation to attain and sustain national development, a well planned and
implemented science and technology education remains the only essential tool for her national
development (Tafi, 2016). Faruk Arıcı

Faruk Arıcı Laboratory method of teaching is a unique way of instruction and it forms an integral part of
effective science teaching. In this method, the teacher does not take recourse to lecturing nor to
demonstration of experiment. Rather, the students are encouraged to derive the laws and principles of
themselves by actually performing the experiments. The students are given all necessary materials and
equipments in the laboratory along with their proper instructions for carrying out their experiments
with their own initiative and effort. The observations are recorded and the results are inferred. It helps
the students to understand complex abstract ideas and gives students an opportunity to participate in
the process and have an appreciation for the methods of science. He viewed that the knowledge and
skills gained through laboratory method is more lasting and permanent as they learn by their own
experience, observation, testing and verification. Faruk Arıcı

Cengiz, Uzuoğlu and Daşdemir (2012), in their study, point out that one of reasons for failure in science
lesson is that subjects are abstract, and students have difficulty in learning especially subjects that
belong to physics course content. For that reason, in the study, ‘Force and Movement’ unit is preferred.
Because the concept of ‘force’ is abstract, students have difficulty in learning that subject, and
simulation make easy to learn such science subjects (Jaakkola, 2012), interactive simulations are used
for experimental group. In addition, for control group, laboratory experiments are used to compare their
effects with effects of interactive simulations on achievement. Finally, the study aims to analyze effects
of interactive simulations and effects of laboratory experiment on students’ academic achievements. In
line with this purpose, research problems of the study are set out as below Faruk Arıcı

Hands-on science is not completely a new idea in the literature but it broadens the meaning from the
past terms such as “laboratories” to cover a variety of settings i.e. from laboratories to classrooms.

The need of concrete experiences in science instruction is advocated because they enhance students’
learning and provide a more authentic view of science.

According to [14] John Dewy was of the strong opinion that experiences specifically hands-on activities
are vital in educational process. Physical operations provide feedback of learning that allows learners to
see it happen.

Hands-on activities are effective learning experiences. Research has evidenced that hands-on approach
in science improves understanding of concepts resulting in better achievement score and success in
science subject area. In a study conducted by [14] on 50 eighth graders in teaching technical concept on
geodesic domes, it was found that there existed a significant difference between learning with and
without hands-on activities

It was found in a study conducted by [18] that the students who were engaged in hands-on activities
everyday or once a week scored significantly higher on a standardized test of science achievement than
the students engaged in hands on activities once a month or never.

In a study conducted by [20] on 123 fifth and sixth graders from a middle school, it was found that the
students involved in hands-on activities scored students involved in hands-on activities scored centered
experiments. Similar results were found in the study conducted by [21] on a sample of 611 seventh and
eighth grade students enrolled in middle school science, it was concluded that near daily
implementation of hands-on activities yield the greatest positive impact on hands-on activities yield the
greatest positive impact on students’ achievement. Munir Hussain and Mumtaz Akhta

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