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“Level of competence of Senior High School Students in physics using virtual laboratory”

A research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of the Professional Education Department,
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts,
Saint Louis University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in Research in Teaching Science

Submitted by:
ALFILER, Michael Benedict
BAGANO, Merwin Joe

December 2021
Background of the Study
Laboratory activities has been an integral part of learning science – particularly in
physics. It was designed to engage students upon acquiring skills and providing experiences with
phenomena and an avenue on the systematic development of students’ ideas and reasoning
(Escobar et al., 1992).
At present, information and communication technology (ICT) has been integrated on the
education to improve the quality of education. Darrah et al. (2014) as cited by Hamed &
Aljanazrah (2020) states that one form of ICT used in physics is the use of virtual labs. A virtual
laboratory is defined as a website or software that aims for an interactive learning based on a real
phenomenon usually shown through a simulation (Kuleshov, 2008).
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions used traditional laboratories to which
students were hands-on when it comes on their laboratory experiments with the use of
apparatuses, reagents and equipment. Virtual laboratories had been utilized also and through
experiments, it had a positive impact towards the students’ performance to which students had
gained practical skills and it had motivated and increased student confidence in actual labs
(Alneyadi, 2019; Coleman & Smith, 2018).
During the pandemic, when the education system shifted from traditional to an online setting.
Educators had used technology-driven strategies on the teaching process. This included the use
of virtual laboratories in science teaching. Hamed & Aljanazrah (2020) found that virtual
laboratories were effective and that students had acquired a deeper understanding on scientific
concepts. Virtual laboratories provide a positive feedback to which it allows students to have
more opportunities on practicing without any supervision, repeat demonstrations, collaborate
with colleagues to which it enhances interactivity and provides a safe space environment when
working (Chan & Fok, 2015; Scheckler, 2003). However, this utilization of virtual laboratories
has its downsides. Such use discourages students from learning on physical laboratories to which
it affects the quality of experience, remote access or distance learning discourages interaction
among peers and lack of supervision on experienced teachers (Chan & Fok, 2015; Scheckler,
In this study, physics is chosen as the discipline focusing on electricity as the subject matter.
Physics - as defined on Merriam-Webster as a science that deals with matter and energy and their
interactions. Electricity is a component of physics defined as the movement of charged particles
produces electricity, which is defined as a source of energy. Although it only had few studies,
Michelini et al. (2007) stated that there are difficulties that students face on learning
electromagnetism such as the lack of comprehension. In the academic performance of students in
physics – internationally and locally, students and teachers had faced challenges to which
students portray as a difficult mathematical subject and some students have fear on numbers that
affect their performance in physics and the influence of teachers in both positive or negative
attitudes (Mekonnen, 2014; Pardo, 2017).
In the results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2018, China
ranked first on all performances per discipline. In science or scientific literacy, China had a score
of 590 which was higher than the PISA average score of 489. In Southeast Asia, Singapore
ranked first in science with a score of 551. Singapore ranked as second in all student
performance per discipline. In the national scale, the Philippines had a score of 357 in science to
which it was lower than the PISA average of 489. Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) –
specifically, along with Region 4A, Region 7, and the National Capital Region (NCR) had
achieved scores higher than the national average to which CAR achieved a score of 358 and
placed fourth with NCR placing first.
The insights from this study prompted the researchers to determine the use of virtual laboratories
as a method to know the level of competence of students in physics. The results will provide
evidence that the role of virtual laboratories determines the performance of students. The results
of this research will provide solutions and alternatives and practical skills to students.
Review of Related Literature
Virtual experiments, according to Li et al. (2011), can be utilized as cognitive tools to
engage students in learning activities and assist them in forming hypotheses in problem-solving
scenarios. Different models and forms of employing virtual experiments in learning and teaching
science have been identified in recent investigations. Kapici et al. (2019) found that combining
hands-on labs and virtual laboratories produces better results than utilizing virtual labs alone, and
that virtual labs are just as effective as hands-on labs for gaining new knowledge and enhancing
students' inquiry skills.
According to Oidov et al. (2012), the animation in the virtual lab can be used as an excellent
presentation tool for presenting an event. Students can actively and creatively utilize the
technology to produce significant experimental results in accordance with the stages of virtual
laboratory usage during the demonstration session.
Virtual experiments were studied to see how they affected students' academic performance.
Alneyadi (2019) stated that students had superior practical abilities as a result of virtual
experiments, which was reflected in their performance in the real lab while on the study of
Sommer & Sommer (2003) shown no difference from the results.
Altun et al. (2009) stated that virtual laboratories had benefitted students and teachers who had
limited experience on conducting labs and performing experiments. In addition, Aljuhani et al.
(2018) revealed that virtual experiments became effective is because it allowed users to conduct
experiments independently and repeat them numerous times if necessary, the virtual lab was
considered to be an engaging, practical, and enjoyable learning environment.
Research Gap
Many investigations have created a virtual laboratory for electrical materials. Due to the
limited equipment of physics experiments and the need for an alternate laboratory, the virtual
laboratory was created (Gunawan et al., 2017). However, studies on the level of competence of
students in the Philippine context are very minimal. Studies in the difficulty of electromagnetism
as a topic in physics are also minimal. In studies, there are factors that determine the academic
performance of students in physics such as poor teacher-student relationship, poor teaching
methods, and availability of laboratory equipment (Wachira, 2014).
Significance of the Study
The result will determine the effectiveness on the use of virtual laboratories to assess the
students’ level of competence. Moreover, this study will help teachers on providing new
strategies on their teaching particularly in teaching physics and other science disciplines,
therefore benefitting incoming STEM students.
Statement of the Problem
This research aims to determine the level of competence of Senior High School Students.
To obtain the necessary knowledge, data, and information, the researchers sought to answer the
following questions:
1. What is the level of performance of students when using the following methods?
a. Lecture method
b. Virtual Simulations

2. Is there a significant difference on the level of performance of students in using the

following methods?
a. Lecture method;
b. Virtual simulations
Research Design
A quantitative design specifically an action design research where it seeks action to
improve practice and study the effects of the action that was taken (Streubert & Carpenter,
2002). Through a statistical test.
Action Research is a method of systematic enquiry that teachers undertake as researchers of their
own practice. The enquiry involved in Action Research is often visualized as a cyclical process
(Altrichter, Posch, and Somekh 1993). According to Parsons and Brown (2002), Action research
is a form of investigation designed for use by teachers to attempt to solve problems and improve
professional practices in their own classrooms. It involves systematic observations and data
collection which can be then used by the practitioner-researcher in reflection, decision making
and the development of more effective classroom strategies.
Locale and Population of the Study
This study will be conducted online due to the current circumstances faced today (Covid-
19). The respondents of the study will be the following grade 12 senior high students enrolled in
the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) program of Saint Louis
University Laboratory School – Senior High School Department (SLU LS-SHS) who were
enrolled in the school year 2022-2023. The population of the study are from 2 class of the said
grade and level with fifty (50) student each, a total of one hundred (100) respondents.
Data Gathering Tool
To gather the necessary data needed for this study, the researchers will make a
questionnaire test item under the General Physics subject specifically in Electricity. The
questionnaires will be presented to the research adviser for critique, correction, enrichment and
modification to make the formulated questions congruent to the specific questions. The draft will
then undergo validity test to three (3) experts of the subject and a reliability test to be conducted
to one of the STEM classes of SLU-Laboratory School Senior High. Google Forms will be used
to administer the survey online.
Validity test is important because it determines what survey questions to use, and helps ensure
that researchers are using questions that truly measure the issues of importance. The validity of a
survey is considered to be the degree to which it measures what it claims to measure. Through
uncompromising adherence to scientific research principles, the researchers will eliminate all
known sources of error, including but not limited to, the biases and artificial skewing of the data
(Talentmap, 2021).
Reliability on the other hand, is concerned with consistency or the degree to which the questions
used in a survey elicit the same kind of information each time they're asked. This is particularly
important when it comes to tracking and comparing results with past internal surveys and
benchmarks from external sources (National Business Research Institute, 2021).
Data Gathering Procedure
The researchers will make a 50-item test that will be submitted for validity and reliability
test before it will be distributed to respondents. Afterwards, the researchers will seek for
permission to administer the tests to the STELA Professional Education Department Head and
SLU-LS Senior High School principal. With the approval, the researchers will float the pre-test
through Google form to the Grade 12 Senior High School students under the STEM program
A.Y. 2021-2022 of Saint Louis University Laboratory High School – Senior High School
Department, Baguio City. The respondents will be given ample time to finish the test. The
researchers will then retrieve the accomplished questionnaires from the online platform used, and
organized the data, process, and make use of the approved statistical equation. The second stage
would be having one class as a control group under lecture method and the other class as an
experimental group under virtual simulation. The final stage, the researchers will float the post-
test and given ample time to finish the test. The researchers will then retrieve the accomplished
questionnaires from the online platform used, and organized the data, process, and make use of
the approved statistical equation.
Data Analysis
The data that will be collected from the questionnaires will be classified, tabulated,
analyzed, and interpreted. The treatment of the data will determine the level of performance and
the significant difference in Physics specifically on electricity between lecture method and
virtual simulation.
For the level of performance along a) lecture method and b) virtual simulation. Will be
conducting frequency analysis to test and measure the performance in the physics subjects
specifically electricity. Depending on the number of questions, the range of scores will be tallied
according to the categories excellent, good, need improvement and very poor. Tallying is
conducted through frequency counting which calculates how often values occur within a range of
values. In this case, values refer to correct answers. We’ll group the scores into intervals in order
to obtain a relatively simple and organized picture of data. This will put into perspective what the
extent of students’ knowledge is in physics specifically electricity.
SLU Grading System:
Raw score
Grade= x 50+ 50
Total score
To determine the level of competence of students, the level of proficiency by DepEd in pursuant
to DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2012 will be used as basis on a numerical value after summing up the
results of the student’s performance using the SLU Grading System. The values are as follows:

Descriptive Equivalent Equivalent Numerical Value Symbol

Beginning 74% and below B
Developing 75-79% D
Approaching Proficiency 80-84% AP
Proficient 85-89% P
Advanced 90% and above A
For the significant difference along a) lecture method and b) virtual simulation. The following
formula is used for calculating t-value and degrees of freedom for an unequal variance t-test:


mean1 and mean2 = Average values of each of the sample sets

s(diff) = The standard deviation of the differences of the paired data
n = The sample size (the number of paired differences)
n-1 = The degrees of freedom
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