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FTC 1 QUIZ 1 …………………………………………………
1. A four-year-old child at the sand table is trying to fill a container with sand
using a measuring cup. However, the child's attempts result in more sand spilling
on the floor than filling the container. Which of the following statements by the
teacher would most likely prompt the child to engage in problem solving in this

A. "Perhaps it would work better to use the container to scoop up the sand."

B. "I wonder if you'd be more successful if you tried to fill a wide-mouth container."

C. "I'm going to watch you fill the container step by step. You tell me what
happens at each step."

D. "Now I see what's happening. You're pouring the sand before the cup is above the

2. Although both glasses contain the same amount of soda, 5-year-old Tammy
mistakenly believes that her short, wide glass contains less soda than her
brother's tall, narrow glass. Which stage does Tammy belong to?

A. Formal Operational

B. Concrete Operational

C. Sensorimotor

D. Preoperational

3. Which is an example of the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage?

A. All of the above

B. A teenager trying out new fashions and hairstyles

C. A middle-schooler completing a challenging math assignment

D. A preschooler insisting on picking out her own clothes, no matter mismatched

they are

4. Someone who is in the development stage of early adulthood would


A. Slow in physical growth, stable cognitive functioning, sexual maturity, and emphasis
placed on intimacy and independence

B. Peak physical fitness, stable cognitive functioning, sexual maturity and adjustments to
new roles

C. Peak physical fitness, advanced cognitive skills particular for areas of

expertise, continuing to develop self-identity and emphasis placed on intimacy
and independence

D. Slow in physical growth, advanced cognitive skills, stable self-identity and sophisticated
pretend play

5. Some professors want to teach about the life-span approach in a Human

Development course, whereas others want to keep the traditional developmental
approach. They disagree about
A. The multidimensional nature of development

B. The plasticity of development

C. Whether development is life-long.

D. Whether development is multidirectional

6. Jeremiah cries when he is tired, and when he is hungry, he also cries if he is

missing attention from his mother. Tobin rarely cries in public, and expresses if he
is hungry or tired using words. Using this example of their behavior, suggest what
age bracket each child is in...

A. Childhood (preschool); Middle age

B. Adolescence; infancy

C. Infancy; early adulthood

D. Infancy; Childhood (school aged)

7. Which of the following organizations referred to adolescence as a distinct stage

that marks the transition between childhood and adulthood?





8. Teacher Anna found out that her student, Ramon, is facing difficulty in drawing
a square. She assumes that this student also finds it difficult to draw a diamond.
Teacher Anna applies which of the following principles to derive at her

A. Development is salutatory

B. Development is gradual

C. Development for different people is different

D. Development tends to follow an orderly sequence

9. A child coming to preschool for the first time cries profusely. After two years
when the same child goes to the primary school for the first time, he does not
express his tension by crying; rather his shoulder and neck muscles become
tense. The change in his behavior can be explained on the basis of which

A. Development is gradual

B. Development is different in different people

C. Development is characterized by differentiation and integration

D. Development proceeds in a sequential manner

10. Diana feels that her human development course emphasizes the changes that
occur from birth to adolescence and disregards the development issues of
adulthood. Which developmental approach would address her concern?

A. Traditional
B. Ecological

C. Ethological

D. Life Span

FTC 2 QUIZ 2 …………………………………………………

1. Student has a flat, broad face with small ears and nose. She also has floppy
muscles. She is diagnosed as having an intellectual disability. What type of
Chromosomal disorder does she have?

A. William Syndrome

B. Prader-Willi Syndrome

C. Trisomy 21

D. Klinefelter Syndrome

2. When Teacher John reiterated the classroom rules, one of his students argued
with him, the student stood with angry and resentful attitude and was firm with
refusing to obey the rules. What could be the possible disorder of the student?

A. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

B. Manic Depression

C. Oppositional Defiant Disorder

D. Bipolar

3. You’re a grade two teacher with one student who has a mental health
condition, which of the following is not an appropriate way to handle him/her?

A. Be patient and flexible in teaching

B. Provide clear and thorough explanations and instructions

C. Ask the student on how he/she would like to receive information

D. Give the requirements at once so that he/she can rest after finishing them

4. Ms. Ramos has two blind students mainstreamed in her class. The following are
effective strategies when teaching students who are blind except?

A. Do not use word look and see

B. Make the student who is blind a leader in group activities

C. Use the braille code

D. None of the choices

5. A mother consulted a specialist about the intellectual capacity of her son. The
result of the test IQ is 50. What level of the classification of mental retardation
does the child belong?

A. Profound

B. Moderate

C. Severe

D. Mild
6. Teacher Ed is a grade nine teacher in a special education class. He is required
to undergo a formal training in handling students with exceptionalities in order to
properly teach and assess them in what law is this action anchored?

A. Batas Pambansa Blg 232

B. Republic Act No. 3562

C. Presidential decree No. 603

D. Child and Welfare Code

7. Which of the following situations does not show an inclusive school culture?

A. Teacher Jake allows the class to shout when talking to a student with hearing
impairment because he/she cannot hear properly

B. Teacher Mavic orients the students on the first day of class that there is student who has
partial vision impairment, thus giving him/her a special seat in front

C. Teacher France uses child-friendly and encouraging words whenever he discusses

D. Teacher Grace permits her student with physical disability to use his wheelchair in the

8. Mona is a child with a profound hearing impairment. She finds it difficult to

cope with the class academically, especially in subjects that are highly technical
in nature like Math and Science. As a teacher, what will you do to help Mona

A. Speak loudly when discussing

B. Give Math and Science books and instruct her to do discovery learning

C. Instruct her seatmate to do the activities and assessments for her

D. Use clear and interactive visual aids, allow a slower pace in teaching and be
patient in re-teaching the lessons

9. Bryan, a grade eight student with partial vision impairment, was not given an
opportunity to have a special seat on front of the room and was deprived of using
the braille. He was not also given an orientation to guide him when walking in the
school. What law was violated?

A. Child and Youth Welfare Code

B. The Accessibility Law

C. RA 5250

D. Education Act of 1982

10. Why do we have to include people with disabilities in our laws?

A. To mandate the government to have a budget for them

B. To require everyone to respect and to appreciate people with disabilities

C. To inform people about the strengths and weaknesses of people with disabilities

D. To uphold the rights of people with disabilities

FTC 3 QUIZ 3 …………………………………………………

1. What is Republic Act No. 7836?






2. In the Code of Ethics for teachers. Which falls under Article III: The Teacher and
the Community?

A. Every teacher has a right to invoke the principle that appointments, promotions, and
transfer of teachers are made only on the basis of merit and needed in the interest of the

B. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in

community movements for moral, social, educational, economic and civic

C. Every teacher shall actively insure that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall
manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.

D. A teacher is not entitled to claim credit or work not of his own, and shall give due credit
for the work of others which he may use.

3. Which description correctly describes the Beginning teacher?

A. Teachers who consistently display a high level of performance in their teaching practice,
mentor colleagues and work collegially with other staff.

B. Teachers who have gained the qualification recognized for entry into the
teaching profession and need support from more experienced colleagues.

C. Teachers who embody the highest standards for teaching grounded in global best practice
and lead colleagues in promoting quality teaching and learning.

D. Teacher who consistently display a high level of performance in their teaching practice,
mentor colleagues and work collegially with other staff.

4. Under the ESD Pillars of Education, which concept falls on "To transform one
self and society"?

A. Be respectful of the earth and life in all its diversity

B. Acquire technical and professional training

C. Develop critical thinking

D. Encourage diversity an experimentation

5. Sec. 30. Rules and Regulations. The Secretary of Education shall formulate and
prepare the necessary rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this
Act. Rules and regulations issued pursuant to this Section shall take effect thirty
days after publication in a newspaper of general circulation and by such other
means as the Secretary of Education deems reasonably sufficient to give
interested parties general notice of such issuance. This section falls under -





6. For the Beginning Career Stage, which trait in not yet included?

A. Building

B. Consolidating

C. Applying

D. Organizing

7. Under the ESD Pillars of Education, which concept falls on "learning to do"?

A. Learning to Learn

B. Acquire universally shared values

C. Apply knowledge in daily life

D. Act achieve solidarity

8. In the Code of Ethics for teachers, which falls under Article III: The Teacher and
the Community?

A. Every teacher has s right to invoke the principle that appointments, promotions, and
transfer of teaches are made only on the basis of merit and needed in the interest of the

B. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in Community
movements for moral, social, educational, economic and civic betterment.

C. Every teacher shall actively insure that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall
manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.

D. A teacher is not entitled to claim credit or work not of his own, and shall give
due credit for the work of others which he may use.

9. "Subject to the provisions of Section three hereof. Teachers appointed on a

provisional status for lack of necessary civil service eligibility shall be extended
permanent appointment for the position he is holding after having rendered at
least ten years of continuous. Efficient, and faithful service in such position, - This
clause in the Magna Carta for Teachers falls under

A. Sec. 4 Probationary Period Sec

B. Sec. 3 Recruitment and Qualification

C. Sec. 6 Consent for Transfer Transportation Expenses

D. Sec. 5 Tenure of Office

10. A citizen of the Philippines or an alien whose country has reciprocity with the
Philippines in the practice of the teaching profession; At least eighteen (18) years
of age; In good health and of good reputation with high moral values; Has not
been convicted by final judgment by a court for an offense involving moral
turpitude; A graduate of a school, college or university recognized by the
government and possesses the minimum educational qualification. These are
requirements under

A. Article Ill Section 20. Failure to Pass the Merit Examination

B. Article Ill Section 15. Qualification Requirements of Applicants

C. Article Ill Section 13. Examination, Registration and License Required

D. Article Ill Section 14. Scope of Examination

FTC 4 QUIZ 4 …………………………………………………

1. The word S.M.A.R.T. stands for?

A. Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Result-oriented, and Time bound

B. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Restricted and Time bound

C. Specific, Measurable, Attainable. Result-oriented and Time bound

D. Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Restricted and Time bound

2. If curriculum is the "means", what is the "end"?

A. Strategies

B. Technique

C. Approaches

D. Instruction

3. Which characteristic of a good curriculum highlights the psychological nature

of the learner?

A. Cooperative planning and teaching provide for exchange of information about pupil's
learning experiences.

B. Curriculum plans in areas which extend over several years are developed vertically.

C. Classroom practices give attention to the maturity and learning problems of

each pupil.

D. The provisions are made for the smooth transition and continuing achievement of pupils.

4. Which of the following best defines curriculum development?

A. The total mental phenomena directly received at any given time.

B. Education is aiding each child to be socially creative individuals.

C. The planning of learning opportunities intended to bring about certain desired

changes in pupils and the assessment of the extent to which these changes have
taken place.

D. A continuous cycle of activities in which all elements of curriculum are considered.

5. A stakeholder in curriculum development, Mr. Cruz, a district supervisor and a

member of the school board has one of the following primary roles.

A. Authorize school expenditures for curriculum development, implementation, and


B. Enact legislation to effect curriculum improvement

C. Recommend changes in curriculum

D. Support and participate in parent-school organization activities,

6. Teacher Lily would like to take part in developing a subject-centered curriculum
because she believes that all subjects in this type of curriculum are geared
towards the holistic development of the learner. Is her belief about the subject-
centered curriculum true?

A. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum focused on the learners needs, interests and

B. No, because it is the experience centered and not the subject-centered

curriculum that emphasizes integration of habits and skills in learning the
knowledge component of subject areas.

C. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum involves cooperative control.

D. No, because it is the experience-centered curriculum that emphasizes the teaching of

facts and knowledge for future use.

7. Which of the following verbs represent the higher order thinking skills in
cognitive domain?

A. analyze. synthesize, and evaluate

B. reading, writing, and arithmetic

C. analyze and read

D. imitate and manipulate

8. Which statement about the subject-centered curriculum is NOT true?

A. It covers much content in a short period of time.

B. There is a high level of cooperative interaction

C. The teacher has full control of the classroom activities

D. The main task is mastery of learning

9. Who is the center of the educative process?

A. Stakeholder

B. Learner

C. Curriculum

D. Teacher

10. The following are the characteristics of Written Curriculum EXCEPT…

A. It is a delivered curriculum.

B. It is more specific and comprehensive.

C. It is a curriculum of control.

D. It is an important components of authentic literacy.

FTC 5 QUIZ 5 …………………………………………………

1. Eradication of the idea of reliance upon Western State. Fostering a new Filipino
culture, elevating the moral of the people took place during what era?

A. Japanese
B. Post-Colonial Philippines

C. Commonwealth

D. Spanish

2. "Education is a powerful means of maintaining power structures and creating a

docile work force for capitalism. The purpose of education is to maintain social
inequality and to preserve the power of those who dominate society and teach
those in the working class to accept their position as a lower class worker of

A. This is the new advocacy for the 21st century learners

B. This is how proponents of Functional Theory regard education

C. This is how proponents of Social Reconstructionism regard education

D. This is how the proponents of Conflict Theory regard education

3. Which is not part of the developments mentioned?

A. A daily flag ceremony was made compulsory in all schools including the singing
of the National Anthem pursuant to R.A. 1265

B. CHED is responsible for higher education R.A.

C. 7722-Higher Education Act of 1994

D. Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994

4. Which is not a "Learning Experience" concept?

A. Education is designed 'to awaken students' consciousness about social

problems and to engage them actively in problem solving".

B. Values are relative but sharing, cooperation, and democracy are significant human values
that should be encouraged in schools

C. Education is a social process and so school is intimately related to the society that it

D. Education is a social activity and the school is a social agency that helps shape human
character and behavior

5. What Purpose of Schooling According to Functionalists which is to educate

future citizens: promote patriotism promote assimilation of immigrants: ensure
order, public civility and conformity to laws.

A. Social

B. Intellectual

C. Political

D. Economic

6. For a society to work, functionalists say, people must subscribe to a common

set of beliefs and values. As we saw, the development of such common views was
a goal of the system of free, compulsory education that developed in the
nineteenth century. This is a function of education called

A. Social Integration

B. Social and Cultural Innovation

C. Social Placement

D. Socialization

7. Which idea supports critical pedagogy?

A. Technological era is an era of interdependence and so education must be international in

scope for global citizenship

B. Simple ideas become more complex through comparison; reflection and generalization

C. Education is designed "to awaken students' consciousness about social problems and to
engage them actively in problem solving".

D. Teachers must not see themselves as the sole possessors of knowledge and
their students as empty receptacles. He calls this pedagogical approach, the
banking method of education

8. R.A. 4670 is the Law creating…

A. The K12 Program Law

B. The Magna Carta for Teachers

C. Higher Education Act

D. the LET requirements for Teachers

9. Which concept supports Utilitarian Education?

A. Curriculum should emphasize the practical, utilitarian and scientific subjects

that helped human kind master the environment.

B. Acquire knowledge about the world through the senses.

C. The sole purpose of education is to contribute to the personal and social growth of

D. Teacher should lead society rather than follow it. Teachers are agents of change.

10. Teachers should lead society rather than follow it. Teachers are agents of
change. What educational philosophy is this?

A. Building a New Social Order

B. Empiricism

C. Social Reconstructionism

D. Utilitarian education

PKC 2 QUIZ 6 …………………………………………………

1. Which statement do you consider most disagreeable?

A. Writing reflections on what was learned can be daunting but with the use of Gibbs
Reflective Cycle Model makes it easier.

B. An ePorfolio can be used as a repository of student's documents and soft files

that can serve as evidences of learning.

C. Constructing an ePortfolio is doable by the student: managing it as an administrator

requires more advanced skills.
D. The use of an ePortfolio is an explicit example of how technology is integrated in

2. The following are the varied ways why ICT tools can be integrated in teaching
and learning. Which statement gives the least relevant idea?

A. Permits easy accessibility and sharing of resources

B. Allows effective collaboration

C. Provides a specific tool

D. Facilitates easy processing of information

3. When you plan to improve the next time you pursue a similar activity or task by
studying further or collaborating with others, which part of Gibb's Reflective Cycle
is being described?

A. Conclusion

B. Analysis

C. Action Plan

D. Description

4. The ICT competency standards for teachers include all the following EXCEPT
one. Which one?

A. digital and non-digital technology

B. ethical issues on the use of ICT

C. use of technology tool

D. enhance financial literacy skills

5. Which situation exemplifies the best use of an application or digital technology

allowing collaborative work?

A. The whole class communicating through the mail to resolve an issue being discussed

B. A Forum page in a class site allowing learners to post their ideas on a topic

C. Creating an online survey using a digital tool such as survey monkey or Google form

D. Applying the principle of TPACK as framework in producing a collaborative output

6. Which among the choices states one educational use of a QR Code?

A. It gives the URL linking to the website

B. QR stands for "Quick Response" that allows learners to give answers quickly.

C. It was created by a Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994

D. A QR Code can contain instructions for a homework or task of a lesson

7. Which is NOT TRUE about e-safety in the use of digital technology?

A. Helps users to understand the new technology

B. Facilitates better understanding how to use online facilities

C. Restricts the use of digital technology ... Finish attempt

D. Protects young learners and adults from the digital risks

8. When working inside a computer laboratory, all of the choices EXCEPT one is
allowed. Which one is allowed?

A. Computer desks should be near each other to allow sharing of information.

B. Fire extinguishers should be made available.

C. One external electrical outlet should have 5 computers connected.

D. Foods and drinks should be handy on the computer table.

9. When employing the alternative assessment of student's learning using an

ePortfolio, constructing it at the start of the term is essential for it provides the
learners the time to document the process of how they are learning throughout
the course. This statement is

A. false

B. debatable

C. unclear

D. true

10. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT based on the idea of using an
ePortfolio in assessing student learning?

A. Although it contains evidence of students' work and documentations of their outputs, it

may be limited to examination or quiz results.

B. Although challenging, students' progress can be seen as they include exhibits

of their work from the initial attempts to half-way of finishing their wok and to the
finished product.

C. An ePortfolio is very much similar to the physical portfolio for it contains essentially the
same required outputs although digital materials are easily uploaded in the former platform.

D. An ePortfolio contains students' reflections that discuss how they were able to accomplish
the task and what they have learned from the lesson

PCK 1 QUIZ 7 …………………………………………………

1. Which of the following statements about the goals of the learning process is

A. The successful learner, over time and with support and instructional guidance, can create
meaningful, coherent representations of knowledge.

B. The strategic nature of learning requires students to be goal directed.

C. The successful learner can link new information with existing knowledge in
meaningful ways.

D. Educators can assist learners in creating meaningful learning goals that are consistent
with both personal and educational aspirations and interests.

2. Which of the following is not a benefit of strategic thinking?

A. Learning outcomes can be limited if educators do not assist learners in

developing, applying and assessing their strategic learning skills.
B. Successful learners use strategic thinking in their approach to learning, reasoning,
problem solving and concept learning.

C. They also continue to expand their repertoire of strategies by reflecting on methods they
use to see which work well for them.

D. They understand and can use a variety of strategies to help them reach learning and
performance goals, and to apply their knowledge in novel situations.

3. Which statement on individual differences is correct?

A. Educators do not need to attend to learner perceptions on the degree to which these
differences are accepted and adapted to by varying instructional methods and materials.

B. Educators do not need to help students examine their learning preferences and limit
them, if necessary.

C. Educators need to be insensitive to individual differences, in general

D. Educators need to be sensitive to individual differences, in general

4. Which of the following statements best describes thinking about thinking?

A. The successful learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking and reasoning
strategies to achieve complex learning goals.

B. Higher order strategies for selecting and monitoring mental operations

facilitate creative and critical thinking.

C. The successful learner can link new information with existing knowledge in meaningful

D. Leaning is influenced by environmental factors, including culture, technology and

instructional practices.

5. Which of the following is not a major indicators of the learners’ intrinsic

motivation to learn?

A. Insecurity

B. Curiosity

C. Flexibility

D. Insightful thinking

6. All of the following statements about developmental influences on learning are

correct except:

A. Overemphasis on one type of development readiness-such as reading readiness-may

preclude learners from demonstrating that they are more capable in other areas of

B. Because individual development varies across intellectual, social, emotional and physical
domains, achievement in different instructional domains may also vary.

C. Individuals learn best when material is appropriate to their developmental level and is
presented in an enjoyable level and interesting way.

D. Late and discontinuing parental involvement in schooling and the poor quality
of language interactions and one way communications between adults and
children can influence these developmental areas.

7. Which of the following statements does not conform with the principle of the
context of learning?
A. What and how much is learned is influenced by the learner’s motivation.

B. Cultural or group influences on students can impact many educationally relevant

variables, such as motivation, orientation toward learning and ways of thinking.

C. Teachers play a major interactive role with both the learner and the learning environment.

D. Technologies and instructional practices must be appropriate for learners’ level of prior
knowledge, cognitive abilities and their learning and thinking stratifies.

8. Which of the following motivational and emotional influences on learning is not

classified as intense negative emotions?

A. Rage

B. Insecurity

C. Mild anxiety

D. Panic

9. Which of the following statements posits that the learning of a complex subject
matter is most effective when it is an intentional process of constructing meaning
from information and experience?

A. Strategic thinking

B. Goals of the learning process

C. Nature of the learning process

D. Construction of knowledge

10. Which statement on the construction of knowledge is incorrect?

A. The successful learner can create a repertoire of thinking and reasoning

strategies to achieve complex learning goals.

B. Educators can assist learners in acquiring and integrating knowledge by a number of

strategies that have been shown to be effective with learners of varying abilities.

C. Knowledge widens and deepens as students continue to build links between new
information and experiences and their existing knowledge base

D. The successful learner can link new information with existing knowledge in meaningful

PCK 5 QUIZ 8 …………………………………………………

1. Which statement on media messages is incorrect?

A. Media representations do not play a role in people’s understanding of social


B. Media messages are produced within economic, social, political, historical and aesthetic

C. Media has unique languages, characteristics which typify various forms, genres, and
symbol systems of communication.

D. Media messages are constructed.

2. Which statement on globalization is incorrect?

A. Globalization results in expanded flow of individual people among societies

B. Globalization results in interdependence of expressive culture among nations.

C. Globalization results in economic, political, and military dependence and interdependence

between nations

D. Globalization results in limited flow of instrumental culture around the world.

3. Which of the following literacies refers to the ability to correspond visual

shapes to spoken sounds in order to decode written materials and translate them
into oral language?

A. Basic literacy

B. Literacy

C. Comprehension literacy

D. Functional literacy

4. The following are skills and knowledge required to be culturally literate except:

A. Acceptance that there are limits

B. Idea that we can be friends with everyone

C. Selflessness

D. Unwillingness to compromise

5. Which statement on financial literacy is incorrect?

A. Financial literacy refers to being engaged in certain activities such financial planning

B. Financial literacy refers to the absence of mathematical skills or numeracy

necessary for effective financial decision making.

C. Financial literacy refers to knowledge of financial concept

D. Financial literacy refers to knowledge of financial product.

6. Which of the following literacies refers to the ability to understand the

meaning of what is being read?

A. Literacy

B. Basic literacy

C. Comprehension literacy

D. Functional literacy

7. Which of the following social skills is manifested by a person that is able to feel
what other person feels?

A. Initiating conversation

B. Greeting

C. Problem solving

D. Empathizing

8. Which of the following lessons or benefits an education can learn from arts
states that there is no content without form and no form without content?

A. Nuance matters.
B. Everything interacts.

C. Form and content cannot be separated.

D. The limits of language are not the limits of cognition.

9. How frugal people seek and spend money?

A. Frugal people seek and use money to express their social status.

B. Frugal people seek financial luxury by living below their means and saving

C. Frugal people seek money to express power or control over others.

D. Frugal people seek and use money to bring pleasure to themselves and to others.

10. Which of the following statements best describe the characteristic of an

inquirer ecologically literate person?

A. One who governs actions with precepts that maintain harmonious relationships.

B. One who understands the value and limitations of human knowledge, the power and
limitations of the natural world, the role of intuition in real life pursuits, and the role of self as
it is manifested in one’s personal narrative.

C. One engages in self-appraisal, sets new learning objectives, develops plan to achieve
those objectives, carries out those plans in a flexible inquiry-directed manner, and reflects
on the whole process.

D. One who actively secures the basic skills and knowledge in order to carry out
ecological responsibilities?

PCK 3 QUIZ 9 …………………………………………………

1. Mr. Labalanga, an elementary school teacher in Science found out that many of
his pupils got very high scores on the test. What measure of central tendency
should he use to describe their average performance in the subject?

A. Mean

B. Range

C. Median

D. Mode

2. Ms. Delos Angeles advocates assessment FOR learning. Which will she NOT
likely do?

A. Diagnostic Assessment

B. Formative Assessment

C. Summative Assessment

D. Placement Assessment

3. After doing the exercise on verbs, Ms. Borillo gave a short quiz to find out how
well the students have understood the lesson. What type of assessment was

A. Formative Assessment

B. Placement Assessment
C. Diagnostic Assessment

D. Summative Assessment

4. If a test item has a difficulty index of 0.06, how would you describe the test

A. It is difficult

B. It is very difficult

C. It is very easy

D. It is moderately difficult

5. Who among the teachers described below is doing assessment?

A. Prof. Cuevas who is planning for a remedial instruction after knowing that students
perform poorly in her test

B. Mrs. Bautista who is administering a test to her students

C. Mr. Ferrer who is counting the scores obtained by the students in his test

D. Mrs. Leyva who is computing the final grade of the students after completing
all their requirements

6. Mr. Cidro wants to test students’ knowledge of the different places in the
Philippines, their capital, and their products and so he gave his students an essay
test. If you were the teacher, will you do the same?

A. No, such method of assessment is inappropriate because essay is difficult

B. No, giving of an objective test is more appropriate than the use of essay

C. Yes, essay test is the best in measuring any type of knowledge

D. Yes, essay test could measure more than what others tests could measure

7. Mrs. Pua is judging the worth of the projects of the students in her Science
class based on a set of criteria. What process describes what she is doing?

A. Measuring

B. Testing

C. Evaluating

D. Assessing

8. You are assessing FOR learning. Which of these will you likely do?

A. Recommending new policies in grading students

B. Giving grades to students

C. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the students

D. Reporting to parents the performance of their child

9. Ms. Saplan is planning to do an assessment OF learning. Which of these should

she include in her plan considering her purpose for assessment?

A. How to design one’s instruction

B. How to determine the area of interest of learners

C. How to certify or verify students' achievement

D. How to give immediate feedback to students' strengths and weaknesses

10. Ms. Ricafort uses alternative methods of assessment which of the following
will she NOT likely use?

A. Multiple Choices

B. Developing Portfolios

C. Oral Presentations

D. Reflective Journal Writing

PCK 4 QUIZ 10 …………………………………………………

1. Which refers to the collection of students’ products and sample works for
evaluation purposes?

A. Traditional

B. Performance-Based

C. Structured Record

D. Portfolio

2. Mr. Herrera administered an achievement test in Science to his Grade 7

students. He considered the performance of one student as basis for assigning
the grade equivalence of the score obtained by the other students. What type of
assessment did he use?

A. Holistic

B. Norm-referenced

C. Contextualized

D. Criterion-referenced

3. Mr. Garcia, a business management professor, makes sure that he includes

performance tasks at the end of the course study that will enable the students to
practice and apply what they have learned in the real world of business. Which
task is being practiced by Mr. Garcia?

A. Presentation Tasks

B. Capstone Performance

C. Completing an Inquiry

D. Solving a Problem

4. What type of portfolio is exemplified if Teacher Chrissel wants her students to

select their best narrative paragraphs written during the month?

A. Documentation Portfolio

B. A Process Portfolio

C. Showcase Portfolio

D. Standard-Based Portfolio
5. Assessment emphasizes the use of feedback and helps in the development of
learners. What characteristic of 21st-century assessment is described?

A. Responsive

B. Technically sound

C. Informative

D. Communicated

6. What should be considered in planning for performance-based assessment?

A. Available paper-and-pencil

B. The purpose of assessment

C. The level of cognitive domains to be measured.

D. The table of specifications of the tasks

7. If Teacher Jhocelle is assessing the authentic experiences of her students,

which of the following will she consider?

A. Performance-Based Assessment

B. Alternative Assessment

C. Portfolio Assessment

D. Holistic Assessment

8. What refers to the nature of interpersonal interactions and functioning in

group setting?

A. Classroom development

B. Altruism

C. Preferences

D. Social Relationship

9. What formative assessment strategies monitor specific skills, behaviors, or

dispositions of individual or group of students?

A. Semantic Differential Scale

B. Likert Scale

C. Checklist

D. Rating Scale

10. Teacher B is a newly hired substitute teacher. To avoid negative feedback from
her students, she gave an average grade to the whole class. Teacher B committed
a rating error of ___.

A. Severity Error

B. Halo Effect

C. Central Tendency Error

D. Personal Bias
EF 101 QUIZ 1 …………………………………………………

1. Batay sa maingat na pagsusuri at pag-aaral na ginawa ng Surian ng Wikang

Pambansa sa lahat ng mga pangunahing wika sa Pilipinas ay buong pagkakaisa
nilang ipinasya na gawing saligan ng wikang Pambansa ang…

a. Tagalog

b. Kapampangan

c. Ilokano

d. Cebuano

2. Alin sa mga sumusunod na salita ang walang diptonggo?

a. Weyter

b. Buhay

c. Iwan

d. Giliw

3. Ang Saligang Batas na nagtatadhana na ang Wikang Tagalog ang magiging

opisyal na wika ng Pilipinas.

a. Saligang Batas ng 1935

b. Saligang Batas ng 1959

c. Saligang Batas ng 1973

d. Saligang Batas ng Biyak-na-Bato(1896)

4. Piliin ang pares minimal sa mga pares na salita

a. Siksik-dikdik

b. Langit-ngiti

c. Pala-bala

d. Damo-bato

5. Ang bilang ng mga letra ng bagong alpabeto ay

a. 20
b. 17

c. 28

d. 31

6. Sa kasalukuyan,ang mga layuning bumalangkas at magpatupad ng mga

programa para sa pagpapaunlad at pagpapalaganap ng wikang Filipino at iba
pang mga wika ng Pilipinas ay ang __________.

a. Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino

b. Lupon ng Pananaliksik sa mga Wika

c. Linangan ng mga Wika sa Pilipinas

d. Surian ng Wikang Pambansa

7. Ang panghihiram ng Filipino mula sa mga salita ng iba’t ibang wika tulad ng
pinakbet, saluyot,karate,dyip ay tinatawag na panghihiram na

a. Pulitikal

b. Kultural

c. Dyalektal

d. Paksa

8. Ayon sa pagtatakda ng batas,ipinag-utos ang paggamit ng Filipino sa mga

sumusunod maliban sa isa.Alin ito?

a. Letterhead ng mga kagawaran/tanggapan ng pamahalaan

b. Pambansang sentro ng media

c. Sertipiko at diploma

d. Gusali,edipisyo,at tanggapan ng pamahalaan

9. Alin ang nagpapakita ng wastong pagkakasunud-sunod ng mga pagbabagong

naganap sa alpabetong Filipino?

a. Alibata>abakada>abecederio>alpabeto

b. Alibata>alpabeto>abakadang Filipino

c. Alibata>abecederio>abakada>alpabeto

d. Alibata>abakada>alpabetong Filipino

10. Ang pagbasa ng mga letra ng bagong alpabeto ay alinsunod sa

a. Bigkas-Kastila

b. Bigkas-ingles
c. Paabakada

d. Papantig

EF 102 QUIZ 2 …………………………………………………

1. Ito ay isang epikong inaawit kasabay ng isang instrumentong may 5 kuwerdas

tuwing Pasko sa harap ng altar ________.

a. Solomon

b. Awit

c. Pasyon

d. Bugtong

2. Ito ang katumbas ng bugtong ng Tagalog ______.

a. Burburtia o burtia

b. Pagsasao

c. Epiko

d. Arasaas

3. Ang mga salawikaing Ibanag o ________ sa lokal na dayalekto ay maaaring 1

prosa o maaari ring tula.

a. Awit

b. Verzo

c. Unoni

d. Palavvun

4. Isang manunulat ng Rehiyon V na sumulat ng dulang Prinsipe Lizardo at

Prinsipe Fernando ____

a. Alejandra, Clemente Bulocon

b. Aguilar Celedonio V

c. Antonio Salazar

d. Merlinda Bobis

5. “Ang sakit ng kalingkingan,Damdam ng buong katawan” ay halimbawa ng


a. Salawikain/kawikaan

b. Alamat

c. Bugtong

d. Awit
6. Sa alamat na “Ang Alamat ng Bundok ng Pinatubo”,ang tinutukoy na ama ni
Pinatubo ay si _____.

a. Tulyok

b. Asu Mangga

c. Kanlaon

d. Bita

7. Ang taguri ng mga Ilokano sa kanilang salita ay ______.

a. Tulali

b. Doctrina Christiana

c. Samtoy

d. Kurditan

8. Ang _______ ay tulang paawit na pagpaparangal sa isang dalagang may

kaarawan o panauhin sa kanilang baryo.

a. Ariwaga

b. Urukan

c. Tigsik

d. Panubong

9. Ito ay sangkap ng isang maikling kuwento na tumutukoy sa damdaming

namayani sa buong kuwento ______.

a. Banghay

b. Simbolo

c. Tema

d. Tono

10. Si _________ ang masasabing pinakadakilang pangalan sa larangan ng dulaang


a. Aurilio Agcaoili

b. Nena Crisologo

c. Carlos Angeles

d. Herminio Beltran

EM 101 QUIZ 3 …………………………………………………

1. Which of the following is the value of 3t – 5q(r + 1), if q = 2, r = 0, and t =

a. 23

b. 52

c. 33
d. 53

2. Find the value of

a. 16

b. 12

c. 64

d. 4

3. Find the value of

a. 50

b. 75

c. 150

d. 125

4. Find the result when fifty-two is subtracted from the sum of forty-five and

a. 56

b. -56

c. 160

d. -160

5. The sum of two positive integers is 64 and their difference is 28. What is the
value of the positive difference of the squares of the integers?

a. 1682

b. 1792

c. 82

d. 1882

6. CNSC-CoEd has more than ten students in each class. In one of the classes the
sum of the squares of the number of boys and the number of girls equals q00.
How many students are there in the class?

a. 12

b. 9

c. 10

d. 14

7. If the sum of the lengths of any three consecutive sides of a square is 36 units,
its area is

a. 48 sq. units

b. 81 sq. units

c. 144 sq. units

d. 123 sq. units

8. There are 70 questions on a test. The questions are either multiple-choice, true
– false or fill-in. there are twice as many true-false as fill-in and five more multiple
choice than true – false. How many multiple-choice questions are there?

a. 28

b. 13

c. 40

d. 31

9. If w, x, y and z are four consecutive even integers and w < x < y < z then (w –
x)(w – y) (x – y)(y – z).

a. 32

b. 16

c. -32

d. -16

10. Find the dimensions of a rectangle with maximum area where the perimeter is
24 cm.

a. 6 cm x 6 cm

b. 12 cm x 12 cm

c. 2 cm x 12 cm

d. 4 cm x 6 cm

ARTS QUIZ 4 …………………………………………………

1. T is simply winning a child's interest and enthusiasm to the point of action and
sustaining him until he has finished.

a. evaluation

b. motivation

c. correlation

d. Appreciation

2. It is an element of art defined by a point moving in space. Line may be two-or

three-dimensional, descriptive, implied, or abstract.

a. line

b. form

c. value

d. shape

3. The process of making an object, an event, or a situation visible in one’s

imagination by mentally constructing or recalling an image is called
a. Cooperative Learning

b. Conference

c. Instructional Material

d. Visualization

4. Referred to as key visual, allowing students to understand and represent

relationships visually rather than just with language, providing helpful
redundancy in making meaning from a text is called ________________________.

A. Cooperative Learning

B. Conference

C. Visualization

D. Instructional Material

5. It is the lightness or darkness of tones or colors. White is the lightest value;

black is the darkest. The value halfway between these extremes is called middle

a. form

b. line

c. shape

d. value

6. Identify the following Ethnic Symbols above by choosing the correct set of
words below.

a. Bayawak, Araw, Sumasayaw na tao, Kidlat

b. Butiki, Gear, Sumasayaw na tao, Dagat

c. Butiki, Araw, Palaka, Dagat

d. Bayawak, Araw, Palaka, Kidlat

7. It is an artwork where artists work simply as a team to create art, and each
person contributes in some significant way to artwork and it is called

a. Cooperative Learning

b. Conference

c. Instructional Material

d. Visualization

8. It reaches beyond understanding paintings and sculpture.

a. Appreciation

b. motivation

c. correlation

d. evaluation
9. This is a key instructional activity that is initiated by the teacher. On the basis
of assessment information, the teacher may pose a series of questions, provide
prompts to extend thinking, ask students to demonstrate a familiar concept in a
new way, encourage students to try a new activity, and so on is called

a. Visualization

b. Cooperative Learning

c. Guided Activity

d. Conference

10. It has immense value for synthesizing and clarifying learnings in other areas.
It strengthens associations, and leads to new concepts.

a. evaluation

b. Appreciation

c. Motivation

d. correlation

EM 102 QUIZ 5 …………………………………………………

1. Teacher Edna avoids drills out of context. She gives real-world Math problems
for students to drill on. Teacher Edna is very much convinced of which principle of

a. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process

b. Learning is an active process

c. Effective learning begins with setting of clear expectation and learning outcomes

d. Learning is the discovery of personal meaning of ideas

2. In her desire to finish the content of the curriculum guide/plan Teacher Elda
just lectures while the student listens. Which principle of learning is violated in
this case?

a. Learning is collaborative and cooperative

b. Learning is an active process

c. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas

d. Learning begins with the setting of clear expectations and learning outcomes

3. Teacher Erly avoids out-of-context drills. Instead, she makes use of real-world
problems for her students to solve. This makes teacher Erly ______ in approach.

a. Constructivist

b. Inquiry-based

c. Reflective

d. Developmentally appropriate

4. Which one will most likely increase student participation?

a. Repeat directions over and over until everyone listens.

b. The teacher models good listening habits

c. Feeling or emotions are not permitted in the discussion

d. The group leader allows quiet members to remain quiet

5. What comprises that spiral approach in teaching Math in the K to 12


a. Give autonomy to school in choice of Math subjects

b. Teach Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry only to higher grades

c. Progressively teach math concepts from Grade 1 and continued to Grade 10

d. Teach Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry in Grades 7, 8 and 10 respectively

6. How can Math concepts be learned and appreciated as lifelong learning by


a. Memory of axioms and principles

b. Apply formulas to abstract calculations

c. Drills on numbers and calculations

d. Apply concepts to concrete use

7. Teacher Joshua shows the hallmark of an excellent teacher by being able to

make “out of the box” positive changes in the curriculum. As a curricularist, he is
an _________.

a. innovator

b. evaluator

c. evaluator

d. implementer

8. Teacher Susan can be relied on in helping prepare the curriculum for the year,
including monthly and daily guides in implementing the curriculum. As a
curricularist, she is a/an ___.

a. Implementer

b. Planner

c. Writer

d. Innovator

9. What principle of learning is the basis for asking students to see the
connection of lessons to their personal experiences that may be shared with

a. Cooperative and Collaborative Learning

b. Discovery of the personal meaning of ideas

c. clear expectations and outcomes

d. Active learning process

10. Teacher Ela asks her students to see the connection of their new lesson to
their own personal experiences and share the same with the class. Teacher Ela
believes in which the principle of learning?

a. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process

b. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas

c. Learning is an active process

d. Effective learning begins with setting of clear expectation and learning outcomes

TTL QUIZ 6 …………………………………………………

1. Based on the ASSURE model, which of the following statements is CORRECT?

a. The teacher has to design the lesson based on the digital tools that work.

b. Student engagement is an important element, and selecting the appropriate way of

delivering the lesson will direct the instruction flow.

c. Once the learning outcomes or the objectives have been determined, the use of the
method, media and materials comes next.

d. Evaluating student performance can take place across phases of the lesson.

2. Which statement applies correctly to Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience?

a. The farther you are from the base, direct the learning experience becomes.

b. The closer you are to the base, the more direct the learning experience

c. The farther you are from the bottom, the direct the learning experience becomes.

d. The closer you are the base; indirect the learning experience becomes.

3. Which statement is NOT correct about the Cone of Experience?

a. The experiences in each stage can be mixed and interrelated.

b. There should be a progression of experiences from bottom to top.

c. There must be a balance between concrete and abstract experiences in order to cater and
address the needs of the learner.

d. The more senses are involved; the better learning will take place.

4. Ms. Locsin is a fresh graduate teacher who was hired to teach in an elementary
school where there are enough resources for instruction. She wanted to start
preparing her instructional materials. Which is the most systematic process in
doing this?

a. Development-design-utilization-evaluation

b. Design-development-utilization-evaluation

c. Development-utilization-evaluation-design

d. Design-utilization-evaluation-development
5. Ms. Ayen is planning to integrate technology in her Mathematics class. Which
of the following would be the logical steps in doing this?

I. Set the objectives

II. Analyze the learners

III. Utilize the materials with showmanship

IV. Evaluate the performance of the students





6. A teacher who plans for instruction should consider activities and technology
that are:

I. Appropriate to the lesson objectives

II. Appropriate to the learners

III. Appropriate to the nature of the lesson content

IV. Appropriate to the budget of the teacher

a. I, II, III, and IV

b. I, II, and III

c. II, III, and IV

d. I, II, and IV

7. Which is the most important reason why teachers need to preview their
instructional materials that will be used in the class?

a. To gain confidence in using them

b. To encourage viewers to be more focused

c. To avoid potential problems that might occur while materials are in use

d. To ensure appropriateness of the materials with the objectives and target


8. A communication art teacher wants to teach patterns of dialogues among

characters in a story. What visual symbol can she use to represent what the
character of the story say?

a. Diagrams

b. Chart

c. Strip drawings

d. Cartoon

9. Which sentence states the correct idea about ASSURE?

a. ASSURE clearly states the relevance of TPACK in instruction.

b. ASSURE is a framework containing the elements when planning a lesson.

c. ASSURE is a guide indicating the specific steps to be followed when writing a lesson plan.

d. ASSURE model ensures effective technology integration

10. After Ms. Rivas planned her lesson in English, she found out that the materials
at hand do not match her objectives. Which is the best thing that she can do?

a. Teach the lesson the following day.

b. Carry out the lesson as planned and use the materials at hand.

c. Change the objectives to match with the available materials.

d. Modify the available materials.

ES 101 QUIZ 7 …………………………………………………

1. In the basic components of the framework, all imply that science involves
action or doing. Which is not emphasized in the learning of science?

a. Memorizing facts, concepts, principles and theories.

b. Understanding and applying scientific knowledge.

c. Performing scientific inquiry skills

d. Developing and demonstrating scientific attitude and values.

2. Which of the following are the characteristics of a scientific and technologically

literate persons?

a. Innovative and inventive

b. All of these

c. Responsible Stewart of nature

d. Critical and creative problem solver

3. Creative, critical thinker, innovative, informed decision maker. These are the
characteristics of

a. Digital Natives

b. All of these

c. Science and Technology Literates

d. Pure and Applied Scientist

4. Teaching based on the belief that learning occurs as learners are actively
involved in the process of meaning and knowledge construction is called ___.

a. Constructivist teaching

b. None of these

c. Inquiry-based Approach

d. STS Approach

5. As future science teacher, what is the ultimate goal of science in the framework
that each learner should achieve?
a. Science, and Technology Literacy

b. Science, technology and Society

c. Develop innovations and inventors

d. 21st Century Literacy

6. In order to teach science effectively in the elementary level, a teacher should

do one of the following:

a. Must have a comprehensive knowledge of only one discipline of science in the curriculum.

b. Must have a comprehensive knowledge of all branches of science.

c. Must have a comprehensive knowledge of the four disciplines of science in the


d. Must have a comprehensive knowledge of at least two disciplines of science in the


7. What are two important elements needed in learning science?

a. Creativity and Innovativeness

b. Knowledge and Attitude

c. Content/body of knowledge and processes of science

d. None of the above

8. The following are the basic science process skills except

a. Elaborating

b. Predicting

c. Classifying

d. Observing

9. Which statement is true about teaching science in the elementary grade level
for K to 12?

a. Only this who will teach science should learn the different branches of science in college.

b. Learning what to teach and not how to teach science is a universal principle.

c. None of the above

d. all elementary grade teachers should be equipped with contents and process of

10. There is no single way of learning science, hence there is no single method
that would fit every learner. This belief supports the theory of

a. Social Cognition

b. Hands-On, Minds On

c. Learning Styles

d. Constructivism

ES 102 QUIZ 8 …………………………………………………

1. What does the K to 12 Curriculum provides?

a. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic

b. Competencies And knowledge

c. Basic knowledge

d. All of these

2. What do you called the basic skills in science?

a. Predicting

b. Inferring

c. Experimenting

d. Observing

3. The following are the main purposes of a lecture-cum-demonstration except :

a. Illustrate abstract ideas.

b. To stimulate interest

c. To convey information.

d. To generate understanding.

4. Teaching with an interdisciplinary approach helps the students acquire ability


a. Recognize bias

b. All of these

c. Tolerate ambiguity

d. Think critically

5. Which of the following approach to learning emphasizes the student’s role in

the learning process?

a. STS Approach

b. Multi/Interdisciplinary Approach

c. All of these

d. Inquiry Approach

6. It refers to the basic knowledge taught in the early years of education and will
be used as building blocks to add more complex concepts in succeeding years.

a. Spiral Progression

b. All of these

c. K to 12 Curriculum

d. Elementary Education

7. What is the purpose of science education?

a. to become globally competitive

b. to understand and interpret the natural system of the world around them

c. to become productive individual

d. to learn

8. The following are the characteristics of the nature of Science except

a. People from all cultures contribute to science.

b. Science is unexplainable

c. Scientist are creative.

d. Science is an attempt to explain natural phenomena.

9. Meteorology is the study of the Earth's atmosphere which includes _____.

a. All of these

b. Stars, Comets and Galaxies

c. Weather and Climate

d. Weather and Atmosphere

10. It is a critical component of scientific literacy that enhances students’

understandings of science concepts and make decisions scientifically.

a. Science and Health

b. All of these

c. K to 12 Curriculum

d. Nature of Science (NOS)

VED QUIZ 9 …………………………………………………

1. Rj is a child who often lies to her parents. When she entered the school, she is
able to learn the value of being honest because her teacher and classmates are
always telling the truth. What approach to values education is shown?

a. Inculcation

b. Values Clarification

c. Action Learning

d. Moral Development

2. Keon, a preschooler, is pursuing to be the top of the class, so he can have a

Jollibee treat. At what stage of Moral development Theory is he in?

a. Self-interest

b. Universal Principles

c. Obedience and Punishment

d. Social Contract

3. Why is there a need for character education?

a. To equip children in interacting, grabbing life opportunities, and preparing for

society’s possible dangers
b. To maintain the good values inculcated in our ancestors and pass them in the new

c. To allow students to practice the important values

d. To train students in acting respectfully and responsibly

4. Why does putting behaviors into words, labels, and/or images help according to
the Social Learning Theory?

a. To succeed in incorporating the value

b. To allow the learner to recognize the value as important

5. Why does the person is viewed as an active initiator and a reactor within his or
her environment in Moral Development Theory?

a. It is because the individual cannot fully change the environment, but the environment can
fully mold the individual.

b. It is because the environment cannot fully mold the individual.

c. It is because the individual cannot fully change the environment.

d. It is because the individual cannot fully change the environment, but neither
can the environment fully mold the individual

6. What theory highlighted that learning can be acquired through observation and

a. Theory of Career Development

b. Constructivism

c. Experiential learning

d. Social Learning Theory

7. What approach to values education arose from humanistic psychology and the
humanistic education movement?

a. Moral Development

b. Analysis

c. Values Clarification

d. Action Learning

8. What approach to values education arose from humanistic psychology and the
humanistic education movement?

a. Values Clarification

b. Action Learning

c. Analysis

d. Moral Development

9. What theory highlighted that learning can be acquired through observation and

a. Theory of Career Development

b. Social Learning Theory

c. Experiential learning

d. Constructivism

10. Why does varied standards affect the teaching of values?

a. The diversity of students affects the way values is accepted.

b. Most of the students are having a hard time socializing.

c. There are students who have trust issues.

d. The students have already acquired values at home, thus making them hesitant
to acquire new values at school

PEH QUIZ 10 …………………………………………………

1. This has a benefit of teaching teamwork, communication and social skills. It is a
method of teaching called

a. cooperative learning method

b. Exploration method

c. Direct method

d. assessment method

2. The main objective of this strategy is to demonstrate how a drill is performed

and having the students to follow the steps, thereby helping them o visualize
what is/are requiring them to do. This is called;

a. evaluation teaching

b. Guided teaching strategy

c. Lecture-demonstration strategy

d. direct teaching

3. This combines lectures with other teaching forms including multimedia

presentations, demonstrations and class activities.

a. Demonstrator style

b. play-teach- play method

c. lecture style

d. Command style

4. Here students are handed a problem with only one unique solution

a. Authoritive discovery

b. Convergent discovery

c. group discovery

d. guided discovery

5. A coach wants to control the class and fit in a lot of activity into a short class
period he will choose kind of teaching called:

a. Cooperative learning method

b. traditional method

c. Direct teaching

d. discussion method

6. This allows the coach to assess each students must motivate themselves.

a. collaborative learning

b. Divergent discovery

c. none of the above

d. Convergent discovery

7. If a teacher adopt an integrated teaching style that incorporates their

personality, preferences and interests into their teaching he will choose

a. hybrid style

b. all of the above

c. Discussion style

d. Lecture style

8. If a teacher wants to encourage self-learning in the classroom through

increased peer to teacher learning, he will choose what style of teaching

a. cooperative style

b. Hybrid style

c. Demonstrator style

d. facilitator style

9. The teacher may take an observer to promote collaboration and encourage

peer-to-peer learning, he will choose a method like

a. discussion strategy

b. Delegator style

c. brainstorming

d. Demonstration teaching

10. This is primarily used in a lecture or auditorium setting whereby the teacher
will give, one way discussion on a pre-assigned topic while students takes and
memorize key pieces of information

a. Delegator style

b. group style

c. authority style--

d. Lecture style

MTB-MLE QUIZ 11 …………………………………………………

1. When Teacher Mori teaches about animals, he allows his students to share their
own pet stories in the class. What macro skill is being enhanced in this situation?
a. Speaking

b. Writing

c. Listening

d. Reading

2. Teacher selects a big book that is slightly above the level of most students in
the class. Teachers and students read out loud together. Often, the text contains
rhyming words or patterns that are predictable for students to read with the
teacher. The teacher can cover up certain parts of the text (a letter, a word, or a
phrase) to have students predict what makes sense based on the skill being
covered. What instructional activity is being done?

a. Active Listening

b. Interactive Read Aloud

c. Shared Writing

d. Interactive Writing

3. When a teacher focuses on the parts of the language, he/she is teaching for

a. Accuracy

b. Meaning

c. Skills enhancement

d. Competence

4. Why does instructional models important to teaching?

a. A teacher becomes more creative when using instructional models.

b. It improves the curriculum design.

c. It represents the effective practices that will aid teachers in choosing strategies.

d. It serves as the planning phase of instruction.

5. What is the Department Order that institutionalized Mother Tongue-Based


a. DO. 76, s. 2012

b. DO. 47, s. 2009

c. DO. 67, s. 2012

d. DO. 74, s. 2009

6. Which of the following teachers exemplifies teaching the macro skills of


a. Teacher Mayie lets the students plant in the school yard.

b. Teacher Jhonna allows the students to compose an essay about how plants

c. Teacher Jake permits the students to read the process of how plants grow.

d. Teacher Grace allows the students to watch videos of how plants grow.
7. MTB program aims to produce children who can communicate through different
languages in different situations for learning in school. What kind of learner does
this statement imply?

a. multi-faceted

b. multi-lingual

c. multi-cultural

d. multi-literate

8. Which of the following is not a benefit of MTB-MLE?

a. reduced illiteracy rate

b. reduced drop-out

c. reduced failures

d. reduced literacy rate

9. What is the difference between language acquisition and language learning?

a. Language acquisition is a conscious process involving schooling, while language learning

is a subconscious process.

b. Language acquisition is a subconscious process, while language learning is a

conscious process involving formal schooling.

c. Language acquisition starts in the 45th month of the child, while language learning starts
in grade school.

d. Language acquisition starts in grade school, while language acquisition starts in the 45th
month of the child.

10. Which of the following is not a reason why K-12 curriculum was implemented
in the Philippines?

a. to prepare students for life

b. to refrain students from going out of the country and serve his/her own

c. to allow hundreds of degree programs all over the country meet international standards

d. to be at par with its neighboring countries in terms of academic competence

MUSIC QUIZ 12 …………………………………………………

1. This is a type of instrumental piece in which one instrument will play the main
melody and be accompanied by the whole orchestra.

a. Cantata

b. Symphony

c. Concerto

d. Sonata

2. This is a Musical symbol that refers to a specified series of pitches that is

generally used in the entire Music to avoid off-pitch.

a. Notes and Rest

b. Time Signature

c. Key Signature

d. Clef

3. It is the basic element of Western and Eastern systems of Musical Notation

prior to the invention of Five-line staff notation.

a. Neumes

b. Script

c. Tablature

d. Music notation

4. It is a type of Texture where it is composed of a single melodic line only.

a. Heterophonic

b. Polyphonic

c. Monophonic

d. Homophonic

5. This is a dynamic marking that refers to gradual increase of sound volume.

a. Forte

b. Crescendo

c. Sforzando

d. Pianissimo

6. The following are Simple time signature except:

a. 6 8 time signature

b. 2 4 time signature

c. 4 4 time signature

d. 3 4 time signature

7. This Teaching method was taught even in a young age where it is vocally
concentrated with the use of hand gestures and rhythmic syllables and thought in
the context of the mother tongue folk song.

a. Orff Method

b. Suzuki Method

c. Dalcroze Method

d. Kodaly Method

8. It serves as the pulse of the entire Music. It is used to establish a constant

connection with the body of a person who hears or often feels it.

a. Beat

b. Tempo

c. Rhythmic Pattern
d. Meter

9. It is an instrument used for guiding the musician in ties of practice. It helps to

develop constant Tempo and strengthen up your Rhythmical Vocabularies.

a. Pitch fork

b. Tuner

c. Capo

d. Metronome

10. Also known as Eurythmic Approach, incorporates rhythm, structure, and

musical expression with body movement. Its ultimate goal is to develop cognitive
and kinesthetic awareness through sound.

a. Kodaly Method

b. Suzuki Method

c. Dalcroze Method

d. Orff Method

ELECTIVE QUIZ 13 …………………………………………………

1. The following are factors contributing to the establishment of Multigrade
teaching, except?

a. Richer learning environment

b. Socio-economic factors

c. Cultural factors

d. Differentiated instruction

2. As part of the teacher support for multi-grade teaching, these are considered,

a. Show appreciation and encouragement

b. Recognize that parents have their own work

c. I don’t care attitude of the teacher

d. Allow parents to have access to the school facilities

3. It is a kind of support where the school is part of the community and the school
is established to serve the children of the community.

a. Community support

b. Pupils’ support

c. National support

d. Parents’ support

4. The following statements are the advantages in multi-grade classes, except


a. Can get to know the students more and assess their needs

b. No opportunities for activity centered approach

c. Can innovate and experiment with different age groups

d. Shares responsibility for facilitating learning with pupils

5. ____________it is a situation in which one teacher has to teach many grades.

a. Multi-grade teaching

b. Expeditionary learning

c. Personalized learning

d. Game-based learning

6. ___________ means that child centered, activity based, discovery methods and
group work.

a. Old curriculum

b. New curriculum

7. The following are examples of the teacher support for multi-grade teaching,

a. A room with no adequate space

b. Electronic resources

c. Classroom library

d. Portable chalkboard

8. Which is NOT TRUE about the existence of multi-grade?

a. Cost effectiveness of the scheme

b. Multi-grade classes are a poor substitute for single grade classes.

c. Considered equally effective in the industrialized countries where they are part of the
educational system

d. Multi-grade classes do have more disadvantages than advantages provided

there is sufficient preparation

9. In the statement, “Children become independent learners by the nature of the

classroom needs” Is it ____?

a. False

b. True

10. The following are the challenges in multi-grade classes, except___?

a. Requires more discipline

b. More reliance on direct supervision by teacher

c. Requires more initiative

d. May receive less individual attention from a less experienced teacher

ETLE 101 QUIZ 14 …………………………………………………

1. Technical drafting the manipulation of the elements of geometry to make
accurate description of shapes. Which term is referred to by engineers.
a. Geometric construction

b. measurements

c. line weights

d. blueprint reading

2. IN various engineering fields multiple line weights tare being used to

emphasize or deemphasize areas of a drawing. It is also standardized in order for
a uniform interpretations of drawings. The term is called ____ .

A. horizontal line

a. drawing of views

b. center line

c. dimensioning

d. center line

3. Objects to be drawn are not always solid in nature and if we want to explain
complex objects to the reader of our blueprints we need an imaginary cut through
a component (part) or an assembly drawing to portray exactly what is inside. This
element is called _______ .

a. sectioning

b. parallel perspective

c. etching

d. dimensioning

4. To make drawings look more professional, the notes, dimensions and other
specifications must be professionally executed. In manual drafting this is called
_____ .

a. lettering by hand

b. legibility

c. scaling

d. drawing of views

5. After the 2-dimensional drawings are done and all the shapes ang sizes being
laidout next step to be executed to complete the process is called ____________

a. graphics

b. tolerancing

c. dimensioning

d. shape and size description

6. Which technique in pictorial drawings appear like 3- dimensional but the lines
are exactly 30 degrees from the horizontal part of the object?

a. Cabinet drawing

b. Isometric drawing

c. Oblique drawing
d. Perspective drawing

7. It is about placing units of measure to the height, width and length of an object
to convey accurate instructions to produce that part. In old English it is called
“dimensions”. In drafting this means ________ .

a. datum

b. tolerancing

c. axis

d. dimensioning

8. When a designer or an ordinary person translates his or her design idea with
the use only of paper and pencil, what is the name of the activity?

a. freehand sketching

b. drafting

c. geometric construction

d. architectural delineation

9. Which is a method of representing the exact shape and size of an object drawn
to scale on “set of planes” of projection?. It is also known as 3-view drawing.

a. orthographic projection

b. perspective construction

c. isometric drawing

d. Fourth dimension

10. With the help of drawing instruments such as T-square and triangles one
produces quick and accurate delineations for an intended project. The process is
considered as ________

a. graphics

b. shape and size descriptions

c. drafting

d. pictorial drawing

ETLE 102 QUIZ 15 …………………………………………………

1. Which of the following statement is INAPPROPRIATE in starting a business?

a. know what characteristics are needed to become an entrepreneur

b. Undergo training on entrepreneurial skills

c. Cope with failures of the business

d. study the concepts and principles of entrepreneurial skills

2. Which among these characteristic of an entrepreneur is UNDESIRABLE?

a. Futuristic

b. Impassive
c. Goal setter

d. Coping with failure

3. Which of the following is the correct definition of the term “entrepreneur”?

A person who _____ .

a. starts a new business with the aim of making profit

b. seeks to generate value through creation or expansion of economic activity, by identifying

and exploiting new products, processes or markets

c. pursues opportunity without regard to resources

d. seeks to create value for local communities, people or customers by starting

new ventures which exploit new products, processes or markets

4. Which of these traits gets an entrepreneur off of his/her feet and puts him/her
into action turning daydreams into reality?

a. Enthusiasm

b. Ambition

c. Creativity

d. Perseverance

5. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an entrepreneur?

a. Persistent

b. coping with failure

c. Opportunity Seeker

d. Irritated

6. Which of the following is a primary cause of failure in small businesses?

a. Poor financial control

b. Management mistakes

c. Improper inventory control

d. Poor location

7. Which of the following skills are NOT needed by an entrepreneur?

a. Technical skills

b. Business management skills

c. Personal entrepreneurial skills

d. Working skills

8. Which of the following is NOT a source of fund for Ms. Burgos future business?

a. Avail of the government program on financing micro-macro business

b. seek assistance from central bank of the Philippines

c. Use part of her retirement benefit.

d. borrow money from friends and relatives

9. Which entrepreneurial traits give an entrepreneur a positive outlook in life

which gives the energy to pursue his/her endeavors?

a. Creativity

b. Enthusiasm

c. Perseverance

d. Ambition

10. If her business idea is a boutique, what quality of a future entrepreneur is


a. Risk-taker

b. Innovative

c. hardworker

d. relaxed

RESEARCH QUIZ 16 …………………………………………………

1. Which of the following holds true for exploratory research?

a. It is used to test the causal relationship under controlled situation.

b. It explains the “why” of the phenomenon.

c. It is used to identify and obtain information on a particular issue.

d. This is applied when few or no studies can be used as reference for


2. Which of the following is not a technique in collecting qualitative data?

a. Survey questionnaire

b. Field notes

c. Interview

d. Observation

3. Which of the following is true about descriptive research?

a. This is applied when few or no studies can be used as reference for information.

b. It is used to identify and obtain information on a particular issue.

c. It explains the “why” of the phenomenon

d. It is used to test the causal relationship under controlled situation.

4. Which of the following referred to the sampling technique where all members
have an equal opportunity to be part of the sample?

a. Simple random sampling

b. Probability sampling
c. Transparency and systematicity

d. Non-probability sampling

5. Which of the following holds true for explanatory research?

a. It explains the “why” of the phenomenon.

b. It is used to test the causal relationship under controlled situation

c. This is applied when few or no studies can be used as reference for information

d. It is use to identify and obtain information on a particular issue

6. The following describes quantitative research, except

a. Subjected to rigorous quantitative analysis

b. Assesses knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and options

c. Involves generation of data

d. Analyzes numerical data to generalize results to wider population

7. Which of the following is likely to occur when a sample is selected from the
wrong population data?

a. Non- response error

b. Selection error

c. Population- specific error

d. Sample frame error

8. An in- depth examination of research issues or phenomenon is one of the

characteristics of ___

a. Mixed Methods

b. Qualitative research

c. Action research

d. Quantitative research

9. Which of the following describes purposive or judgmental sampling?

a. Samples are few and encourages increase in sample size

b. Samples are readily and easily available

c. Samples are chosen based on the predetermined characteristics

d. Samples are selected deliberately to provide information

10. Which of the following is the true about convenience sampling?

a. Easy to implement and cost effective

b. Includes all important subpopulation

c. Least expensive and least time consuming

d. Samples can be controlled for certain characteristics

EE 101 QUIZ 17 …………………………………………………

1. Which approach assumes that target language is learned by imitation and
repetition mostly through chain drills or dialogs under teacher’s direction?

a. Direct

b. Comprehension-Based

c. Oral-Situational

d. Audiolingual

2. Which of the following is not a critical listening activity?

a. Listening to a set of instructions

b. Evaluating evidences

c. Listening to advertisements

d. Distinguishing between fact and opinion

3. Which of the following does not speak true about the Communicative Language

a. The activities are situationalized.

b. Most activities are focused on spoken language rather than on written language.

c. It is focused on form and function.

d. It is more focused on meaning rather than the structure of the language.

4. Which of the following statements does not speak true about modern language

a. Skills in language are learned separately.

b. Language skills are interrelated.

c. Learning of language skills must be applicable to social contexts.

d. Mastery of one skill reinforces mastery of the others.

5. Below are common features of affective-humanistic and communicative

approaches, which does not belong?

a. Activity-based

b. Communicative competence

c. Drill exercises

d. Cooperative learning

6. What best describes assessment for the 21st Century Learning Goals?

a. Valid

b. Consistent

c. Content-based

d. Authentic

7. When a lesson in speaking also taps on students’ listening, reading and writing
skills, we call this:
a. Discussion

b. Integration

c. Macro-skills

d. Content areas

8. It is an active process of meaning construction made possible by the

interaction of reader, text and content.

a. Reading

b. Writing

c. Listening

d. Speaking

9. The student’s native tongue is used to explain new items in the target
language. A great deal of the lesson is based on the memorization of grammar
rules and vocabulary items. Evaluation of mastery includes translations from the
native tongue to the target language, and vice versa. What approach to language
teaching is described?

a. Cognitive

b. Content Reading

c. Grammar Translation

d. Direct

10. From a humanistic psychologist’s view, what do the Audio-lingual and the
Cognitive Approaches lack, that can be considered as their greatest flaw?

a. collaborative activities

b. affective considerations

c. oral-aural emphasis

d. communicative functions

EE 102 QUIZ 18 …………………………………………………

1. Learners must be developed not only in the cognitive, psychomotor but also in
the affective aspect. Why is development of the latter also important?

a. Awareness of the consequences of their action is sharpened.

b. Their actions are dominated by their feelings.

c. It helps them develop a sound value system.

d. It helps them develop an adequate knowledge of good actions.

2. Student participation will most likely happen in one of these situations.

a. Teachers like Ms. Fina and Ms. Abigail model good listening habits.

b. Feeling or emotions are not permitted in class discussions, especially in Ms. Lara’s English

c. Ms. Ella repeats directions over and over until everyone listens.
d. Group leaders allow quiet members to remain quiet, especially in Ms. Judy’s class.

3. Teacher A is a teacher of English subject. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-

blank sentences, dialogues, dictation and writing exercises in teaching a lesson
about grocery shopping. Based on this information, which of the following is a
valid conclusion?

a. The teacher is emphasizing reading and writing skills.

b. The teacher is applying Bloom's hierarchy of cognitive learning

c. The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because not all students learn in
the same manner.

d. The teacher wants to make her teaching easier by having less talk

4. Which of the following activities encourage children to develop proper reading


I. Making them decide on the books they like to read

II. Involving oneself in reading activities with one’s children

III. Modeling proper and consistent reading behavior

a. II and III

b. I and II

c. I, II, and III

d. I only

5. Which of the following statements does not describe a method?

a. A method which is useful for one class may not prove to be so in another class.

b. There is one method of teaching which is superior to all others

c. The choice of a method is determined by the objectives of a lesson

d. A given lesson can incorporate two or more methods

6. Which of the following should NOT be considered by Mrs. Offemaria in using

instructional material in teaching literacy?

a. Use one instructional material to develop and maintain students’ interest.

b. Evaluate students’ reactions to the instructional material being used.

c. Ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish and why this instructional materials is

d. Determine how to use the instructional material and how to make the best use of it.

7. An English teacher wants to teach patterns of dialogues among characters in a

story. What visual symbol can she use to represent what the characters of the
story say?

a. Diagrams

b. Cartoon

c. Chart

d. Strip drawings
8. Which of the following needs is addressed when teachers encourage active
class participation through individual and group activities?

a. The need to be close to the teacher.

b. The need to be accepted, important and appreciated.

c. The need to be popular within the group.

d. The need to be happy and satisfied at the expense of others.

9. Which is correct description of motif in literary writing?

a. The main insight, central idea, or universal truth found in a literary work.

b. The writing style adopted by the author which is revealed in his/ her word choice.

c. The element of surprise in a work of fiction, such as twist ending.

d. An image or idea repeated throughout a work or several works of literature.

10. English teacher, Teacher Cristia wants her students to compare and contrast
the book and film version of “Pinocchio”. Her students may use this type of
graphic organizer.

a. Graphic organizers

b. Venn diagram

c. Learning log

d. Story frame

ESS 101 QUIZ 19 …………………………………………………

1. Ms. Hazel must facilitate this type of activity if she wants to focus on
attitudinal change among her students.

a. Role play

b. Field study

c. Dramatization

d. Simulation

2. Ms. Susan rated her students in terms of the dramatization for the different
heroes. What mode of assessment should Ms. Susan use?

a. Tradition Assessment

b. Portfolio Assessment

c. Journal Assessment

d. Performance-based Assessment

3. The following are tried and proven benefits of using graphic organizers, except
for this.

a. Enable students to identify important ideas and details.

b. Represent stated information in concrete form.

c. Make relationships among detail clear.

d. Strengthen team work among students.

4. One of these is not a feature of cooperative learning.

a. Individual accountability

b. Positive interdependence

c. Face-to-face interaction

d. Group accountability for learning

5. Teachers review the past lesson before getting to the new lesson in order for
them to ________________.

a. Prepare the students for the mastery test.

b. Check if parents guide their children in accomplishing given homework.

c. Make learning interesting and enjoyable for students.

d. Make sure that the students understand the pre-requisite skills of the lesson.

6. All learning activities should be planned strategically in advance because


a. This will measure the true pedagogical skill of teacher.

b. The success of the lesson is also dependent on the plan.

c. Students look forward to the lesson plan with curiosity and enthusiasm.

d. Teachers are required to plan activities as part of their responsibilities.

7. Mr. Paolo, a social studies teacher, wants to present historical movements in

Philippine Literature. What is the most appropriate teaching tool for Mr. Paolo to

a. Venn diagram

b. Cluster map

c. Story Map

d. Time line

8. To instill nationalistic pride among the youth, history teachers like Mrs.
Rosemarie, Mr. Roy, Ms. Darylle, Ms. Ella Mae, Mrs. Marites, and Ms. Golden
should encourage to do one of these.

a. Study current events, especially national issues.

b. Replace the study of folklore’s and myths with technical subjects that make youths
globally competitive and competent.

c. Re-study the history of the Philippines from the perspective of colonizers.

d. Re-study the history and stress on Filipinos’ achievements as a united race.

9. Teachers like Mr. Leo and Ms. Marites, who provide a variety of learning
activities to their elementary grade learners in social studies class, believe that

a. Students who are exposed to a variety of teaching strategies learn better.

b. Giving students rewards makes them participate in class even more.

c. Individual differences must be emphasized when planning activities for the

d. Proactive teaching is a new method of teaching.

10. Some of Teacher Rica’s students have been continually observed to have had
problems in comprehending her Social Studies lessons, in which she keeps on
lecturing. What is the best thing for Teacher Rica to do in order to help her
students catch up the lessons?

a. Keep on teaching even if her style does not change.

b. Give pop quizzes to her students.

c. Give her students low grades.

d. Encourage student participation during every meeting.

ESS 102 QUIZ 20 …………………………………………………

1. Which themes in the curriculum for Araling Panlipunan have the least relation
to culture and geography?

a. Produksyon, Distribusyon at Pagkonsumo

b. Ugnayang Panrehiyon at Pangmundo

c. Tao, Lipunan at Kapaligiran

d. Kultura, Pagkakakilanlan at Pagkabansa

2. Which of these does not describe a teaching approach?

a. A personal philosophy

b. A set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into
the classroom.

c. A viewpoint toward teaching

d. An orderly logical arrangement of steps

3. What are proofs of responsible citizenship? Choose the one that is not included.

a. memorizes geographical locations and regions of his/her own country

b. respects the dignity and worth of self and others

c. participates constructively in the democratic process by making rational decisions

d. understands his/her rights and duties in a democratic society and in the global community

4. Identify the key stage standard in Araling Panlipunan that is highly emphasized
in Grade K-3.

a. Naipamamalas ang mga kakayahan bilang batang produktibo, mapanagutan at

makabansang mamamayang Pilipino.

b. Naipamamalas ang panimulang pag unawa at pagpapahalaga sa sarili, pamilya,

paaralan at komunidad.
c. Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa at pagpapahalaga sa pagkakabuo ng kapuluan ng Pilipinas
at mga sinaunang lipunan hanggang sa mga malalaking pagbabagong pang-ekonomiya at
ang implikasyon nito sa lipunan sa simula ng ika-labing siyam na siglo.

d. Naipamamalas ang mga kakayahan bilang kabataang mamamayang Pilipino na mapanuri,

mapagnilay malikhain, may matalinong pagpapasya at aktibong pakikilahok.

5. Which of the following key stage standards in Araling Panlipunan is highly

emphasized in Grade 4-6?

a. Naipamamalas ang mga kakayahan bilang kabataang mamamayang Pilipino na mapanuri,

mapagnilay malikhain, may matalinong pagpapasya at aktibong pakikilahok.

b. Naipamamalas ang mga kakayahan bilang batang produktibo, mapanagutan at

makabansang mamamayang Pilipino.

c. Naipamamalas ang panimulang pag unawa at pagpapahalaga sa sarili, pamilya, paaralan

at komunidad.

d. Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa at pagpapahalaga sa pagkakabuo ng kapuluan ng Pilipinas

at mga sinaunang lipunan hanggang sa mga malalaking pagbabagong pang-ekonomiya at
ang implikasyon nito sa lipunan sa simula ng ika-labing siyam na siglo.

6. This is the organization and presentation of course curriculum required to

deliver a complete course that blends online and face-to-face teaching and
learning activities. How is this known?

a. Hybrid/Blended course

b. Online course module

c. Learning object repository

d. Social networking tool

7. This assessment strategy is done after completion of a semester, annually, or

at the end of the entire course.

a. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

b. Portfolio assessment

c. Term end examination

d. Group assessment

8. Social studies aims to develop students who are active and responsible
citizens, engaged in the democratic process and aware of their capacity to effect
change in their communities, society and world. To do this, students must be
equipped with necessary tools, which does not belong?

a. key values and attitudes

b. skills and processes

c. knowledge and understanding

d. communicative competence

9. This is the organization and presentation of course curriculum required to

deliver a complete course that blends online and face-to-face teaching and
learning activities. How is this known?

a. Online course module

b. Social networking tool

c. Learning object repository

d. Hybrid/Blended course

10. If you want students to perform a real-life activity and an assessment that is
made based on that activity, what must you provide in the classroom?

a. Structured observation

b. Authentic assessment

c. Selected response test

d. Document-based questions

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