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CAR n°: 005 Rev. n°: 00 Date : 31/10/2022

1-Audit n°: CPP03-EPCI6-MPQA-DSM1-AUR-000004 2-Audit dates: 06 till 08 October 2022

3- Contractor / Subcontractor: DSME / PTSC M&C 4-Location: Vung Tau (Vietnam)
5- Audit Team Leader: Benoit VIROT (MP Head QA/QC)

6-Non-Conformity: Design and development controls (Clause 8.3.4 of ISO 9001)

[5A]- Certifying Authority (CA) / Lifting Appliances certification: the type of certificate to be issued by CA (Bureau Veritas)
is not yet defined. In accordance with CONTRACT Exhibit H Appendix H2 section 5.2.16, All lifting gear and appliances […]
shall be certified in accordance with the requirements of the Certifying Authority’s code for lifting appliances, or an alternative
code or codes acceptable to CPY and the CA. It is recommended that the type (template & statement) of certificate is clarified
without delay to ensure compliance to CONTRACT requirements. [Finding Category 4]

[5B]- External Audits by TPI for Ex Equipment: PTSC M&C currently plan three (3) Audits to be conducted by Bureau
Veritas, respectively at start, middle and end of Ex Equipment installation. However, PTSC M&C is currently missing the Ex
Equipment list for both Jacket and Bridge. It is recommended that DSME provide such list without delay to PTSC M&C as
the total number of Ex Equipment may impact the Ex Equipment Audit Schedule. [Finding Category 4]

7-References Documents (Specifications, Norms, Procedures, Revision and Date):

ISO 9001_2015 clause 8.3.4
CONTRACT Exhibit H Appendix H2 section 5.2.16 Lifting appliances
CONTRACT Exhibit H section 5.12.2

8- CAR Classification:
Category 1 (critical): Category 2 (major): Category 3 (minor): Category 4 (observations):
Digitally signed by: Benoit VIROT

9-Originator (Name, Date and Signature): Benoit VIROT, 31/10/2022. Benoit VIROT DN: CN = Benoit VIROT email = Benoit. OU = QA, Users, Onshore
Date: 2022.10.31 19:00:02 +03'00'

10-Contractor’s / Subcontractor’s Acknowledgement (Name, Date and Signature):

11-Contractor’s / Subcontractor’s Response Section

- Proposed Corrective Action:

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Printed documents are uncontrolled and considered as "for information only". Reference should always be made to the on-line EDMS for the updated version

Major Projects Template MAJOR-ASY-MPQA-MPQA-FOR-000030_Rev00 Dated 04/11/2018



CAR n°: 005 Rev. n°: 00 Date : 31/10/2022

- Agreed Implementation Date:

- Action to Prevent Recurrence:

Process Owner: Auditor:

(Name, Date and Signature) (Name, Date and Signature)

12-Deviation Request Against CMS: Yes / No n°

13-Follow Up: Company Auditor(s):

(Name, Date and Signature)
Proposed Action Accepted:
Proposed Action Not Accepted:

14-Closed Out:

Auditor (Name, Date and Signature):

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Printed documents are uncontrolled and considered as "for information only". Reference should always be made to the on-line EDMS for the updated version

Major Projects Template MAJOR-ASY-MPQA-MPQA-FOR-000030_Rev00 Dated 04/11/2018

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