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CHAPTER II: KNOWING OTHERS Get it right, relationships are there to help

(MAKATAO) you and make your better. You are never meant to
Learning outcomes: be alone on earth. Be in a relationship with people
1. Define relationship of various experiences and you trust. As stated earlier, relationship isn't all
settings. about dating, courting or marriage. And
2. Differentiate the types of relationship. relationships can be toxic. So be careful of the
3. Develop interpersonal and intrapersonal kind of relationship you hold on to. It could be
relationship framework. relationship with countries that instead of progress,
4. Explain the different teaching strategies for it brings regress. Could be company relationship
interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. and so on. Whenever you find yourself in such,
5. Describe the Filipino learners and share withdraw!
experiences in teaching the 21st century learners. “Relationships are to be nurtured, enjoyed,
6. Write a reflection paper about relationship and be of benefits. Do well to understand
including struggles and victories. relationships and get the best of it.”
You can listen to success systems, a message
Basic Concept of Relationship by Apostle Joshua Selman. It throws more light on
When we mention relationship, the first this and helps you to know more about what
thing that comes to mind is what exists between a relationship can do for you.
male and a female. However, that is just a part of
what relationship entails. Relationship is the way in Knowing Self and knowing others.
which two or more people are connected. We could There is paradox in everything about the
be connected by blood in the case of being family human experience. For instance, it is through giving
members, we could be connected by our jobs and we receive, and through receiving we give. It is the
that's where we have colleagues. We also have ‘unimportant’ in our lives, such as stopping to
friendship. And the most common type of breath under an unfolding oak tree, that gives
relationship in our world today is the relationship importance to other activities. It is the
between two people of the opposite which mostly “meaningless’ connections in daily living, such as a
eventually leads to marriage. hello at a checkout at the supermarket, that provides
It is said that relationships sometimes will framework and meaning for the more intimate
do for you what money cannot do. Setting up a connections we have. These apparent paradoxes are
good relationship with people bring favors in some not part of any cosmic game played on us, but
way. It is likened to a debit card can be used to rather a daily reminder of the wholeness and
withdraw currency anytime needed. Ever heard perfection of life. Each moment offers glimpses into
about the saying ' two heads are better than one'? this, often via these connections with others.
That is to mean that what you can achieve in being These connections with others are a
in a good relationship is better off than what you foundational part of living. Without them, we
alone can achieve. would quite literally go insane or feel tormented, as
Little wonder Ecclesiastes talks about how those in solitary confinement in prison sometimes
two are better than one. And three cords are not do. Exploring connections is hard wired into our
easily broken. Nobody is an island where you stand bodies, and even when lives of relative isolation are
on your own. You need relationships. lived, there will always be an element of this
Most things many countries benefit today wouldn't exploration.
be possible if there was no relationship between Exploring longer term connections, the
those countries. Most successful stories we hear depth of them, is termed ‘a relationship‘. We all
today are a product of good relationships. have different preconceptions of what a relationship
“Even when God created man, he created is – as many preconceptions as the word ‘love’. It is
him for relationship. So, it would be so unwise of in longer term relationships that we meet the
you to say you don't need relationships.” dichotomy between these preconceptions and what
Relationship in itself isn't a bad idea. But it is head on. Conflict can be the natural result. We
is often said that when the use of a thing is not also see how much the ideal of ‘relationship’ we
known, abuse is inevitable. In application to have works within ourselves, for we can try to fit
relationship, when we don't understand its ourselves in a mold very easily in an attempt for
entirety, it's going to be abused and we see the intimacy. It is a dance with essentially the present
results in our daily lives. moment, Now.
INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with other humans, our lives would have virtually
One of the most distinctive aspects of human no meaning or purpose. Yet, it is our
being is that we are social beings. Interpersonal interpersonal relating that creates most of our
relationships are and have been the core of our difficulties.
social system since the dawn of civilization. Imagine life without any interaction with
Nursing is the therapeutic process and demands as another human. No arguments, no fights, no
association between the nurse and the patient. obligations, no misunderstandings, but also no love,
Interpersonal relationships refer to reciprocal no joy, no laughs and no life. Obviously, the
social and emotional environment. Interpersonal answer to interpersonal relational difficulties is not
relationship is defined as a close association to withdraw from or avoid interaction with others,
between individuals who share common interest and but rather to learn how to relate in a meaningful,
goals. honoring and constructive way.


A dyad consists of two interacting people. It Intrapersonal means “within a person,” that is,
is the simplest of the three interpersonal dynamics. taking place within one person's self or mind. It's
One person relays a message and the other listens. It not to be confused with interpersonal, which refers
is one of the most unstable interpersonal dynamic. to something occurring “between people.”
The interaction ends when one constituent of the The difference is that "interpersonal" refers to
dyad refuses to listen or share his or her message. It relationships or actions that take place between two
is also one of the most intimate interpersonal or more people while "intrapersonal" refers to
dynamic as the focus of listening and things that go on exclusively within one person.
communication is centered on only one person. "Inter" is a prefix meaning "between."

2. TRIAD Intrapersonal Communication

A triad consists of three interaction people. Intrapersonal communication is
The members engage in the relay and reception of communication with oneself using internal
thoughts and ideas. It is more stable than the dyad vocalization or reflective thinking. Like other forms
as the third member may act as a mediator when of communication, intrapersonal communication is
there is conflict between the other two. triggered by some internal or external stimulus.
We may, for example, communicate with
3. GROUP our self about what we want to eat due to the
A group consist of more than three members and is internal stimulus of hunger, or we may react
a collection of triads and dyads. intra-personally to an event we witness. Unlike
other forms of communication, intrapersonal
Purposes of Interpersonal Relationship communication takes place only inside our
Interpersonal relationship for an Individual heads.
Ø Personal growth and development The other forms of communication must be
Ø Source of enjoyment perceived by someone else to count as
Ø Sense of security communication. So, what is the point of
Ø Context of understanding Interpersonal needs intrapersonal communication if no one else even
Ø Establishing personal identity sees it? Surrealistic photo of a woman sitting on a
Interpersonal relationship between a teacher and sofa, head in her hand. The sofa floats in a
a student cloud-like atmosphere, and images of an Easter
Ø Developing positive relationships between a Island style statue and a bird surround her.
teacher and student is a fundamental aspect of Intrapersonal communication is
quality teaching and student learning. communication with ourselves that takes place in
Ø Positive teacher-student relationships promote a our heads.
sense of school belonging and encourage Intrapersonal communication serves
students to participate cooperatively. several social functions. Internal vocalization, or
We spend our entire life interfacing with fellow talking to ourselves, can help us achieve or
humans. How we interact in these interpersonal maintain social adjustment. “For example, a
relationships determines the quality of life we enjoy. person may use self-talk to calm himself down in a
Without relational interactions stressful situation, or a shy person may remind
herself to smile during a social event.”
Intrapersonal communication also helps help you stay balanced. But that trust and support
build and maintain our self-concept. We form an do not come easily. They are built over the years
understanding of who we are based on how other with careful nurturing.
people communicate with us and how we process A family relationship can be defined as any
that communication intra-personally. The shy combination of filiation or conjugal relationships
person in the earlier example probably internalized that join two people directly or through a third
shyness as a part of her self-concept because other party. Conjugality is defined in this census as a de
people associated her communication behaviors facto cohabitation, thus independent of the situation
with shyness and may have even labeled her “shy” as regards the legal marital status. A relationship of
before she had a firm grasp on what that meant. filiation, the parentage of children is considered in
We also use intrapersonal communication three possible ways: naturally, through adoption or
or “self-talk” to let off steam, process emotions, acquired through a conjugal or common-law
think through something, or rehearse what we relationship with one of the natural or adopted
plan to say or do in the future. As with the other parents.
forms of communication, competent intrapersonal
communication helps facilitate social interaction What Constitutes A Family?
and can enhance our well-being. Conversely, the A family constitutes people who are related to each
breakdown in the ability of a person to other and share an emotional bond and similar
intra-personally communicate is associated with values. Family members can be related by birth,
mental illness. marriage, or adoption.
Sometimes we intra-personally Your immediate family includes parents, siblings,
communicate for the fun of it. I’m sure we have spouse, and children. And your extended family
all had the experience of laughing aloud because we includes people you are related to, such as
thought of something funny. We also communicate grandparents, cousins, aunts & uncles, nephews,
intra-personally to pass time. I bet there is a lot of nieces etc.
intrapersonal communication going on in waiting Families are of different sizes — nuclear (a couple
rooms all over the world right now. In both of these and their children), joint (a couple, their children,
cases, intrapersonal communication is usually grandchildren), blended (a couple, their children,
unplanned and doesn’t include a clearly defined and children from their previous marriages), etc.
We can, however, engage in more 6 strengths families use to create positive
intentional intrapersonal communication. In fact, environments:
deliberate self-reflection can help us become more 1. Appreciation and affection- Appreciation and
competent communicators as we become more affection are about caring for each other as family
mindful of our own behaviors. members. Sharing positive emotional feelings with
“For example, your internal voice may each other and being nice to each other are just a
praise or scold you based on a thought or action.” couple of ways families show appreciation and
Of the forms of communication, affection.
intrapersonal communication has received the least 2. Commitment- Members of strong families show
amount of formal study. It is rare to find courses a strong commitment to one another, investing time
devoted to the topic, and it is generally separated and energy in family activities and not letting their
from the remaining four types of communication. work or other priorities take too much time away
The main distinction is that intrapersonal from family interaction. Commitment is trusting,
communication is not created with the intention respecting, accepting - putting your family first.
that another person will perceive it. In all the 3. Positive communication- Communication is a
other levels, the fact that the communicator key to a strong family. It should be open, honest and
anticipates consumption of their message is very straightforward. Positive communication is about
important. telling others how you feel, compromising or at
least agreeing to disagree, as well as verbal praise
1. Family/Kinship Relationship 4. Enjoyable time together- Family time should be
A strong family is all that you need to fight all fun time. When adults think back on their
odds in life. No matter how the day has been for childhood, it is the happy memories they cherish.
you, no matter how people must have behaved with Families should work to create customs and rituals
you, and no matter the problems you have been that provide them with many enjoyable memories.
facing, the smiling face of your spouse and children These do not have to involve lots of money or
supplies. Family activities and fun are just finding as much of a risk as smoking, drinking too much, or
time to be together. Sharing family mealtimes is one leading a sedentary lifestyle. Friends are even tied
way to spend enjoyable time together. Check out to longevity. One Swedish study found that, along
365 Ways to Spend Time with Your Family! with physical activity, maintaining a rich network of
5. Spiritual well-being- Spiritual well-being is the friends can add significant years to your life.
hope, faith and optimism a family share. It is the
sacred connections they have or the religion or But close friendships don’t just happen.
spirituality they possess. Spiritual well-being is also Many of us struggle to meet people and develop
the caring, support and compassion that families quality connections. Whatever your age or
feel. circumstances, though, it’s never too late to make
6. Successful management of stress and crisis - new friends, reconnect with old ones, and greatly
Strong families have the ability to manage stress improve your social life, emotional health, and
and crisis in their lives in positive, creative ways. overall well-being.
They work together rather than pulling apart. Crisis The benefits of friendships
and stress are opportunities to help other family While developing and maintaining friendships takes
members; and helping others can in turn help time and effort, healthy friendships can:
themselves. “Couples and families have it in their v Improve your mood. Spending time with happy
power to be happy with each other and create a and positive friends can elevate your mood and
pleasant and peaceful home environment in which boost your outlook.
they live together.” v Help you to reach your goals. Whether you’re
trying to get fit, give up smoking, or otherwise
2. Friendship improve your life, encouragement from a friend
Friendship is a relationship of mutual can really boost your willpower and increase
affection between people. It is a stronger form of your chances of success.
interpersonal bond than an association, and has been v Reduce your stress and depression. Having an
studied in academic fields such as communication, active social life can bolster your immune
sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and system and help reduce isolation, a major
philosophy. contributing factor to depression.
A relationship in general is the connection v Support you through tough times. Even if it’s just
between two or more people emotionally and having someone to share your problems with,
physically. A friendship is a type of relationship in friends can help you cope with serious illness,
which you and another person (commonly of the the loss of a job or loved one, the breakup of a
same sex but definitely not always) have similar relationship, or any other challenges in life.
interests and enjoy spending time together. v Support you as you age. As you age, retirement,
One of the main differences between illness, and the death of loved ones can often
friendship and relationship is the form in which they leave you isolated. Knowing there are people
are founded. The relationship is based on two types, you can turn to for company and support can
which include the natural form and the deliberate provide purpose as you age and serve as a buffer
form. ... This means that people choose to be against depression, disability, hardship and loss.
friends, but they are not obligated to be friends by v Boost your self-worth. Friendship is a two-way
natural aspects. street, and the “give” side of the give-and-take
contributes to your own sense of self-worth.
Why are friends so important? Being there for your friends makes you feel
Our society tends to place an emphasis on needed and adds purpose to your life.
romantic relationships. We think that just finding
that right person will make us happy and fulfilled. “Technology has shifted the definition of
But research shows that friends are actually even friendship in recent years. With the click of a
more important to our psychological welfare. button, we can add a friend or make a new
Friends bring more happiness into our lives than connection. But having hundreds of online friends
virtually anything else. is not the same as having a close friend you can
Friendships have a huge impact on your spend time with in person. Online friends can’t
mental health and happiness. Good friends relieve hug you when a crisis hits, visit you when you’re
stress, provide comfort and joy, and prevent sick, or celebrate a happy occasion with you. Our
loneliness and isolation. Developing close most important and powerful connections happen
friendships can also have a powerful impact on your when we’re face-to-face. So, make it a priority to
physical health. Lack of social connection may pose stay in touch in the real world, not just online.”
thoughts and actions, and you don't have to
waste time and energy "watching your
3. Professional Relationship/Work Relationship back."
There are two types of work relationships: 2. Mutual Respect – When you respect the
professional and personal. people who you work with, you value their
1. Professional relationships are solely for the input and ideas, and they value yours.
purpose of getting your work done. They help Working together, you can develop solutions
you advance your career and would not exist if based on your collective insight, wisdom and
not for your job. creativity
2. Personal relationships at work are those you 3. Mindfulness – This means taking
have in the workplace for social reasons. responsibility for your words and actions.
Those who are mindful are careful and
According to the Gallup Organization, attend to what they say, and they don't let
people who have a best friend at work are seven their own negative emotions impact the
times more likely to be engaged in their jobs. And it people around them.
doesn't have to be a best friend: Gallup found that 4. Welcoming Diversity – People with good
people who simply had a good friend in the relationships not only accept diverse people
workplace are more likely to be satisfied. and opinions, but they welcome them. For
instance, when your friends and colleagues
Human beings are naturally social creatures offer different opinions from yours, you take
– we crave friendship and positive interactions, just the time to consider what they have to say,
as we do food and water. So, it makes sense that the and factor their insights into your
better our relationships are at work, the happier and decision-making.
more productive we're going to be. 5. Open Communication – We communicate
Good working relationships give us several other all day, whether we're sending emails and
benefits: IMs, or meeting face to face. The better and
1. Our work is more enjoyable when we have good more effectively you communicate with
relationships with those around us. Also, people those around you, the richer your
are more likely to go along with changes that we relationships will be. All good relationships
want to implement, and we're more innovative depend on open, honest communication.
and creative.
2. Good relationships give us freedom: instead of *Difficult Relationships
spending time and energy overcoming the Occasionally, you'll have to work with
problems associated with negative relationships, someone you don't like, or someone that you simply
we can, instead, focus on opportunities. can't relate to. But, for the sake of your work, it's
3. Good relationships are also often necessary if essential that you maintain a professional
we hope to develop our careers. After all, if relationship with him.
your boss doesn't trust you, it's unlikely that he When this happens, make an effort to get to
or she will consider you when a new position know the person. It's likely that she knows full well
opens up. Overall, we all want to work with that the two of you aren't on the best terms, so make
people we're on good terms with. the first move to improve the relationship by
4. We also need good working relationships with engaging him in a genuine conversation, or by
others in our professional circle. Customers, inviting him out to lunch.
suppliers and key stakeholders are all essential While you're talking, try not to be too
to our success. So, it's important to build and guarded. Ask him about his background, interests
maintain good relations with these people. and past successes. Instead of putting energy into
your differences, focus on finding things that you
Defining a Good Relationship have in common.
There are several characteristics that make up “Just remember – not all relationships will be great;
good, healthy working relationships: but you can make sure that they are, at least,
1. Trust – This is the foundation of every good workable!”
relationship. When you trust your team and
colleagues, you form a powerful bond that 4. Causal Relationship
helps you to work and communicate more “Causality-the idea that one event, behavior, or
effectively. If you trust the people you work belief will result in the occurrence of another,
with, you can be open and honest in your subsequent event, behavior, or belief.”
A causal relation between two events ""Causality postulates that there are laws by which
exists if the occurrence of the first causes the the occurrence of an entity B of a certain class
other. The first event is called the cause and the depends on the occurrence of an entity A of another
second event is called the effect. A correlation class, where the word entity means any physical
between two variables does not imply causation. object, phenomenon, situation, or event. A is called
Most social scientific studies attempt to the cause, B the effect.
provide some kind of causal explanation. A study ""Antecedence postulates that the cause must be
on an intervention to prevent child abuse is trying to prior to, or at least simultaneous with, the effect.
draw a connection between the intervention and ""Contiguity postulates that cause and effect must
changes in child abuse. Causality refers to the idea be in spatial contact or connected by a chain of
that one event, behavior, or belief will result in the intermediate things in contact."" (Born, 1949, as
occurrence of another, subsequent event, behavior, cited in Sowa, 2000)
or belief. In other words, it is about cause and Causality always implies at least some
effect. It seems simple, but you may be surprised to relationship of dependency between the cause and
learn there is more than one way to explain how one the effect. For example, deeming something a cause
thing causes another. How can that be? How could may imply that, all other things being equal, if the
there be many ways to understand causality? cause occurs the effect does as well, or at least that
In causality, that means that in order to try to the probability of the effect occurring increases.
understand what caused what, we would need to However, according to Sowa (2000), ""relativity
report what people tell us. Well, that seems pretty and quantum mechanics have forced physicists to
straightforward, right? Well, what if two different abandon these assumptions as exact statements of
people saw the same event from the exact same what happens at the most fundamental levels, but
viewpoint and came up with two totally different they remain valid at the level of human experience."
explanations about what caused what? A social
constructionist would say that both people are Expressing causal relationships
correct. There is not one singular truth that is true In natural languages, causal relationships
for everyone, but many truths created and can be expressed by the following causative
Definition 1. a set of causative verbs [cause, make, create,
Cause and effect relationships -- do, effect, produce, occasion, perform, determine,
Causality is the relationship between cause and influence; construct, compose, constitute; provoke,
effect. Simple connections between cause and effect motivate, force, facilitate, induce, get, stimulate;
are linear and unidirectional. Complex connections begin, commence, initiate, institute, originate, start;
between cause and effect, when organizations are prevent, keep, restrain, preclude, forbid, stop, cease]
thought of as systems, involve, circular causality, 2. a set of causative names [actor, agent, author,
interdependent systems, and non-linearity. creator, designer, former, originator; antecedent,
Nonlinearity is where one variable can have a more causality, causation, condition, fountain, occasion,
than proportional effect on another due to the very origin, power, precedent, reason, source, spring;
complex connections between cause and effect. reason, grounds, motive, need, impulse];
With nonlinearity it may become unclear what 3. a set of effective names [consequence,
cause and effect mean, the links between cause and creation, development, effect, end, event, fruit,
effect may become distant in time and space, and impact, influence, issue, outcome, outgrowth,
the links between cause and effect may disappear product, result, upshot].
for all practical purposes. A causal relation between two events exists if the
occurrence of the first causes the other. The first
The philosophical concept of causality or causation event is called the cause and the second event is
refers to the set of all particular ""causal"" or called the effect. A correlation between two
""cause-and-effect"" relations. Most generally, variables does not imply causation. On the other
causation is a relationship that holds between hand, if there is a causal relationship between two
events, properties, variables, or states of affairs. variables, they must be correlated.

According to Sowa (2000), up until the twentieth Example:

century, three assumptions described by Max Born A study shows that there is a negative
in 1949 were dominant in the definition of correlation between a student's anxiety before a test
causality: and the student's score on the test. But we cannot
say that the anxiety causes a lower score on the test;
there could be other reasons—the student may not (although not impossible with the prevalence of
have studied well, for example. So, the correlation social media and online dating services) to meet
here does not imply causation. people outside of our immediate geographic area. In
However, consider the positive correlation other words, if we do not have the opportunity to
between the number of hours you spend studying meet and interact with someone at least a little, how
for a test and the grade you get on the test. Here, do we know if they are a person with whom we
there is causation as well; if you spend more time would like to explore a relationship? We cannot
studying, it results in a higher grade. meet, or maintain a long-term relationship, without
sharing some sense of proximity.
5. Romantic Relationship We are certainly not suggesting that we only
Developing and Maintaining Romantic have romantic relationships with carbon copies of
Relationships ourselves. Over the last few decades, there have
Like other relationships in our lives, been some dramatic shifts when it comes to
romantic relationships play an important role in numbers and perceptions of interracial marriage. It
fulfilling our needs for intimacy, social connection, is more and more common to see a wide variety of
and sexual relations. Like friendships, romantic people that make up married couples.
relationships also follow general stages of creation
and deterioration.
In many Western cultures, romantic General Stages of Creation and Deterioration
relationships are voluntary. They are free to decide Stages of Creation
whom to date and form life-long romantic Just like the steps we examined for
relationships. developing friendships, there are general stages we
In some Eastern cultures these decisions follow in the development and maintenance of
may be made by parents, or elders in the romantic relationships. Let’s look at these six stages
community, based on what is good for the family or of growth in romantic relationships.
social group. The first stage in the development of romantic
Even in Western societies, not everyone relationships is No Interaction. As the name
holds the same amount of freedom and power to suggests, the initial stage of a romantic relationship
determine their relational partners. Parents or occurs when two people have not interacted. For
society may discourage interracial, interfaith, or example, you may see someone you are attracted to
interclass relationships. While it is now legal for on the first day of class and think to yourself, “I
same-sex couples to marry, many same-sex couples really want to meet her.” Our attraction for someone
still suffer political and social restrictions when may motivate us to move beyond the no interaction
making choices about marrying and having stage to see if there is a possibility of developing a
children. Much of the research on how romantic romantic relationship.
relationships develop is based on relationships in
the West. In this context, romantic relationships can The second stage for developing romantic
be viewed as voluntary relationships between relationships is Invitational Communication.
individuals who have intentions that each person When we are attracted to someone, we may signal
will be a significant part of their ongoing lives. or invite them to interact with us. For example, you
Think about your own romantic relationships for a can do this by asking them to dinner, to dance at a
moment. To whom are you attracted? Chances are club, or even, “I really liked that movie. What did
they are people with whom you share common you think?” The significance here is in the relational
interests and encounter in your everyday routines level (how the people feel about each other) rather
such as going to school, work, or participation in than the content level (the topic) of the message. As
hobbies or sports. In other words, self-identity, the poet, Maya Angelou, explains, “Words mean
similarity, and proximity are three powerful more than what is set down on paper. It takes the
influences when it comes to whom we select as human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper
romantic partners. We often select others that we meaning.” The ‘shades of deeper meaning’ are the
deem appropriate for us as they fit our self-identity: relational level messages that invite others to
heterosexual pair up with other heterosexuals, continue exploring a possible romantic relationship.
lesbian women with other lesbian women, and so Quite often, we strategize how we might go about
forth. Social class, religious preference, and ethnic inviting people into communication with us so we
or racial identity are also great influences as people can explore potential romantic development.
are more likely to pair up with others of similar
backgrounds. Logically speaking, it is difficult
The third stage of developing romantic permanent part of their lives. In this stage, the
relationships is Explorational Communication. participants assume they will be in each other’s
When individuals respond favorably to our lives forever and make joint decisions about the
invitational communication, we then engage in future. While marriage is an obvious sign of
explorational communication. In this stage, we commitment it is not the only signifier of this stage.
share information about ourselves while looking for Some may mark their intention of staying together
mutual interests, shared political or religious views, in a commitment ceremony, or by registering as
and similarities in family background. domestic partners. Likewise, not all couples
Self-disclosure increases so we can give and receive planning a future together legally marry. Some may
personal information in a way that fosters trust and lose economic benefits if they marry, such as the
intimacy. Common dating activities in this stage loss of Social Security for seniors or others may
include going to parties or other publicly structured oppose the institution (and its inequality) of
events, such as movies or a concert, that foster marriage.
interaction and self-disclosure.
Obviously, simply committing is not enough to
The fourth stage of romantic relationships is maintain a relationship through tough times that
Intensifying Communication. If we continue to occur as couples grow and change. Like a ship set
be attracted (mentally, emotionally, and physically) on a destination, a couple must learn to steer
to one another, we begin engaging in intensifying though rough waves as well as calm waters. A
communication. This is the happy stage (the couple can accomplish this by learning to
“relationship high”) where we cannot bear to be communicate through the good and the bad.
away from the other person. It is here that you Navigating, is when a couple continues to revise
might plan all of your free time together, and begin their communication and ways of interacting to
to create a private relational culture. Going out to reflect the changing needs of each person. Done
parties and socializing with friends takes a back seat well, life’s changes are more easily enjoyed when
to more private activities such as cooking dinner viewed as a natural part of the life cycle. The
together at home or taking long walks on the beach. original patterns for managing dialectical tensions
Self-disclosure continues to increase as each person when a couple began dating, may not work when
has a strong desire to know and understand the they are managing two careers, children, and a
other. In this stage, we tend to idealize one another mortgage payment. Outside pressures such as
in that we downplay faults (or don’t see them at all), children, professional duties, and financial
seeing only the positive qualities of the other responsibilities put added pressure on relationships
person. that require attention and negotiation. If a couple
neglects to practice effective communication with
The fifth stage of romantic relationship one another, coping with change becomes
development is Revising Communication. When increasingly stressful and puts the relationship in
the “relational high” begins to wear off, couples jeopardy.
begin to have a more realistic perspective of one
another, and the relationship as a whole. Here, Stages of Deterioration
people may recognize the faults of the other person Not only do romantic couples progress through
that they so idealized in the previous stage. Also, a series of stages of growth, they also experience
couples must again make decisions about where to stages of deterioration. “Deterioration does not
go with the relationship—do they stay together and necessarily mean that a couple’s relationship will
work toward long-term goals, or define it as a end.” Instead, couples may move back and forth
short-term relationship? A couple may be deeply in from deterioration stages to growth stages
love and also make the decision to break off the throughout the course of their relationship.
relationship for a multitude of reasons. Perhaps one
person wants to join the Peace Corps after The first stage of deterioration, Dyadic
graduation and plans to travel the world, while the Breakdown, occurs when romantic partners begin to
other wants to settle down in their hometown. Their neglect the small details that have always bound
individual needs and goals may not be compatible them together. For example, they may stop cuddling
to sustain a long-term commitment. on the couch when they rent a movie and sit in
opposite chairs. Taken in isolation this example
Commitment is the sixth stage in developing does not mean a relationship is in trouble. However,
romantic relationships. This occurs when a couple when intimacy continues to decrease, and the
makes the decision to make the relationship a
partners feel dissatisfied, this dissatisfaction can Whatever the case, these models are valuable
lead to worrying about the relationship. because they provide us with a way to recognize
general communicative patterns and options we
The second stage of deterioration, the have at each stage of our relationships.
Intrapsychic Phase, occurs when partners worry that “Knowing what our choices are, and their
they do not connect with one another in ways they potential consequences, gives us greater tools to
used to, or that they no longer do fun things build the kind of relationships we desire in our
together. When this happens, they may begin to personal lives.”
imagine their life without the relationship. Rather
than seeing the relationship as a given, the couple Do You Engage in Relationship Maintenance?
may begin to wonder what life would be like not Relationship maintenance (or relational
being in the partnership. maintenance) refers to a variety of behaviors

The third stage of deterioration, the Dyadic exhibited by relational partners in an effort to
Phase, occurs when partners make the choice to talk maintain that relationship. Relational maintenance
about their problems. In this stage, they discuss how is defined by scholars in four different ways: to
to resolve the issues and may seek outside help such keep a relationship in existence.
as a therapist to help them work through the reasons
they are growing apart. This could also be the stage What is a Healthy Relationship?
where couples begin initial discussions about how “Different people define relationships in different
to divide up shared resources such as property, ways. But in order for a relationship to be healthy, it
money, or children. needs a few key ingredients!”

The fourth stage of deterioration, Social Support, Healthy Communication

occurs when termination is inevitable and the Open, honest, and safe communication is a
partners begin to look outside the relationship for fundamental part of a healthy relationship. The first
social support. In this stage couples will make the step to building a relationship is making sure you
news public by telling friends, family, or children both understand each other’s needs and
that the relationship is ending. As family members expectations—being on the same page is very
listen to problems, or friends offer invitations to go important. That means you have to talk to each
out and keep busy, they provide social support. The other!
couple needs social support from outside The following tips can help you and your partner
individuals in the process of letting go of the create and maintain a healthy relationship:
relationship and coming to terms with its Speak Up. In a healthy relationship, if
termination. something is bothering you, it’s best to talk about it
instead of holding it in.
The fifth stage of deterioration, Grave Dressing, Respect Each Other. Your partner’s wishes
occurs when couples reach closure in a relationship and feelings have value, and so do yours. Let your
and move on with life. Like a literal death, a significant other know you are making an effort to
relationship that has ended should be mourned. keep their ideas in mind. Mutual respect is essential
People need time to go through this process in order in maintaining healthy relationships.
to fully understand the meaning of the relationship, Compromise. Disagreements are a natural
why it ended, and what they can learn from the part of healthy relationships, but it’s important that
experience. Going through this stage in a healthy you find a way to compromise if you disagree on
way helps us learn to navigate future relationships something. Try to solve conflicts in a fair and
more successfully. rational way.
Be Supportive. Offer reassurance and
You can probably recognize many of these encouragement to each other. Also, let your partner
stages from your own relationships or from know when you need their support. Healthy
relationships you’ve observed. Experience will tell relationships are about building each other up, not
you that we do not always follow these stages in a putting each other down.
linear way. A couple, for example, may enter Respect Each Other’s Privacy. Just
counseling during the dyadic phase, work out their because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you
problems, and enter a second term of intensifying have to share everything and constantly be together.
communication, revising, and so forth. Other Healthy relationships require space.
couples may skip some stages all together.
Healthy Boundaries deserve to be respected. There is no excuse for
Creating boundaries is a good way to keep abuse of any kind.
your relationship healthy and secure. By setting
boundaries together, you can both have a deeper If you think your relationship is unhealthy, it’s
understanding of the type of relationship that you important to think about your safety now.
and your partner want. Boundaries are not meant to Consider these points as you move forward:
make you feel trapped or like you’re “walking on Understand that a person can only change if they
eggshells.” Creating boundaries is not a sign of want to. You can’t force your partner to alter their
secrecy or distrust — it’s an expression of what behavior if they don’t believe they’re wrong.
makes you feel comfortable and what you would Focus on your own needs. Are you taking care of
like or not like to happen within the relationship. yourself? Your wellness is always important. Watch
Remember, healthy boundaries shouldn’t restrict your stress levels, take time to be with friends, get
your ability to: enough sleep. If you find that your relationship is
· Go out with your friends without your draining you, consider ending it.
partner. Connect with your support systems. Often, abusers
· Participate in activities and hobbies you like. try to isolate their partners. Talk to your friends,
· Not have to share passwords to your email, family members, teachers and others to make sure
social media accounts or phone. you’re getting the emotional support you need.
· Respect each other’s individual likes and Remember, our advocates are always ready to talk if
needs. you need a listening ear.
Healthy Relationship Boosters Think about breaking up. Remember that you
Even healthy relationships can use a boost deserve to feel safe and accepted in your
now and then. You may need a boost if you feel relationship.
disconnected from your partner or like the Even though you cannot change your partner, you
relationship has gotten stale. If so, find a fun, simple can make changes in your own life to stay safe.
activity you both enjoy, like going on a walk, and Consider leaving your partner before the abuse gets
talk about the reasons why you want to be in the worse. Whether you decide to leave or stay, make
relationship. Then, keep using healthy behaviors as sure to use our safety planning tips to stay safe.
you continue dating. Remember, you have many options — including
If you’re single (and especially if you’re a obtaining a domestic violence restraining order.
single parent), don’t worry if you need a boost too! Laws vary from state to state so chat with a peer
Being single can be the best and worst feeling, but advocate to learn more.
remember relationships don’t just include your
significant other and you. Think about all the great When maintaining a relationship, any behavior
times you’ve had with your parents, siblings, that is positive and promotes deepening trust and
friends, children, other family members, etc.. closeness between people is a prosocial
Try going out with the people you love and care maintenance behavior. The more prosocial
about the most — watch movies together, go out to behavior is evident in a relationship, the more
eat, take a day off from your busy life and just enjoy likely for strong bonds to be formed, and the
being you! If it helps, also talk about your feelings relationship to prosper and continue. Low levels
about the relationships in your life. If you just want of Prosocial maintenance behavior gives less
them to listen, start by telling them that. Then ask reinforcement in the relationship, and thus more a
what makes relationships good and what makes weak foundation often leads to the relationships
them bad. And don’t forget, the relationship you deterioration, or at least non-progression.
can always boost up is the one you have with Specific prosocial maintenance behaviors that
yourself! could be exhibited by prosocial standards are
What Isn’t a Healthy Relationship? positivity, openness, assurances, social networking,
Relationships that are not healthy are task sharing, supportiveness, romance, humor, and
based on power and control, not equality and joint activities. Each of these qualities equates to
respect. In the early stages of an abusive spending time together, and interacting either
relationship, you may not think the unhealthy physically or emotionally.
behaviors are a big deal. However, possessiveness, Prosocial maintenance behavior does not value
insults, jealous accusations, yelling, humiliation, one source of positivity more than the other,
pulling hair, pushing or other abusive behaviors, are although the individual might. Verbalizing your
— at their root — exertions of power and control. fondness for your partner through positive speech
Remember that abuse is always a choice and you might be what your partner specifically craves in
your relationship, while another partner might find The foundation of the Gottman Method, this
more affection in your willingness to help with tool summarizes what masters of relationships
household chores together. This type of task sharing know: it’s not about having a perfect relationship
is also a part of what is known as routine but about putting effort into building friendship,
maintenance, and a relatively equal effort by each connection, and positive regard. This tool also
party is a prosocial function that greatly adds to teaches how to manage
relationship satisfaction.
conflict and avoid the Four Horseman, which are
As a contrast to prosocial behavior that is used the destructive patterns that show up in conflict.
to strengthen bonds and reinforce a relationship, Understanding the Sound Relationship House
anti-social maintenance behavior is another Build Love Maps
strategic behavior pattern that can be used to Knowing each other’s love maps means
maintain a current relationship. Its use of continuing staying curious about your partner’s inner world.
a relationship at its current level, would be to For example, what are your partner’s current
decline invitations to opportunities to create new stressors? What are their dreams? Who is close to
levels of a relationship. By declining these them? You become a master when you feel known
opportunities, this exemplifies an Antisocial by your partner and you know their love map as
behavior, which is generally deliberate in its well.
Share Fondness and Admiration
First Stage - Acquaintance: It depends on Fondness and Admiration are crucial to
previous relationship, physical proximity, first happy relationships. Remembering your partner’s
impression, etc., positive qualities helps to build a stronger bond and
Failing to understand the difference between allows you to maintain a sense of respect for your
a friend and an acquaintance can easily become the partner. This can go a long way in reducing the
biggest detriment to growing as an individual. effects of the Four Horseman (Contempt, Criticism,
Sounds heavy but it’s true. We deal with so many Defensiveness and Stonewalling).
people on a daily basis that we get caught up in the Turn Towards Instead of Away
moment without awareness of whether we should Living busy lives and holding up
be treating the person in front of us as a friend or an responsibilities can lead to two partners living
acquaintance. parallel to one another. By turning towards one
A friend is someone that coincides with another, couples acknowledge each other and make
your principles and provides you with wisdom, space when one of them tries to connect.
honesty and loyalty in order to make you a Responding to your partner when they lean in is a
better person. The same thing goes for the reverse. vital piece of a happy relationship.
Friendship is a two-way relationship. The Positive Perspective
An acquaintance is someone you see When the three previous levels have been
possibly every day at school or work or maybe built, a positive perspective on the relationship takes
you see every now and then through common form and a willingness to give your partner the
activity. An acquaintance is someone you help benefit of the doubt develops. When your partner is
without expecting anything in return. This isn’t a in a bad mood, you won’t automatically take it
person you open up to or provide high level of personally or feel attacked. Instead, you may ask
commitment to. about what is going on for them, verses bracing for
Second Stage - Build-up: People begin to trust and Manage Conflict
care for each other. Learning how to manage conflict is crucial
to any relationship. Couples counseling can help
Building a Sound Relationship House prevent such things as harsh startups to
John Gottman has spent the past four conversations, escalating conflicts that cause people
decades studying relationships. From over 3,000 to feel flooded, and use of the Four Horsemen.
couples studied and followed, he has learned a lot Techniques include listening to each other’s
about what to do and not do in a partnership. With perspective, recognizing what triggers are being
that knowledge, he’s built a tool on what does work activated, apologizing for your part, and making a
in relationships called The Sound Relationship plan should this happen in the future, all of which
House Theory. help couples process a fight rather than rehash it.
Make Life Dreams Come True
After learning to manage conflict, couples some effort, but learn to give in to your partner at
who are masters at relationship can focus on making times. Pick your battles. It
their own and their partner’s dreams come true,
both as individuals and as a couple. Sometimes, this could be as simple as picking which movie the two
may be the hardest part, of you will go see for your date night. If your
girlfriend wants to go see the new chick flick, don’t
especially when one partner has a dream or goal complain; just agree that the two of you will go see
that appears to conflict with the other person, so an action movie the following week. Obviously,
compromise is involved. Ultimately, both partners some situations will be much more serious, but the
should feel honored that they can live their best life same rules apply.
with a partner who supports them. Commit
Create Shared Meaning Communicating and compromising with
Creating Shared Meaning, the final piece of your significant other are tasks that are easier said
Building a Sound Relationship House, is about than done. You may read over them and think, "No
building a shared sense of purpose or a legacy as a problem. I can do that." But, when it comes down to
couple. It involves creating unique traditions, being it, it’s going to take some effort on your part as well
on the same page with roles and symbols within the as your partner’s. If you aren’t fully committed to
marriage, having compatible views and fixing your difficult relationship, it will ultimately
philosophies about parenting, money, work-life fall apart. To make your relationship work, you will
balance, etc. Sometimes these take time to develop. both need to focus on being patient and extra
Third Stage - Continuation: It follows a mutual sensitive to the needs of your partner.
commitment for a long duration. If you feel that fixing your relationship is
worth the time and you are both willing to put in the
Difficult Relationships and the Three C’s that effort to make it work, then it certainly can be done.
Fix Them Sometimes one person can go to counseling to start
“WE’VE ALL HAD OUR FAIR SHARE OF BAD the process and this in itself will effect change in
RELATIONSHIPS, BUT SOME JUST MIGHT the relationship. Stop ignoring your disagreements
BE WORTH SAVING.” and learn to compromise every now and then, and
If you’re in the midst of a difficult relationship but you should be on the right path to a closer more
aren’t quite ready to throw in the towel, here “The loving connection. It’s all about teamwork, making
Three C’s” that could help you out. each other feel loved, respected and adored.

Fixing Difficult Relationships Fourth Stage - Deterioration: Not all relationship

If you feel that fixing a difficult relationship is deteriorates. Some may deteriorate due to loss of
worth the time and you are both willing to put in the trust or dissatisfaction.
effort to make it work, then it certainly can be done. Some students and teachers click right from
the start, and other student-teacher relationships
Communicate take time to develop. Unfortunately, there are
Communication is one of the most important occasions when teachers and students have
aspects of any relationship, especially a romantic long-lasting relationship problems. A poor
relationship. One of the biggest mistakes couples relationship could be the result of a broken bond
make is sweeping disagreements and arguments between them or an ongoing unresolved conflict
under the rug instead of talking out the situation and that keeps the two from connecting. In a situation
attempting to understand one another’s feelings. where the student poses no danger to a teacher, the
While ending the argument by leaving and letting teacher is often expected to establish a working
each other cool off may allow you both to forget relationship with the student.
about the situation by the next day, those types of It's part of the teacher's role as an educator and
situations will keep coming up if you don’t learn to mentor to exercise good judgment when dealing
understand your significant other’s expectations. with students
This suggestion, in some ways, relates to the Insensitivity to Student Needs
last. After you have learned to communicate, A lack of awareness on the part of the
sometimes the only way to end a disagreement is to instructor leads to poor teacher-student
compromise. If you are both completely set, in relationships. Not all students respond the same way
different directions and can’t learn to compromise, to lessons, and some require personalized
some situations can never be resolved. It will take educational practices. For example, a teacher
front of classmates and demonstrate apathy do their
might assume that a student who never volunteers in students a great disservice. Instructors should
class is apathetic or disengaged. In reality, the always try to show appreciation, respect, kindness
student might be a visual learner who doesn't and patience. Displaying flaring tempers, yelling at
respond well to lecture-style teaching. Relationship students and expressing frequent irritation results in
troubles between teachers and student’s surface stressful and unhealthy teacher-student
when a teacher doesn't consider an individual relationships. Similarly, students who show
student's educational needs. Personality, family disrespect, badmouth teachers or ignore
backgrounds, thought processes, learning styles, well-meaning guidance contribute to strained
priorities, maturity levels and academic goals relationships.
influence each student's ability to learn and connect
with educators. Teachers are wise to view each Fifth Stage – Termination: This final stage leads
student as an individual who deserves one-on-one to an end of the relationship either by death or
attention and specialized, focused instruction separation
whenever possible. When relationship can’t be maintained at a
less developed level, it will end. Most especially
Teacher Bullying when people no longer interact with each other.
Bullying by a teacher leads to poor relationships Relationship termination, the voluntary or
with students. Teacher bullying defined as "using involuntary ending of relationships is an area of
power to punish, manipulate, or disparage a student difficulty for many people. Because we invest
beyond what would be a reasonable disciplinary ourselves in order to enter into the relationship to
procedure." When elementary, junior high, high end it seems can have painful consequences such as
school and even college instructors bully students, feelings of grief, disturbed self-esteem and
their behavior results in dysfunctional self-confidence.
teacher-student relationships. Students don't trust The degree of distress depends on many
teachers who bully them, and they don't feel that factors, such as the type of relationship (friendship,
those instructors have their best interests in mind. courtship, engagement, marriage, student-teacher)
Some students lash out at teachers who bully them length of relationship, frequency of meetings, etc.
or withdraw completely -- neither of which is a Rules to remember
healthy or productive option.
Responsibilities in the Teacher/Learner
Crossed Lines and Mixed Signals Relationship
Teachers often send students mixed messages. A. Responsibilities of teachers
Social networking, texting and online 1. Treat all learners with respect and fairness.
teacher-student interactions complicate classroom 2. Treat all learners equally regardless of age,
relationships. In some cases, teachers get too gender, race, ethnicity, national origin,
friendly with their students and cross lines of religion, disability, or sexual orientation.
professionalism, even when sexual misconduct 3. Provide current materials in an effective
doesn't occur. For example, some students lose format for learning.
respect for teachers who accept their Facebook 4. Be on time for didactic, investigational, and
friend requests and post images of themselves clinical encounters.
taking part in inappropriate behaviors. When a 5. Provide timely feedback with constructive
teacher's private, personal life becomes a part of the suggestions and opportunities for
classroom environment, some students lose sight of improvement/remediation when needed.
appropriate boundaries. B. Responsibilities of learners
1. Treat all fellow learners and teachers with
Troublesome Behavior respect and fairness.
A leading cause of dissension between teachers and 2. Treat all fellow learners and teachers equally
students is rude, disrespectful or condescending regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity,
behavior. Teachers are often to blame for these national origin, religion, disability, or sexual
types of infractions, but students are guilty as well. orientation.
Teachers who interrupt students, blame them for 3. Commit the time and energy to your studies
classroom problems, ignore students' personal necessary to achieve the goals and
needs, criticize them in objectives of each course.
4. Be on time for didactic, investigational, and Interpersonal vs. Intrapersonal: What’s the
clinical encounters. Difference?
5. Communicate concerns/suggestions about In a nutshell, your interpersonal skills help
the curriculum, didactic methods, teachers, you collaborate and work with others, while your
or the learning environment in a respectful, intrapersonal skills help you recognize your own
professional manner. strengths and weaknesses. Both are soft skills that
contribute greatly to your personal growth, the
The role of the teacher within the classroom ability to set and achieve your goals, and your
appears to be the single most important factor in our overall success in both your personal and
educational setting. Although the majority of professional lives.
studies in the field of interaction analysis have What Are Interpersonal Skills and Why Are
focused upon the relationship of teaching They Important?
techniques to academic achievement, there is an Ø Good interpersonal skills boil down to your
increasing interest in the interpersonal relationships power to communicate effectively, work
between teacher and students (Robinson, Wilson, & collaboratively, and create worthwhile
Robinson, 1981). relationships with friends, peers, and clients.
Consequently, teachers often have rather Good interpersonal skills can, therefore, ease
detailed knowledge of various teaching techniques, your way both personally and professionally.
but limited awareness of the importance of the Ø Without good interpersonal skills, you may
interpersonal process in teaching. This limited find it difficult to fit in anywhere or ‘read a
awareness is unfortunate, because according to room,” and you can inadvertently damage
Thomas, Karmas, and Altekruse (1981) "Effective your working environment or create friction
relationships between teachers and students are that impairs your creativity, productivity, and
essential if students are to have more time to learn value to your team or company.
and teachers are to have more time to teach" 1 Ø Good interpersonal skills boil down to your
(p.67). Furthermore, Wagner (1983) states that, "A power to communicate effectively, work
classroom climate is established through the collaboratively, and create worthwhile
working relations which exist between a teacher and relationships.
pupils" (p.392). Ø Professionals with strong interpersonal skills
Interpersonal interaction skills revolve know how to work with other people.
around the ability of the teacher to provide certain They’re conscious of everything from their
core conditions which are essential in creating a body language to their tone of voice, not just
positive educational setting. These conditions the message they’re delivering through their
consist of warmth, empathy, respect, genuineness, words.
concreteness, self-disclosure, immediacy, and
confrontation. In summary, Smith (1980) states that, Some of the top interpersonal skills you need in a
"Focus upon the nature of teacher-pupil interaction collaborative environment include:
and its relationship to pupil progress could give 1. Empathy: Your ability to connect with other
insight into the people involved in correcting people’s feelings and thoughts can help you
deficiencies in communication skills and other bond with your colleagues, boost morale, and
academic deficits" inspire loyalty.
2. Inclusiveness: An important part of team
Interpersonal vs. Intrapersonal Skills building, inclusiveness builds a culture of
Human beings are inherently social creatures, growth and encourages creative thinking. It
thriving best when they can develop connections helps others feel safe expressing their ideas.
with other people that are both productive and 3. Influence: Your ability to get others to listen to
fulfilling. So, how do you make that happen? You you and make positive changes can ensure a
do it by developing both your interpersonal and better working environment and help you
intrapersonal skills. achieve greater results.
Far too often, people focus on one set of these skills 4. Responsiveness: When you respond to requests
and neglect the others, which limits them and for information or concerns promptly and
subverts their goals. When you develop strong clearly, you ease the frustrations of others and
interpersonal and intrapersonal skills alike, you gain show that you value their time, thoughts, and
the tools that will help you advance your career and energy.
find greater enjoyment in your life overall.
What Are Intrapersonal Skills and Why Are understand what you want, what you don’t
They Important? want, and why you are the way you are.
Your intrapersonal skills are all about the · Intrapersonal intelligence is a form of
internal dialogue you have with yourself. Good intelligence we all share. The problem is, not
intrapersonal communication skills help you many of us know how to use our
manage your emotions effectively, set goals, interpersonal intelligence to our advantage.
self-motivate, cope with distractions, strategize and · Intrapersonal intelligence is the capacity to
adjust your approach to any given situation as explore one's inner world and feelings. This
needed. type of intelligence can help a person focus on
Some of the most important intrapersonal skills planning and managing their life.
in a collaborative work environment include: NOTE: Children with high intrapersonal
1. Productivity: Your ability to handle your intelligence potential have an idea of what they
workload and produce above-average results want to achieve and how they can achieve it.
stems from your internal strengths and core Children with intrapersonal intelligence often score
motivation. higher in other types of intelligence too.
2. Resilience: When you bounce back from For example, someone with intrapersonal
disappointments and setbacks with ease, you intelligence, such as Albert Einstein or Socrates,
showcase your inner positivity and power. may also have the potential for improved verbal and
3. Resourcefulness: Knowing how to optimize numerical intelligence.
what you have inspires creativity and helps you In 1983, developmental psychologist Howard
generate new ideas. Gardner defined these 8 different types of
How Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Skills intelligence and learning styles according to the
Work Together for Career and Life Success multiple intelligence theory:
Intrapersonal skills are a requirement for Ø Linguistic intelligence
consistently good interpersonal skills. After all, if
you don’t understand your own needs, you can’t Ø Mathematical intelligence
easily recognize the needs of others. If you haven’t Ø Existential intelligence
taken care of yourself, it can be impossible to put Ø Kinesthetic intelligence
the focus on others. Your intrapersonal skills, such Ø Musical intelligence
as self-awareness, resilience, and positivity, allow Ø Intrapersonal intelligence
you to better contribute to your team or company. Ø Spatial intelligence
The confidence you build through Ø Social intelligence
intrapersonal communication conveys a sense to According to Gardner's theory, intelligence is
others that you have yourself together. People not a steady phenomenon. People can hold
generally trust and enjoy working with other people different types and levels of intelligence.
that seem to be full of positivity and strength, so A person with advanced potential in
strong intrapersonal skills tend to inspire even mathematical intelligence will understand the world
stronger trust and collaboration. through mathematics, whereas intrapersonal
Essentially, your intrapersonal skills involve intelligence provides the chance to see the world
self-awareness and an internal dialogue with from a different angle. According to Gardner, a
yourself that informs your interpersonal skills and person who cannot master mathematics cannot be
the interactions you have with those around you. considered as less successful or intelligent than
Together, they form the emotional intelligence that someone who can.
can set you apart from everyone else in your field. On the other hand, Gardner's theory also has
Intrapersonal Intelligence and communication some drawbacks. For example, it is very difficult to
Skills know exactly how many different kinds of
Intrapersonal Intelligence intelligence areas are possible. Likewise, we cannot
Intrapersonal (‘intra’ – ‘within’) intelligence is the speak of a standard intelligence test or an
intelligence of the self. It’s the ability to decipher intrapersonal intelligence test that can reveal these
and analyze your individual motives, desires, types of intelligence.
thoughts, and emotions.
· Self-reflection, self-inquiry, and self-analysis PEOPLE WITH INTRAPERSONAL
are all methods of intrapersonal intelligence. INTELLIGENCE?
Having this form of intelligence helps you The journey to know and understand others
for people with intrapersonal intelligence starts with
knowing their selves. Only after getting to know Children with intrapersonal intelligence are aware
oneself will one have a chance to understand other of their intelligence. They know what goals they
people, their inner worlds and thoughts. want to achieve and what they need to do to achieve
We cannot define people with intrapersonal them. They learn from their mistakes and often
intelligence as narcissistic people. Narcissism is enjoy individual work.
evaluated as a personality disorder, while How is intrapersonal intelligence developed? What
intrapersonal intelligence is not a disorder. In needs to be done to develop intrapersonal
addition, people with intrapersonal intelligence are intelligence potential?
concerned with the environment around them, as
well as with themselves. Here are some development suggestions for those
Individuals with high intrapersonal who want to improve their intrapersonal
intelligence potential are highly motivated to apply intelligence:
learnings from life to their own lives and values. 1- Keep a diary
These people are often very determined to achieve A diary can help you see what's going on around
their goals. you from a different angle. Routinely keeping a
diary also helps create awareness. If it seems old
Here are some additional characteristics of school to write a diary, it can also be logged using a
people with intrapersonal intelligence: voice recorder.
Ø They can easily apply what they have learned to “Writing in a diary reminds you of your goals and
their own lives. learning in life. It offers a place where you can hold
Ø They start getting to know other people by a deliberate, thoughtful conversation with yourself.”
getting to know themselves. - Robin Sharma
Ø They enjoy being alone and dealing with 2- Take thinking breaks
something alone. Thinking is one of the greatest abilities of mankind.
Ø Their intuition is strong. You can develop your intrapersonal intelligence
Ø Although they are aware of their strengths, they with short thought breaks. It doesn't matter what
often do not boast about it. you think. You will be shocked by the impact of
Ø They are independent and have high thought journeys during your short breaks in a day.
self-confidence. 3- Consider all types of intelligence
Ø They can control many feelings, especially If we use Howard Gardner's theory of multiple
anger. intelligences, we can say that one person can be
Ø Young people may be more introverted successful in more than one intelligence field. Apart
compared to their peers. from your intrapersonal intelligence, you can
Ø They like to process the events they’ve improve yourself in many areas, especially visual
experienced. and verbal intelligence.
Ø They seek to understand their own mistakes in 4- Develop social hobbies
any negative events they have experienced in Intrapersonal intelligence does not only apply to a
order to avoid similar situations in the future. person’s inner thoughts and feelings; people with
Ø They tend to express their feelings and thoughts high intrapersonal intelligence can also understand
in creative ways. For example, through writing other people's feelings and thoughts, which is a very
or music. important leadership trait.
Ø Development is inevitable for people with high Children with high intrapersonal intelligence
intrapersonal intelligence potential. They can potential may have difficulty adapting to social
constantly look for new life philosophies and settings, but this is the kind of problem that can be
ways to improve themselves. overcome with social hobbies. More involvement
among social communities can help manage and
USEFUL TIPS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF eventually eliminate social anxiety.
PEOPLE WITH INTRAPERSONAL 5- Be involved in personal development activities
INTELLIGENCE or read books
As Howard Gardner said, “Everything worth We have mentioned that children with high
learning can be taught in different ways. The intrapersonal intelligence may constantly seek to
diversity of these methods stimulates multiple develop themselves. To support them, you can help
intelligence.” your child towards personal development activities
By using effective learning tools and exercises, you and give age-appropriate personal development
can always develop your cognitive potential in books.
different ways.
Child-friendly workshops are great social activities What Is an Intrapersonal Intelligent Person?
for personal development. With this type of
education, children develop the right skillset for So, what does someone with strong intrapersonal
Education 4.0. intelligence look like? People with intrapersonal
intelligence are often quite introspective. They are
What is Intrapersonal Communication? proficient self-analyzers, able to step back and
Intrapersonal communication can be defined view themselves with an objective, critical eye.
as communication with one’s self, and that may A person with well-developed intrapersonal
include self-talk, acts of imagination and intelligence is in tune with themselves. They want
visualization, and even recall and memory to learn about and understand themselves better.
(McLean, 2005). You read on your phone that your They aim to discover why they think, feel, act the
friends are going to have dinner at your favourite way they do and learn how to influence the habit
restaurant. What comes to mind? Sights, sounds, patterns and behaviors they don’t like about
and scents? Something special that happened the themselves as much.
last time you were there? Do you contemplate For example, those with intrapersonal
joining them? Do you start to work out a plan of intelligence are often self-disciplined. If you know
getting from your present location to the restaurant? someone that’s able to self-motivate and is an
Do you send your friends a text asking if they want ambitious self-starter, they’re likely exercising their
company? Until the moment when you hit the intrapersonal intelligence.
“send” button, you are communicating with Someone who’s able to get themselves to the
yourself. gym every day or practice meditation on a routine
Communications expert Leonard Shedletsky basis has enough self-knowledge to know what they
examined intrapersonal communication through the need to do to stay motivated and self-disciplined.
eight basic components of the communication That’s intrapersonal intelligence in action.
process (i.e., source, receiver, message, channel,
feedback, environment, context, and interference) as
transactional, but all the interaction occurs within
the individual (Shedletsky, 1989).
From planning to problem solving, internal
conflict resolution, and evaluations and judgments
of self and others, we communicate with ourselves
through intrapersonal communication. All this
interaction takes place in the mind without
externalization, and all of it relies on previous Activity:
interaction with the external world.
1. From the basic concept of relationship as
Why Is It Important to Focus on Intrapersonal defined from interpersonal and intrapersonal
Intelligence? point of view give at least 10 more types of
Everyone has different strengths, and it’s important relationship and explain in your own
to play to those strengths. But it’s also important to understanding.
develop areas where you don’t feel quite as strong. 2. In a family relationship, how do you establish
We need to understand how our minds work so we boundaries? Enumerate at least 5 and justify
can work our minds better your answer.
-Jim Kwik, Author of Mindvalley’s Superbrain 3. In a friend relationship, how can you show that
Program you are an active listener at the same time be
The more we understand about the different forms open to criticism under a difficult situation?
of intelligence we possess, the better we can wield 4. In any relationship how can you maintain a
them in our everyday lives. positive attitude when you are betrayed? Try to
What Does It Mean to Have Intrapersonal establish the Causal Relationship in this
Intelligence? situation.
Believe it or not, intrapersonal intelligence is an 5. As a future teacher, through observation, cite
underdeveloped skill for many of us. Everyone one good example of your experience of a good
possesses a form of intrapersonal intelligence. relationship that is worth emulating from a
But many of us lack the understanding of how to particular teacher. Describe how that teacher
use this form of intelligence for our benefit. made an impact to your life.

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