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Department of Neurology, Talpiot Medical Leadership Program, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel HaShomer, and Joseph Sagol
Neuroscience Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel 52621
Department of Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Accepted 15 March 2016

ABSTRACT: Introduction: Quantification of blood flow to muscle sents the amount of blood present in the vascular
using ultrasound is limited to large vessels. Small vessel intra- bed.10 The power Doppler signal is not directly
muscular blood flow cannot be quantified using ultrasound with-
out specialized methods or intravenous contrast. Methods: We quantifiable at the bedside in commercially avail-
describe a technique using power Doppler to quantify postcon- able ultrasound systems and is instead described
traction hyperemia in intramuscular vessels that can be used at qualitatively.11–13 Prior techniques to quantify small
the bedside. Results: In 11 healthy subjects, postcontraction
intramuscular blood flow in the forearm flexors and tibialis ante- vessel intramuscular blood flow using power Dopp-
rior muscles increased with stronger and repeated contractions. ler required either specialized techniques and cus-
Intravascular blood flow measured by pulsed Doppler in the tomized software,14 or intravenous contrast and
brachial artery similarly increased. Three patients with muscular
dystrophies showed a negligible increase of postcontraction rigorously controlled protocols that are impractical
intramuscular blood flow. Conclusions: Intramuscular blood flow for use at the bedside.15
can be quantified using power Doppler ultrasonography; it The goal of this study was to describe a nonin-
increases following contraction and may be reduced in patients
with muscular dystrophies. This quantitative, noninvasive tech- vasive method for quantifying intramuscular blood
nique can be applied at the bedside and may facilitate studies flow that can be performed at the bedside in the
of disease impact on intramuscular blood flow. clinical setting using commercially available equip-
Muscle Nerve 54: 872–878, 2016
ment and a protocol suitable for both children
and adults. We used power Doppler ultrasonogra-
phy to quantify baseline intramuscular blood flow
Blood flow to muscle increases in response to and postcontraction hyperemia in the forearm
muscle activity. Seconds after a brief muscle con- flexors and tibialis anterior muscles following dif-
traction, intra-arterial blood flow rapidly increases ferent degrees of muscle activation. We also com-
and peaks within 10–15 s.1–3 Quantification of pared power Doppler measures of intramuscular
blood flow dynamics in response to muscle activity blood flow in the forearm to pulsed Doppler meas-
typically is performed using pulse-wave Doppler ures of intra-arterial flow in the brachial artery and
ultrasonography on a large artery supplying the compared healthy volunteers with patients with
activated muscle, such as the brachial artery follow- MD.
ing hand-grip contraction.3,4 This technique does
not assess blood flow in the smaller, intramuscular
vessels. Muscle disorders with pathology affecting Subjects. The study was approved by the Washing-
intramuscular vessels include myositis,5,6 Duchenne ton University Institutional Review Board. All par-
muscular dystrophy (MD),7,8 and small fiber neu- ticipants gave written consent/assent. We enrolled
ropathy.9 Blood flow in these smaller, intramuscu- 11 healthy control subjects (5 men/boys) consist-
lar vessels cannot be measured by pulsed Doppler ing of 8 adults (age 26–57 years; 4 men) and 3
ultrasound and is, therefore, more challenging to children (ages 6, 8, and 10 years). All were right
quantify than blood flow in larger arteries. hand dominant, denied histories of neuromuscular
Power Doppler is sensitive for detecting slow or peripheral vascular symptoms, disorders involv-
blood flow characteristic of small vessels and repre- ing the studied limbs, and diabetes mellitus. We
also enrolled 3 patients (men) with muscular dys-
Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of trophies (Becker MD, ages 19 and 54 years; and
this article. undefined limb girdle MD, age 54 years).
Abbreviations: MD, muscular dystrophy
Key words: blood flow; contraction; Doppler; dystrophy; muscle; Exercise protocol. Subjects were examined lying
ultrasound prone on an exam table in the supine position
The study was supported by the Washington University in St. Louis Neu-
romuscular Research Fund, the National Institute of Health Neurological with the arm supinated and feet extended just
Sciences Academic Development Award Grant Number K12 NS00169009
and the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (UL1 TR000448).
beyond the edge of the examination table in a
neutral position to allow for unobstructed range of
Correspondence to: A. Dori; e-mail:
motion at the ankle. Two subjects with MD pre-
C 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online 3 August 2016 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.
ferred not to lie flat and were examined seated
com). DOI 10.1002/mus.25108 with the arm slightly elevated and supported by a
872 Muscle Blood Flow Sonography MUSCLE & NERVE November 2016
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pillow at the level of the heart. Subjects performed repeated brief (1 s) contraction followed by 4 s of
single and repeated brief (1 s) muscle contrac- rest.
tions. Single contractions were performed at vary-
Quantification of Intramuscular Blood Flow from
ing degrees of effort as follows:
Power Doppler Images. We measured intramuscu-
Forearm Flexors Assessment. Subjects were lar blood flow using power Doppler, and we meas-
instructed to quickly and briefly squeeze a hand- ured intra-arterial blood flow using continuous
held dynamometer (Jamar), to provide a minimal pulse-wave color Doppler, as follows. Ultrasound
(1/3 of maximal strength), moderate (2/3 of videos were exported and analyzed using ImageJ
maximal strength), or maximal effort, followed (National Institutes of Health; Bethesda, MD). In
each time by complete relaxation. Grip strength each video, we selected a region of interest that
(lbs-force) was recorded following each assessment. included the entire visualized axial area of the
Subjects were asked to estimate their force effort forearm flexors or tibialis anterior muscles, exclud-
(minimal, moderate, or maximal amounts), with- ing skin and bone. We applied the same region of
out real-time feedback from the quantified grip interest to each frame in the video. There are 2
strength. steps to quantify the power Doppler signal from
Tibialis Anterior Assessment. Assessment of the the ultrasound image: (1) selecting and (2) meas-
tibialis anterior was performed only in healthy con- uring the amount of colored (power Doppler) pix-
trols. For obtaining minimal effort, subjects were els in the image. We selected only the colored
instructed to quickly and briefly dorsiflex the foot pixels (the power Doppler signal) and excluded
against gravity. For obtaining maximal effort, sub- the gray-scale pixels (the soft tissue/bone back-
jects were instructed to quickly and briefly dorsi- ground) using the thresholdcolour plugin (ImageJ)
flex the foot with maximal effort. Dynamometry with the following settings: color saturation, 80–
was not performed in the leg. At least 1 min of 255, and brightness, 60–255 red/green/blue pix-
rest was allowed between single contractions for els. Once colored pixels were selected, we trans-
blood flow to return to baseline levels, which was formed selected and unselected pixels to a binary
confirmed by imaging before each subsequent value (1-selected or 0-unselected). To quantify the
exercise. For repeated maximal contraction, subjects intramuscular blood flow, we measured the per-
were instructed to perform repeated, brief (1 s) centage area occupied by the selected (colored)
maximal contraction (grip or ankle dorsiflexion) pixels within the region of interest in the muscle.
immediately followed by 4 s of relaxation, for a This procedure was applied to each frame within
total of 2 min. the video, and results were exported to Microsoft
Ultrasonography Protocol. All ultrasound examina-
Intramuscular Blood Flow Measures. We graphed
tions were performed using a Philips iu22 imaging
the intramuscular blood flow (% area within the
system with an L12–5 linear array probe. Two
muscle occupied by blood flow) sequentially for
investigators (A.D., C.M.Z.) obtained all ultrasound
each frame of captured video. We identified fluctu-
images. We acquired axial ultrasound images of
ations of the intramuscular blood flow between sys-
the right forearm flexors and tibialis anterior
tole and diastole and identified movement artifact
muscles at the junction of the proximal and mid-
during contraction. We chose to only analyze
dle thirds of the muscle. We held the ultrasound measurements during diastole. The baseline dia-
probe perpendicular to the skin and used copious stolic intramuscular blood flow was calculated by
transducer gel to ensure light transducer pressure. averaging the intramuscular blood flow during
Care was taken to ensure that probe positioning diastole of 3–4 heart cycles at baseline. To measure
was held constant throughout image acquisition. intramuscular blood flow after contraction, we
All ultrasound system settings were held constant recorded the maximal diastolic intramuscular
for power Doppler assessment. Depth was set at 5 blood flow following the contraction artifact. For
cm, power Doppler gain was set to 92%, and the repeated contraction, we averaged a minimum of
Doppler window was set to include the entire 10 diastolic intramuscular blood flow measure-
image field. We recorded continuous cine video ments after maximal increase was obtained (asymp-
loops. To capture results from single contractions, totic trend). We defined change in intramuscular
we recorded for 30 s with 5 s of baseline at rest blood flow as the difference between the diastolic
before muscle activation, a brief (1 s) muscle con- intramuscular blood flow from baseline to after
traction, and a postcontraction 24-s period. For contraction. We calculated the change in intramus-
quantification of repeated maximal contraction cular blood flow in the forearm flexors and tibialis
perfusion, we recorded a 2-min video with 5 s of anterior of each subject following the single and
baseline at rest, followed by 1 min and 55 s of repeated contractions.
Muscle Blood Flow Sonography MUSCLE & NERVE November 2016 873
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FIGURE 1. Grip contraction effort correlates with measured grip strength. (A) Measured grip strength increased with increased effort.
Grip strength of patients with muscular dystrophy was significantly lower than healthy controls but showed a similar correlation with
grip effort. (B) Power and pulsed Doppler measurements were obtained with similar grip strength. Control data are shown. Boxes
show the median line, lower to upper quartiles (25 to 75 percentile) and minimum to maximum extending lines. Outliers are marked by
a circle (extending 1.5 times the interquartile range) and squares (extending 3 times the interquartile range). Muscular dystrophy (MD),
minimum (Min), moderate (Mod), maximal (Max).

Intra-arterial Blood Flow Measures. We obtained contractions using repeated measures analysis of
pulse-wave color Doppler recordings from the dis- variance with Bonferroni corrected group compari-
tal brachial artery in the right arm/antecubital sons. We used t-tests or Mann-Whitney tests for
fossa using standard techniques.16 We placed the comparisons between independent groups. We
sample volume window in the center of the artery measured intra-rater reliability of intramuscular
and obtained an insonation angle of 608 or less rel- blood flow from 4 control subjects who repeated a
ative to the analyzed vessel. Similar to the protocol single contraction of identical force. Statistical
for recording power Doppler images, we measured analysis was performed using MedCalc for Win-
intra-arterial blood flow using continuous pulse dows, version 14.12 (MedCalc Software, Ostend,
wave Doppler at rest (5 s), and during and follow- Belgium). Values are expressed as mean 6 stand-
ing single minimal, moderate, and maximal muscle ard error of the mean.
contractions (additional 25 s). We measured the RESULTS
total blood flow (cc/min) for each cardiac cycle Grip Strength Measurements. Increasing grip effort
before (baseline) and after contraction. Similar to in controls showed a significant increase in muscle
the protocol for power Doppler, we calculated the strength (F 5 23.35; P < 0.001; Fig. 1A). Patients
average baseline (average of 3–4 cardiac cycles) with MD showed significantly lower moderate and
and determined the maximal postcontraction maximal strength (F 5 5.02; P 5 0.045). Grip
intra-arterial blood flow. Even small transducer strength generated for power and color Doppler
movement relative to the vessel during muscle con- measurements were similar (Fig. 1B; F 5 0.056;
traction resulted in aberrant measures, and on sev- P 5 0.814).
eral occasions repeated attempts were required to
Healthy Controls. Intramuscular blood flow in
obtain technically satisfactory results. We could not
obtain intra-arterial blood flow during repeated both the forearm flexors and tibialis anterior
contractions due to movement. For each contrac- muscles oscillated with the cardiac cycle (Figs. 2
tion performed, we waited at least 1 min between and 3) and increased following contraction. At
repeated attempts to provide time for blood flow baseline (rested muscle), intramuscular blood flow
was low (Fig. 2A,B,E,F), and at diastole was nearly
to return to baseline. In 1 subject with MD, we
absent, with a mean of 1.20% 6 0.14 of the muscle
could not achieve a moderate degree of grip con-
cross-sectional area in controls, and lower in MD
traction during this assessment.
patients (0.17% 6 0.07; P < 0.001) . Movement of
Statistics. We compared changes from baseline in the muscle during contraction resulted in an easily
intramuscular and brachial artery blood flow identified movement artifact characterized by a
between different strength, single, and repeated rapid and large increase in colored pixels lasting
874 Muscle Blood Flow Sonography MUSCLE & NERVE November 2016
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FIGURE 2. Power Doppler identifies intramuscular blood in cross sections of muscles. Power Doppler color signal in the forearm flex-
ors (A–D) and tibialis anterior (E–H) in diastole and systole in selected area of interest for quantification. The power Doppler signal in
yellow-red color shows increased intramuscular blood flow. An increase in the vascular flow (arrowheads) and additional vessels
(arrows) are detected following muscle contraction.

2–3 s (Fig. 3A,C). Following contraction, intramus- increase of intramuscular blood flow from baseline
cular blood flow increased (Fig. 2). This was evi- immediately after resolution of the movement arti-
dent by both an increase in blood flow in vessels fact and a second additional increase in blood flow
that were already identified at baseline and new that began 2–3 s later and reached a peak 13–16
blood flow in vessels that were not identifiable at s after maximal contraction of the forearm flexors
rest (Fig. 2C,D,G,H). and tibialis anterior muscles, respectively (Supple-
Intramuscular blood flow increased in 2 phases mentary Fig. S1, which is available online). Blood
after a single contraction. There was an initial flow then gradually returned to baseline. In all
Muscle Blood Flow Sonography MUSCLE & NERVE November 2016 875
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FIGURE 3. Quantitative analysis of power Doppler signals. Intramuscular blood flow, measured as percent of muscle area occupied by
power Doppler signal, increases following contraction and is maximal following repeated contractions in both the forearm flexors (A,B)
and tibialis anterior (C,D). Oscillation of blood flow in muscle during the cardiac cycle is noted. Small arrows point to diastole at base-
line. During muscle contraction, a movement artifact is recorded as a large, rapid increase in signal. After resolution of the contraction
artifact, an immediate increase of blood in muscle is seen (phase 1), followed by a delayed, gradual, further increase of blood in mus-
cle (phase 2). A large arrow indicates the maximal diastolic intramuscular blood flow recorded for analysis. Repeated maximal contrac-
tion shows additional increase of blood within muscle which reaches a plateau within 40–60 s.

healthy subjects, intramuscular diastolic blood flow intra-class correlation coefficient for change in
reached a maximal (asymptotic) level by 60 s of intramuscular blood flow from baseline following a
repeated contractions (Fig. 3B,D). single contraction was 0.96 for absolute agreement.
Intramuscular blood flow in both the forearm The increase in intramuscular blood flow fol-
and tibialis anterior increased with stronger and lowing muscle contraction did not result solely
repeated contractions (P < 0.001). In the forearm, from increased venous return, as brachial artery
intramuscular blood flow was increased from base- blood flow also increased with increasing grip
line by 1.73% 6 0.39 following minimal, by 2.85% strength (F 5 9.96; P 5 0.001) (Fig. 5). The mean
6 0.36 (P 5 0.2615) following moderate, and by blood flow in the brachial artery increased 157%
3.78% 6 0.35 (P 5 0.0013) following maximal grip 6 15 following minimal, 202% 6 19 (P 5 0.084)
contraction. Intramuscular blood flow increased following moderate, and 283% 6 33 following
most (7.26% 6 0.88; range 2.16–12.40%) following maximal grip contraction (P 5 0.0113).
repeated maximal grip contraction (P 5 0.0002;
Fig. 4A). Similarly, in the tibialis anterior (Fig. Muscular Dystrophy. Unlike controls, intramuscu-
4B), intramuscular blood flow increased (F 5 lar blood flow in the forearms of subjects with MD
26.89; P < 0.001) with increasing contraction did not change (<1% difference from baseline)
strength. Intramuscular blood flow increased from following either minimal, moderate, maximal sin-
baseline by 1.61% 6 0.40 following minimal dorsi- gle, or repeated maximal contraction (mean of
flexion effort, by 4.66% 6 0.80 following maximal 0.12, 0.14, 0.46, and 0.61% increase from baseline,
contraction (P 5 0.006), and increased most respectively; range following repeated maximal
(6.98% 6 1.05) following repeated maximal grip contraction 0.39–0.78%) (Fig. 4). In contrast
effort contraction (P 5 0.0003). The intra-rater to the intramuscular blood flow, the mean
876 Muscle Blood Flow Sonography MUSCLE & NERVE November 2016
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FIGURE 4. Postcontraction power and Doppler measurements. Intramuscular blood flow in the forearm flexors (A) and tibialis anterior
(B) increases with contraction strength. In 3 subjects with muscular dystrophy (dotted line), intramuscular blood flow did not increase
significantly following contraction. Muscular dystrophy (MD), minimum (Min), moderate (Mod), maximal (Max), repeated (Rep).

intra-arterial blood flow in the brachial artery often required to obtain technically accurate meas-
increased 120% 6 15 following minimal, 135% 6 urements of intra-arterial flow without probe repo-
3 following moderate, and 189% 6 30 following sitioning following contraction. This did not occur
maximal grip contraction. Following maximal con- during intramuscular power Doppler imaging,
traction, the percentage increase in intra-arterial which is less sensitive to angulation and more sen-
blood flow in the MD subjects was similar to the sitive to blood flow than pulse wave Doppler.19
healthy controls (Mann-Whitney test P 5 0.076). Quantification of the intramuscular blood flow
using power Doppler had high intra-rater reliability
in healthy muscle. Additional studies are required
We report a noninvasive method to quantify
to determine the inter-rater reliability in healthy
intramuscular blood flow from power Doppler
and diseased muscle. A trade-off of our technique
ultrasonography. This protocol can be applied at is that, unlike pulse wave Doppler or quantified
the bedside in both children and adults and does power Doppler following intravenous contrast,20
not require custom software. Similar to a prior we were not able to calculate actual blood flow or
study,14 we first quantified intramuscular blood volume quantities. Our intramuscular blood flow
flow by calculating the percent of muscle cross sec- measurements are relative values (% area), and
tional area occupied by the power Doppler signal the response to exercise is based on comparison to
and then measured changes in intramuscular baseline.
blood flow from baseline following muscle contrac- Blood flow to and within the muscle varies with
tion. Intramuscular blood flow was very low at rest effort. To control for this, prior studies of blood
and increased following a single brief contraction. flow response to exercise have used continuous
The immediate and delayed increase in intramus-
cular blood flow corresponds to the previously
described phase 1 and phase 2 of postcontraction
hyperemia.17 We also detected increased intramus-
cular blood flow with greater contraction strength.
These findings are consistent with prior descrip-
tions of blood flow response to exercise15,18 and
validate our methodology. In controls, both the
intramuscular and intra-arterial blood flow
increased with increasing muscle contraction. This
suggests that, although power Doppler does not
distinguish arterial from venous flow, the increase
in intramuscular blood flow we identified was not
from increased venous return alone.
Intramuscular power Doppler images were tech-
nically easier to obtain in both children and adults
than intra-arterial pulse Doppler flow measure-
ments. This is because minute movements in the FIGURE 5. Postcontraction pulse-wave Doppler measurements.
Intra-arterial flow in the brachial artery increases following grip
arm or transducer following muscle contraction contraction in healthy controls and in three subjects with mus-
compromised the optimal intra-arterial placement cular dystrophy. Muscular dystrophy (MD), minimum (Min),
of the Doppler tracing. Repeat assessments were moderate (Mod), maximal (Max).

Muscle Blood Flow Sonography MUSCLE & NERVE November 2016 877
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