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01  Introduction
  My Journey with Human Design
What is Human Design?
How it works
Why use this system?
How to use this book

15  10 Applications To Business

  Your Genius
Your Life Purpose
Your Brand
Your Niche
Your Marketing Brand Voice
Your Message
   Your Content
   Your Expression & Communication
Offers & Sales
  Business Models

69 How we can help you create these results

Free Community & Resources
The Human Design for Business Program
The Content Emporium Mastermind
Case Studies
Phoebe's Journey with
Human Design

Is this you?

You’re probably reading this book because you’re an Entrepreneur who understands that
intuition and energy play a pivotal role in the process of building a flourishing business that
sparks inspiration, passion and allows you to be in your absolute mastery.

For you to get a great ROI out of the concepts in this book, you will already need to have the
foundational business skills down. I consider these skills to be foundational:

i) ability to deliver a service with confidence

ii) ability to create offers
ii) ability to sell those offers (copy, content, branding, sales)

But Phoebe, how will I know if I have the foundational skills down?

The short answer, my friend, is do you have a hobby or a business? If you are making a full-time
income from your business, then congratulations, you have the foundational skills down ;)

Depending on your cost of living, this could be a bracket of making at least $48,000 a year and
essentially knowing you have the ability to deliver something someone wants, the ability to
create value and confidence that you can do this relatively predictably. If you’re not yet making
a full-time income from your business, then I would not recommend proceeding with this book.

My personal perspective is that if you fall into this category and you pursue the concepts in this
book, you are probably in a procrastination strategy and unconsciously avoiding doing the
things that will actually move the needle for you to help you create a stable full-time business.


The Psychology of Sabotage & Procrastination

The Psychology of Imposter Syndrome & Self Worth

The Psychology People Pleasing & Capacity

The $100k Roadmap

Then, if you’re at the point where you want to invest I made the Foundations Self Study Course
just for you. You can check it out here.

Now, if you already have a business and you’re ready to supercharge it by making a few
tweaks, you are definitely in the right place.

Read on.


Can I be successful without niching? You want to fulfill all the creative desires that move through
you without feeling stuck or limited to only talking about one thing.

Can I grow my audience and business without showing up and posting on social media every
day? Can I be successful without forcing myself to become a content factory?

If I don’t follow the exact steps or strategies that an “expert” told me I need to do, will I still get
results and be successful? Why do strategies that seem to work for some people not work for

How do some people make it look so easy? Maybe you get a little triggered by those people
who are always talking about how it gets to be easy (I used to get so triggered haha).

We are going to use this book to help you uncover your natural energetic talents so
that you can leverage your energy to get results with less effort. After all, the purpose
of studying and using Human Design is to create alignment.

So what is alignment?

Put simply, it means we have removed the conditioning and internal conflicts and are making
decisions and taking action from our core self; from intuition and inspiration, from our authority
in Human Design, the wisdom of our body, and not the silent ninja known as the mind.

It means we are no longer subjecting ourselves to an external authority, thinking that someone
else knows better than us. When we are in alignment we are in surrender to the natural flow and
current of life rather than trying to force or push things in order to make them happen.

When we are in alignment, we are in true flow.

When this happens, we experience life as pure magic. We say something, and boom it appears
as if out of nowhere. This has been my experience in the last 12 months since my
deconditioning journey. I used to feel like I was carrying the weight of my business – it was
heavy. I was constantly tired, and would reach the edges of burnout in an attempt to hit my

When I surrendered and truly listened to what felt true and found the “correct” answers in my
Human Design chart, I started to feel as though everything was happening on its own and now,
rather than dragging a sled along, I feel as though I’m walking alongside my business. But I’m
not holding all of this weight anymore. It’s far more natural and far more effortless.

The other day I checked in with myself and reflected on all of the core areas of life (sleep,
physical body, emotional wellbeing, finances, vision etc) and messaged my coach, “I feel like
everything I want to happen in the business is happening and I all I need to do is keep doing
what I’m doing. It all just feels inevitable. I also feel like my creator/manifestation abilities are an
11/10 right now. The other day I set an intention for real estate development and within 72
hours 3 different connections appeared in this exact arena. I simply had a thought about
business partnerships and the perfect person messaged me the next day about a collaboration. I
also remembered that I wanted to meet two of my favourite authors in real life… and this is
pretty wild but this is actually happening in November in Texas and California. Here’s the
kicker… both of them invited me, not the other way around. A year ago I was a total stranger to
both of these people.”

Pure magic.

See what I mean? It’s not just money and business. Your entire life gets to be an awe-inspired
playground of joy; of feeling like everything is always working out and rigged in your favor. It’s
the best feeling. I wake up every day feeling like I can’t make a mistake. I’m never afraid that
anything is ever going to go wrong. I’m just excited and have so much energy to create my
heart's deepest desires.


We can spend years learning about these concepts but not truly living or embodying them. If
you feel like you’re still swimming against the current — rather than riding it — there’s a
beautiful journey that lies ahead to meet the truth of who you are underneath what the world has
made you believe. This is the pathway to love, liberation, and limitlessness.


I started my business in July 2018 as a Transformational Life Coach & Facilitator.

As soon as I entered the online space I was constantly targeted with messages from “experts”
and successful online entrepreneurs. Facebook & Instagram Ads are fun like that. Whatever your
mind is curiously following and clicking, is what you’re going to be shown more of… So this
became my world and what I saw day in, day out. I soon became obsessed with following these
millionaire experts. The logic was, “if they have made millions of dollars, they must know the
pathway to success, if I just do what they did, I will become successful too.”

Maybe you’ve had a similar thought cross your mind at some point in time. We often look to
others who have created outcomes that we want to create because this is how we were taught to
learn. As babies, we “model” behavior to learn new skills. So it makes sense then that this
conditioned way of learning is how most of us attempt to build and grow our businesses and
seek success. We unconsciously model others who we perceive to be successful.

The problem with this is that what worked for them may not necessarily work for you because we
all have our own unique set of unfair advantages. We are all built and wired very differently.
We have different sets of talents and different environments that we thrive in and so it logically
makes sense that we also have our own unique strategy for a thriving, successful business.

Everyone these days has the “7 steps” to a million dollars. In 2018 I started getting targeted with
Ads from Sam Ovens and Danielle Leslie, who both echoed that the most efficient pathway to
one million was with one offer & one funnel; a concept from Gary Keller’s book “The One
Thing”. The idea was to pick a niche, create a scalable offer in that niche then focus all of your
energy on scaling that one offer with one webinar funnel.

I was convinced that this was the way.

Because, of course, Sam Ovens did it, and Sam was

the most successful person I had seen in the online
space. He created a $25-30M p/yr business. He
started as a college dropout in New Zealand. Complete
self-taught entrepreneur. Built his consulting accelerator
course and made millions from that one course.
The Model was:

One $2,000 course

Live Q&A calls
Facebook Group Community

Began experiment with HD basics, how to be a projector,
learned that I was not designed to work, that I should rest,
nap, share my wisdom and this would lead to people
recognising and inviting me, that I was a lighthouse to JOURNEY
guide the ships and that I should follow what feels good,
then write and share from those feelings… so I started WITH
writing and sharing content from that space. The mantra
given to me was “follow your bliss” and trust that this is
enough DESIGN
Result? October was a $10k month. Booked out. Became
highly visible. Posts started getting crazy good
engagement. Built confidence. Felt at ease and relaxed.
Application? Figured out how to market using my design
as a Projector, started teaching this to my clients and they Creation of the
all had success applying it too… Marketing Archetypes

9/2019 03/2020

Worked with Paige,

learned about splits,
definition and the
patterns in my
undefined centers.
Started experimenting
with composite charts
12/2019 12/2020 and looking at how I
felt when I had
conversations/was in
the energy of people
who were bridging my
Started learning about planets and had an insight around
split (gates 12 & 57).
Mercury. Started looking for more evidence of people who
Noticed I felt calmer
were successful and had strong messages… their messaging
and arrived at clarity
was all aligned to the theme of their conscious mercury.. In
faster in their presence.
the following months I tested this. Result? Whenever I told
stories, whenever I talked about storytelling my ads
“deconditioning” the
performed better, and my posts and masterclasses
ego and sacral centers
performed better Application? How to weave my mercury
into my messaging.

Rewiring my
relationship to stress by
Worked with Alisha, using the genius report, learned about
experimenting with the
the Penta, started experimenting with hiring and team
shadow of my
conscious sun

1/2021 10/2021

8/2021 12/2021

Working with Carly, who constantly reminds me to listen to

my emotional authority. Spent probably 3-6 months
Experimenting with my
hardcore slowing down and asking “how do I feel” about
profile lines for content
every decision, learned the art of decision making, fine
creation; grew 4,000
tuning the things that are just “good ideas” vs things I
followers and went
ACTUALLY want to do. Learned about how the authority has
divine timing and a “not right now” is actually a no.


Understanding my workflow and collaboration preferences

Insight about my
Kitchens environment

1/2022 7/2022

2/2022 7/2022

Noticing there was a pattern where my “niche” emerged.

Conversations with
Danna about circuitry,
offers and business

You’ve probably seen this type of model before. Sam pioneered this model then many others
followed suit. This is one of the most popular business models in the online space. Have you
noticed that $2,000 seems to be a default for group programs or courses? If you’re wondering
where that came from, it came from this guy.

I have no beef with Sam or Danielle. I think they're amazing. What I want to do is highlight how
easy and common it is to unconsciously get swept up in making decisions from a place of
inadequacy rather than from a deep-rooted place of trust in our body’s ability to discern what
feels good and is correct for us.

Most of us are not taught how to tune into our body’s natural wisdom and guidance system.
Decision-making is an art, and it’s one that until recently has been taught using overly mental
analytical processes rather than intuition.

It’s time to throw out the yellow legal pad, close your eyes and listen to what your body and
intuition are telling you about what is going to light your soul on fire.

Something else that is highly problematic about replicating other people’s models without
conscious thought and consideration is that we don’t always know the full picture of how other
people feel and what goes on behind the scenes. You might be replicating someone who wakes
up feeling stressed out, has 30 contractors, and has no profit to show for the 70-hour work week
they just put in. Then maybe one day you find yourself in a loop asking, “why isn’t this
working?” thinking that the problem is you because you weren’t able to make their proven
strategy work for you… but here’s a thought.

What if the problem wasn’t you?

What if there was nothing wrong with you?
What if you were already perfect and it was actually the strategy that was flawed?

Wow. Mind bender.

But Phoebe, how could that be possible?

Listen, the only reason you think that strategy is the path is because you’re outsourcing your
power, disowning your magic, and not fully trusting that you actually already have the answers.

(HINT: you’re one magical being and the answers are inside of you)




The Human Design System is a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences (astrology, quantum
physics, epigenetics, kabbalah, and the i-ching). It is not a personality test, it’s a system.

How it works

Our psychology and personalities are shaped through our experiences. Our conditioning forms
our behaviors and the way that we respond to the world around us. In other words, we become
the product of our lived experiences (and the meaning we’ve given to them). If we accept the
premise that the goal of life is to unlearn our conditioned survival responses to remember who
we truly are free from our conditioning, then Human Design takes this one step further and into
the realm of subatomic matter & epigenetics.

The basic premise of Human Design is that as the soul enters the body 88 days before birth, our
Being is imprinted by the neutrinos that pass through it. A neutrino is a subatomic particle in the
study of Quantum Physics. Its mass is close to zero. The parts of you that these neutrinos pass
through are imprinted with those energies. These imprints create what is referred to in Human
Design as the “Self”; who you naturally are in the world. The energy of who you truly are is
consistent, fixed & sustainable.

The parts of you that are not imprinted make up what is referred to as the “Not Self”; this is who
you are NOT. This is where you are most susceptible to external influence and conditioning. It’s
where you absorb the energy of those around you.

Human Design gives us the blueprint of who we truly are in the world. This is why it’s referred
to as “The Science of Differentiation”.


We are all fundamentally unique beings, and so it stands to reason that we will create the best
results by finding a unique approach that works for who we are.

In the years that I have attempted building one business after another, utilizing every single
marketing strategy I could get my hands on, I never created even 1/10th of the results that I have
since learning how to utilize what I call my “Unique Marketing Blueprint”.

We are not all designed in the same way, and so it stands to reason that we will not get the
same results from applying the same strategies. For years I couldn’t understand why things that
worked for others simply didn’t work for me. The moment I discovered who I truly was and
started living my life in alignment with my design, everything changed. I built a brand in the
online space that became widely known as “The Go To Authority” in Content, Messaging &
Marketing. My engagement tripled in a matter of weeks. My business blew up in the space of a
few months.

I booked out my 1:1 offers and have had a waitlist of people wanting to work with me ever
since. My business revenue tripled from the year prior, and most importantly, it all happened in
a way that felt like I was magnetically drawing things towards me and not pushing uphill. Life
simply became easier & more fulfilling. There is a type of joy that is available when we create
from a place of alignment; when we create based on who we are.

The list of benefits is endless.

In this book, I will simplify the concepts so that you can start implementing them and seeing
results immediately. I will teach you how I used this information in my own Content Strategy as a
3/6 Emotional Projector and how some of my clients have harnessed the principles you will
learn in this book to 10x their engagement and triple their business revenue in a matter of

The information I will share with you over the next few pages will have a profound impact when
implemented. Once you do this work I believe you will experience awe and gratitude for how
simple your success can really be.


To Utilise Human Design for Your Business We Will Focus on

These Components:
Let’s Begin

First, head to and download a copy of your


NB: this chart won’t give you information on your variables. Here’s a helpful post on how you
get that info for free.



DEFINITION (split, single, etc.)









Core Business Concepts

Let me start by prefacing with the obvious fact that the Human Design system is highly nuanced
and highly complex. You could spend years and years studying the system and still learn new
things every day. I often have conversations with people 10-15 years into their experiment who
still learn so many nuances from my material.

Look, I’m a very direct no-bullshit person, LOL… so I’m just going to come out with it. I see a lot
of people get lost in Human Design rabbit holes, forever learning and never actually getting any
real practical, tangible results, and I am not here for that. I have poured my blood, sweat and
tears into creating this resource so that you get practical things you can implement and
experiment with now.

My intention for you is that you go through this book and implement some of the tips in here
that have worked for not only me but hundreds of my clients. So, please promise me that you
will not get caught in learning more information for the sake of it… and please make me a
promise that you will actually experiment with the highly valuable contents of this book.

Phew, glad we got that out of the way, haha.

Now one more thing…

I want to be transparent. I am not a certified Human Design Teacher. I have no formal

accreditations and certificates from The International School of Human Design, or Karen Curry
Parker etc. I am just a girl, standing in front of a boy asking him to love her (Jokes lol. Notting
Hill reference for all my cinema fans.)

As of the current date of writing this book, I am exactly three years into my experiment. I write,
share and teach from a perspective of deep and thorough experimentation. Before I publish
anything, my process is (1) research (2) test, learn, and experiment with myself, (3) observe
data, and look for correlations and patterns across other people, either people in my personal
network, clients or sometimes celebrities – I have about 100 different Human Design Charts in
my phone for observation at any given time, (4) send findings to colleagues for review,
discussion and reflection, (5) if colleagues review my findings, and we are all unanimous in my
discoveries, I then publish my work in the public arena and teach.

My work is highly original, as you can probably tell from the above process. It is not
regurgitated from a textbook which I think makes it even richer and probably explains why my
clients have gotten such remarkable results from applying my findings.

Now, to back this up… when I say “colleagues”, I am referring to Alisha Baker (certified with
ISHD & 64 Keys), Sophie Dubus (certified with Karen Curry Parker) and Danna Yahav (human
design shadow specialist.)

So while I am not certified, my colleagues are, and they review, edit and approve everything
that goes out. If you’re good with that, we can continue :)


Life Purpose
Marketing Brand Voice
Your Message
Expression & Communication
Offers & Sales
Business Models

Your Genius

We’ll start with one of the most commonly asked questions… “What’s my genius?”… and why
this is important.

You’ve probably heard people refer to their “genius zone”. Many successful people, such as
Dr. John Demartini and Gay Hendricks, teach this topic in depth. The core principle is that this
is the zone where you capitalise on your natural rather than learned abilities. When you do this
(and delegate the rest) you become more influential and can command higher rates for your
services. The more time you spend in your genius zone, the more momentum you build and the
more effective you become. For example, I am an excellent coach, but I am a genius strategist
and teacher. Knowing this means the more time I spend in the role of strategy, either in my
business or teaching clients, the more energy I harness, the more I can raise my rates and the
more people recognise and appreciate me.

This creates a compounding effect.

In the Gene Keys, Richard Rudd asserts that the “Activation Sequence” is how we can unlock
our highest genius by embracing our deepest challenges. The activation sequence starts with
the sphere of our Purpose, which unlocks our Radiance, connecting to our Evolution, finally
unlocking our Life’s Work.

In Human Design, these four spheres are what is known as your Incarnation Cross. This is often
taught as your “broad purpose in life”.

…of Your Life’s Work in Your
Gene Key sequence


Is your Conscious Earth (the evolution sphere in your Gene Keys). This is what GROUNDS you.
Earth represents where we concretise or bring into form, and how we ground and balance the
Sun's energy within our forms, our bodies. The Sun and Earth always operate together and are
located opposite each other in the Mandala. The Earth provides the primary yin balance, the
archetype of the Mother. We find conscious balance when we are able to integrate the
Personality correctly in our life, and we find our stability (or unconscious balance) when we
come to grips with the world of form. The earth is the backbone of our stability.


My mantra has been: "Follow Your Bliss"

When I first learned about my Incarnation Cross it didn’t resonate with me at all… and there isn’t
much information about it online. It was really through years of deep observation and
connecting the dots between the activation sequence and the incarnation cross that it finally
landed for me.


I observed that there were times over the last few years when I truly felt I was operating in high
states of flow and felt I was in my true genius. The best way I can describe it is feeling like I am
channelling ideas and information beyond what my mind could possibly conceive. It feels
otherworldly. People on my team regularly comment about my “genius ideas” and how I have
so many of them. I didn’t always have these ideas, but now I am never short of a stroke of pure
genius. I believe we have access to this kind of insight and information when we have unlocked
our genius zone.

Now let me tell you, some of these ideas have made my business a lot of money. Beyond that,
because some of these ideas have been so ground breaking, it has positioned me in the
industry as a pioneer and a visionary.

So you’re going to want to pay attention to this.

The key to unlocking your genius is your Conscious Earth (the evolution sphere in your Gene
Keys). This is what grounds you. Earth represents where we concretise or bring into form and
how we ground and balance the Sun's energy within our forms, our bodies. The Sun and Earth
always operate together and are located opposite each other in the Mandala. The Earth provides
the primary yin balance, the archetype of the Mother. We find conscious balance when we are
able to integrate the Personality correctly in our life, and we find our stability (or unconscious
balance) when we come to grips with the world of form. The earth is the backbone of our

My Conscious Earth is in Gate 58, the gate of joy. In the Gene Keys, the Siddhi (highest
frequency) is Bliss. The Shadow is Dissatisfaction. (To get the Shadow, Gift & Siddhi of each
Gene Key, go here)

The practical application here is to look at the shadow and your relationship to it. Whenever we
go into the shadow frequency, we are operating on the lower side of our potential. Then look at
how you can operate in the higher frequencies of this energy.

For years I had a mantra, “Follow your bliss”, which I adopted from Joseph Campbell’s texts on
the Hero’s Journey. What I discovered was that whenever I simply followed my bliss, my body
entered into a very relaxed state where my mind became receptive for ideas to flow through.
There are other aspects of my design (receptive mind), and innocence motivation that come
together for this to all make sense, but I often found that I couldn’t come up with ideas when I
was in a state of dissatisfaction. It was like my mind would just blank. All I could focus on was
the problem. My body would shut down, and so would the cash flow.

Whenever I was in a state of Bliss, it all felt very easy and effortless. Like my Genius was tapping
me on the shoulder saying, “here is your next big money making idea!”

This is something I would love for you to experience.


Most people don’t mention this, but it is important to note (and you can thank Danna Yahav for
adding this into the book and teaching it to me!) whether your sun and earth are in defined or
undefined centers. If they are in undefined centers there may be more pressure, more self
doubt, harder to ground, because of the inconsistencies of the definition. So while the sun gate
may be defined, it is only ACTIVE when the center itself is defined.

*cue hiring team members by design*

We’ll get to that…


The energy that you’re expressing through your life. You’ll likely notice this energy in yourself as
a strong part of your personality. It is expressed through the light of what we do and how we be.


The energy that grounds and supports your conscious sun or personality expression. It keeps
your conscious sun in check, and you can look to the wisdom here to support your growth. Your
conscious earth will show you where and how you are “off balance” and how to find harmony in
your life once again.


The way your unconscious expresses. This is a place where we may live in the shadow and get
triggered. By bringing awareness to the energy of this gate and making the unconscious
conscious, we can accept the shadow and tap into its higher potential. These are themes of
ourselves that we have inherited from the father, genetics, past lives, etc. Because these are the
parts of ourselves that are inherited, we may therefore not realize they are within us
(unconscious) - so we may be more susceptible to living them out from their shadow aspects.


The energy that grounds your unconscious sun. When you feel triggered by the shadow of your
unconscious sun, you can look to your unconscious earth to provide support and wisdom to
help you move through the triggers.

Here is a great free resource and Sophie’s “GO-TO” for Incarnation Crosses.

Your Life Purpose

If you’re familiar with astrology, the planets in Human Design carry a slightly different meaning,
although there are many similarities. For detailed descriptions of all of the planets, check the

During my deconditioning journey, I discovered that one of my major core lessons was that I did
not know how to truly love myself. I spent three months in the jungles of Costa Rica on a
business sabbatical, where I mostly cried, processed my emotions, released all goals and
ambitions, did breathwork daily and swam in the ocean. It was during this period that I realised
most of my goals were coming from a part of me that needed to prove my worth (undefined
ego) in order to feel worthy of my mother’s love (because I did not know how to love myself
regardless). When we don’t know how to insource, we seek externally to get our needs met. The
process of rewiring this every day until it became natural was me coming into the frequency of
my North Node in Gate 10 (the gate of self love & empowerment).

This wasn’t just a normal breakthrough. This was the most profound moment of my entire life. It
became a pivotal moment in my narrative nonfiction novel, Unrequited (currently with my Editor
in Chicago). There are a few cool things to unpack here…

1) I had two different Astrologers and one Akashic Record Reader all tell me in readings that
Unrequited was a huge part of my destiny. That I was supposed to write a book that in the
process of writing it, healed me, and in the publishing of it, heals the world.

2) I noticed that these lessons, insights and shifts started seeping their way deep into my work
with clients. The way I taught, coached and mentored changed. My transmission became one of
radical self acceptance and becoming unconditionally proud of oneself in the process of
pursuing our destiny. My clients would often remark that my coaching was profound and some
of the best they had ever received. I started being compared to some of the greats… and I just
felt more proud of my work than I ever had before.

The gifts of the North Node, when you truly lean in, are endless.

"North Nodes are astronomical points where the Moon’s orbit intersects the Earth’s path around
the Sun. They are calculated mathematically, so they aren’t a physical place but rather a point of
soul magnetism.

Each North Node comes with an opposite South Node. In essence, the South Node shows you
what experiences you already brought with you into this life - things that are familiar to you and
that you’ve mastered. The North Node shows you the new territory you’re treading. While the
North Node may feel new or uncomfortable, it will also feel the most rewarding. If you keep
heading towards your South Node, likely you won’t be able to experience your desires in this
lifetime, and your path will keep nudging you away from that direction."
Source: Rachel, Pure Generators.


Although not planets, the Nodes of the Moon are equally powerful.
On the personality side of the Nodes are not who you are, but instead
frame what your Personality thinks about the world and itself. On the
Design side, the Nodes frame your relationship to the environment
and the people in it. The North Node is the mature stage of
experiencing life and shifts from the South Node at our Uranus
Opposition (38-43 years). Movement into the North Node signals a
process of letting go of what no longer serves us and retaining what


The South Node represents our developmental stage of experiencing

life, our immaturity, until we arrive at our Uranus Opposition. In our
9-centered Uranian bodies, our transition from the South Node to the
North Node symbolises mid-life and our entry into adulthood. The
Nodes represent the stage on which our lives are played out, how we
perceive the world around us and the environments that we will
experience throughout our lives that will support us in living out our
unique destiny.

Your Brand

Your Energetic Brand is your Conscious Sun (top right-hand planetary placement of your Human
Design Chart). This correlates to your Life’s Work in your Gene Key sequence.

…of Your Life’s Work in Your
CONSCIOUS SUN SUN Gene Key sequence


“The brand is you. Your brand is the extension of your personality, your
outer representation in life. As we also know from the business world, your
brand is your specific stamp or symbol that can catch the attention of others.
Your Brand describes the style and frequency of your outward expression. It
comes across in the clothes you wear, the way you talk, and the language
you use. Your Brand is the platform for the expression of your innermost
essence. Because of this, your success in the outer world greatly relies upon
you expressing your higher purpose with clarity and simplicity. When you
get your Brand right, then your Life’s Work can be expressed effectively and
fluidly. Your outer expression will be in exact alignment with your Radiance
and Purpose. Every element of your Hologenetic Profile will pulsate in
harmony bringing you good fortune and prosperity. Your Brand is also like
a homing beacon that attunes your attractor field to your fractal line (your
true allies in life - your ‘soul family’). When you have the courage and
initiative to wield your own Brand - your highest truth - then you will draw
your true allies into your life. The Pathway of Growth teaches us the
importance of this link between our true allies (the Sphere of Culture) and
our individual expression (the Sphere of the Brand). “Contemplating the
Gene Key and line of your Brand can be illuminating. Putting this into
practice can bring about an instant change in your business - in how you are
seen and received by the world at large. People sense honesty at an
intuitive level, so when your style of branding matches your inner truth, you
come across as authentic and therefore trustworthy.” “Business can be
exciting, but it need not be stressful. It only becomes stressful when you feel
that you have to step outside your own Brand, and pretend to be something
that you are not. When you approach your own business, your creed needs
to be about keeping things simple. If you lose touch with the simple, then
you will learn a sharp lesson at some point.”

Source: Richard Rudd, A guide to your Pearl Sequence (3) (Gene Keys
Golden Path).

Your Life’s Work relates directly to the position of the sun when you were born. This is about
how you shine out to the world. Your brightness flows from your naturalness. If you try and force
something, you will exhaust yourself. If you hide your light out of fear, you will wither.

The Shadow of your Brand will generally try and undermine you from within your own mind.
This shadow is all about how you see yourself. You have to step into your own shoes and not
give in to the temptation to try and imitate someone else, no matter how much you may respect

Once you see through the shadow and experience this breakthrough you will realise how easy
and profitable it really is to be yourself.

“Every human being is a natural salesperson, regardless of their lines. We are all here to sell
our slice of truth within the cosmic play. It is all simply a matter of communication."

“In the Brand you reach your zenith, and it is from here that you can receive a vision of your life
at its highest. Your Brand is your sword, representing the solar fire that arises from the yang
strength of your spine and the yin receptivity of your belly. Your Brand is also your language -
the voice and vibration of your soul as it impacts the world. In terms of your embodiment, the
Brand is your voice - the expression of your heart through tone and frequency. With a strong
vision burning in your breast, your voice carries your fire out onto the winds of fate to stir the
forces of change.

When we speak and sing out our Truth in service to the whole, then we are fulfilling our primary
duty on this precious earth. As you go out into the world, let the gentle fire inside your heart
sing out in your voice. Speak the words that come from your heart without fear of compromise."

The Quantum Physics: This is one of the most important aspects of our design because 70% of
our energy gets expressed through the Conscious Sun because 70% of the neutrinos that
condition us come FROM the sun.

Something I learned from my first Human Design Teacher back in 2019 was the power and the
importance of the Conscious Sun. She told me that “your conscious sun is your brand and your
superpower”, and I racked my absolute brains out trying to figure out how to tap into that for
years. Eventually, I let it go and carried on with life lol.

In my early attempts to understand this concept and “figure out how to hack my way into wealth,
prosperity and abundance”, I read the full description of Gate 52 in The Book of Destinies by
Chetan Parkyn. The funny thing is, I never really felt like this resonated with me. I felt far more
resonate with Gates 58 or 56, for example. Was ‘stillness’ really the apex of who I am?

As part of my process, I looked at celebrities with that gate in their Sun to see if I resonated with
any of them… Elon Musk came up. I guess I could see some similarities? But not really. I hoped
I would have had the same sun as someone like, let’s say, Elizabeth Gilbert.

If you’ve ever had a moment of reading something about your chart and felt like, “are we sure
this is right?” then you know the feeling. Sometimes it just doesn’t resonate. Usually, in these
moments, we disregard the system and end up on the “Human Design is garbage” train, haha.

It was only during my sabbatical in 2021 when I revisited this, out of an intuitive impulse, that
everything *finally* made sense. More than that, I was able to actually figure out how to
embody the highest potential of this energy. If I’m being really honest with you, I think that a lot
of people teaching this work have not yet figured this out… because as we discussed above, it’s
one thing to teach a concept, and it’s another thing to embody it. The results of our lives speak
for themselves.

What’s the point in knowing that your Conscious Sun is your Brand if you don’t know what to do with that

Inside The Human Design For Business Program, there are 3 modules that take you through the
exact steps to embodying the highest potential of your Energetic Brand. You also get the exact
coaching questions and human behaviour code that I used to help me shift out of the shadow
frequency and into the siddhi. The truth is that understanding your Human Design is one step,
embodying it is the next. The number one reason why people aren’t embodying aspects of their
true design isn’t usually a lack of information – it’s due to the unconscious behavioural patterns
(conditioning) that get in the way. The conditioning is why we act in ways that are out of
alignment with our natural way of being. This is also why a lot of people who study their Human
Design still don’t get results. In order to really leverage the true power of this system, we need
to look at the patterns of behaviour that conflict with who we are and we need to know how to
rewire them.


- Carly

Before Carly learned about her Gene Keys & Human Design, she positioned herself as your
regular run of the mill 'Business Coach’. When we worked together inside my legacy program
(now reinvented as The Human Design For Business Program & The Messaging Program) she
discovered that her life’s work was in Gate 13, the gate of the listener. She realised that her true
passion was a lot deeper than what she had been marketing. Her work went way beyond
standard business coaching. Her soul came here to help transform people to feel truly fulfilled
(Gene Key 13). She’s now built an incredibly successful brand as “The Fulfillionaire Coach'' and
carved out her own territory in what is considered a very crowded industry.

Since making this pivot and embodying the true potential of her Energetic Brand (her Life’s
Work in Gate 13) she’s built a 7 figure business. You can check out Carly’s Testimonial here.

Your Niche

It’s a pretty widely adopted view that “if you want to be successful, you need to find your
niche”. It’s the golden rule taught to all early stage entrepreneurs. In fact, I saw an Ad the other
day from a very prominent 8 figure coach selling people a kit of “the most profitable niches”.

Now, this is extremely problematic. Here’s why.

Over the last few years, I have seen hundreds of Entrepreneurs get caught in the trap of trying
to figure out their niche. They look to the external world and ask themselves where and how they
can fit inside a box that someone told them is required to build a successful business. What
happens next is paralysis where they meet resistance. Their creativity suffers, and they feel stuck
because the soul wants to express itself in its entirety, but the mind in its conditioning says, “no
you can’t, that’s not our niche, it won’t make sense, what if our audience gets confused?”

This continual pressure to find your niche only creates confusion and disconnection from the
Self… and that my friends, is absolutely not why we are here.

I often say that my niche found me. I spent the first 18 months of my business “trying to figure it
out” from a very mental space. Was I a Confidence Coach? Relationships? Empowerment? Did
I help people leave their 9-5s and start a business? One day people just started asking me to
help them communicate more clearly, and thus, from the invitation, I found my arena.

But as both I and my business grew, so too did the varying ways in which I was serving people.
I often felt conflicted because I didn’t want to stray too far from the niche that I finally found
safety and certainty in… but more and more of my work became energetic, it became about the
power of being your most authentic self, it became about trusting your intuition, and in the last
year, it became about loving yourself unconditionally.

YOUR NICHE Niching by Design
Embodying your conscious sun. Grounding in your conscious Earth. Moving in the direction of
your North Node (as your north star & guiding compass/general direction). Speaking your
conscious Mercury (message).


BEing Still. Looking at my relationship to

stress, what triggers this, looking at my
relationship to time and goals. Being
discerning around my motivation/drive
(themes of the root center). Unlocks the
gift of a logical problem solving energy
(cross is to be of service). In an
entrepreneurial way this looks like the
creation of value to solve problems and
improve things (18-58 channel).

Embracing sadness & prioritising what feels good over everything else. Deep self care, fun, joy
(also an Enneagram 7). Moving towards the direction of SELF LOVE, EMPOWERMENT, and a
state of naturalness or BEING. Speaking a message of storytelling, and the rapture of being

The two things that I have continued to naturally speak on inside my containers were the
importance of following your joy as a compass (gate 58) to become magnetic and being
unconditionally proud of yourself (gate 10) in order to detach from the outcomes and results that
you desire so that they manifest.

Both Gates 58 & 10 are my North Nodes in my Human Design. Gate 58 is also my Conscious
Earth. As I mentioned in chapter 1, this is a very important placement as it activates our Genius
Sequence and supports us in the embodiment of our Life’s Work (our energetic brand).

Since my deconditioning journey, I have transcended the limitations of my 3D niche. I’m no

longer just messaging.

A bit of background if you’re brand new to me and my work – after 15 months of doing
transformational life coaching and facilitation, people started asking me to teach them how to
write content and communicate their message more effectively. My content was gaining serious
traction and converting like crazy. Then one day, I was having lunch with my friend Caleb at the
Shady Shack in Bali, and when I told him the number of people who were reaching out and
DMing me from my posts, he basically spat out his food and said, “DUDE you have to teach this
to people!” and my signature messaging program was born. In the last few years, over 600
people have gone through the legacy version of this program (we reinvented everything this
year, and I will be teaching the brand new version in depth in January 2023 but if you want to
sink your teeth into the self-study course now, you can grab it here). I have become very well
known as one of the best Messaging Teachers in our industry and have personally pioneered
several frameworks and IP that people have referred to as “game changing”.

Back to my point – every time I wanted to teach something outside of this arena, I froze up
because I was too afraid of not sticking to my “one thing”, and the truth is that it cost me my
sanity. Yes, I am a Projector and I am here to master systems and be an expert in something, but
I am also a Gemini (lol), a highly creative being and someone with endless interests and
curiosities. There is a common misconception that only Manifesting Generators have resistance
towards niching and that they are the “creative ones''. Having a wide variety of interests and
being a multidimensional creative person isn’t about type, it’s just who you are, and anyone can
be like that. I just wanted to get that one out there in case it resonated with you :)

I have also observed that the more I creatively output, the more energised and happy I feel. This
is because I have a left facing environment arrow meaning I am “Observed” versus right facing
(Observer). Another misconception for Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors is around the
phrasing of we are “not designed to work”. I have observed Projector colleagues with an
observer variable, who prefer to work 10-15 hours a week and feel refreshed, rejuvenated and
energised by this kind of workflow. I have experimented with this (I have successfully gotten my
working hours down to about 10 hours per week for several months toward the end of 2021
during my sabbatical and from February through to March in 2022) and I have to say… while it
was nice and certainly refreshing, I feel far more aligned and in my purpose when I am working
let’s say 25-30 hours per week with a high creative output, meaning I am writing books like this,
creating content, creating course material and can physically see the fruits of my labor. There
are 16 different variable combinations, and they all correspond to a different animal archetype. I
am the cow.


I have a right brain, right mind, wide-angle perspective but do best in an active environment.
My ideal environment brings activity out of me. Keeping my hands busy brings me joy. My
receptive mind responds best to meditative activity. I am focused on my favorite activity and like
to indulge in it contemplatively as a form of relaxation. In doing so, I absorb and accumulate
everything with my mind and body without a strategic plan of what to do with that information.
This is really important to keep my mind at ease and avoid pressure. The fruits of my labor are
highly valuable and a resource for others.

You see? I am literally designed to absorb the world like a sponge, let this information percolate
in my consciousness, then allow it all to come out in bursts of creativity where I focus for
dedicated periods of time to write things like this book you are reading now, to serve the world
with value and correct problems that I observe with efficient insights.

To break this down further:

Passively absorb information and observe (receptive mind variable)

Writing books/high creative output (left facing, observed environment)
Serve the world with value (right angle cross of service 2, incarnation cross)
Correct problems that I observe with efficient insights (15-58 projected collective channel)

This is a great free resource to give you a brief overview of your variable combination.

OK, I went on a bit of a tangent there… but I have a very good point. Stay with me.

By forcing myself to operate only in one niche (messaging) and overriding my creative urges by
only having one core offer (my old business model) I became tired and deeply unhappy. I was
making money but with so much force, and it felt hard. I constantly wanted to give up and shut
everything down. If you’ve ever felt like you wanted to … AND I QUOTE… “burn your business
to the ground” so you could rebuild and start all over again… this is a symptom that your
business is out of alignment with your design.



The truth is that we were created for a niche. We are not designed to work with everyone. You
are designed to activate certain people. It’s just that the way it has been taught in the traditional
world is backwards.

The niche is YOU.

Since discovering and allowing myself to rebuild my business model and create new offers that
reflect all of who I am, my business has become the most joyful thing in my life. I am absolutely
in love with it and who I get to be in the process of working in it.

I simply live and embody my energetic blueprint, and the people on my fractal line are
magnetised to my aura. This is energetic and attraction marketing. This is what success looks like
in the new paradigm, where you are simply embodying who you were born to be, and your
frequency attracts your soul family. It’s very, very easy and very, very simple.

Inside The Human Design For Business Program, there is also a module on how to bring
together your Conscious Sun & your Conscious Mercury so you can translate your energetic
niche into an umbrella brand. This ensures that whatever offers you are launching, everything
still makes sense to your audience. This is the process I have taken several of my clients through.
Here’s a case study of how it worked for Nikki.

- Nikki

When I taught Nikki, a 2/4 MG and medical doctor turned transformational life coach how to
create a brand based on her Human Design she attracted a $53,000 sale within weeks. She
loved to talk about wealth but also about relationships, and nutrition. Whenever she felt like
talking about something outside the scope of her niche didn’t make sense it would trigger
feelings of frustration (the NOT SELF theme for Generators & MGs).

We used her chart to bring all of these seemingly unrelated topics together into what I call “an
umbrella brand” that she embodies. Now she gets to follows the pulses of her creativity without
the pressure to only talk about one topic. Her energy and creativity get to do the work while she
continues to live in alignment with the fullest expression of who she is, while offering her
incredible work to the world. Unlocking more freedom to express herself not only moved her
into her signature of Satisfaction but also elevated her into the highest potential of her Brand
Sphere; Bliss (Gate 56). Not long after this she hit a HUGE milestone in her business; her first
$100k month!

She closed 2021 on $425,000. You can check out Nikki’s Testimonial here :)

Your Marketing Brand Voice

This was my introduction to experimenting with the practical application of Human Design for
Business. As they say, always start with Strategy & Authority.

The most important thing to understand about your type (Generator, Manifesting Generator,
Projector, Manifestor or Reflector) is the strategy and how to apply it in your daily life and
business. A lot of people get way too caught up in the “type” and can over identify, which can
lead to confusion or disregarding other aspects which can be just as important, if not more. I
see far too many people saying things like, “that won’t work for me, I’m a Projector” or “what’s
the best way for a Manifestor to market and write copy?”

This is not how it works lol.

Cold DMing is always going to feel ick, and social media etiquette always applies.
Funnels are always great sources of automation and will work well for any Human Design type if
you have the right messaging and content in your ecosystem to support them.
Copy is copy. Every Entrepreneur needs to learn how to write copy. It’s the most important skill
to master if you have your own business.

I just want to make a point about not bypassing business skills with Human Design and energetic

Think of it like this.

Skills = money.
Alignment = feeling good and in flow.
Skills + alignment = money that feels good.

Make sense? You can have one without the other but life is pretty great when you have both :)

OK, back to where we were…

In September 2019 I figured out how to apply my strategy as a Projector to my marketing.

When I did, my content went viral and my business exploded. Then people started asking me
how I did it. I spent the next few months studying the other types, making correlations and
analysing data and found the patterns in the most successful content I saw perform online. I
observed that some people would write content that was either a real hit or sometimes a miss.
Why did some things go viral and others didn’t?

I discovered that when people had (unknowingly) applied their strategy in the process of writing
content, it created a magnetic effect that amplified the post and skyrocketed their visibility.

Through a lot of experimentation, I reverse-engineered this process and created the Marketing
Archetypes™ in March 2020. Since then, over 7,000 people have downloaded my original
book ‘Marketing With Your Unique Blueprint’ and learned how to harness the power of their

There are 4 types within the Human Design System. Each type has unique gifts and contributes
to the greater whole. No type is better than another. We are all required to work together in
order for our world to thrive. Manifestors are designed to initiate new things and get the ball
rolling. They have a huge impact on the people around them. Generators & Manifesting
Generators are designed to work, build and shape aspects of our society. (Yes, manifesting
generators are still generators, they are not a completely different type or a hybrid). Projectors
are here to guide, lead and manage others. Reflectors are a mirror to society and give us critical
unbiased feedback on what is really going on.

Each type has a unique strategy. When we live by our strategy we are living in alignment with
who we are. What this looks like is meeting ease, flow & fulfilment instead of resistance.

(This Is Your Energetic Strategy)

MANIFESTORS The Revolutionary

Your Strategy: To Inform

Your Marketing Archetype: The Revolutionary

To harness your natural magnetism, you must follow your creative urges unapologetically.
You’re the only type who can “just do it”, so go out and make things happen. Be confident in
your marketing and remain authentic throughout. Manifestors are here to make waves and have
big impacts so make sure your actions are in line with your values. You’re here to inspire and
initiate others into action. Remember to inform those who’ll be impacted by your actions after
you’ve made a decision – you’re not here to ask permission, but informing will lessen any

Tone: unapologetic, impactful, courageous, certain, bold & succinct.


"Just letting you know this is where we're going"
"Just letting you know this is what I'm offering"
"Just letting you know this is how you can join me"
"I have three things to tell you"
"I learned this. This is changing. This is what I'm doing now. I don't
know how long for. It depends on my urge. This is ending soon. This is
how long you've got left to book X."

Be succinct.

Don’t ask your audience questions, e.g. “what do you want to learn from
me?” This diminishes your impact and dulls your natural magnetism.
You’re here to give others something to respond to. Listen to & trust
your gut instinct. Stand in your power. Look at how you already inspire
others… and most importantly,
Do not hold back in your expression.

(This Is Your Energetic Strategy)


Your Strategy: To Respond.

Your Archetype: The Talk Show Radio Host

Your natural magnetism lies in the endless life force energy of the sacral center that is correctly
responding to things that LIGHT YOU UP. It acts like a powerful magnet that attracts everyone
and everything towards you when harnessed correctly. The right offers, ideas, clients and
money will come to you in its own timing. You don’t need to worry about the future. You’re
here to respond in the “now” to what life gives you. Because you’re not here to initiate, the
best way for you to use your magnetic sacral energy in your marketing is to write in response to
something that already exists. You’re here to respond to ideas & give your opinion and
perspective. The reason the archetype for Generators is The Talk Show Host is because you
enter the spotlight by contributing your opinion to something that’s already happening. You are
here to add to the conversation. You are here to provide commentary. Oprah is a perfect
example of a Generator following this strategy of sharing her opinions and ideas in response to
her guests. She has built a legacy, following, and business (as generators are the great
builders) based on her opinions, ability to create space for others, connect, and become the
master/expert in her field.

Tone: opinionated, comedic, passionate, fiery, intense


“Strong agreeance. This is totally right! Yes, yes, yes!”
“Strong disagreement. This is absolutely wrong. This is why!”


Wait for your sacral to guide you to take action. If you initiate action without your sacral
response, your content & offers will feel flat and dull to the rest of the world. The trap is the fear
that nothing will happen if you wait. Remember the truth that the right opportunities are always
on the horizon. Stay patient and wait to respond. The Sacral Center can only respond in the
moment with a “yes” or “no” answer. If you are an emotional authority (defined solar plexus)
then keep in mind that even if the sacral responds yes in the moment, you still must wait for your
emotional clarity over time by riding your emotional wave. Then you can follow the “yes” and
take action.. Ask yourself “is this something I want to be talking about?” Only talk or write about
the things that light you up. Remember that the answer may not come immediately.

1. BONUS: sacral beings … your sacral definition will alert you to what your sacral is
mechanically built to respond to! Your emotional channel that creates your emotional
authority WILL alert you to how you may experience your emotional waves.

(This Is Your Energetic Strategy)


Your Strategy: Wait For The Invitation

Your Archetype: The Guide

Your natural magnetism comes from your innate ability to understand people and systems. You
become magnetic by mastering something specific and demonstrating your wisdom in this
area. The more you recognise yourself as masterful and see the wisdom in your experiences,
the more others will too. You will naturally be invited and recognized to give your expertise and
guide others. Remember that in order to be recognized and invited into the correct things, you
must also surround yourself with people who you would want to be recognized by.

Tone: wise, strategic, relatable, understanding, efficient, helpful


“I’ve walked this path. This is what I’ve learned”
“These are the insights from my experience”
“Here’s my perspective”
“This is what I’m seeing”
“This is the best way to do things, this is effective, efficient,
intelligent & strategic.”

1. Your audience is the hero and the spotlight is really all about them. It’s your turn to step
back and be the wise guide whose mission it is to support the other through your wisdom.
It’s not about you. It’s about them. But the wisdom comes from your lived experiences
having “been there and done that”.
2. Do not give your advice where it’s not asked for. Do not guide if you have not been invited
to do so. Otherwise you will be met with resistance as the projector aura can feel very
invasive to those who have not asked for it. Relax, and practice acknowledging yourself. The
invitations will come. Your success is inevitable.

2. Do not give your advice where it’s not asked for. Do not guide if you have not been invited
to do so. Otherwise you will be met with resistance as the projector aura can feel very
invasive to those who have not asked for it. Relax, and practice acknowledging yourself. The
invitations will come. Your success is inevitable.
3. In order to be recognised you must showcase what you know. Use your content to
demonstrate your unique perspective on specific topics. The more you share your
knowledge on public platforms, i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Books, Public Speaking
etc, the more opportunities you are creating for people to recognise and invite you to share
your perspective.

(This Is Your Energetic Strategy)

REFLECTORS The Mirror in Snow White

Your Strategy: Wait a Lunar Cycle (28 days)

Your Archetype: The Mirror in Snow White

Your magnetism is dependent on your environment as this is what you will reflect. It’s extremely
important for you to surround yourself with people and places that you find inspiring, fulfilling
and enjoyable. You have extremely intuitive gifts where you feel the subtleties of energy around
you and what is happening on a cosmic and collective level. You will be able to see the things
others may miss. You are the most fair and objective of all the types and play the best advocate.
You are here to champion humanity and show us what’s really happening and where we can
improve. You are here to show us what we cannot see with your deep intuitive abilities. You are
here to experience life and who you are in each moment. Who you are in each moment is the
reflection of life that the rest of the types rely on for improvement and sustainability.

Tone: Unbiased, objective, fair, just, soft, even tempered, wise, psychic, intuitive


“This is what’s happening on a collective level”
“This is how humanity is impacted by what’s happening”
“This is what we will be feeling”
“This is what we are missing”
“This is the truth of what’s happening”

You have access to all of the information in the cosmos. Spend time
learning about the daily transits of the planets in astrology or gate
activations in Human Design and use your openness to deepen your
awareness of how these transits will affect the collective. They are
here to show all of us the full human effects of the movement of the
planets on a continual basis.

Inside The Human Design For Business Program, there is an in-depth breakdown that includes
case studies and analysis of successful personal brands and their content that has performed
well based on each of the above 4 marketing archetypes. Inside these modules, I breakdown
and include specific examples of how these people have nailed the precise tone of voice in
their messaging that reflects the embodiment of their strategy. I also break down examples of
where the sacral response has been utilised with a direct comparison to where it is not being
utilised in content, so you can actually see and feel the difference.

This has hands down been one of the most game-changing things to master for the vast majority
of my clients.

- Micha

- Olivia


- AmyLee

Meet AmyLee, a 5/1 Pure Generator. When she learned how to market & write content with her
sacral turned on, she did a whopping $40,000 in 30 days. She was able to dial-up her ability to
draw things towards her. You may not know this about the sacral but if you are a sacral being
you are always drawing opportunities towards you for you to respond to. The trick is learning
how to do this consciously and intentionally so that you become a master magnet for all of your
desires. When AmyLee did this she started to reach the exact people (on her fractal line) that
really needed to hear her message. In other words, her message started resonating with THE
RIGHT PEOPLE. This is the power of mastering the energetics.

You might have an amazing message but you don’t have the energetics dialled in, it’s not going
to reach the right people. More than that, she also learned what it meant to be a 5/1 Profile,
and instead of shrinking down in fear that she was triggering people she embraced the
inevitable projections that come with being a 5 line. She no longer holds back the potency of
her voice. She has become the natural solutions-oriented leader she was born to be.

Since activating her sacral response, she’s built a multiple 6 figure business in alignment that
she adores. You can check out what AmyLee had to say here.


- Nima

Nima is a 6/2 Projector that used to feel like he was always hunting people down. He had so
much brilliance inside of him and so much to offer the world but often felt like people didn’t
really get it. When he learned how to embody his archetype as ‘The Guide’ and completed all
of the exercises I taught him on how to recognise himself and be the lighthouse (this is the
ultimate work for Projectors) he stepped out of bitterness and into his signature of Success.
NOW he’s out walking his dog and regularly receives messages in his inbox from people who
are asking to work with him. Now the world finally sees him for who he really is and everything
he has to offer. He said 2020 was “the most productive and transformative year of [his 18 year]

“It was as if she gave me the keys to start living and teaching from a place of authentic
expression of my soul. Oddly enough as I stopped fighting against my own nature and used my
voice within it, everything changed, and I was able to notice the right clients magnetically PULLED
in my direction"

Since embodying his role as The Guide and stepping into his signature, Nima’s business has
been doing 6 figure months. You can check out Nima’s testimonial here.


- Hellen

Helen is a 2/4 Manifestor. When she learned how to embody more of her Manifestor
Revolutionary energy, being the one that goes first and changes the way things are done her
content and personal brand exploded online. She truly embodies what it means to be a fully
expressed, untamed Manifestor in all of her raw, healthy power. Funnily enough she said that
she’s normally “allergic to programs in general” but what she loved was the way everything
came together which “set off so many lightbulbs in my head that made TCE so powerful. In ways
that I’ll never forget because there’ll be one thing that you say & I’ll be like fuck, yes, that! It’s
those moments in a program that you want.”

Since finishing the program, Helen has been on a mission to revolutionise the Yoga Industry
and her people are loving every minute of it. She’s leading by example and showing brave yoga
teachers everywhere that they don’t have to be overworked and underpaid by going first. She’s
showing them that multi 6 figure years are possible for them too and she’s making all of us
damn proud in the process.

Since stepping into her true power and leadership she did a $350,000 year. You can check out
Helen’s testimonial here.

Your Message

What a discovery this was!

In January 2020, I began studying the planetary placements in Human Design and observed my
favorite gate (56) happened to be in my Conscious Mercury placement. Remember in chapter
three where I shared that I resonated with this energy far more?

I was blown away. “Oh my god! How interesting is this! The Storyteller, the traveler, the rapture
of being alive!” It was everything I believed in so much, and it was the one thing I couldn’t stop
speaking about if I tried. You see, I was already living and breathing this energy. I was not
disconnected from it, so it resonated from the get-go. I had no conditioning here (versus in my
Conscious Sun, where I had a lot of conditioning). So the process of me experimenting with this
energy more intentionally in my business messaging was quite easy, fast and fun.

The first thing I did was gather more evidence to support my hypothesis. I shared it with two
friends who were both deep in their Human Design experiment. They both resonated with their
gates and messaging and found that the more they leaned into it, the more their audience
responded. The more I looked at successful people, such as Tony Robbins and Oprah, and their
messaging, the more evidence I found to support my hypothesis.

In 2020, I experimented with writing more content posts about the importance of storytelling
and why our stories matter. Not only were these some of my most popular and resonant posts,
but when I started running Ads, one of my best-performing Ads in 2020 was yep, you guessed
it… Ad Copy where I talked about storytelling.

After one year of experimenting and observation, I had a LOT of data. But at this point it was just
me and my wild theories. In December of 2020, I reached out to Alisha Baker and sent her my
findings. She verified my hypothesis. I published my findings the following month.

Let me tell you… there are a lot of people on the internet talking about your Conscious Mercury.
I’m not saying people didn’t know about it before. The information was always there. Mercury is
what you communicate. That’s obvious. But it was not widespread, mainstream or popular until I
published ‘Marketing With Your Unique Blueprint’ (which has been repurposed, rewritten and
edited into this book). Up until I started teaching the practical translation, I am not sure that
many people really understood the true potential of this energy and specifically its applications
in business.

I believe there are a few layers here.

The first layer is embodying the energy in your daily life, which is probably the easiest thing to
do and the best way to get started. I think most Human Design Teachers could teach this quite
easily and effectively.

The second layer, in my perspective, is learning how to actually construct a marketing message
using the themes of this gate. Now, I don’t see anybody else on the internet teaching this, and
in my humble opinion, this is what makes money and creates a connection to your audience. In
order to be able to teach this, one must have a deep understanding in marketing psychology,
consumer behavior and brand strategy, which most Human Design Teachers don’t have, simply
because this is not their field. Probably one of the few other people in this field that has a deep
knowledge of both (Human Design + Marketing) is Paige Michelle.

There are few people who understand the mechanics of messaging and even fewer who
understand how to apply energetics to the mechanics of messaging.

Inside The Human Design For Business Program, there are five modules on how to translate
your mercury INTO a message as well as all 64 gates and a demo of me translating every single
gate so you can see what this could potentially look like for you, based on your niche. You also
get questions to help you frame and create a powerful message that will resonate with and
inspire your audience.


- Keri

Keri is a 4/6 Manifestor. When she learned how to align her mercury gate (51) with her
message she started seeing “PHENOMENAL” conversions. Despite having a small audience
and even being shadow banned for controversial material, her message was drawing in “the
right people even if it’s not a lot of people.” Her energy did a lot of the heavy lifting and she
ended up doing $51,000 and having the biggest launch she’s ever had.

You can check out a brief snippet of Keri’s testimonial here.


Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.

Mercury is a messenger of the Gods. It brings the capacity to move messages; i.e.
communication. This is your opportunity to EXPAND consciousness through communication. It is
your conscious Mercury in this particular position that gives you an insight as to what you TRULY
need to communicate in this life. The message you need to get across in this life. What you
need to reach out and deliver to “the other” as a message. This is where there is a consistent
theme in you that NEEDS to be expressed.

☿ Mercury - Mercury influences your communication and thinking. It reveals what you most need
to communicate during your life.


ANTHONY ROBBINS Manifesting Generator

BIRTH DATE (LOCAL): 29 February 1960, 20:10

BIRTH DATE (UTC): 01 March 1960, 04:10
AGE: 60
TYPE: Emotional Manifesting Generator
PROFILE: 6/2 - Role Model / Hermit
CHANNELS: 1034 - Exploration
1949 - Synthesis
3536 - Transistoriness
3740 - Community
0659 - Mating

Tony Robbins' Conscious Mercury is in Gate

36. This is “The Gate of Crisis”. This gate is the
energy of a buildup and peak. It is the selling of
no decline. It is the emotional depth to endure
crisis and embrace change.

And what is Tony Robbins' Brand Message all



Have I blown your mind yet?


BIRTH DATE (LOCAL): 29 January 1954, 04:30

BIRTH DATE (UTC): 29 January 1954, 10:30
AGE: 66
TYPE: Emotional Generator
PROFILE: 2/4 - Hermit / Opportunist
DEFINITION: Triple Split
CHANNELS: 1949 - Synthesis
12461 - Awareness
2946 - Discovery
3457 - Power

Oprah Winfrey's Conscious Mercury is in Gate

49. This is the "Gate of Principles" or “The
Gate of Wisdom”. This energy is about
standing up for your principles and creating
social change and reform through a principle-
based revolution. It is a revolution not for the
sake of power. It is an energy that knows what
and who is needed for the community. It is also
particularly focused on food and food
distribution; people who have enough to eat
don't need to go to war.

When you think of Oprah's brand & messaging,

what do you think of?



Think about their success. It's no accident. Both

Tony & Oprah are magnetic because they are
living & breathing who they were born to be,
AND their brands reflect that.

Your Content

OK, first of all let’s clarify the purpose of content.

Your content, as a part of your overall marketing strategy, is supposed to create a way for your
audience to connect with you and also to demonstrate what you know and how you can help

Leveraging your Human Design in your content (in addition to the above tone of voice and
getting clear on your unique message) involves looking at the unique talent of your Profile Lines.

These talents are strongly perceived by others. The combination of your natural skills is what
makes up your unique genius.

This is one of my most recent experiments and discoveries. It starts with a backstory.

In November 2021, my colleague Alisha Baker & I hosted a masterclass on uncovering your
genius through the Genius Report System, a subsection of Human Design created by 64 Keys.

The Genius Report breaks down our specific energetic talents and skills by type
(Projector/Mani/Generator etc), Profile lines (3/6) & Channels (10-20 Channel of Awakening).
Until this point, I taught my clients how to embody their type, their defined centers, authority,
and how to harness the power of their mercury messaging.

You can download your Genius Report for free here.

I had spent most of 2021 ruminating on life as a 3 line and started deeply contemplating how to
embody more of my role model energy as a 6 line. Then something *clicked*. As a 3/6 my
profile talent is "Transformation By Experience".

The description of this in the Genius Report is, "I have experienced and tried out many things in
the course of my life. This helps me to identify individual approaches which may have an
exemplary function. I contribute to transformations as I stand for new things and make others see
them, too."

I found my own way to interpret this and started embodying this energy in my content. I created
4 posts and did 2 live streams between the 20th of December and the 2nd of January that
ended up on the explore feed. IG pushed my reach, and within a few weeks my audience had
grown by THOUSANDS.

Every day I woke up to messages from ideal clients telling me that they resonated with my
content and asking how they could work with me 1-1. I had over 45+ requests and stopped
counting 😅

The Human Design For Business Program includes a breakdown of all 12 profiles, case studies
and breakdowns of successful people in our industry who are utilising their profile line talents
so you can observe this in action. It also includes my perspective on how to actually use the
specific talent in dot point summary, content prompts and pro tips so you can experiment with
writing content specific to your natural talent :)


1/3 Courage to Try Out Novel Things

I have the courage to try out novel things in order to make improvements
or changes. By doing so, I bring to light what doesn't work. I can copy
with errors as these are part of any transformation process. My wealth of
experience is the basis of my know-how.

1/4 Sociable Networker

I have strong ties to where I come from and the communities in which I
grew up and for which I work. I like to communicate and contribute to the
distribution of information and building of relationships. The socialization I
have experienced is a central part of my nature.

Selective Passion
I passionately pursue what I am interested in. I engage with my networks
and make influential contributions. In order to devote myself to my
passions, undisturbed, I tend to retire from time to time.

2/5 Mastery & Perfection

I have very special talents that I like to perfect. This can cause others to
have very high expectations of me. However, I am only willing to live up to
these expectations if they are in line with my talents and preferences.
Because I can become a distinguished expert in my field.

Troubleshooting Skills
I experience and try out many things in the course of my life. The reward is
a wealth of experiences. I can thus solve problems in unconventional ways,
as often problems can only be overcome with novel approaches.

Transformation by Experience
I have experienced and tried out many things in the course of my life. This
helps me to identify individual approaches which may have an exemplary
function. I contribute to transformations as I stand for new things and make
others see them, too.

4/6 Influence by Overview
I like to observe the world from a bird’s eye view in order to achieve an
objective overview. From this position I develop my individual skills in the
course of my life and can thus become an influential role model for others.

4/1 Reliable Authority

I am skilled at becoming a reliable focus for communities as I behave and
act with confidence. As such a "pillar of strength" I am a good teacher and
a reliable authority in my field.

5/1 Solution-Orientation
Because of my solid mastery of basic principles, I can offer practical
solutions which benefit many people. I am interested in creating far-
reaching and universal solutions.

5/2 Expertise
I know how to become a sought-after expert in the field that I am committed
to. I am selective to whom I offer my practical solutions. As only those who
are aware of my specialized expertise will be able to honor my talent.

6/2 Role Model Skills

My authenticity means a lot to me. As I can only become a role model and
offer my special talents in the field that suits. By means of my individual
devotion, I make new things visible to the world and thus contribute to
changes as a lodestar.

6/3 Innovative Power

I am interested in innovative and novel things which I co-shape by means of
my individuality. I drive novel developments and pave the way for new
areas. I transform established things and, based on my innovative power, I
am a master of transformation.


- Marla

Marla is a single definition 2/4 Pure Generator. She is a Master Coach, has studied with Karen
Carry Parker and has been in her Human Design experiment for 15 years. She used the
principles I taught her about applying the unique talent of her profile lines in marketing, content
and launching… and she had the best launch of her career. A year before working together she
did a launch in February 2021 and confessed that “it was the most stressed I had ever been in
my whole life. I was having heart palpitations.”

I’m thrilled to share that since then Marla learned how to launch in a way that lights her up, has
her feeling buoyant and uplifted and dancing around the house in joy. She created a unique
way that works for her based on the specific prompts I provided for the 2/4 profile.

If you’ve ever experienced stressful launches, you’re going to want to watch our interview here.

Your Expression & Communication

In my years helping close to a thousand people with their content, copy and marketing strategy,
I have found that the number one challenge for most people usually comes down to a block in
their creative expression.

I believe that we all have access to endless creative ideas and that we are all at core, artists. We
are here to create, and as Neal Donald Walsh says, “The purpose of life is to know yourself,
create yourself, experience yourself as who you really are. There is no other reason to do
anything.” We are “always in the process of creating. Every moment, every minute, every day.
You are a big creation machine and you are turning out a new manifestation literally as fast as
you can think.”

The throat center is by far one of the most important centers when it comes to business. Why?
Because it is the center for manifestation and expression. The throat “is how the changes
needed to further our transformation and evolve humanity will be expressed and moved along
through us.”
—Ra Uru Hu, Founder of Human Design

It is through the throat center that we express who we are, what we are thinking, feeling,
creating, learning, contributing, and it is how we empower others. Clear, effective
communication is incredibly important because it is in this way we become the outer authority
for others to respond to.

Some of the most powerful work I have done with people has been in helping them repattern
their beliefs around marketing, speaking and writing content. When people decondition the
patterns running in the throat center, they open up a powerful channel for expression. This
almost always results in their work becoming highly visible online and them experiencing far
more joy and influence in the process of simply talking about their work.

At the end of the day, that’s all marketing is.

It is not persuading, convincing or lying.
Great marketing is simply great storytelling, and we are all born storytellers.

The key is reconnecting to this intrinsic aspect of ourselves.

How do I know if I have conditioning in the throat center?

Here are a few examples of common conditioned beliefs that would indicate there is conditioning

I need to be more visible in order to make sales

I don’t have enough followers/audience to be making the kind of money I want
I need to sell from a webinar, but public speaking makes me nervous
I need to show up on social media every day but don’t want to
I need a Facebook Group, but it feels like a lot of work
I don’t know what to say to show people how good my work is
I just feel like people don’t and won’t ever understand me
I don’t like the idea of pre-planning and scheduling all of my content
I think I need lots of hype and to be super loud in order to have a successful launch
Funnels or Ads don’t work for me
I don’t want to dance and point
I have to be perfect in my writing to be understood
I don't know how to share my wisdom without people asking me specific questions,
sometimes I doubt if people care about my wisdom even though I know it is so good!
I don’t want to do Sales Calls but feel like I need to in order to sell high ticket
I’m not loud enough to cut through the noise to be successful
I freeze up and get writer's block when I think about what to say online
Reels make me want to puke. I don’t want to limit my message to a minute
I don’t want to be on social media at all

Does any of this sound familiar? If these are the types of beliefs preventing you from showing
up online marketing your business, we have some deconditioning work to do :)

There is a masterclass on deconditioning the throat center inside The Human Design For
Business Program that includes practical guidance to help you decondition the patterns, whether
your throat is defined or not. Inside our last ever LIVE round, opening on October 12th, there
will also be a live coaching session with The Content Emporium’s resident Mindset & Success
Coach, Bea Maz to repattern the above beliefs so you can experience the power and influence
of free flowing creative expression in your marketing :)

The defined throat is consistent in its expression and manifestations. That means that it has a
defined way of DOING and SPEAKING depending on which gates are activated in the throat.
Our individual voices come from these gates and channels. To add another layer, if you have a
channel connecting the throat, take a look at what center it is connected to. This will tell you
WHERE your voice/action may be coming from. For instance, if you have Channel 1-8, the
channel of contribution, your voice and actions are coming from your identity, from your higher
self, in the G-Center.

The undefined throat has the ability to amplify definition at 200%. Therefore it can take on a
wide range of voices and actions.

In the not-self, the undefined throat is trying to get attention by overtalking,

oversharing, being loud, speaking over-defined throats, filling in the silence, acting on
distractions, etc. This is because in the not-self, they feel an incredible pressure to
speak and act, be seen, and make an impression.

Lady Gaga is a great example of a healthy undefined throat center. Her incredible range of
voice and the fact that she has beautifully performed covers for over 30 different artists shows
that inconsistent definition can actually be a superpower. Watching interviews with Lady Gaga,
you can see that she patiently waits for the questions to be asked in full before she gives an
answer. Her answers are concise and to the point. Even in her documentary, she tends to be
quiet until she is recognized, invited, or is in the correct space with the correct people where
she will be heard. It isn’t something she thinks about. It is a natural embodiment of the true self
of the throat center.

FAQ: can I do webinars or livestreams if I have an undefined throat?

A common misconception is that if you have an undefined throat, that you cannot use it to
market or sell. My personal perspective is that if you are undefined in your throat you do not
want to put pressure on your throat to perform in order for your business to make money. For
me this means, recording Instagram Stories or a Webinar WHEN you are in the mood, then
scheduling your stories or running your webinar on autopilot. If you had a business model that
required you to speak on demand, it may put pressure on your throat center.

What it really means if you have an undefined throat is that you have RANGE. You have the
opportunity to use your voice spontaneously in a non-fixed, fluid way. The true self of the
undefined throat naturally attracts attention and recognition when it waits for the correct timing
and speaks from truth. This energy is patient, comfortable with silence, and naturally recognizes
the truth in itself and others.

Offers & Sales

This chapter should actually be called “How I figured out the BURNOUT TRAP &
overcame it using Human Design: a guide to creating offers that won’t lead to death”

OK. This is like *THE THING* that confuses most people, and it’s also been one of the biggest
things that has helped me to shift out of constantly burning out and going into patterns of stress
(the shadow of my unconscious sun) and bitterness (my not-self theme).

Here’s a really helpful tip.

Write down your not-self theme.

If you are a Manifestor, it’s anger.

If you are a Generator or Manifesting Generator, it’s frustration.
If you are a Projector, it’s bitterness.
If you are a Reflector, it’s disappointment.

As a way for you to track and measure your success (money should not be the goal) the best KPI
you can use is how much time do you feel in your signature vs in the not-self theme above?

Monitor this, check in with yourself and journal at least once a week to reflect “how _____ was I
this week?” Then identify the specific aspects of your life and business that triggered your not-
self theme. Then enter into a process of either eliminating, restructuring or delegating the things
that trigger anger, frustration, bitterness or disappointment.

Believe me when I say this is a LIFE CHANGING process and it is so simple. By adding this
exercise to your journaling routine once a week, I guarantee you will be messaging me in a few
months telling me how your life has changed…

So in advance, you are welcome haha.

& I look forward to hearing all about it :)

OK, back to where we were…

When it comes to offer creation we need to look at three things:

1). What do I have that I am delivering?

2). Who is receiving the service?
3). How is the offer being delivered?

It’s usually in the delivery that 99% of people burnout if they are not careful.

In December 2020, I heard Paige Michelle talking about offers and business models by design
and I was intrigued. Then one day she offered an assessment, where she would identify “the big
domino” in your Human Design chart that if you worked through that pattern, all the good stuff
was on the other side.

I obviously bought the assessment lol.

In this assessment she pointed out that I had a split definition and the two centers between my
split, my sacral and ego, where were my biggest patterns would be running. In the context of
business this looked like overworking (not knowing when enough is enough) and trying to prove
my worth and value through my client results. It was a spiral where one pattern would trigger the
other. Because I felt I needed my clients results to validate my worth as a coach I was constantly
following up and trying to hold them accountable which created a pattern of overextending, thus
leading to continuous cycles of burnout, exhaustion then bitterness… which lead to me feeling
like even more of a failure, thus triggering even more of a need to prove that I wasn’t in fact a



You can see how this can become quite a vicious cycle.

“So what do I do?!” I asked.

“Well firstly, you need to stop following up with all of your clients. You’re not designed to hold
people accountable. You don’t have sustainable energy to do that. Your ego center is

Oh my god.

Not only was I constantly following up with clients… I was also constantly following up on things
with people on my team. This was the moment where I realised everything needed a major

Before we got off the call Paige mentioned that she had just let go of every single person on her
team, to which I begged the question, “WHY?”

Her response, “Because if you build a business from the NOT-SELF, not only is it going to be
unsustainable but it’s inevitably going to crumble. I would rather rebuild from where I’m
consistent and defined so I know my business is sustainable than watch the not-self carry out its
patterns and lead to destruction."

I had to admit a very painful truth to myself that day. The business I had spent a year building
and attempting to scale was in fact, not sustainable.

“OK, bye!” she said and jumped off zoom.

I panicked. What to do now? Where to go? How to fix?


That was definitely worth every penny, I thought to myself. But now I needed to understand
everywhere I had been operating from my NOT-SELF, so I didn’t end up making this situation
any worse than it already was.

Cue, Alisha Baker.

We began working together 1-1 to extend on the assessment Paige gave me. The advantage
here is that Alisha is not only highly experienced in Human Design but also in the Penta (team
dynamics). Alisha clarified the concept of “profiting from the not-self” and the nuances of how
we sell from versus to our defined and undefined centers.


There is a lot of confusion online about whether we sell FROM vs TO our defined centers so I
wanted to explain the mechanics of how the defined and the undefined centers work together
here when it comes to client attraction. When Ra originally taught this in the 64 Material Ways,
he explained that when we are looking at the centers we are looking at “nine profit centers”.

A note from Ra —
“When you’re looking at your Design, what you're looking at is differentiation imprinting. So,
when you're looking at your BodyGraph, you're looking at your differentiated imprinting out of
the matrix of all the chemistry of life. It is your specific imprinting. It’s what makes you different
and unique. However, you have to recognize that every single open Center, open Gate, and
open Channel is rooted in receptors within you. In other words, what I call the shadow or the

Open gates are RECEPTORS. We’re made up of a specific imprinting, and that specific
imprinting is imprinted out of a very complex matrix in which we have receptors to everything
else. So, when you have a Gate that's open, basically what you have is a receptor. That receptor
is not only attracted to what's on the other side, but it pulls the other side to it because it's the
nature of our geometry. In other words, whatever is open in you is going to meet what activates
it. And whatever is open in you means that that is your shadow’s imprinting. In other words,
that’s where your shadow is designed to be attractive.

We Are Designed to be Attracted to Differences.

Remember that genetics is rooted in the fact that we are designed to be attracted to what is
different. Of course, there lies our dilemma. We are attracted to the realm of the not-self. And
that is not a one-way street. What we are attracted to, we meet, and what we meet is attractive
and interesting for us, and we take something from that meeting.

Your “SELF” is not interested in making money, and it doesn’t know how to make money. When
you’re living by your differentiated “SELF” you are operating from a place of wholeness &
completion. Wholeness cannot be attracted to something because it is complete. Only your
undefined centers can be attracted to something.

We do not live in a conscious world; we live in the material plane where the shadow rules; the
not self is what SEEKS. It’s what creates DESIRE.

You make money THROUGH the Not-Self - this is what brings material benefit to you (because
this is where people are easily susceptible or manipulated or where they make decisions from).

The irony is that Human Design is supposed to teach people to become resilient to this, to
become more awake and to operate ONLY from a place of SELF (this is what is considered to
be “correct”).


We have nine energy centers in our body, each one with its own unique implications for our
life. These centers can be either “Defined”, “Undefined” or “Open.” A defined center (colored)
means that energy in that center is consistent; you can learn to rely on its fixed energy. A
completely open center (white) means that the energy is coming in from the outside. This
energy is amplified, and is not consistent or reliable. It is not you.


An open center can be a wonderful source of wisdom and sensitivity; however, it is generally
where you are trapped trying to be what you are NOT. This is what Human Design calls the not-
self mind. The monologues and dialogues that take place in your head are fuelled by your open
centers. This is who you think you are or what you think you should be. The mind is literally
obsessed with these themes; this is where and how your mind tortures you. Learning to witness
these voices is an incredible tool for dis-identifying with your mind.

“We take advantage of where we are open & we operate from where we are defined”

We can’t eliminate the shadow of the mind, we learn how to live with it & recognise that it is
NOT us (our true self).

For this exercise, we’re going to focus on where you are DEFINED. This is where you have
consistent energy. This is WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

The aim of this exercise is for you to start living even more congruently with where you have
consistent energy. When you do this, you’ll create more and more congruence, and this will
automatically attract people towards you (clients, opportunities, etc)

When we are consistently ourselves on an ENERGETIC level, we create a frequency of

coherence and tap into the infinite power of the quantum field.

We become a magnet for our desires.

We accelerate time and create, effortlessly.

Remember, your one goal in life is to BE YOURSELF.

(These are the themes for your offers)

& ideas Ajna: Systems
& processes

Throat: Messaging,
Marketing, Visibility G-Center: Purpose, self
& public speaking love, brand identity &

Ego: willpower,
Spleen: health, accountability,
survival & negotiation,
intuition buying/selling/
dealmaking &

Solar Plexus: emotional

Sacral: sex, intelligence, poetry,
vitality, creativity, art, emotional depth of
movement/dance experience
& work

Root: ambition, drive,

growth, goal setting
& accomplishment

What we are looking at here are the themes for the offers based on each center, whether they
are defined or undefined. Every center carries certain themes. For example, the creation of the
messaging program is me creating an offer from my defined throat center. This is energy that
comes the most naturally to me and it's where I have access to consistent energy.

The best way to use this information is to list out your defined centers and jot down the themes
of where you have access to consistent energy.

This is the easiest way to get started with creating offers.

The next level (Reflectors & Mental Projectors, stay with me…) is understanding how to leverage
the wisdom from your undefined centers, once you have undergone a thorough deconditioning
process. This is by far the most potent form of offer creation, but the catch-22 is that for this to
really work and be effective, the center must be deconditioned.

When you truly understand the mechanics of creating offers from your defined versus undefined
centers (because you can do both) you will be able to influence the types of clients you attract.
This is the next level, my friends. For those of you who want to really master this… Danna & I will
be teaching this live inside The Human Design For Business Program.

This is so powerful. Let’s just say that when Danna clarified the nuance for me, I was like... This
is absolutely game-changing, and I am never going back to the way I did things before. This is
absolute mastery of the mechanics of client attraction. Truly mind blowing. I am so excited for
you to learn this :)


- Hannah

Hannah is a 4/6 Reflector that had a very successful career in Marketing. She experienced
quick success in her business but then hit a plateau. She came to me in transparency and said,
“something is just off.” When I reviewed her offer suite, from the delivery to the themes of the
offers, I pointed out that it wasn’t set up in a way that was supporting her unique strategy and
strengths as a Reflector. Together we created an offer harnessing her untapped gifts that she
could sustainably deliver. Within just a few weeks she was booked out and said her clients were
getting better results in these sessions than anything else she had offered. Not only that but this
had nothing to do with her previous niche. It made no logical sense and yet it was one of the
most successful offers she’d ever created.

Since then, she has redesigned her entire suite and has been experiencing consistent
momentum, creativity & flow. You can watch our interview here.

Business Models

Ahhhhh the creme de la creme.

This is why you’re here isn’t it ;)

To finally get some straight answers on the right business model for you?

This is an extension of Chapter 9. In the previous chapter, we were looking at and

deconstructed the themes for your offers. In this chapter we’re going to look at the format of

I have spoken a lot about how too often we blindly choose business models without a true
understanding of if it will truly work for us. What’s interesting is that I think, on some level, we
are already innately drawn toward the things that we know will work for us. It’s just that we can
easily get distracted by other shiny things, especially when what we’re doing isn’t working.

I can tell you that I have always been very attracted to a business where I had lots of
spaciousness to write, travel, speak and teach. For example, when I look at, let’s say, Melanie
Ann Layer’s Business Model, everything in my body goes, “Nope, nuh uh. Not gonna happen.
No sir.”

If you’re unfamiliar with the model, I’ll break it down. It’s one of the most widely adopted
models for an online coaching business. There are variations of this model but the overall
premise is that the most effective way to scale is to stack offers.

For example:

1). 1-1 coaching x (example, capped at 5 clients)

2). Mastermind x (example, capped at 10 clients)
3). Group Programs x infinitely scalable (but constantly launching)

In theory, this looks great. The upside is consistent monthly recurring revenue (MRR) which is
the primary reason most people pursue this model. The downside is that it requires you to
always be on, demands a high energy output and there is no room for spaciousness. If I tried to
do this all myself, I think I would die. I don’t know if that’s being a touch dramatic but just
running group programs in a live launch format and leading my team is already a lot for me lol.
I’ve had this discussion with other Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors and everyone has
agreed that at best, maybe they could stack 2 out of 3 at any given time. It’s really important that
we don’t beat ourselves up for not being able to do what other people can do. This type of
model is best suited for people with defined sacrals, lots of motor centers and tribal channels.

Now, let’s look at someone with very different energy and a very different business model,
Jenna Zoe. Jenna has both a Digital Product (Online Course Model) and also a Certification
Program. Important to note, that this is a HYBRID model.

I am personally a huge fan of both of these models (digital products and certifications), and I
love the hybrid. The premise with the digital product model is that there is essentially zero
energy that goes into delivery. This is a largely passive income model for people that are highly
creative and require spaciousness in their calendars. In order for this to work, however, you
need to:

Build a brand
Build an audience
Have a great content strategy
Have either great partners with big audiences OR very good evergreen funnels

These are just a few examples of different types of models. What I want you to take away from
this is that there is truly no one way or right way to scale a business. The key to figuring out the
most aligned delivery for you is based on a few different variables; your definition (single, split,
triple split etc), your defined centers but predominantly your circuitry.

Circuitries are the relationship themes between certain channels. Ra said that it was the actual
circuit itself that created the overall themes of the channels within it. Circuitry is important in
having a deeper understanding of ourselves and the way that we connect to others. We will
always attract what activates us in terms of completing a full circuit, but we will also be naturally
attracted to those with similar circuits to ourselves.

There are three main types of circuits: Individual, Tribal and Collective. Each main circuit is
made of several sub-circuits, creating 7 different types altogether.


People with individual circuitry (including the integration circuit) are here to bring
transformation and evolution to the world. If you have individual circuitry you are here to be
different, and through your unique process of self-discovery and empowerment, you inspire
others by your example. You may find that you do not fit in or belong anywhere but feel like
more of a lone wolf. This type of energy can be deeply inspiring to large groups of people, but
it is not necessarily supposed to be a part of the group. Your gifts are the innovative thinking
that you bring into the world. This energy is referred to as “mutative” in the way that it impacts
the world. If you have a lot of individual circuitry (like I do!) you may feel lonely sometimes but
trust that you are here to show others new ways of doing things. This circuit is made up of three
sub-circuit groups: Knowing, Centering, and Integration.


Tribal circuitry is focused on family, friends and community; in other words, the tribe. This
energy ensures everyone is safe, secure and thriving. It is naturally deeply attuned to the needs
of those around it. I have personally observed people with tribal energy even at times anticipate
needs. When you are in the presence of tribal circuitry, you can feel deeply supported,
protected and held. If you carry a lot of this energy you may find it difficult to say no to people
and distinguish others' needs from your own. You will likely love physical touch (this could be
high on your love languages) and enjoy being part of families and communities.

A core part of living with this energy is finding the balance between giving and receiving. You
must learn how to take care of yourself and not self-sacrifice in the process of loving and
supporting others. Remember that the more your own cup overflows, the more you have to give.
This circuit is made up of two sub-circuit groups: Ego & Defense.


While Individual circuitry is focused on one's personal experience and Tribal circuitry focuses
on small groups, Collective Circuitry is all about global, collective evolution. It’s a very “I’m
going to change the world!” type of vibe. People with this energy are interested in the big
picture and having a big impact on the world. People with collective circuitry are built to see
patterns and clearly assess what is working and what isn’t in order to help humanity preserve its
survival as a species. People with collective circuitry tend to be more visual and enjoy gathering
stories or lessons from the past or studying history in order to predict or create a better future.

Realising that I was predominantly individual with one collective channel finally helped me
understand how all of my different channels were coming together (and sometimes conflicting)
to create all of my different interests. My 39-55 channel simply wants to travel, be a loner
vagabond and write books about my experiences like Jack Kerouac. My 10-20 is constantly
reinventing itself, seeking personal transformation and evolution, committed and dedicated to a
mastery of consciousness and as it does so, naturally awakens the lives of others… then there’s
my 18-58 that sometimes feels like it’s rallying for Greenpeace. “Heeeeey, we have a big
mission. Let’s go! Let’s change the world! Innovate. Strategise! Big vision!!! This isn’t good
enough. We can improve that! We need to FIX THINGS!” This little guy doesn’t shut up
sometimes, and all I want to do is say, “shhhhhhhhh big fella!”

You know what? For a long time, I felt that I was at odds with myself and that I had these
different archetypes that lived within me; the WRITER/CREATIVE, the ENTREPRENEUR & the
TEACHER/COACH/MYSTIC. All these years, I just thought I was crazy… as it turns out, these
are simply the 3 different energies I carry.

When we discussed the importance of circuitry, Sophie said, “I think if you’re going to go to
the trouble of understanding your channels, then looking at the circuitry is pretty key.” To which
Danna responded with, “100% I almost feel like they are the MOST important! It’s like the
season of your life.”

I have personally spent the last couple of months refining my own model based on my circuitry
and recently did a training called “The $2M Masterclass”, where I pulled back the curtain and

My new hybrid business model

Why I chose it
Who it works for (by Human Design)
My high ticket offer strategy
My passive income strategy
How I plan on growing my audience to over 100,000 next year
How I mapped out 2023 as a $3-4M year
My profit margins
The difference between growth mode vs profit mode
How I plan to INVEST this money; &
My hack for earning and manifesting MORE

This is a highly valuable class for anyone wanting transparency on what it actually takes to build,
run and scale a multiple 7-figure business. You can grab the replay here.

I honestly wish I learnt this sooner, but I’m grateful that I have it and get to share it with you now.
If you’ve ever felt frustrated by the delivery of your business, it would be worthwhile reflecting
on your model and where you learned it. Then ask, “does this truly feel aligned for me?” If the
answer is no, or you simply want to explore more options, Danna & I will be breaking circuitry
down in detail in a brand new live session inside The Human Design Program. I will also
provide more examples of different business models based on circuitry and the best ways to
scale them.

OK, I’ll be honest. I actually had 4 more chapters in here on

Working Environment
Work Flow & Habits
Work Style, Collaboration & Decision Making

But this book was getting LONGGGGG, and as I got to the end of rewriting and editing chapter
10, I heard my emotional authority yell, “ahermmm let’s wrap this up” hahaha. Who knows, that
could have also been my completely open sacral.

As you can probably tell from the contents of this book, in true 3 line fashion, everything I am
sharing has come from a deep and thorough process of experimentation, trial and error. I trust
that you have received many golden nuggets from this book and will go back to it many times
over as you continue your experiment and navigate new aspects of your design in your business

If this material has resonated with you, you like my no bullshit approach and you’re interested in
creating similar results to any of the case studies I shared throughout the book, then here is an
overview of how my team & I can help you.


Get started by joining the Free Facebook Group here. The best part of aligning your business to
your energetic strategy is meeting a community of like-minded people who are all doing the
experiment alongside you.

Introduce yourself, share your design & ask questions.


At The Content Emporium, we have a few incredible readers that you can book a 1-1 reading
with, tailored to suit your specific questions.


Danna specialises in identifying trauma and patterns of behavior in the chart. She can help you
identify “your big domino” as well as shed highly insightful light on your circuitry, whether your
offers are aligned and how to better optimize your delivery based on your definition.

Book a 1-1 session with Danna here.


Sophie specialises in deconditioning and has been the resident Human Design Mentor inside
our Human Design programs for over a year now, helping our clients translate their mercury
into their messaging and rewire the shadow of their conscious sun into their superpower.

Book a 1-1 session with Sophie here.


Natasha specialises in helping you orient your direction and true purpose in this life, with a
deconditioned undefined G center, she will see you and the path you have come here to walk if
you’re desiring guidance with direction.

Book a 1-1 session with Natasha here.

The Human Design
for Business Program


This is a live program with lifetime access to a comprehensive course inside your Kajabi Portal.
This program is engineered to help you gain a deeper understanding of your unique design so
you can leverage where you have consistent energy and natural talents in the practical
application of business. The outcome? Easier sales. More aligned way of operating. Greater
ease. More flow. Less resistance. Reduce the risk of burnout and create sustainable practices.
Step into and spend more time in your signature. Everything you are already doing gets
amplified. More engagement, more visibility.


This is for you if you already have an offer, are already making money in your business, and are
comfortable showing up online. You are already posting and have made sales. This is for you if
you have had at least a few clients and have something to sell. This is built for mid-stage
entrepreneurs, meaning you already have the foundations.


1. Your Brand, Conscious Sun Q&A, with Sophie Dubus

2. Your Message, Conscious Mercury Q&A, with Sophie Dubus
3. “The Sacral Response” for Generators and Manifesting Generators, with Danna Yahav
4. “Informing & Initiating” for Manifestors with Sophie Dubus
5. “Waiting & Recognition” for Reflectors and Projectors, with Phoebe Kuhn
6. Content, Profile Lines Q&A, with Danna Yahav
7. Deconditioning Expression & Communication, with Danna Yahav & Bea Maz
8. Making Aligned Business Decisions using your Authority, with Sophie Dubus
9. Work Flow, Patterns & Bridging The Split, with Danna Yahav
10. Deconditioning The Patterns, with Danna Yahav


1. Aligned Business Models, Circuitry, with Phoebe Kuhn & Danna Yahav
2. Sustainable, Profitable Offers, with Phoebe Kuhn & Danna Yahav
3. Hiring, Collaboration & Team Dynamics, PENTA, with Phoebe Kuhn


Lifetime access to the course inside your Kajabi Portal

10 live sessions with Q&A (plus bonuses when you pay in full)


4 Months of Facebook Group Support to ask questions. Group run by Sophie Dubus &
Danna Yahav ($300 for 4 months)


Early bird investment is USD$1,500 if paid in full. Price rises on Sunday the 16th of October at
23:59 EST to USD$1,700 if paid in full. Payment Plan is 6 instalments of $320 a month.


This is the last time we will ever run this Live :)


If you want to master your messaging, learn how to create viral content and write copy that
converts, then look no further… undoubtedly the best marketing and content program available
on the internet. I will be running this Live in January 2023, however, if you’d like immediate
access to the self-study course (if you purchase now, you will automatically get a free upgrade
when we are Live in January) you can get started here.


The Positioning Masterclass: How to position & sell your next offer so you have a sea of people
asking to work with you.

How The Holistic Psychologist Grew an Audience of 4.8 Million: Get her Content Strategy


If you want to reach more people and scale your impact by mastering the art of launching group
programs and online courses, this program will teach you a wildly profitable launch system that
you can use year after year. Our next live intake will be March-April 2023.


The Launch Masterclass: How to launch your next course or group program in a way that’s fun,
wildly profitable and expansive AF.

The Launch Playbook: Behind the scenes of a $653,000 launch.


In November - December this year, we will be opening up spots for our intimate, high-touch
mastermind focused on helping you master the mindset to help you grow your business. This
includes Leadership & Mindset Coaching, Copy Support & Business Strategy (aka the trifecta for
accelerated growth) with Bea Maz, Steph Laffy & myself.

(Human Design in the context of how you are designed to work in a team)
This was going to be it’s own chapter (this is will be a big part of the Human Design For
Business Program) but my open sacral told me it was time to stop. What I’d love to share
though, are two really dynamic case studies so you can see the application of how I have helped
people utilise the Penta.

Penta Case Study 1: Bea Maz



I first worked with Bea in 2021 and read her chart in a session for more context on her
messaging. I immediately noticed that she had what is referred to as “the team leader channel”
(the 2-14). I pointed this out to her and asked if she had ever considered working within a team,
or what her experience was with teams. She confirmed that every time she had ever been in a
team she immediately became the leader of the group and often thought it was odd how quickly
she would get promoted at previous jobs. I encouraged her to play with this type of dynamic to
see if it was something she enjoyed and gave a few suggestions of how this could work in her
current business model as a Mindset Coach. Months later she messaged me and said she
started taking on long term retainers as a “Guest Coach” in the memberships and masterminds
of other industry leaders.

She didn’t want to work for anybody else and said “I’m my own boss!” but the cool thing is to
enjoy being part of a team you don’t need a “boss” that you work for - you can set up your
offers in a way that allows you to be more of a partner that works alongside and collaborates
with others. Best of both worlds!

Bea now works with me inside The Content Emporium as our Mindset Coach & Head of Client
Success and shared that since stepping in as a team member her “energy, skillset and capacity
has been growing. This opportunity has been teaching me even more about my design, my
natural way of being, my generosity… Wow. Its actually so beautiful to experience.”

You can watch the interview here.

Penta Case Study 2: Steph Laffy



I was introduced to Steph through a mutual friend and inquired about hiring her as a contractor
to help support my clients in August 2021. As we continued to explore the dynamics of working
together I spent more time analysing Steph’s chart and discovering her natural talents. Steph’s
collaboration profile is best suited for partnership (this is the unconscious Jupiter line or the
Culture Sphere in the Gene Keys) and her role in the Penta is “Team Guide”. I curiously asked
her if she had worked in a team before and interestingly enough, her entrepreneurial journey
was with consistent solopreneur experiences. I invited Steph into The Content Emporium team in
January 2022 as a Team Guide, Product Lead & Copy Mentor to our clients and observed how
her genius activated. By stepping into the correct work dynamic for her she activated flow in all
areas of her life and she unleashed her potential. We did an interview on her experience in
learning how she is designed to work earlier this year, when I asked her what has changed she

“This has got me all in the feels. The thing that immediately comes to mind is the shift since
joining the team. & how excited I am to do business again. Coming into 2022, I honestly wanted
to burn my business to the ground. I was burnt out from doing so much 1-1 work and in hindsight I
can see now how the reason I was feeling that way is because my desire to support people is so
strong I was taking on almost every client that would approach me who needed support. I had a
very hard time, not from a scarcity perspective but from a desire to be there for people, as many
people as I could… so when people approached me I had a hard time saying no because I
wanted to do that (support) so badly.

Now being in a team I have quadruple the impact. It’s so incredible to see and feel how excited
that makes me.

Not to mention receiving support within a team from the beautiful people that you’ve found and
intentionally selected because you knew that they would bring exactly what you needed. This has
really shifted and skyrocketed my confidence within myself, my abilities and my ability to support
others as well. Receiving that support has not only affected me within the business and is giving
me the confidence to really show up in my gifts and in my power as a copywriter, and content
creator and coach, it’s really been amazing to see how it’s shifted my energy in my entire life. I’m
showing up differently in my own content. I’m showing up at home and within my relationships
differently. It’s really affected all of the areas of my life.

The final thing that really comes to mind, for the first few years of my business I felt not lost but
like I wasn’t working towards something. There hasn’t been a clear goal or a tangible mountain
top so to speak. Because as I mentioned, it was hard for me to see what that looked like because
I wasn’t inspired by the goals or results by many people in my industry strive for, so I wasn’t sure
what that would look like for me.

Now being part of a team where there *ARE* tangible and high mountain goals and results that
we can work towards, it’s so so inspiring. and has absolutely game changed my motivation to do
the work. I wake up excited to do it and it’s been a very long time since I felt that way. It’s been at
least a year and a half or two years since I’ve woken up excited to do the work.

It’s interesting because as I reflect, it’s now so clear to me what a *FUCK YES* feels like in this
capacity… and in pivoting. I have always really loved going all in on opportunities that I’m not
sure where they were going to take me, but I’ve never felt more sure of a right decision than I
have been of joining this team. I’m so grateful to see it now how working alone was not meant for
me. I was not thriving. As much as my business was succeeding and from the outside looking in, I
was ticking all of the boxes as a solopreneur. I was achieving what many people worked towards,
I just wasn’t happy and I would take myself to the verge of burnout then I’d bring myself back a
bit and now I’m finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of what it will look like to have a
sustainable and expansive business to work in and build."

You can watch the full interview here.

Manifestor Musings



- by Sophie Dubus

In 2014 I realised what I valued more than anything else was my freedom. Particularly when that
came to my work.

Freedom to do work that allowed me to express my creative urges and nourished my soul.

Freedom to work when and how I wanted, to my own schedule and according to my energy.

Freedom to make my impact.

And so I quit my job, moved out of my apartment in London and began following my creative
urges to see where they would take me.

And after a few twists and turns, I ended up on an island in Thailand, reading people bedtime

I began to receive overwhelmingly positive feedback on my voice. An asset I had overlooked

due to deep conditioning at school from an early age. Frequently sent out of class for talking,
answering back, and being smart. And so I shut it down, I made myself small, as is a common
experience amongst Manifestors.

Now it was being welcomed, called out. I began to follow opportunities that arose and trained
as a hypnotherapist.

My work took off. I was asked to do talks at local retreat centers and the bookings flowed in. For
a couple of years everything was rosy. Then the pandemic appeared.

I'd been planning to migrate my business online and it was the perfect opportunity. I hired a
business coach. Very soon I felt overwhelmed, exhausted and disheartened. I was told to post
on social media multiple times a day, batch create content according to daily topics, create a
low ticket offer to begin attracting clients, and connect with potential clients in groups and
through researching hashtags.

I couldn't keep up. I felt like there was something wrong with me. Everyone else seemed to be
able to do it. But even what I did try, didn't seem to work. I'd put an offer out, and... crickets.

I was beginning to lose hope. Maybe I'd have to go back to work for someone. The mere
thought depressed me.

Until I came across Phoebe. At first, I sneered at her confidence, thinking she was just another
business coach who promised the world but whose programme affected nothing. Though her
use of Human Design intrigued me..

I'd been in my own experiment for years, but never considered applying it to my business.
What treasures lay in my chart that I could harness in order to help me understand how to
market myself in my own unique way?

Hearing that I should post according to my energy was music to my ears!! "Maybe this bold
Projector does know what she's on about", I considered. At the very least, she would
understand my energy levels as an undefined sacral. Despite my previous negative experiences,
something was telling me this would be different, and Phoebe never pushed me. She
empowered me to make my own decision, which is precisely what I would do with my own

The Content Emporium was by far the best investment I've ever made in my business. The
biggest lesson I learnt was how to write magnetic copy, both for engagement and sales
purposes. A lifelong skill. Oh, and NOT to add a CTA to each post (which I'd been dutifully
doing as I had been told!) because it killed it.

Once I started implementing what I'd learned and refining as I went, I no longer needed to
"think" about what to write, the inspiration flowed from the depths of my soul and I simply
shared when I felt the urge to. This revolutionised my business to the point I am now in a place
where I work smarter, not harder. I honor my energy, take time to rest and I am still in the best
place I've ever been financially and I know it will only get better.


1st Prize: USD$2,000 CASH

2nd Prize: FREE Entry into the Human Design for Business Live Program (valued at

3rd Prize: Human Design Business Reading with The Content Emporium’s Resident
Human Design Mentor, Sophie Dubus (valued at $399)

Share your biggest takeaway from The Human Design for Business book on your Instagram stories and tag

You can enter as many times as they like over the duration of the giveaway. A maximum of one entry per
day will be taken per contestant. One day equals a 24-hour window.

All entries must be received by 23:59 on Sunday, October 23, 2022. One winner will be selected at random by Phoebe Kuhn
on Monday, October 24, 2022, and the winner will be notified on or after this date.

The Human Design for Business Book Giveaway will begin on Monday, September 26, and will end on Monday, October 24,

This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram. You understand that you are
providing your information to Phoebe Kuhn and not to Instagram.

Eligibility: Open to all countries and ages. No purchase necessary. Winners will not be required to pay to enter the competition.
Each entrant shall enter the giveaway via Instagram by sharing “The Human Design For Business Book” via their stories and
tagging @phoebekuhn


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