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" None may argue with smoking craters, for they have been blessed by the light of
z0rg and speak no more..."
- Canticles of Munitions, 14:3, Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

" A man suffering prayed to z0rg for salvation. He was set ablaze. His smoking
corpse, wreathed in flame bore a wide smile..."
- Psalms of Sorrow, 12:1, Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"Truly eveything must burn, even those who do the burning, for how can they bear
light if they have not stood in its brilliance?"
- Directives of Z0rg, 43:5, Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"The Fury of Z0rg burns through all of us, through to the core, and beyond to his
enemies. His wrath never wanes. His fires consume all"
- The Lamentation of the burned, 1:3, Greater Book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"The path of the righteous man begins when he has burned everything behind him, and
the future is but ash"
- Directives of Z0rg 11:23, Greater Book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"And the people did ask Z0rg for a sign of his pleasure. The sky ruptured and fell
upon friend and foe alike. Above the screaming, only laughter"
- Lamentation of the Burned 13:13, Greater Book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"The people asked for mercy, there was but fire. The people asked for revenge,
there was but fire. The people asked for a reason, there was but fire. All hail
z0rg's Light, there is but fire."
-Canticles of a Burned Man, 13:47 (Greater Book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"With fire, zeal and brothers at your shoulder, the path shall be one trodden on
the backs of our enemies"
- Directives of Z0rg 10:25, Greater Book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"With Zeal, a man sought Z0rg, sword raised and heart full of fury. With Anger, He
purified those who did not believe. Woe be, He burned among the ashes of his foes.
Z0rg Cares not. All must be ash"
-Canticles of a Burned Man, 11:21 (Greater Book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"The greatest and worst of men are equal, as are all men....for what is the
difference in the weight of ash?"
-Canticles of a Burned Man, 13:90 (Greater Book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"All things are as they must be, terrible and filled with pain. Woe be the foolish
who believe they are getting out of this alive"
-Directives of Z0rg: 1:43, Greater Book of Z0rg (excerpt)

"Fire and hate, these are your tools. Death and pain, these are your rewards. What
fools expect more?"
-Psalms of Sorrow 1:17 (Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

�Travel, for upon your feet lay the wreathing flame of z0rg.�
--The Testament of Conflagrations 2:03, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

�As I crested the mountain, I gazed upon the lake. The smell of the fumes was
invasive, clogging my nostrils and burning my lungs. I shirked not from my destiny
as I walked into the pit, lighter in hand.�
--The Testament of Conflagrations 6:80-82, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)
�The heat from the lightning was intense, its sound defining. I stood in awestruck
wonder as the lake turned to holy flame before my eyes. I expected to hear a voice
at that moment, to render revelation unto me. For I was but an acolyte, a novice
to the teachings of z0rg. I understand now that to expect revelation is to invite
disaster. To seek meaning is to ignore the lesson.�
--The Testament of Conflagrations 6:86-91, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

�Peddle not, for you buy with dust and sell with flame.�
--The Testament of Conflagrations 2:16, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

�Speak and sing praise to z0rg, lest he turn your tongue to ash in your mouth.�
--The Testament of Conflagrations 8:06, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)(edited)

"Lost are the people who seek redemption. Laughable their works. Be merry and light
them aflame, for their end is joy itself. Nothing else matters."
-Psalms of Purging 1:91 (Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"The wisest man spoke to the heavens, fists drenched in blood, he asked z0rg for
guidance in smiting his enemies. The sky fell. He was smote. The lesson was
-Psalms of Purging 1:36 (Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"Explosives and Joy go hand in hand. Who can be afraid when their enemies are but
smoking craters?"
-Book of munitions, 89:61 (Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"Explosives are but one tool in the arsenal of z0rg. Anything burns. Everything
Burns. You burn. Remember this"
-Book of Munitions, 7:51 (Greater book of z0rg) Excerpt

"Two men stood at a fork in the road. One path lead to the holy city. One path lead
to the river. One man sayeth to the other, 'brother, let us cool our feet in the
river, we are but tired pilgrims'. The other man said "praise Z0rg!" and lit the
fuse on his explosives..."
- Book of Munitions, Opening Prayer and Canticle, Greater Book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"To walk a path is nothing, any can walk a path. To leave it burned and blackened,
sizzling and cracked, fire scorched and pure, that is a holy matter"
- The Path of Flame, 5:1, Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"The Righteous have nothing to fear, for all is burned. The hateful have everything
to fear, for all is burned. The poor have nothing to lose, for all is burned. The
Glorious have only themselves to lose, for all is burned"
- The Path of Flame, 5:11, Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"To Praise z0rg is to welcome death. To curse z0rg is to welcome death. To ignore
z0rg is to welcome death. To hear not the scripture is to welcome the inevitable.
To preach the scripture is to hasten the end. All is flames."
- The Path of Flame, 5:13, Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"A priest did walk among his followers, spreading hope. He was burned. An apostate
did walk among the people, spreading lies. He was burned. A beggar asked for a
better life. He was burned. All are equal, for the word of z0rg is glorious flame"
- The Path of Flame, 5:22, Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"What is the difference between the fearful and the fearless? What is the
difference between the willing and the cowards of our time? None may ask yet all
will find the answer, in pain, together"
- The Path of Flame, 6:3, Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"It is wrong for the faith to put anything into the seed of the soul, except brutal
determination to blaze glory for z0rg. Look not down upon someone unless you intend
to help them up. For it has been said, to walk the path is difficult. Be it known:
It is easier, by far, to burn together"
- The Path of Flame, 7:38, Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"With holy light the end will come, with glorious flame we shall be made no more.
All that was built shall burn, crack, and crumble away under a storm of ash.
Behold, our reward and demise. Accept your bane and savior."
- The Path of Flame, 17:1, Greater book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

�The gloriously incandescent blaze shone for the world to gaze upon. Such
conflagration the which none had ever witnessed, and would never see again. Those
who spied such an awe-inspiring calamity were undoubtedly incinerated, for none are
spared when the savior�s flames are known.�
- The Path of Flame, 1:12, Greater Book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"And I did in my great foolery renounce the idea of Z0rg, but he cared not for he
knew that I too shall be burned as all do."
- The Recollections of The Scorched Apostate 1:1, Greater Book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"Those who knew, cared not. Those who didn't cared not. They knew that Z0rg cannot
be extinguished, for the ignorant will also burn in his holy incandescence."
- The Recollections of The Scorched Apostate 1:2, Greater Book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"The more that I tried to distance myself from his divine conflagration the bigger
the urge was to embrace it and burn in its holy radiance."
- The Recollections of The Scorched Apostate 1:3, Greater Book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"Scorned was I who tried to leave Z0rg, Ignited was I who embraced him back.
Scorched was I, who again preached his blaze."
- The Recollections of The Scorched Apostate 1:4, Greater Book of Z0rg (Excerpt)

"In the begining there was darkness, and z0rg said let there the fire. The universe
then came from it, a mighty flame that swept away the darkness. z0rg was pleased
with what he had for he knew that the life that would spring from his new light
would burn that universe which he had created."
-The book of The Begining 1:1, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"The baptism of z0rg is akin to a lover's kiss, pregnant with heat, fire, and
--The Testament of Conflagrations 1:13, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"Destroy, and destruction shall be thy reward. Love, and destruction shall be thy
reward. Fall and weep, and destruction shall be thy reward."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 1:16, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"Upon a flaming horse he shall ride. With flaming sword he shall embrace us.
Beyond, a flaming plain shall stretch unto eternity."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 1:21, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"Create not, for all is dust and cinders; fuel for z0rg's unyielding flames."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 2:13, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"Weep not, for all ash will blend together and become one with z0rg."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 2:14, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)
"He went upon the journey seeking enlightenment, but instead was enlightened upon
the pyre of z0rg."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 6:16, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"z0rg comith to banish the darkness, z0rg leavith only pain and cinders."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 6:32, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"He stood upon the parapet and beheld the wrath of z0rg. and lo' his eyes turned to
ash in his skull, for such is the fate of all who behold the holy flame."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 6:41, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"Upon entering the battlefield, he began to choke, for the glory of z0rg was with
him, in him, scorching his lungs."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 6:47, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"The gatekeeper asked 'How would you describe z0rg, the radiant?'
My answer was heartfelt, but futile, as I had only beheld the flame, not understood
its burning truth."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 6:69, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"He stood, alight with the fiery power of z0rg, and intoned his question to the
and z0rg respondith not, for the words of mortal men are but great plumes of ash
from the mighty one."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 6:105, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"Everywhere he went, all gathered and received the cleansing baptism of z0rg.
Some came for salvation. Some came for greed. All received nought but flame and
--The Testament of Conflagrations 7:37, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

z0rg breath was felt throughout the universe. Entire worlds were caught unaware.
It mattered not.
--The Testament of Conflagrations 8:03, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"Soon, the cacophony of detonations reached its crescendo, and the planet itself
cracked with the ecstasy of praising z0rg, the conceiver of conflagrations"
--The Testament of Conflagrations 8:16, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"So he screamed. He screamed until his heart burst with the pain of the flames and
the glory of the light!
Afterword, he wept. For his entire being ached to become one with the pyre again."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 7:24, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"z0rg is not a question, He is the answer to all questions. For all questions seek
knowledge in their answers, and they will find only dust within"
--The Testament of Conflagrations 2:01, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"As I stared into the fire, my heart leapt for joy. For I beheld the fate of all
--The Testament of Conflagrations 6:24, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"The explosion was immense. There was no noise, as z0rg swallowed up all noise
within the depths of space.
There was only force and heat. A force felt in my very soul, A heat felt in my
very heart. And then...nothing."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 8:31, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"As I held the torch aloft, a voice whispered in my ear. The words were ash and
fire, but I understood the wishes of the Conflagratious One all the same.
I turned and smiled. They turned and fled. It was futile."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 7:09, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"The rich cried out "Mercy!" and the mercy of z0rg took them, cleansed them of
their sin, until the earth itself shook with the ecstasy of their consumption."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 7:40, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"asure of Gasoline, Three measures of Sulfur, and One measure of Ammonium. All
must be exactly thus of z0rg will not be pleased."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 3:12, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt, found torn)

"The astonishment will come first, the shock of the heat.

The heat will come next, the roar of the flame.
The flame will come next, the cracking of pain.
The pain will come next, the caress of the kiss.
The kiss will come next, banishing all thought.
The thought will come last, and that thought is z0rg."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 1:1-6, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

�With a snap of my fingers, the honk turned into a squelch turned into a shriek.
The wrenched form before me twisted with the contortions of one embraced by the
arms of a lover. Its lover was z0rg, its caress, cinders.
It�s climax: NULL.�
--The Testament of Conflagrations 7:90-94, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

�Drink not, for no brew can quench the unquenchable flames of z0rg�
--The Testament of Conflagrations 2:15, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

�To please z0rg is an exercise in futility, for how can one please that which
converts pleasure to powder.�
--The Testament of Conflagrations 2:26, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

�I had journeyed long, searching and seeking. The questions burned through my very
blood and into my soul. For untold ages, my ancestors spoke of z0rg in hushed
whispers around dull campfires. My previous encounter at the Pyre of the Flaming
Prophet inspired me. His body wreathed in flames, sizzling and cracking. The
image is still there, branded into my eyelids as I sleep, as I pen this testament.
I half expected the man to scream as the holy fire licked his garments, his legs.
But he did not scream. He only smiled, and, looking up to the starry sky above,
spoke with a voice strong and full of command.
�Praise z0rg! Praise he who is flame and light! All shall feel his touch and become

Then he looked down from the heavens, and looked directly at me, through me, with
his melting, crisping eyes. As his body collapsed upon the pyre, he raised his
hand and pointed at me. It was a wretched thing, skeletal and blackened. As his
gaze fell upon me, I felt a small spark in my heart. It ignited within me the
kindling of questions. Now I quest for answers. Answers not to quench, but to
fuel the conflagration within. Praise z0rg!�
--The Testament of Conflagrations 5:1-18, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

His will is the will of the fire.

Unyielding, merciless.
For he is the bringer and the ruiner.
You will praise his glory as it consumes you.
The book of the Seer 1:4, Z0rg's congregation

His will, undeniable.

I saw his greatness but for a second.
I was consumed in his will.
I was left touched by his greatness.
Greatness does not come cheaply.
I saw things differently after his might.
The book of the Seer 2:6, Z0rg's congregation

His fire rose and conquered.

His will consuming all in it's wake.
My will and might, lost but to His unyielding might.
Today He has arisen.
The book of the Labourer 1:3, Z0rg's congregation

"You will not need to look up, for z0rg's light shall be brighter than the
universe. It shall become the universe. Then you will feel the heat. Then
--The Testament of Conflagrations 1:28, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"A single spark baptizes an entire world to the heated embrace of z0rg."
--The Testament of Conflagrations 8:01, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"The disconnect was immediately noticeable, as the explosion produced force, but my
ears were in no condition to hear the glory of z0rg. The sight, bless my eyes, the
sight was all the praise I could bear!"
--The Testament of Conflagrations 8:97, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

I dangled my feet in his pool.

The water was warm and nice.
His company and guests were delightful.
I felt at home with his congregation.
I gave my might to him as to be his helper.
The book of the Messenger 4:7, Z0rg's congregation

I awaken to z0rg's holy flame

I feel the heat
I feel the pain
I know the way forward is to cleanse the soul
The embers of of life have taken their toll
Hail to z0rg!
--The Canticles of Holy Flame 1:3, Greater Book of z0rg (excerpt)

"The heretics and righteous alike stand as charred statues a testament to his
glory. A great cauterized wound upon the world, fields and towns set ablaze in the
morning sun yet smoldering long into the darkness of night. His judgement
absolute, his wrath invoked. Bask in his splendor all praise be to his name"
The Suffering of the Scorched, 2:13, Lesser Tome of Ignition (excerpt)

�With a sharp crack, my vision went white. I stood there, momentarily confused.
Then the heat of the flames hit me, and my soul was ignited with the recognition of
z0rg. I dropped to my knees and wept. My tears turning to steam on my face.�
--The Testament of Conflagrations 9:63, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"Let every soul be subject unto the fires of z0rg. For there is no power but the
fire: the powers that be are ordained of z0rg."
--Genesis 2:11 Greater Book of z0rg (excerpt)

"But I say unto you, Burn your enemies, destroy them that curse you, annihilate to
them that hate you, and disintegrate for them which despitefully use you, and
persecute you"
--Genesis 4:6 Greater Book of z0rg (excerpt)

Great pillars of ash, a world stained with soot and exhilaration being my only
sentiment. His will has been wrought upon this place with fervent zeal. All
should exalt in his grandeur but they have been eradicated by the flame,
indiscriminately purged from this place. Only I remain charred and broken, spared
for but one reason only to propagate the tale of his indignation.
Psalms of Cauterization, 1:14, Lesser Tome of Ignition (excerpt)

"The flame is life, and it is death.

The flame is creation, and it is destruction.
It is science, art, hatred, and despair.
Z0rg is present within all things, and he is inescapable."
- Exaltations of z0rg 12:11, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

"The young priest asked his elder, 'How can I achieve true closeness with z0rg?'
The elder lit him ablaze, and above the screams proclaimed, 'When you can sing the
praises of z0rg rather than shriek with pain, and when you can dance with joy
rather than stamp the flames, and when nothing of you is left but ash, then you
will be closer to z0rg than any of us.'"
- Exaltations of z0rg, 12:3, Greater Book of z0rg (Excerpt)

Bathed in flames while cinders fall like rain.

The sky awash in amber glow.
Sand becomes as glass, rock flows like water, plants become vapor.
Flesh and bone yield to his grandeur releasing us from the mortal coil.
Praise be to z0rg and his omnipotent majesty.
He has come.
Requiem for Char, 2:6, Lesser Tome of Ignition (excerpt)

"...and he doused himself with water. But there was no hope held of denying the
inevitability that is z0rg. He instead dashed again toward the inferno, praying to
linger within long enough to ignite just one more thing in praise."
- Paragons of Z0rg 8:12, Tracts of Candescence (Excerpt)

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