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Cortez, Faith Ann

BSMT 2 Prof. Cecilio Ichon,

Reaction Paper 4:
Insight About Enzymes
In the mild conditions of the cells'
temperature, pH, and pressure, enzymes
work as catalysts to speed up chemical
reactions. They stand out for their
exceptional specificity and efficacy. The
things that enzymes operate on are called
substrates. The coagulase test on a slide.
This procedure quantifies bound coagulase.
The clumping factor is another name for the
bound coagulase. It creates a fibrin clot by
cross-linking the and chain of fibrinogen in plasma, which then deposits on the
cell wall. Individual coccus clump together as a result of this adhesion. This
approach aids in measuring free coagulase in comparison to the tube coagulase
test. The plasma's coagulase responding factor (CRF) and the free coagulase
released by S. aureus combine to create the complex known as thrombin. As a
result, fibrinogen is changed into fibrin, which causes plasma to clot.
The catalase test makes it easier to find the catalase enzyme in bacteria. For
separating catalase-positive Micrococcaceae from catalase-negative
Streptococcaceae, it is crucial. Students can test the effects of temperature and
pH on catalase effectiveness in a typical enzyme lab. Almost all living things have
the enzyme catalase, which converts hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into oxygen and
water. As a source of catalase, many teachers utilize raw chicken liver or
potatoes. The catalase test is a particularly important test used to determine
whether a grampositive cocci is a staphylococci or a streptococci.

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