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ID: S11144119
Compare and contrast the three roles of the State and the changes taking place
in the roles of the Sate in Japan, Australia, and your PIC. Discuss the major
similarities and differences of employment relation features that are linked to
the roles of the State

The state was viewed as the final and most important party in a Labor relationship whose
goal was to encourage a harmonious coexistence of the two unequal parties. However, in
some nations, like Japan and Australia, the role of the state can be both comparable and

To begin with- Australia: The largest employers' organization in Australia is the Australian
Industry Group (AIG). After the merger of the Australian Chamber of Manufacturers (ACM)
and Confederation of Australian Industry, it was established in 1992. (CAI). The employers
association in Fiji is called the Fiji Employers Association. However, Australia's employers
association had been active parties in the advocacy and bargaining process at industrial and
national levels. That is to say, the organization coordinated and performed a political role by
offering platforms for voicing employer concerns and responding to national or industry-
wide campaigns in terms of negotiating on behalf of the members in the arbitration process.
The employers association of the United Kingdom does not directly participate in collective
bargaining. Because of the autonomy and increased strength of individual employers, the
employers' associations in both nations no longer hold a prominent position.

The State for Australia: The national alliance and the Labor party are the two most
important political organizations in the sector. Until the Supreme Court’s decision giving
corporation’s power in 2007, the federal state's authority over employment relations was
limited by the constitutions, as was previously mentioned. An important turning point for
the function of federal governments in the Labor relations system was the electoral win of
the Howard administration in 2004. The most significant attempt to "control" employment
relations was made by the Work Choices program, which the Howard state had supported
for "deregulating" the Labor market. Many companies were caught off guard by the
extensive attack it has been making on unions, arbitration, and collective bargaining. In
addition, governments have had a significant and influential. These laws have addressed
topics including employee rights, trade union rights, employee engagement, means for
settling industry disputes, and other industrial and employment relations. The
implementation of the "Accords" system has been one of the key accomplishments of the
Australian Labour Government. These were negotiated between the labour governments
and the ACTU, with the Australian Labour Party and the ACTU signing the first Accord,
known as Accord Mark I, in 1983. In Australia, the trade union state and the employers
participate in a special "partnership" arrangement known as "Accord."

 Important details for Australia: Be on time. Through the Common Wealth

Conciliation and Arbitration Act of 1904, the government promoted the rapid
expansion of trade unions. However, rising anti-unionism and new laws made the
working relationship between the two parties hostile.

 The relationship improved when a former ACTU member was elected prime minister
of Australia in 1983. The John Howard-led Conservative government introduced
hostile policies (which furthered the deterioration of the employment relationship),
such as work choices.

In essence, it has introduced into the world contemporary political and labor movements
from Australia, not imports from overseas. The Understanding was originally a financial
strategy document that had the support of both the government and the ACTU. Essentially,
it was a strategy for compensation and costs. Although it has undergone numerous
modifications throughout the course of its long existence, it essentially still follows the
advice of the government and bureaucratic state. Therefore, the first "Accord" ensured
Australia's recovery from the severe downturn in 1982 and 1983, which resulted in the loss
of many jobs, particularly in the industrial sector. working for a more fair society and long-
term expectations for daily luxuries. The goals of the Agreement were to lessen the
expansion, unemployment, integrate financial and social arrangement and furthermore
to decrease the modern questions settlement that plague Australia under the Fraser
government in late 70s and mid-80s.

While in Japan, the state has less contribution inside modern relations. Chand (2017)
expressed that the state and worker's organization had no 'cosy relationship' subsequently
the support was just exist by the Social Progressive faction to worker's guild. This was
exhibit the genuine contrasts on how the state was include inside modern relations.
Additionally, Japan modern relations were considered as a tranquil in history contrasted
with others nations counting Germany. The primary explanation here is that Japan
expressed was assuming a vital part to establish a 'conductive climate' that will be solacing
the relationship inside modern relations (Chand, 2017, p. 3.24).

Key points on roles of state for Japan:

 Japans conservative governments because less tolerant of labour activism and large
scale strikes as the years went by
 Socialists and communist parties with which labour unions were affiliated either
weekend substantially at the polls , or else disappeared altogether
 Japan ultraconservative Prime Minister Shinzo (2006-2007 and 2012-2020).Also
provided the unions with assistance
 There has been some improvement in the government union relationship.

As indicated by Chand (2017) expressed that the province of Japan was pass Public
Request Act in 1900 which a demonstration of 'hostile to work Act' that not permitted
labourers to coordinate and shape worker's guild. In Australia, the state passing works
board acts in 1952 for the laying out 'works board' in firms and acknowledge the
portrayal of representative by Chiefs in an Organization Sheets. This was shows on how
the state playing a significant job to advance an amicable relationship inside a modern

Further more, Be that as it may, in Fiji, just a single government which is being driven by the
honourable Prime Pastor Mr. Bainimarama. Unlike Australia in The Constitution of the
Republic of Fiji develops Fiji's plan of government. It obliges three separate arms of the
Express the Assembly (or Parliament), the Leader, and Legal executive. In Fiji, the legislation
acts exists, for example, Business Act, Exchange Debates Act, Wages Chambers Act, Trade
Associations Act, Worker's guilds (Acknowledgment) Act 1998 and the Public Occasions Act
(Parliament of the Republic of Fiji, 2019).

In conclusion, ER and IR is an environment that the disintegration between the delegate and
the business existed with respect to work relationship. This was result with the presence of
affiliation who's typified labourer and the business, specialist's society and the business
affiliation. The state was become involved to control this relationship by shielding the more
defenceless (the labourer) and cut-off the power of areas of strength for within the
affiliation. It moreover passed act that can become as graph for the trauma centre and IR
relationship. Similarly changes to IR's components were moreover happening to make
neighbourly association between the business affiliation and labourer’s association. Those
changes was expecting a great deal of by the state's important for the country as what been
found in Japan and Australia.

Works Cited
(2019), I. (n.d.). National Labour Law Profile: Fiji . Retrieved from

Bamber, G. L. (n.d.). nternational and Comparative IndustrialRelations, Globalisation and the

Developed Market Economies (6.

Chand, A. 2. (n.d.). MG316:Comparative Employment and Industrial Relations: Study Guide. Suva:
University of the South Pacific.

Yasui, A. n. (n.d.). Alternative Dispute Resolution System in Japan. Retrieved from

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