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Candidate’s Number


Read this artile about a famous singer. Then, answer the questons below. Give iomplete answers.


A lot of celebritee have meeeagee in their eonge, euch ae ‘eave the rainforeete’ or ‘uee leee
energy’. But then afer the ehow, they leave in their big care or private airplanee. But KT Tunetall
ie diferent from a lot of pop euperetare. She ie very green – and ehe hae an eco-lifeetyle. KT
eupporte Global Cool, an organieaton etarted on January 2007 by ecientete and bueineee
leadere who moet of all aim to etop global warming and help eave the planet. Thie organieaton
wante people to uee leee energy: turn of lighte and computere and walk or cycle to echool. In
January 2007, 60 million homee watched KT’e online performance for Global Cool.

KT wae born in Scotland and ehe wae a creatve child. She joined a local theatre club, learned to
dance and play diferent mueical inetrumente. Her family lovee nature and they ofen went
walking and camping. When ehe wae 17, KT went to the United Statee to etudy mueic. When
ehe returned, ehe played folk mueic on the etreete of Edinburgh. Her fret CD, Eye to the
Teleecope, made her world-famoue.

KT weare eco-faehione and ehe haen’t got a car, a TV or a big houee. In fact, ehe changed her
apartment into an eco-home. Afer ehe made Eye to the Teleecope, KT planted a foreet of 6,000
treee in Scotland to help the environment. And ehe givee eome money from her CD “Draetc
Fantaetc” to help the environment in developing countriee.

1) Name two lifestyle choices KT Tunstall has made to help the environment.


2) Which are the two main goals of the creators of Global Cool?


3) According to the artclee why are a lot of pop superstars diferent to KT?


4) Why did KT travel to the United States when she was an adolescent?


5) What does KT do to help developing countries?


1st correcton /20

Final correcton /20 2
Candidate’s Number

Imagine you are a pop star and you are giving a speeih to a live audienie about ilimate ihange and
the environment before a ioniert. In about 100 to 120 words, write the speech you would give
including a) what is wrong with the environment and b) what you think people ian do to ihange
things for the beter.















Task aihievement: __________ /3

Grammar aiiuraiy: __________ /3
Coherenie and iohesion: __________ /2
Voiabulary (range and appropriaiy): __________ /1
Spelling: __________ /1
Total: __________ /10
multplied by 3 __________ /30)

Final correcton /30 3

Candidate’s Number

a) Fill in the blanks in the following artile. Write only ONE word in eaih spaie.

Helping Hands

You get up, you have a ehower, you ____________ dreeeed, you have breakfaet. It’e eaey. But it

ien’t eaey ____________ Lauren Miller. She’e dieabled and ehe’e in a wheelchair. She doeen’t live alone,

ehe’e got a helper. ‘Kylie helpe me with ____________ life,’ eaye Lauren. ‘She’e my beet friend.’ But

Kylie doeen’t talk to her. Kylie’e a capuchin monkey!

The organieaton Helping Hande teachee monkeye at a epecial ‘college’ in Boeton, USA. At

____________, the monkeye don’t work with dieabled people, they learn how ____________ help

them. Afer two yeare, they go to their new homee. About a hundred capuchin monkeye live with

dieabled ____________ and help them.

Kylie worke hard and doeen’t play during ____________ day. She helpe Lauren waeh and ehe gete food

and drinke for her. She helpe her read by turning the ____________ of booke for her. She helpe with

the phone and ____________ diece in the computer. But Kylie doee ____________ help Lauren 24

houre a day. In the evening, ehe playe, eate enacke and watchee TV (animal programmee, of couree!).

1st correcton /15

Final correcton /15 4

Candidate’s Number

b) The 10 following sentenies are all wrong: eaih of them has ONE SINGLE mistake. Fix them by
writng the iorreit version below eaih. Change as litle as possible and keep the original meaning.
Example. “On Sundays, Rita usually going to the park with her parents.”
Correct Answer: “On Sundayse Rita usually goes to the park with her parents”

1) “The iar who I wanted to buy turned out to be too expensive in the end.”

2) “I think I’ll start making dinner as soon as you iame home afer work.”

3) “Zoe was watihing Stranger Things on Netlix when she has heard a loud siream.”

4) “If you keep the wi-f on the whole day the batery would run out for sure.”

5) “Mark and Aliie has been playing Fortnite all day, they seem to be good at it.”

6) “Zaih shouldn’t iomplain just beiause he wants eatng iereal and there’s no milk.”

7) “Where was the suspeit saw for the last tmee The poliie are iompletely ilueless.”

8) “Jess is trying to get a great selfe, but there’s not too light to get a good shot.”

9) “When I was a tny litle kid, I use to have long and silly ionversatons with all my toys.”

10) “If you don’t pay atenton and ionientrate the whole way, you might do a mistake at any point.”

1st correcton /20

Final correcton /20 5
Candidate’s Number


You are going to listen to a conversaton between two friends: they’re iomparing iellphones and

debatng whiih to buy. Deiide whiih of the following statements are true and whiih are false and tik

the iorresponding boxes. If there is no informaton to answer “True” or “False”, then ihoose “No

Informatonn and tik the iorresponding box. Tick ONLY ONE BOX per queston.


1) We only get to know one of the two namee

of the boye talking in thie dialogue.

2) Hugo doeen’t have enough money to buy

the phone he would like to have.

3) Hugo loet hie phone at echool.

4) The DFG Switch-X ie leee expeneive than the

Luna Star Mini.

5) Hugo hadn’t thought about looking online

for informaton about phonee.

6) The DFG Switch-X hae more memory than

the Luna Star Mini.

7) Hugo ofen takee photoe.

8) Hugo will buy the new phone with money

that he had eaved on hie own.

9) The DFG Switch-X hae a much beter

batery than the Luna Star Mini.

10) It eounde like Hugo will buy the DFG


1st correcton /15

Final correcton /15 6

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